Software update failed - Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4

i tried to update to lolipop OC1 rom to my phone i545 via odin but at the end flash fails now it says your device update didnt successfull use ve software repair assintant ? what should m i do ? any idea

I am in the same boat actually. I had rooted this phone while I was using it as a temp phone until i had the money to get a new screen for my Droid Turbo, but now that Nitanic has **** locked down with Pokemon Go I was going to use this just for that (Since they can detect root and custom roms and not let you in). So i went, found what I though was a 5.0.1 TAR file (I545VRUGOC1_1545VZWGOC1_I545VRUGOC1_HOME.TAR.MD5 is the file name, along with a few others. All give me a Auth Failed on Odin and have tired a few different ones between 1.85 to latest. I want to go back to 100% Stock. I have installed and tried the Verizon Recovery but it never detects the device.
Anyone out there willing to help us out?

rohailadnan said:
i tried to update to lolipop OC1 rom to my phone i545 via odin but at the end flash fails now it says your device update didnt successfull use verizon software repair assintant? what should m i do ? any idea
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So I found the proper firmware for me (Was on the latest GPL1)
They have a list of everything here.
Free account too me about an hour and a half to download

drtweak said:
So I found the proper firmware for me (Was on the latest GPL1)
They have a list of everything here.
Free account too me about an hour and a half to download
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i have successfuly installed this rom working great.. but is there any way to install lineage Os ? I'm unable to boot into any custom recovery like two or cwm ,it says 'software not authorized my verizon... ' but I'm able to boot in stock recovery which means I have unlocked bootloader?

rohailadnan said:
i have successfuly installed this rom working great.. but is there any way to install lineage Os ? I'm unable to boot into any custom recovery like two or cwm ,it says 'software not authorized my verizon... ' but I'm able to boot in stock recovery which means I have unlocked bootloader?
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That question is not really a question for me. I am not a Samsung fan I am a Moto user. Just because you can get into the bootloader does not mean it is unlocked. Im only using this S4 for Pokemon Go as my Moto is running a custom rom and it wont let me play on it lol


[Q] System software not authorized by Verizon Wireless

Today I was trying to root my Galaxy Note 2 SCH-I605 to install a custom rom. After I got root access on my device I got overly excited to install my rom, I first downloaded rom manager to install CWM Recovery, I then go to reboot and I get this message,
"System software not authorized by Verizon Wireless has been found on your phone. Please turn off your phone and go to the nearest Verizon Wireless store for help."
Instantly I realized I forgot to unlock the bootloader.
Can anyone help me to get my phone back into working order? I've already tried going through odin and installing the stock rom. I think it didn't work because it wasn't the rom that made this message come up but instead it was clockwork mod recovery. I've been looking around online for about 4 hours now with no success. Any help is appreciated
Also I'm sorry if this post is out of place.
abnormaldevil said:
Today I was trying to root my Galaxy Note 2 SCH-I605 to install a custom rom. After I got root access on my device I got overly excited to install my rom, I first downloaded rom manager to install CWM Recovery, I then go to reboot and I get this message,
"System software not authorized by Verizon Wireless has been found on your phone. Please turn off your phone and go to the nearest Verizon Wireless store for help."
Instantly I realized I forgot to unlock the bootloader.
Can anyone help me to get my phone back into working order? I've already tried going through odin and installing the stock rom. I think it didn't work because it wasn't the rom that made this message come up but instead it was clockwork mod recovery. I've been looking around online for about 4 hours now with no success. Any help is appreciated
Also I'm sorry if this post is out of place.
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? is are you on the latest MJ9 firmware? If you accepted the OTA and you are on MJ9 there is no unlocking methods as of yet.. If you were on 4.1.2 you need to boot into Download Mode (Volume Down+Home+Power) and then flash RAMC3 with the pit file (RAMC3 goes in PDA slot.. Pit goes in pit slot) After this goes through then you need to re root and unlock your phone.. Post here if you have any issues..:good:
lacoursiere18 said:
? is are you on the latest MJ9 firmware? If you accepted the OTA and you are on MJ9 there is no unlocking methods as of yet.. If you were on 4.1.2 you need to boot into Download Mode (Volume Down+Home+Power) and then flash RAMC3 with the pit file (RAMC3 goes in PDA slot.. Pit goes in pit slot) After this goes through then you need to re root and unlock your phone.. Post here if you have any issues..:good:
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Thanks for your reply, originally I was on 4.3, I somehow managed to downgrade to 4.1.2, I should've stopped there because after that I immediately tried to unlock the boot loader and ended up bricking it 5 minutes after resolving the issue in this post. after much trouble and time I was able to get it working again by flashing stock MJ9 again. Still not rooted and unlocked but it's working.
You can root but can't unlock the bootloader. Downgrading to 4.1.2 doesn't replace the bootloader.
Dancershrink said:
You can root but can't unlock the bootloader. Downgrading to 4.1.2 doesn't replace the bootloader.
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Thanks for this message I'll keep my eyes open for whenever the bootloader can be unlocked. :good:

[Q] Verizon Galaxy s4 encountered firmware upgrade issue.

I'm new to developing and not too experienced. I attempted to root my phone, but was only successful with unlocking the Boot loader. When I attempted to download the new Kit-Kat update, my phone encountered a Firmware upgrade issue. Now in recovery mode, Kies 3 fails to connect nor recognize my phone.
cfales25 said:
I'm new to developing and not too experienced. I attempted to root my phone, but was only successful with unlocking the Boot loader. When I attempted to download the new Kit-Kat update, my phone encountered a Firmware upgrade issue. Now in recovery mode, Kies 3 fails to connect nor recognize my phone.
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Bah. Kies sucks. Odin is a much better tool for updating / fixing things. What update were you on, as it is important to know the actual build version as well because there are often mini updates that keep the same android version but update other things that can cause a headache if not rooted or modified properly. Also, are you sure it was the bootloader that you unlocked? There is the Loki option and SafeStrap recovery, but not a way to unlock the bootloader unless you have a Dev Edition. I think you had to go to 4.3 before 4.4.2 too. What part did it get to before it failed and you got the error message? If you're lucky, it didn't actually do anything important before it failed, because then you can use Odin to install the original system update you did have then restart from there. If not, then you will need to go to 4.3, then 4.4.2. Once you update to 4.3 and above, your only options for custom roms are via the SafeStrap recovery which has some serious limitations.
es0tericcha0s said:
Bah. Kies sucks. Odin is a much better tool for updating / fixing things. What update were you on, as it is important to know the actual build version as well because there are often mini updates that keep the same android version but update other things that can cause a headache if not rooted or modified properly. Also, are you sure it was the bootloader that you unlocked? There is the Loki option and SafeStrap recovery, but not a way to unlock the bootloader unless you have a Dev Edition. I think you had to go to 4.3 before 4.4.2 too. What part did it get to before it failed and you got the error message? If you're lucky, it didn't actually do anything important before it failed, because then you can use Odin to install the original system update you did have then restart from there. If not, then you will need to go to 4.3, then 4.4.2. Once you update to 4.3 and above, your only options for custom roms are via the SafeStrap recovery which has some serious limitations.
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I tried to gain root access awhile ago, it showed that my bootloader was unlocked, but I don't recall ever gaining root access, so I left it alone and figured I was just gonna wait for Kitkat. It's weird what is happening to my phone now. It just says "Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again." After trying Kies Lite and normal both versions 1 & Kies 3, my phone won't even be read nor connect to Kies anymore. It won't show up in Odin. I have tried fully uninstalling all the Samsung programs on my computer then redownloading and installing them and still no luck. I really don't know what else to do. Should I just take my phone into Verizon and try my luck?
cfales25 said:
I tried to gain root access awhile ago, it showed that my bootloader was unlocked, but I don't recall ever gaining root access, so I left it alone and figured I was just gonna wait for Kitkat. It's weird what is happening to my phone now. It just says "Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies & try again." After trying Kies Lite and normal both versions 1 & Kies 3, my phone won't even be read nor connect to Kies anymore. It won't show up in Odin. I have tried fully uninstalling all the Samsung programs on my computer then redownloading and installing them and still no luck. I really don't know what else to do. Should I just take my phone into Verizon and try my luck?
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The chance of finding someone at VZW who could fix this is pretty slim. But the open lock graphic that shows up when you first boot the phone does not imply the bootloader is unlocked on Galaxy phones, unlike say, a Nexus. It just means that something has been done to trip the custom binary check. If you tell me what update you were on, I can tell you how to fix your phone, or if you don't know, then you just need to follow this :
It should show up in Odin. Not when it has the warning like that, but when you boot to Download Mode. I've bricked plenty of Galaxies like that and have been able to recover every one.
es0tericcha0s said:
The chance of finding someone at VZW who could fix this is pretty slim. But the open lock graphic that shows up when you first boot the phone does not imply the bootloader is unlocked on Galaxy phones, unlike say, a Nexus. It just means that something has been done to trip the custom binary check. If you tell me what update you were on, I can tell you how to fix your phone, or if you don't know, then you just need to follow this :
It should show up in Odin. Not when it has the warning like that, but when you boot to Download Mode. I've bricked plenty of Galaxies like that and have been able to recover every one.
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Ok. Thanks, man. I was running on 4.3. My laptop runs Ubuntu, is Odin compatible with this software?
cfales25 said:
Ok. Thanks, man. I was running on 4.3. My laptop runs Ubuntu, is Odin compatible with this software?
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You'll either need to use Heimdall or the

[Q] Error installing a software update

I just received a notice from Verizonwireless that there is a new software update available. So I went ahead and downloaded the update and attempted to install it. After a few seconds a new window opened showing the stupid Android robot laying on its back and the word "error" displayed. Thinking something bogus is going on with my phone I did a factory erase and retried the software update - same results.
Any way to determine what the error is and correct it so I can do the SW update? Out of curiosity I tried using ClockworkMod Rom Manager to install a custom ROM but got the same error indication.
My phone is a Verizon Galaxy S4 with Andriod version 4.3. The baseband version is I545VRUEMK2.
bmwmcrider said:
I just received a notice from Verizonwireless that there is a new software update available. So I went ahead and downloaded the update and attempted to install it. After a few seconds a new window opened showing the stupid Android robot laying on its back and the word "error" displayed. Thinking something bogus is going on with my phone I did a factory erase and retried the software update - same results.
Any way to determine what the error is and correct it so I can do the SW update? Out of curiosity I tried using ClockworkMod Rom Manager to install a custom ROM but got the same error indication.
My phone is a Verizon Galaxy S4 with Andriod version 4.3. The baseband version is I545VRUEMK2.
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Sounds like your phone has been rooted / modified. This would be why. Samsung + VZW conspire to make it a mess to update officially when you have modded the phone. Just install the update via the PC and Odin. It is more reliable anyway than OTAs. If there is not an official 4.4 Odin version yet, then install the MK2 update that way and then factory reset then take the OTA.
But sounds like you really aren't sure what you are doing because you should NOT be attempting to use ClockWorkMod Rom Manager on a Verizon S4 with that update!! With the whole locked bootloader fiasco, this operation is not permitted as you can only use the SafeStrap recovery system to load custom roms. Really have to read up some more before you get your phone into a situation it might not find it's way out of...
es0tericcha0s said:
Sounds like your phone has been rooted / modified. This would be why. Samsung + VZW conspire to make it a mess to update officially when you have modded the phone. Just install the update via the PC and Odin. It is more reliable anyway than OTAs. If there is not an official 4.4 Odin version yet, then install the MK2 update that way and then factory reset then take the OTA.
But sounds like you really aren't sure what you are doing because you should NOT being attempting to use ClockWorkMod Rom Manager on a Verizon S4 with that update!! With the whole locked bootloader fiasco, this operation is not permitted as you can only use the SafeStrap recovery system to load custom roms. Really have to read up some more before you get your phone into a situation it might not find it's way out of...
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Hi es0tericcha0s - Thanks for pointing out that Rom Manager shouldn't be used on a VZW Galaxy S4. I knew that but totally forgot about that fact.
bmwmcrider said:
Hi es0tericcha0s - Thanks for pointing out that Rom Manager shouldn't be used on a VZW Galaxy S4. I knew that but totally forgot about that fact.
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You're welcome. What you need is here:
Or a 100 other places, but that one came up first.
I also find it best to factory reset after the update for best results.

Update, reroot, etc.??

I really did not know what to title this, here goes:
I have a Verizon SGS 4 (SCH-I545), running stock 4.4.2, no custom recovery (am currently running the stock recovery B.S.), bootloader I545VRUFNK4, build ID KOT49H.I545VRUFNK4, release date 4/26/13 & have been rooted with KingRoot V. 4.8.0135 and is unlocked (haven't really any idea what that means, upon boot-up it shows an unlocked lock icon and says CUSTOM, the dealer I bought it from, just a shop where they buy & sell new/used phones, said that it is unlocked for use on any carrier I want.)
Now I don't know how important, if at all, all of that is but I want to update to the most up-to-date OS, reroot & maybe start flashing new custom roms.
The problem is I don't have access to a computer without install restrictions, meaning I can download things but I can't install them without admin name & password trying it directly from the settings (Settings/More/Software update) it keeps saying service unavailable...
I'm lost, is there any way to update via stock recovery or install a custom recovery (TWRP/CWM) via stock recovery or a root app?
I would suggest you to upgrade your phone with a custom rom, elseway if you do it with any official update your bootloader will be upgraded and there are a lot of cons with that.
We cannot have TWRP, CWM or other recovery (thanks to the bootloader), so the best you can do it's getting SafeStrap and then flash any of these custom roms:
stang5litre Ediition 5.0
Albe95 S6 FULL PORT 4.7
Albe95 ASTRA v2 Note 5 PORT
(I listed those because you want to update your phone). You can find SafeStrap and the roms in Verizon Samsung Galaxy S 4 Android Development sub-forum
SafeStrap must not be compatible with my phone cause I tried to use it multiple times but it is not installing any recovery, I'm still stuck on stock recovery.
AlphaTekk said:
SafeStrap must not be compatible with my phone cause I tried to use it multiple times but it is not installing any recovery, I'm still stuck on stock recovery.
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I'm in the same bootloader so you should be able to install it, you just need SuperSU as your superuser app and busybox
Busybox, ya, I have it and ran it but KingRoot installed it's own supersu thing and it won't let me switch, if there'sa way to switch to supersu from the Play store, how?
The recovery is being overwritten by a script in the system. The title of the file is..
Rename this file with adding ".bak" then reinstall safestrap
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I searched Root Explorer but have no idea where this is found, maybe you could point me in the right direction.
Ok, my phone's settings say I545VRUFNK1 for baseband but the build number says KOT49H.I545VRUFNK4 and Samsung Smart Switch comes up with FNK4 (VZW)! It is a Verizon SCH-I545 but how can I update it without Smart Switch cause it keeps saying its up to date?
Can I use Odin and what recovery would I use with Odin?

How do i go from rooted with custom rom to non rooted and accept OTA?

I have my T-Mobile LG V-10 rooted with Sir-Altus rom currently.
Without starting a fight or anything, I am trying to find out how I could go about restoring my phone to stock to be able to accept the Marshmellow update successfully without bricking my phone.
I understand that there is a difficulty in rooting Marshmellow and I am OK with that.
Can anyone link to a step-by-step on how to restore my phone to fully stock so I can accept the Marshmellow update and apply it?
Thank you,
WhiteiceDMSTech said:
I have my T-Mobile LG V-10 rooted with Sir-Altus rom currently.
Without starting a fight or anything, I am trying to find out how I could go about restoring my phone to stock to be able to accept the Marshmellow update successfully without bricking my phone.
I understand that there is a difficulty in rooting Marshmellow and I am OK with that.
Can anyone link to a step-by-step on how to restore my phone to fully stock so I can accept the Marshmellow update and apply it?
Thank you,
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Should be pretty straight-forward. Also as an FYI, you now CAN root you LG V10 starting from 6.0 (Marshmallow) stock. So there's really not much risk involved. I think the upgrade from 5.1.1 to 6.0 relocks your bootloader so...i don't think you have to do much. If you have an upgrade option in your settings on the phone you can take it or you can go to the LG website and download the software and follow the steps.
Can I accept the update on the phone rooted and with TWRP installed?
"I wouldn't do it by just downloading the update and installing it through the ui", you'll probably get stuck in a boot loop on the lg logo boot screen! Try researching kdz or tot flashing! Youll then only have to click a few times on your PC and after that the file should just upgrade the phone through your USB hub
You can uodate using Eliminater74's Rom.
Flash Part 1 - Dont Reboot
Flash Part 2 - Dont Reboot
Flash Super SU
*in Eliminater74s Rom OP it says to use Fastboot again to OEM unlock. Just read it thoroughly*

