[request][kernel module compiling] - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi. So I have an old android phone (galaxy y) and found an useful utility for it since it has BCM4330 wifi chipset. It can be an hipster wifi pententing/analise tool.
To make it work I have to compile a Kernel module for it. I already read thousand posts, and i'm so newbie on Kernel Compiling/ cross compiling.
So what i'm asking is for someone familiar with kernel compiling to compile a loadable module form my kernel( using Kernel Source and Module source already with makefiles, etc)
The Kernel source: github .com/rajamalw/galaxy-s5360/tree/master/kernel
The Kernel Loadable Module Source(from bcmon source): drive. google. com/open?id=0B6scZvDwgLTVbUFXQjIwMkZKSHM
I would be Immeasurably grateful!
Thanks in advance!


[Help] Compile GTAB7-P1000 Kernel

Forgive me if annoying to open new thread.. Ask on gtab section still no one answer..
Yes, theres awesome github source for P1000
But please can someone give proven tutorial to compile kernel for P1000 from samsung source ??
Linux: ubuntu8.4.0 LTS
Kernel Source: update2 (opensource.samsung) & voodoo (github)
Initramfs Source: stock & cfroot (extract with unpack-initramfs on cygwin coz on linux always failed) , voodoo (github)
Toolchain: arm-2009q3-67-arm-none-linux-gnueabi gcc 4.4.1 , arm-2009q3-68-arm-none-eabi gcc 4.4.1 , arm-2011.03-arm-none-linux-gnueabi gcc 4.5.2
Trying combination source kernel, initramfs, and toolchain but still device cant booting not only as zImage but with boot.img too (i find tools on github to build as boot.img)
Thank you before for helping..

[Q] Android .mk makefiles, prebuilt tools, NDK roles

I actually have successfully build some kernels. Mainly, this is the linux way:
- get kernel sources
- get hardware specific changes
- get the toolchain -> i'm using google prebuilt tree, with ARM tool chain 4.4.3 already compiled
- build with usual steps: def_config, configure, kernel, modules
All is ok.
Now, i found Android.mk files. Precisely, a previous kernel, with sensors related to my device, that i would like to port.
But here comes the trouble. I have hard time to do the link between Linux kernel for ARM and Android makefile. I don't see how it goes with my kernel, how i could compile this using the prebuilt tools i could grab from Google.
In short, how to include .mk files into a classic kernel ? What should i get in the end ? A module ? A replacement binary ? More precisely, what is exactly NDK and where it stands in the above layers ?
ARM Linux Kernel <--> Dalvik JVM <--> APK
Last, is it possible with Google prebuilt to compile the .mk without referencing your kernel ?
Thank you !
Thank you for your help
Damn ! Either the questions is too obvious, either it is too complex. Any help ?
Self reply: downloading the NDK is mandatory
- you can use your favorite toolchain, provided with the NDK
- you can embed the .mk into your application, for Eclipse / Android studio, it will use the NDK to compile

How to compile stuff against the official AOSP source repo?

Sorry if this has been asked/answered before, but the search terms i can think of are too vague, and come up with results on how to compile the repo itself, or a kernel, etc etc.
After setting up my build environment for android, and pulling the repo with 'repo sync', and building it, how would one compile, say, GNU binutils or busybox for android? More specifically, how do i tell the armv7 cross-compiler/linker to link against libs found in the repo tree? (preferably using command line tools, and not "all-in-one" IDE's or graphical front-ends)
Thanks for any help!

Problems Building Custom Kernel For marlin 8.0.0

Hi, I'am doing a piece of coursework and I'm working with a Proof Of Concept that utilises the ashmem driver and must be patched for it to work, so I need to compile a new kernel with this patch.
Patching these files in specific, can do this successfully on "android-msm-marlin-3.18-oreo".
The main problem comes when I come to compile the kernels, I've yet to have a single successful compile using the Google Git kernel(Both GCC and Clang) as well as compiling the source code of ElementalX ,PureZ and NiKernel.
I've been following this guide using GCC, I've also tried his Clang guide from github: By nathanchance
I seem to get an error in regards to"find: 'arch/arm64/boot/dts': No such file or directory" even though that directory exists. I've also found it hard to debug with the GCC deprecation coming up, is there a flag to remove this?
I'd ideally like to do this myself but if anyone can compile this for me with the patch included that would also be greatly appreciated. The patch can be found: Here
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

How can I compile a kernel for my device?

I have a linux environment, kernel source, but no toolchain to compile it with.
Can someone guide me on how to compile a kernel for the device? :good:

