Decrypting .dll Files Without Root Or PC? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've been trying to get into APK modding, but I have no idea how to decrypt .dll files. I can't use root or PC (Macs are ****) and the only tutorial I could find following these conditions is more confusing then Ikea furniture instructions. Could someone please explain what I should do? Thanks!

You will be hard pressed to find anything to do what you want without a pc.
The only currant option is decompiling apks and the only works for small text. Changes.


[Q] Beginner question on simple apk decoding/editing with smali

How do you change where config files and libraries are stored for a particular apk? I want to move some config files to /system but I don't know how to get the app to recognize them once I move them. I already decoded the thing and have access to all the smali files, but don't know what to do with them. If anyone could just point me in the right direction so I could learn more about this, about what file tells the install where to look, that would be fantastic. Like, why does a library work if it is in /system/lib/ OR if it is in /data/data/apkname/lib/?

extract system.img for editing

does anyone know how to open up this file to mess around with? tried all the 7zip tricks i know, trieds the unyaffs method, tried the unyaffs method in my cygwin folder too, cant do it. theres too a small a limit on the size of files poweriso and magiciso can do. im avoiding buying a full version (or stealing a key) as im sure theres a workaround
Edit, never mind, just using the kitchen and pulling the apps

[Q] Is there Any Way To Extract .tot(LG Firmware) Contents

First of all, I hope this is the right section to post this thread. And as the title suggest is there any way to extract the contents of .tot files that are being used to flash LG phones to Factory State. I don't have the concerned device(LG G2) right now with me, that's why I need to extract the contents from .tot files. There is just one thread of XDA(from all the internet) that talks about the extracting contents from .tot files but it seems the procedure explained in that thread requires a device to be had and using the log file that is left by LG Flash Tool during flashing a phone.
Starting off, when LGNPST is used to image a phone, it creates a log file in C:\LG Electronics\LGNPST\Models\LOG\ For example, mine was called LS970Log_COM5.log. We are really only interested in one part of this file, located close to the bottom when the phone is actually being imaged.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
See that quote, so I can't use that method. So, please some one let me know if there is an alternative.

Decrypting crypt7 WhatsApp DB-File

I'm desperately trying to decrypt the crypt7 db-file from whatsapp. I've followed a bunch of tutorials (this one for example) and tried a bunch of apps (WhatsApp Tri-Crypt, WhatsCrypt), nothing worked. In the tutorial above I keep getting a bunch of Java errors while running the .bat. Within the apps I get errors about the corrupt or missing key file. I extracted the key file manually out of /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/key and when I put it into any folder on my SD-Card the apps won't recognize it. I'm currently trying, but the upload takes a while :x
Can anyone help me on this one in case the website won't work either? I'd really appreciate it! I tried alternatives as well, but I want the smileys included in the "PC-version".

Is there a way to install a .APK manually?

My original post was this: I was advised to put it here.
In linux we can extract a .DEB file and manually put each of its contents in its relative system directory, then it works just fine after a reboot (or logout-login process). Is there a way to do the same for the .APK files?
Thanks in advance,
It seems that if you have system restricted phone it's impossible for an user without any connections and experience to install system software

