PMP7170B3G DUO new kernel / logs attached / ramdisk replacement ? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all,
this is my personal activity, I already contacted Prestigio manufacturer but they are very very unfriendly and I do not recommend buying from them any more. No chance to get source from them for kernel.
I asked it for 5 years old product ! I believe no value for them any more. It uses MTK6577 SoC.
I have small tablet in object. It has only 512MB ram so I wanted to try to use SWAPping. But original kernel does not support it. So I already tried to use CinkKing source and I already made a lof of progress.
I made console to my tablet so I can see logs. I am able to replace kernel using CWM, so I have already done a lot of work on it.
So far I somehow sorted drivers for touchscreen and for display (not sure it is OK already) but this allowed me to reach first mile stone: "kernel_init_done"
Then kernel is started and mounts filesystems. Now I reached second milestone: my new kernel reports exacltly the same number of files as original kernel. See attached logs.
The .config I reconstructed in such a way that original kernel accepts my new ko files: mii.ko, usbnet.ko, usbserial.ko, dm9601.ko, ftdi_sio.ko I can insmode them and they really work. I use usb LAN and FTDI serial adapters. I know, I would need to prove that my new kernel accepts original ko files from system/lib/modules. No idea how to prove this.
I have a feeling that this might be problem. See log. I think original ko files are not accepted? How to know what is going on? I already tried utility addr2line but I am not too much wiser.
Mediatek and its ramdisk after unpacking it has got system folder empty. I have no idea where original ko files (system/bin/modules) really are. How to replace them? It seems their ramdisk is only
a skeleton and real files are somwhere and only referenced by this skeleton. I do not know how it works.
I would be very very gratefull if anybode can me just kick to the roght direction how to proceed further. Or any tip what can be a problem? If I know how to replace also ko files in system/lib/modules I would
simply try them what would change. Then I might prove the original ko files are not accepte by my new kernel.
I use the same compiler "n8b" as manufacturer used. my ko files differ very little from original ones: in my ko files there are two strings more: "nameofmodule.mod.c" and "nameofmodule.c". These are not in
original ko files. I can not find out what is the swich difference for compilation. i spent already 1 month on it. because if I can get exactly the same ko file (bit-to-bit except date) then I would be sure ko files
must be accepted.
Please help! Any kick....

Please also note that messages
BOOTPROF: 2693.352076:INIT:NAND:Mount_END
BOOTPROF: 2694.409538:INIT:eMMC:Mount_START
BOOTPROF: 5428.227538:INIT:eMMC:Mount_END
come from init.rd file, so it is sure the ramdisk has been correctly loaded and unpacked in memory and executed
here is a piece of good original log:
[ 2.691765] (1)[1:init]BOOTPROF: 2691.748845:INIT:NAND:Mount_START
[ 2.693369] (1)[1:init]BOOTPROF: 2693.352076:INIT:NAND:Mount_END
[ 2.694425] (1)[1:init]BOOTPROF: 2694.409538:INIT:eMMC:Mount_START
argv[0]= exec
argv[1]= /sbin/e2fsck
argv[2]= -p
argv[3]= /[email protected]
/[email protected]: clean, 1741/32768 files, 110091/131072 blocks
e2fsck run ok!
argv[0]= exec
argv[1]= /sbin/e2fsck
argv[2]= -pfD
argv[3]= /[email protected]
/[email protected]: 1916/65536 files (0.3% non-contiguous), 91273/262144 blocks
e2fsck run ok!
argv[0]= exec
argv[1]= /sbin/tune2fs
argv[2]= -O
argv[3]= has_journal
argv[4]= /[email protected]
tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
[ 4.855711] (1)[1:init][dumchar_open]It will open /dev/block/mmcblk0 for misc!If KE, Please check the existence of /dev/block/mmcblk0 !
Success: get encrypted status: 0x0 in MISC
delete lost-found in data dir
rm failed for /data/lost+found/*, No such file or directory
stat syscall fail
stat syscall fail
argv[0]= exec
argv[1]= /sbin/e2fsck
argv[2]= -p
argv[3]= /[email protected]
/[email protected]: recovering journal
/[email protected]: clean, 15/32768 files, 4211/131072 blocks
e2fsck run ok!
argv[0]= exec
argv[1]= /sbin/tune2fs
argv[2]= -O
argv[3]= has_journal
argv[4]= /[email protected]
tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
delete lost-found in cache dir
rm failed for /cache/lost+found/*, No such file or directory
[ 5.428233] (0)[1:init]BOOTPROF: 5428.227538:INIT:eMMC:Mount_END
[ 5.454572] (0)[1:init][Power/clkmgr] [mm_power_prepare]: subsys MM2 is OFF now, enable it first for clock 174
[ 5.464473] (0)[1:init][WDK] mode=0 interval=20 timeout=30
[ 5.476145] (0)[1:init][ccci/com] Ver. v1.5 20121023, @ Jul 31 2013 10:07:24
[ 5.479571] (0)[1:init][ccci/ctl] md_img_vir=0xde8b4000, dsp_img_vir=0xde8b6000
[ 5.480521] (0)[1:init][ASF] 'Thu July 09 12:00:00 CST 2012(ASF_JB)'
[ 5.481316] (0)[1:init][ASF.USIF] open /proc/dumchar_info
[ 5.482099] (0)[1:init][ASF.USIF] RN = 2
[ 5.482577] (0)[1:init][ASF.USIF] usif enabled
[ 5.483158] (0)[1:init][ASF.DEV] open /proc/dumchar_info
here is a piece of my new kernel, note NULL POINTER error:
[ 2.087999] (1)[1:init]BOOTPROF: 2087.982076:INIT:NAND:Mount_START
[ 2.089764] (1)[1:init]BOOTPROF: 2089.746306:INIT:NAND:Mount_END
[ 2.090864] (1)[1:init]BOOTPROF: 2090.847999:INIT:eMMC:Mount_START
argv[0]= exec
argv[1]= /sbin/e2fsck
argv[2]= -p
argv[3]= /[email protected]
/[email protected]: clean, 1741/32768 files, 110091/131072 blocks
e2fsck run ok!
argv[0]= exec
argv[1]= /sbin/e2fsck
argv[2]= -pfD
argv[3]= /[email protected]
/[email protected]: 1916/65536 files (0.3% non-contiguous), 91273/262144 blocks
e2fsck run ok!
argv[0]= exec
argv[1]= /sbin/tune2fs
argv[2]= -O
argv[3]= has_journal
argv[4]= /[email protected]
tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
[ 3.187319] (1)[1:init][dumchar_open]It will open /dev/block/mmcblk0 for misc!If KE, Please check the existence of /dev/block/mmcblk0 !
Success: get encrypted status: 0x0 in MISC
delete lost-found in data dir
rm failed for /data/lost+found/*, No such file or directory
stat syscall fail
stat syscall fail
argv[0]= exec
argv[1]= /sbin/e2fsck
argv[2]= -p
argv[3]= /[email protected]
/[email protected]: recovering journal
/[email protected]: clean, 15/32768 files, 4211/131072 blocks
e2fsck run ok!
argv[0]= exec
argv[1]= /sbin/tune2fs
argv[2]= -O
argv[3]= has_journal
argv[4]= /[email protected]
tune2fs 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
delete lost-found in cache dir
rm failed for /cache/lost+found/*, No such file or directory
[ 3.333966] (0)[1:init]BOOTPROF: 3333.958922:INIT:eMMC:Mount_END
[ 3.362168] (0)[1:init][Power/clkmgr] [mm_power_prepare]: subsys MM2 is OFF now, enable it first for clock 174
[ 3.365205] (0)[1:init]Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000098
[ 3.366332] (0)[1:init]pgd = dd640000
[ 3.366785] (0)[1:init][00000098] *pgd=1ed12831, *pte=00000000, *ppte=00000000
[ 3.367685] (0)[1:init][KERN Warning] Some Kernel ERROR or WARN occur and Force debug_lock off!
[ 3.368767] (0)[1:init][KERN Warning] check below backtrace first:
[ 3.369537] (0)[1:init]Backtrace:
[ 3.369990] (0)[1:init][<c0011de8>] (dump_backtrace+0x0/0x10c) from [<c052fc04>] (dump_stack+0x18/0x1c)
[ 3.371309] (0)[1:init] r6:dde28028 r5:c0654da8 r4:00000000 r3:c0769650
[ 3.372141] (0)[1:init][<c052fbec>] (dump_stack+0x0/0x1c) from [<c02110e4>] (debug_locks_off+0x48/0x8c)
[ 3.373319] (0)[1:init][<c021109c>] (debug_locks_off+0x0/0x8c) from [<c005dec0>] (oops_enter+0x10/0x2c)
[ 3.374496] (0)[1:init] r4:dde29dc8 r3:dde29be8
[ 3.375058] (0)[1:init][<c005deb0>] (oops_enter+0x0/0x2c) from [<c0011fd4>] (die+0x28/0x2bc)
[ 3.376111] (0)[1:init][<c0011fac>] (die+0x0/0x2bc) from [<c052fc64>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.9+0x5c/0x7c)
[ 3.377321] (0)[1:init][<c052fc08>] (__do_kernel_fault.part.9+0x0/0x7c) from [<c0539e28>] (do_page_fault+0x35c/0x3f0)
[ 3.378637] (0)[1:init] r7:dd70c000 r3:dde29dc8
[ 3.379208] (0)[1:init][<c0539acc>] (do_page_fault+0x0/0x3f0) from [<c00083d8>] (do_DataAbort+0x7c/0x100)
[ 3.380540] (0)[1:init][<c000835c>] (do_DataAbort+0x0/0x100) from [<c05380d8>] (__dabt_svc+0x38/0x60)
[ 3.381685] (0)[1:init]Exception stack(0xdde29dc8 to 0xdde29e10)
[ 3.382436] (0)[1:init]9dc0: bf04c4d8 bf02c808 00000001 00000088 bf02c928 bf04c4d8
[ 3.383574] (0)[1:init]9de0: bf02c808 00000000 c06ef1f8 de8e9c24 0000fff1 dde29e2c dde29e30 dde29e10
[ 3.384710] (0)[1:init]9e00: c00a8fc4 c00a8e88 00000013 ffffffff
[ 3.385455] (0)[1:init] r8:c06ef1f8 r7:dde29dfc r6:ffffffff r5:00000013 r4:c00a8e88
[ 3.386418] (0)[1:init][<c00a8e4c>] (ref_module+0x0/0x118) from [<c00a8fc4>] (resolve_symbol.isra.27+0x60/0xa0)
[ 3.387669] (0)[1:init] r6:bf02084c r5:dde29e8c r4:bf04c4d8 r3:00000000
[ 3.388498] (0)[1:init][<c00a8f64>] (resolve_symbol.isra.27+0x0/0xa0) from [<c00a9080>] (simplify_symbols+0x7c/0x28c)
[ 3.389815] (0)[1:init] r6:dde29f3c r5:000000e2 r4:bf052e74
[ 3.390535] (0)[1:init][<c00a9004>] (simplify_symbols+0x0/0x28c) from [<c00aa348>] (sys_init_module+0x9d4/0x1990)
[ 3.391825] (0)[1:init][<c00a9974>] (sys_init_module+0x0/0x1990) from [<c000df00>] (ret_fast_syscall+0x0/0x30)
[ 3.393070] (0)[1:init]Internal error: Oops: 17 [#1] PREEMPT SMP ARM
[ 3.393858] (0)[1:init]Modules linked in: pvrsrvkm bf000000
[ 3.394564] (0)[1:init]CPU: 0 Not tainted (3.4.0 #29)
[ 3.395234] (0)[1:init]PC is at ref_module+0x3c/0x118
[ 3.395863] (0)[1:init]LR is at resolve_symbol.isra.27+0x60/0xa0
[ 3.396611] (0)[1:init]pc : [<c00a8e88>] lr : [<c00a8fc4>] psr: 00000013
[ 3.396618] (0)[1:init]sp : dde29e10 ip : dde29e30 fp : dde29e2c
[ 3.398279] (0)[1:init]r10: 0000fff1 r9 : de8e9c24 r8 : c06ef1f8
[ 3.399049] (0)[1:init]r7 : 00000000 r6 : bf02c808 r5 : bf04c4d8 r4 : bf02c928
[ 3.399981] (0)[1:init]r3 : 00000088 r2 : 00000001 r1 : bf02c808 r0 : bf04c4d8
[ 3.400915] (0)[1:init]Flags: nzcv IRQs on FIQs on Mode SVC_32 ISA ARM Segment user
[ 3.401920] (0)[1:init]Control: 10c53c7d Table: 1ec4004a DAC: 00000015
[ 3.402755] (0)[1:init]
[ 3.402759] (0)[1:init]PC: 0xc00a8e08:
[ 3.403523] (0)[1:init]8e08 e3500000 0a00000b e51b0018 ebfffee9 e3a00001 eb1244ba e1a0200d e3c23d7f
[ 3.404661] (0)[1:init]8e28 e3c3303f e5933000 e3130002 1a000002 e24bd010 e89da810 e7f001f2 eb123756
[ 3.405798] (0)[1:init]8e48 eafffffa e1a0c00d e92dd878 e24cb004 e2516000 e1a05000 01a00006 089da878
[ 3.406936] (0)[1:init]8e68 e1a04006 e5b43120 e1530004 0a000009 e5932010 e1550002 1a000003 ea00002b
[ 3.408074] (0)[1:init]8e88 e5932010 e1550002 0a000022 e5933000 e1530004 1afffff9 e5963000 e3530001
[ 3.409212] (0)[1:init]8ea8 0a000020 e1a00006 ebfffe87 e3500000 03e00001 089da878 e59f3094 e5930014
[ 3.410350] (0)[1:init]8ec8 e3500000 0a000015 e3a01020 eb013ea0 e2503000 0a000017 e5835010 e1a02005
[ 3.411488] (0)[1:init]8ee8 e5836014 e2831008 e596c120 e3a00000 e58c3004 e583c000 e5834004 e5863120
[ 3.412626] (0)[1:init]
[ 3.412631] (0)[1:init]LR: 0xc00a8f44:
[ 3.413395] (0)[1:init]8f44 e59f0014 eb121cea e1a00006 ebfffe9a e3e0000b e89da878 c07ea07c c066feb0
[ 3.414533] (0)[1:init]8f64 e1a0c00d e92dd870 e24cb004 e24dd014 e1a04000 e59f007c e1a06001 e1a05002
[ 3.415671] (0)[1:init]8f84 eb12327f e59430e0 e1a00006 e24b1024 e3130001 e24b2020 e3a03001 e58d3000
[ 3.416808] (0)[1:init]8fa4 13a03000 03a03001 ebffff44 e2506000 0a00000b e51b1024 e1a00004 ebffffa1
[ 3.417946] (0)[1:init]8fc4 e51b1024 e3a0203c e3500000 11a06000 e3510000 1281100c e1a00005 059f1018
[ 3.419084] (0)[1:init]8fe4 eb058f36 e59f000c eb1231ef e1a00006 e24bd018 e89da870 c076bda4 c06525fc
[ 3.420223] (0)[1:init]9004 e1a0c00d e92ddff0 e24cb004 e24dd06c e5913024 e1a06001 e5912008 e50b0080
[ 3.421360] (0)[1:init]9024 e0833103 e0829183 e5993014 e599400c e353001f 93a01000 950b1088 9a000036
[ 3.422499] (0)[1:init]
[ 3.422503] (0)[1:init]SP: 0xdde29d90:
[ 3.423268] (0)[1:init]9d90 bf02c80c bf020844 bf020854 00000000 00000000 c00a8e88 00000013 ffffffff
[ 3.424406] (0)[1:init]9db0 dde29dfc c06ef1f8 dde29e2c dde29dc8 c05380d8 c0008368 bf04c4d8 bf02c808
[ 3.425543] (0)[1:init]9dd0 00000001 00000088 bf02c928 bf04c4d8 bf02c808 00000000 c06ef1f8 de8e9c24
[ 3.426681] (0)[1:init]9df0 0000fff1 dde29e2c dde29e30 dde29e10 c00a8fc4 c00a8e88 00000013 ffffffff
[ 3.427819] (0)[1:init]9e10 00000000 bf04c4d8 dde29e8c bf02084c dde29e5c dde29e30 c00a8fc4 c00a8e58
[ 3.428957] (0)[1:init]9e30 00000001 00000012 bf02c808 00000000 dde29e64 bf052e74 000000e2 dde29f3c
[ 3.430095] (0)[1:init]9e50 dde29ef4 dde29e60 c00a9080 c00a8f70 c00e5040 c05357bc dde28000 00000000
[ 3.431233] (0)[1:init]9e70 de8eb580 bf04c4d8 c00a98fc 00000008 00000008 dd78ae68 00000000 6e72656b
[ 3.432371] (0)[1:init]
[ 3.432376] (0)[1:init]IP: 0xdde29db0:
[ 3.433141] (0)[1:init]9db0 dde29dfc c06ef1f8 dde29e2c dde29dc8 c05380d8 c0008368 bf04c4d8 bf02c808
[ 3.434278] (0)[1:init]9dd0 00000001 00000088 bf02c928 bf04c4d8 bf02c808 00000000 c06ef1f8 de8e9c24
[ 3.435416] (0)[1:init]9df0 0000fff1 dde29e2c dde29e30 dde29e10 c00a8fc4 c00a8e88 00000013 ffffffff
[ 3.436554] (0)[1:init]9e10 00000000 bf04c4d8 dde29e8c bf02084c dde29e5c dde29e30 c00a8fc4 c00a8e58
[ 3.437692] (0)[1:init]9e30 00000001 00000012 bf02c808 00000000 dde29e64 bf052e74 000000e2 dde29f3c
[ 3.438830] (0)[1:init]9e50 dde29ef4 dde29e60 c00a9080 c00a8f70 c00e5040 c05357bc dde28000 00000000
[ 3.439968] (0)[1:init]9e70 de8eb580 bf04c4d8 c00a98fc 00000008 00000008 dd78ae68 00000000 6e72656b
[ 3.441106] (0)[1:init]9e90 00006c65 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 3.442244] (0)[1:init]
[ 3.442248] (0)[1:init]FP: 0xdde29dac:
[ 3.443013] (0)[1:init]9dac ffffffff dde29dfc c06ef1f8 dde29e2c dde29dc8 c05380d8 c0008368 bf04c4d8
[ 3.444151] (0)[1:init]9dcc bf02c808 00000001 00000088 bf02c928 bf04c4d8 bf02c808 00000000 c06ef1f8
[ 3.445289] (0)[1:init]9dec de8e9c24 0000fff1 dde29e2c dde29e30 dde29e10 c00a8fc4 c00a8e88 00000013
[ 3.446427] (0)[1:init]9e0c ffffffff 00000000 bf04c4d8 dde29e8c bf02084c dde29e5c dde29e30 c00a8fc4
[ 3.447565] (0)[1:init]9e2c c00a8e58 00000001 00000012 bf02c808 00000000 dde29e64 bf052e74 000000e2
[ 3.448703] (0)[1:init]9e4c dde29f3c dde29ef4 dde29e60 c00a9080 c00a8f70 c00e5040 c05357bc dde28000
[ 3.449840] (0)[1:init]9e6c 00000000 de8eb580 bf04c4d8 c00a98fc 00000008 00000008 dd78ae68 00000000
[ 3.450979] (0)[1:init]9e8c 6e72656b 00006c65 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 3.452117] (0)[1:init]
[ 3.452121] (0)[1:init]R8: 0xc06ef178:
[ 3.452886] (0)[1:init]f178 c01af8dc c06fef23 c01afab8 c06fee5b c01b50e0 c06febd9 c01af6d8 c06feb14
[ 3.454024] (0)[1:init]f198 c01b49d8 c06fee20 c01b64f4 c06fed91 c01afa34 c06fee93 c01af7d4 c06feb3f
[ 3.455161] (0)[1:init]f1b8 c01b67f4 c06fecd3 c01afac8 c06fef3d c01afee8 c06fec46 c01af9d4 c06fef07
[ 3.456299] (0)[1:init]f1d8 c01b6374 c06feca0 c01b6894 c06feced c01b584c c06fed03 c01b625c c06feb82
[ 3.457437] (0)[1:init]f1f8 c074a080 c06f9b34 c074a080 c06f827e c006321c c06f7c9b c00631fc c06f7cc4
[ 3.458575] (0)[1:init]f218 c0062e38 c06f7da3 c00630a4 c06f7cfd c0063178 c06f7cd7 c0062e50 c06f7d92
[ 3.459713] (0)[1:init]f238 c01adad0 c06fe930 c01ac934 c06fe912 c01ac848 c06fe889 c01ad2f4 c06fe97f
[ 3.460851] (0)[1:init]f258 c01ad344 c06fe9a0 c01ac8f4 c06fe900 c01ae3c8 c06fe95b c01adfd4 c06fe93e
[ 3.461989] (0)[1:init]
[ 3.461993] (0)[1:init]R9: 0xde8e9ba4:
[ 3.462758] (0)[1:init]9ba4 00000001 ffffffff 000000b7 70000003 00000000 de8e9720 00002720 0000002f
[ 3.463896] (0)[1:init]9bc4 00000000 00000000 00000001 ffffffff 000000c7 00000001 00000030 de8e974f
[ 3.465034] (0)[1:init]9be4 0000274f 000000bc 00000000 00000000 00000001 ffffffff 00000011 00000003
[ 3.466172] (0)[1:init]9c04 00000000 de8e980b 0000280b 000000d0 00000000 00000000 00000001 ffffffff
[ 3.467310] (0)[1:init]9c24 00000001 00000002 00000002 bf052064 00002c74 00001000 00000016 000000ab
[ 3.468448] (0)[1:init]9c44 00000004 80000064 00000009 00000003 00000002 bf053064 00003c74 00000b27
[ 3.469586] (0)[1:init]9c64 00000000 00000000 00000001 80001064 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 3.470724] (0)[1:init]9c84 00000000 00000000 00000000 00070003 00000000 00000000 00000000 00090003
[ 3.471864] (0)[1:init]Process init (pid: 1, stack limit = 0xdde28300)
[ 3.472676] (0)[1:init]Stack: (0xdde29e10 to 0xdde2a000)
[ 3.473339] (0)[1:init]9e00: 00000000 bf04c4d8 dde29e8c bf02084c
[ 3.474479] (0)[1:init]9e20: dde29e5c dde29e30 c00a8fc4 c00a8e58 00000001 00000012 bf02c808 00000000
[ 3.475617] (0)[1:init]9e40: dde29e64 bf052e74 000000e2 dde29f3c dde29ef4 dde29e60 c00a9080 c00a8f70
[ 3.476754] (0)[1:init]9e60: c00e5040 c05357bc dde28000 00000000 de8eb580 bf04c4d8 c00a98fc 00000008
[ 3.477892] (0)[1:init]9e80: 00000008 dd78ae68 00000000 6e72656b 00006c65 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 3.479029] (0)[1:init]9ea0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 3.480167] (0)[1:init]9ec0: 00000000 00000000 c076be40 bf04c4d8 00000000 00000000 c0758478 c0545150
[ 3.481306] (0)[1:init]9ee0: de8e95e0 00000017 dde29fa4 dde29ef8 c00aa348 c00a9010 dde29f14 dde29f08
[ 3.482444] (0)[1:init]9f00: c0117b54 c01179d0 de8e9c4c de8e9c24 bf04c4e4 be83bd98 bf04c600 dde28000
[ 3.483581] (0)[1:init]9f20: dd8a90a8 dd794e40 dde15000 00000000 dde15000 dde15040 dde28000 de8e7000
[ 3.484719] (0)[1:init]9f40: 0000514c de8e98dc de8e980b de8eac74 00004eb4 00005a84 00000000 00000000
[ 3.485857] (0)[1:init]9f60: 00000015 00000016 0000000d 00000000 0000000a 00000000 0000514c 0003da78
[ 3.486995] (0)[1:init]9f80: 0004fb38 00034eae 00000080 c000e084 dde28000 00000000 00000000 dde29fa8
[ 3.488133] (0)[1:init]9fa0: c000df00 c00a9980 0003da78 0004fb38 0004fb38 0000514c be83bd98 00054c84
[ 3.489271] (0)[1:init]9fc0: 0003da78 0004fb38 00034eae 00000080 0002cf64 be83bd98 0002c750 00000000
[ 3.490410] (0)[1:init]9fe0: 0002d678 be83bd90 00008213 0000f8a4 20000010 0004fb38 feffdfff 7affff9d
[ 3.491542] (0)[1:init]Backtrace:
[ 3.491972] (0)[1:init][<c00a8e4c>] (ref_module+0x0/0x118) from [<c00a8fc4>] (resolve_symbol.isra.27+0x60/0xa0)
[ 3.493223] (0)[1:init] r6:bf02084c r5:dde29e8c r4:bf04c4d8 r3:00000000
[ 3.494052] (0)[1:init][<c00a8f64>] (resolve_symbol.isra.27+0x0/0xa0) from [<c00a9080>] (simplify_symbols+0x7c/0x28c)
[ 3.495368] (0)[1:init] r6:dde29f3c r5:000000e2 r4:bf052e74
[ 3.496068] (0)[1:init][<c00a9004>] (simplify_symbols+0x0/0x28c) from [<c00aa348>] (sys_init_module+0x9d4/0x1990)
[ 3.497347] (0)[1:init][<c00a9974>] (sys_init_module+0x0/0x1990) from [<c000df00>] (ret_fast_syscall+0x0/0x30)
[ 3.498591] (0)[1:init]Code: e5932010 e1550002 1a000003 ea00002b (e5932010)
[ 3.499468] (0)[1:init]---[ end trace fdf2033ff5efb7a7 ]---
[ 3.500161] (0)[1:init]Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception


"DexOpt: sleeping on flock" error!

After repartitioning my sdcard (after many problems with minitool I used a gparted live), to enlarge second partition size for links2sd, I experience a huge blocking problem.
The phone hangs after a while , it happens only with SD inserted; log say like the following extract:
I/Process ( 1239): Sending signal. PID: 1239 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm( 1239): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518066] app_process invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x201da, order=0, oom_adj=0
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518096] [<8003d6d4>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0x150) from [<80124900>] (oom_kill_process.clone.0+
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518127] [<80124900>] (oom_kill_process.clone.0+0x80/0x230) from [<80124c1c>] (__out_of_memory+
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518157] [<80124c1c>] (__out_of_memory+0x16c/0x190) from [<80124cc0>] (out_of_memory+0x80/0xd0)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518157] [<80124cc0>] (out_of_memory+0x80/0xd0) from [<80127e38>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask+0x454
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518188] [<80127e38>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask+0x454/0x5d0) from [<801222e0>] (filemap_fault+0x3
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518218] [<801222e0>] (filemap_fault+0x338/0x420) from [<80138cd0>] (__do_fault+0x50/0x418)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518218] [<80138cd0>] (__do_fault+0x50/0x418) from [<8013a2c8>] (handle_mm_fault+0x2f8/0x768)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518249] [<8013a2c8>] (handle_mm_fault+0x2f8/0x768) from [<8003e92c>] (do_page_fault+0xec/0x1d4
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518280] [<8003e92c>] (do_page_fault+0xec/0x1d4) from [<80036310>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x94)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518310] [<80036310>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x94) from [<80036f20>] (ret_from_exception+0x0/0x10)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518310] Exception stack(0xc3d25fb0 to 0xc3d25ff8)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518310] 5fa0: 2b0aef6a 2abc9ab5 01b675df 2b0830fc
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518341] 5fc0: 7000bce8 00000b7c 2b093f54 2b088794 2b0961a4 2abc9ab5 2abc9ab5 2ac538c0
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518371] 5fe0: 004e5a5f 7eaaa6c8 700039ff 70001494 00000010 ffffffff
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518371] Mem-info:
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518371] Normal per-cpu:
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518371] CPU 0: hi: 186, btch: 31 usd: 133
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518402] active_anon:33240 inactive_anon:33264 isolated_anon:32
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518402] active_file:801 inactive_file:368 isolated_file:224
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518402] unevictable:554 dirty:0 writeback:0 unstable:0
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518432] free:2816 slab_reclaimable:594 slab_unreclaimable:3507
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518432] mapped:2032 shmem:468 pagetables:2869 bounce:0
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518463] Normal free:11264kB min:11264kB low:14080kB high:16896kB active_anon:132960kB inactive
_anon:133056kB active_file:3204kB inactive_file:1472kB unevictable:2216kB isolated(anon):128kB isolated(file):896kB pres
ent:460816kB mlocked:1800kB dirty:0kB writeback:0kB mapped:8128kB shmem:1872kB slab_reclaimable:2376kB slab_unreclaimabl
e:14028kB kernel_stack:7560kB pagetables:11476kB unstable:0kB bounce:0kB writeback_tmp:0kB pages_scanned:9249 all_unrecl
aimable? yes
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518493] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518493] Normal: 324*4kB 1072*8kB 87*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048
kB 0*4096kB = 11264kB
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518554] 2610 total pagecache pages
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518554] 649 pages in swap cache
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518554] Swap cache stats: add 31070, delete 30421, find 9912/10949
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518585] Free swap = 0kB
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518585] Total swap = 61432kB
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527923] 117760 pages of RAM
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527954] 4276 free pages
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527954] 30851 reserved pages
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527954] 4101 slab pages
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527954] 23688 pages shared
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527954] 649 pages swap cached
E/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527984] Out of memory: kill process 8974 (app_process) score 3656 or a child
E/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527984] Killed process 8974 (app_process)
E/kernel ( 146): [ 743.560424] init: untracked pid 8974 exited
D/kernel ( 146): [ 744.001586] SysRq : Emergency Remount R/O
D/dalvikvm(11182): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm(11189): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm(11181): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
I never experienced a such issue, it's really blocking, and i cannot understand way it happens. :crying:
I empted first sdcard partition, same story.
Both partitions are fat32.
I use this framework.
I really could use some help, please! :laugh:
EDIT: i had same error also without a sdcard insterted,
I'm thinking about reinstalling (last chance)...
None really could help me, at least to understand what does this error mean?

"DexOpt: sleeping on flock" error!

[Reposting from xpreia section due to no help - update at bottom]
I have a Xperia mini pro SK17i.
After repartitioning my sdcard (after many problems with minitool I used a gparted live), to enlarge second partition size for links2sd, I experience a huge blocking problem.
The phone hangs after a while , it happens only with SD inserted; log say like the following extract:
I/Process ( 1239): Sending signal. PID: 1239 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm( 1239): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518066] app_process invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x201da, order=0, oom_adj=0
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518096] [<8003d6d4>] (unwind_backtrace+0x0/0x150) from [<80124900>] (oom_kill_process.clone.0+
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518127] [<80124900>] (oom_kill_process.clone.0+0x80/0x230) from [<80124c1c>] (__out_of_memory+
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518157] [<80124c1c>] (__out_of_memory+0x16c/0x190) from [<80124cc0>] (out_of_memory+0x80/0xd0)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518157] [<80124cc0>] (out_of_memory+0x80/0xd0) from [<80127e38>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask+0x454
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518188] [<80127e38>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask+0x454/0x5d0) from [<801222e0>] (filemap_fault+0x3
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518218] [<801222e0>] (filemap_fault+0x338/0x420) from [<80138cd0>] (__do_fault+0x50/0x418)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518218] [<80138cd0>] (__do_fault+0x50/0x418) from [<8013a2c8>] (handle_mm_fault+0x2f8/0x768)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518249] [<8013a2c8>] (handle_mm_fault+0x2f8/0x768) from [<8003e92c>] (do_page_fault+0xec/0x1d4
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518280] [<8003e92c>] (do_page_fault+0xec/0x1d4) from [<80036310>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x94)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518310] [<80036310>] (do_DataAbort+0x34/0x94) from [<80036f20>] (ret_from_exception+0x0/0x10)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518310] Exception stack(0xc3d25fb0 to 0xc3d25ff8)
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518310] 5fa0: 2b0aef6a 2abc9ab5 01b675df 2b0830fc
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518341] 5fc0: 7000bce8 00000b7c 2b093f54 2b088794 2b0961a4 2abc9ab5 2abc9ab5 2ac538c0
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518371] 5fe0: 004e5a5f 7eaaa6c8 700039ff 70001494 00000010 ffffffff
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518371] Mem-info:
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518371] Normal per-cpu:
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518371] CPU 0: hi: 186, btch: 31 usd: 133
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518402] active_anon:33240 inactive_anon:33264 isolated_anon:32
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518402] active_file:801 inactive_file:368 isolated_file:224
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518402] unevictable:554 dirty:0 writeback:0 unstable:0
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518432] free:2816 slab_reclaimable:594 slab_unreclaimable:3507
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518432] mapped:2032 shmem:468 pagetables:2869 bounce:0
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518463] Normal free:11264kB min:11264kB low:14080kB high:16896kB active_anon:132960kB inactive
_anon:133056kB active_file:3204kB inactive_file:1472kB unevictable:2216kB isolated(anon):128kB isolated(file):896kB pres
ent:460816kB mlocked:1800kB dirty:0kB writeback:0kB mapped:8128kB shmem:1872kB slab_reclaimable:2376kB slab_unreclaimabl
e:14028kB kernel_stack:7560kB pagetables:11476kB unstable:0kB bounce:0kB writeback_tmp:0kB pages_scanned:9249 all_unrecl
aimable? yes
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518493] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518493] Normal: 324*4kB 1072*8kB 87*16kB 0*32kB 0*64kB 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048
kB 0*4096kB = 11264kB
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518554] 2610 total pagecache pages
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518554] 649 pages in swap cache
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518554] Swap cache stats: add 31070, delete 30421, find 9912/10949
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518585] Free swap = 0kB
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.518585] Total swap = 61432kB
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527923] 117760 pages of RAM
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527954] 4276 free pages
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527954] 30851 reserved pages
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527954] 4101 slab pages
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527954] 23688 pages shared
W/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527954] 649 pages swap cached
E/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527984] Out of memory: kill process 8974 (app_process) score 3656 or a child
E/kernel ( 146): [ 743.527984] Killed process 8974 (app_process)
E/kernel ( 146): [ 743.560424] init: untracked pid 8974 exited
D/kernel ( 146): [ 744.001586] SysRq : Emergency Remount R/O
D/dalvikvm(11182): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm(11189): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
D/dalvikvm(11181): DexOpt: sleeping on flock(/data/dalvik-cache/[email protected]@[email protected])
I never experienced a such issue, it's really blocking, and i cannot understand way it happens. :crying:
I empted first sdcard partition, same story.
Both partitions are fat32.
I use this framework.
I really could use some help, please! :laugh:
EDIT: i had same error also without a sdcard insterted, also with stock framework.
UPDATE: With sd inserted and link2sd apps linked, the system seems to be stable; as i can understand i have this error if WIFI is active on start and in hi CPU-MEM-IO stress conditions (for ex: upgrading packages, browsing and fas scrolling pages...); in this cases I have the "sleeping on flock" error.

[Q] Can someone help me troubleshoot this last_kmseg (random reboots on LG G2)

I've been having sporadic hard reboots ever since I got my LG G2. It happens sporadically; perhaps once in 2 days. I really can't pin point what causes it. I'm pretty sure I had one while the phone was completely stock, not rooted, not loki-fied. The last one happened just now; I opened YouTube and the system rebooted.
I'm on stock 4.2.2, rooted, TWRP installed. Of tweaks, only greenify and Xposed G2 settings. Everything else is stock.
Can anyone help me find out the cause for this?
[ 255.115484 / 01-04 10:22:39.509] [RGB LED] pattern_num=0
[ 255.116174 / 01-04 10:22:39.509] [RGB LED] pattern_num=6
[ 255.202478 / 01-04 10:22:39.599] init: sys_prop: permission denied uid:1003 name:sys.lge.shutdownani.completed
[ 255.421432 / 01-04 10:22:39.819] smb349_irq_worker: [IRQ 35h~3Ah] A:0x00, B:0x01, C:0x08, D:0x50, E:0x00, F:0x01
[ 255.425965 / 01-04 10:22:39.819] smb349_irq_worker: [BH] DC is present. DC_IN volt:4568700
[ 255.430404 / 01-04 10:22:39.819] smb349_is_charger_present: DC is present. DC_IN volt:4572600
[ 256.431551 / 01-04 10:22:40.829] smb349_irq_worker: [IRQ 35h~3Ah] A:0x00, B:0x01, C:0x08, D:0x50, E:0x00, F:0x01
[ 256.439335 / 01-04 10:22:40.829] smb349_irq_worker: [BH] DC is present. DC_IN volt:4631160
[ 256.443758 / 01-04 10:22:40.839] smb349_is_charger_present: DC is present. DC_IN volt:4629200
[ 256.771471 / 01-04 10:22:41.169] smb349_irq_worker: [IRQ 35h~3Ah] A:0x00, B:0x01, C:0x0C, D:0x50, E:0x00, F:0x01
[ 256.775895 / 01-04 10:22:41.169] smb349_irq_worker: [BH] DC is present. DC_IN volt:4640920
[ 256.780312 / 01-04 10:22:41.169] smb349_is_charger_present: DC is present. DC_IN volt:4629200
[ 257.111424 / 01-04 10:22:41.509] smb349_irq_worker: [IRQ 35h~3Ah] A:0x00, B:0x01, C:0x0C, D:0x50, E:0x00, F:0x01
[ 257.115819 / 01-04 10:22:41.509] smb349_irq_worker: [BH] DC is present. DC_IN volt:4857540
[ 257.120224 / 01-04 10:22:41.509] smb349_is_charger_present: DC is present. DC_IN volt:4648720
[ 260.060563 / 01-04 10:22:44.459] pet_watchdog
[ 260.065011 / 01-04 10:22:44.459] [XO_THERM] Result:49 Raw:29330
[ 264.215318 / 01-04 10:22:48.609] SysRq : Emergency Remount R/O
[ 264.218485 / 01-04 10:22:48.609] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p30): re-mount start. with ro
[ 264.221556 / 01-04 10:22:48.619] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p30): re-mounted. end. Opts: (null)
[ 264.268885 / 01-04 10:22:48.659] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p35): re-mount start. with ro
[ 264.273008 / 01-04 10:22:48.669] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p35): re-mounted. end. Opts: (null)
[ 264.314304 / 01-04 10:22:48.709] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p31): re-mount start. with ro
[ 264.394251 / 01-04 10:22:48.789] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p31): re-mounted. end. Opts: (null)
[ 264.394646 / 01-04 10:22:48.789] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p14): re-mount start. with ro
[ 264.399190 / 01-04 10:22:48.789] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p14): re-mounted. end. Opts: (null)
[ 264.399528 / 01-04 10:22:48.789] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p22): re-mount start. with ro
[ 264.402598 / 01-04 10:22:48.799] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p22): re-mounted. end. Opts: (null)
[ 264.403068 / 01-04 10:22:48.799] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p21): re-mount start. with ro
[ 264.405283 / 01-04 10:22:48.799] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p21): re-mounted. end. Opts: (null)
[ 264.405639 / 01-04 10:22:48.799] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p25): re-mount start. with ro
[ 264.407744 / 01-04 10:22:48.799] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p25): re-mounted. end. Opts: (null)
[ 264.407997 / 01-04 10:22:48.799] Emergency Remount complete
[ 264.553693 / 01-04 10:22:48.949] uei_irrc_shutdown
[ 264.554144 / 01-04 10:22:48.949] mdss_dsi_panel_shutdown - start panel shutdown in order to prevent s/w flickering
[ 264.570581 / 01-04 10:22:48.969] lm3630_backlight_off from level 114
[ 264.581712 / 01-04 10:22:48.979] mdss_fb_blank_sub: mdss_fb_blank_sub: BLANK
[ 264.581729 / 01-04 10:22:48.979] mdss_mdp_ctl_stop: ctl_num=0
[ 264.581743 / 01-04 10:22:48.979] mdss_mdp_cmd_stop
[ 264.581753 / 01-04 10:22:48.979] mdss_mdp_cmd_stop: vsync should be disabled
[ 264.634294 / 01-04 10:22:49.029] mdss_dsi_blank
[ 264.634317 / 01-04 10:22:49.029] mdss_dsi_panel_off: ctrl=d7a8c810 ndx=0
[ 264.775714 / 01-04 10:22:49.179] mdss_dsi_off+: ctrl=d7a8c810 ndx=0
[ 264.843758 / 01-04 10:22:49.239] mdss_dsi_panel_shutdown complete
[ 264.843778 / 01-04 10:22:49.239] Restarting system with command 'Restarted by power key'.
[ 264.843806 / 01-04 10:22:49.239] Going down for restart now
No errors detected
Full log at pastebin.

how to get all kernel crash info from last_kmsg

how to get all kernel crash info from last_kmsg?
when i analysis the kernel crash log, i found the last_kmsg (adb shell cat proc/last_kmsg) is incomplete, like this:
[email protected]:/ $ cat proc/last_kmsg
ram console header, hw_status: 2, fiq step 41.
955e1c d7955e00 c06b8d84 c042be34 c06b8e78 d6590d88 d6590c00
[ 1247.123224]5e0c c1ff0c40 d7955e3c d7955e20 c06b8e00 c06b8d50 c02ab2b4 c02aa9ac d6590d88
[ 1247.123279]5e2c dcc00c80 d7955e4c d7955e40 c06b8e8c c06b8df0 d7955f1c d7955e50 c0040f80
[ 1247.123336]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]
[ 1247.123336]<0>R7: 0xd6590b80:
[ 1247.123349]0b80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.123401]0ba0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.123454]0bc0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.123506]0be0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.123558]0c00 00000000 746b746d 746d7773 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ddcbaa00
[ 1247.123612]0c20 dcc1e4c0 c4af8224 d6590424 df347280 df8ff340 c0d484b8 dcc1e580 00000002
[ 1247.123666]0c40 00000007 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 d6590c54 d6590c54 00000000
[ 1247.123719]0c60 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000020 00000000 c4af827c
[ 1247.123775]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]
[ 1247.123775]<0>R8: 0xc0db6970:
[ 1247.123788]6970 00000000 00000000 c0c97cb4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0c97cc8
[ 1247.123841]6990 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0c97ce0 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.123894]69b0 00000000 c0c97cf0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0c97d60 00000000
[ 1247.123947]69d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0c97d50 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.124000]69f0 c0c97da0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0c97db8 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.124054]6a10 00000000 00000000 c0c97d88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0c97d70
[ 1247.124106]6a30 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 c0c97dd0 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.124159]6a50 00000000 c0c980c8 00000001 00000000 00000000 df975548 c0c98090 00000000
[ 1247.124216]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]
[ 1247.124216]<0>R9: 0xc1ff2780:
[ 1247.124228]2780 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.124280]27a0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.124333]27c0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.124385]27e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.124438]2800 c1ff0c40 df812cc0 00000000 ffffffff 00000002 00000001 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.124491]2820 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.124543]2840 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000100 c1ff2858 c1ff2858
[ 1247.124597]2860 df812cc0 c1ffa860 c1ff2868 c1ff2868 ffffffe0 c1ff2874 c1ff2874 c00408fc
[ 1247.124657]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]Process kworker/0:2 (pid: 1377, stack limit = 0xd7954248)
[ 1247.124672]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]Stack: (0xd7955d80 to 0xd7956000)
[ 1247.124692]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5d80: 00000000 d6590c00 d7955db4 d7955d98 c0431d00 c04e538c d6590c00 d6590c00
[ 1247.124711]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5da0: d7955e24 d7954010 d7955dfc d7955db8 c042be64 c0431cec d7955e4c c0b33cbe
[ 1247.124729]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5dc0: d7955e24 d7955dd0 c02aab20 00000000 00000000 d6590c00 d6590d68 d7955e24
[ 1247.124748]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5de0: d7954010 c0db69f0 c1ff2800 00000000 d7955e1c d7955e00 c06b8d84 c042be34
[ 1247.124767]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5e00: c06b8e78 d6590d88 d6590c00 c1ff0c40 d7955e3c d7955e20 c06b8e00 c06b8d50
[ 1247.124785]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5e20: c02ab2b4 c02aa9ac d6590d88 dcc00c80 d7955e4c d7955e40 c06b8e8c c06b8df0
[ 1247.124804]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5e40: d7955f1c d7955e50 c0040f80 c06b8e84 c00c22f8 c02b297c 183606ab c1ff2800
[ 1247.124822]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5e60: 1cc7c67f 00000121 00000000 00000000 72656874 5f6c616d 656e6f7a 7665645f
[ 1247.124841]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5e80: 5f656369 63656863 c0d0006b c0d27100 c0d27134 c0d04040 c00414f4 c092d5dc
[ 1247.124860]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5ea0: 60000013 f0222000 d7955ec4 d7955eb8 c00081d0 c000faac d7955f1c d7955ec8
[ 1247.124878]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5ec0: c000ecf8 c00081cc c1ff0c40 00000001 dd9e5000 00002181 dcc00c80 c1ff0c54
[ 1247.124897]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5ee0: dcc00c98 dcc00c80 c1ff0c54 dcc00c98 d7954000 dcc00c80 c1ff0c54 dcc00c98
[ 1247.124916]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5f00: d7954000 d7954020 d7954000 c1ff0c40 d7955f5c d7955f20 c0041438 c0040e1c
[ 1247.124934]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5f20: c092d5b0 df853e58 00000000 c0db6661 c00412fc df853e58 00000000 dcc00c80
[ 1247.124953]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5f40: c00412fc 00000000 00000000 00000000 d7955fac d7955f60 c0047b44 c0041308
[ 1247.124971]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5f60: c092d5e4 00000000 d7955f94 dcc00c80 00000000 00000000 d7955f78 d7955f78
[ 1247.124990]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5f80: 00000000 00000000 d7955f88 d7955f88 df853e58 c0047a88 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.125008]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5fa0: 00000000 d7955fb0 c000f2d8 c0047a94 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.125026]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5fc0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
[ 1247.125044]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]5fe0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000013 00000000 ff000000 ff000000
[ 1247.125054]Backtrace:
[ 1247.125406]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2][<c00412fc>] (worker_thread+0x0/0x3f0) from [<c0047b44>] (kthread+0xbc/0xc0)
[ 1247.125434]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2][<c0047a88>] (kthread+0x0/0xc0) from [<c000f2d8>] (ret_from_fork+0x14/0x3c)
[ 1247.125445] r7:00000000 r6:00000000 r5:c0047a88 r4:df853e58
[ 1247.125486]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]Code: bad PC value
[ 1247.125504]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]---[ end trace 912237b3a2fb65fb ]---
[ 1247.125519]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception
[ 1247.125572]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]mrdump: cpu[0] tsk:dd9e5000 ti:d7954000
[ 1254.517417]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]
[ 1254.517417]<0> No log for WDT
[ 1254.533700]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]ipanic_data_to_sd: dump SYS_WQ_LOG failed[-3]
[ 1254.533717]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]ipanic_data_to_sd: dump SYS_MMPROFILE failed[-3]
[ 1254.572077]Rebooting in 1 seconds..machine_shutdown: start, Proess(kworker/0:2:1377). father kthreadd:2. grandfather swapper/0:0.
[ 1255.572166]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]arch_reset: cmd = NULL
[ 1255.572194]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]wdt_arch_reset [email protected] mode =
[ 1255.572237]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]wdt_arch_reset called MTK_WDT_MODE =5d
[ 1255.572250]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]wdt_arch_reset called end MTK_WDT_MODE =22000014
[ 1255.572363]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]wdt_arch_reset: SW_reset happen
[ 1255.572375]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]****************dump wdt reg start*************
[ 1255.572387]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]MTK_WDT_MODE:0x14
[ 1255.572400]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]MTK_WDT_LENGTH:0xf000
[ 1255.572412]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]MTK_WDT_RESTART:0x0
[ 1255.572424]<0>-(0)[1377:kworker/0:2]MTK_WDT_STATUS:0x40000000
it lost most regs info, r0, r1... crash pc, lr ...
it's appear in arm32 except nexus
i find out some info, the phone manufacturers set the log file to 4kb, if the crash log is too long, it will overwrite old log.
Where can I get more information about last_kmsg file size?
how to change the crash log size and get all crash info from last_kmsg?
@idhyt Well, I'm not sure what platform you are on, but maybe something like this would help?
capt_planit said:
@idhyt Well, I'm not sure what platform you are on, but maybe something like this would help?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thank you replay, my phone is xiaomi-hm1s and meizu-mx4, also in most arm32 platform(except nexus), the link seems diff with my issue~
also i could't find the /efs/carrier/HiddenMenu in my phone...
@idhyt what does "cat /proc/sys/kernel/dmesg_restrict" (no quotes) say?

Extract ramdisk.img in android-31 emulator‘s AVD

ramdisk.img in android 12 AVD seem's have some change in format?
it's not compressed by gunzip, but lz4.
I try to extract with
lz4 -d ../ramdisk.img - | cpio -idv
then repack
find *|cpio --create --format='newc'| lz4 -l -12 --favor-decSpeed - ../../ramdisk.img
everything seems work, but when I reboot the emulator, it fails!
[ 0.414825][ T1] Run /init as init process
[ 0.416124][ T1] init: init first stage started!
[ 0.416535][ T1] init: Unable to open /lib/modules, skipping module loading.
[ 0.417185][ T1] init: Copied ramdisk prop to /second_stage_resources/system/etc/ramdisk/build.prop
[ 0.418042][ T1] init: [libfs_mgr]ReadFstabFromDt(): failed to read fstab from dt
[ 0.418716][ T1] init: [libfs_mgr]ReadDefaultFstab(): failed to find device default fstab
[ 0.419386][ T1] init: Failed to create FirstStageMount failed to read default fstab for first stage mount
[ 0.420166][ T1] init: Failed to mount required partitions early ...
[ 0.420778][ T1] init: InitFatalReboot: signal 6
[ 0.424685][ T1] init: #00 pc 000000000039be14 /init (UnwindStackCurrent::UnwindFromContext(unsigned long, void*)+96)
[ 0.425492][ T1] init: #01 pc 00000000002f4db8 /init (android::init::InitFatalReboot(int)+104)
[ 0.426175][ T1] init: #02 pc 00000000002f521c /init (android::init::InstallRebootSignalHandlers()::$_24::__invoke(int)+32)
[ 0.427047][ T1] init: #03 pc 000000000000087c [vdso:0000007f83666000]
[ 0.427555][ T1] init: #04 pc 000000000047c4d4 /init (abort+160)
[ 0.428011][ T1] init: #05 pc 00000000002fa1fc /init (android::init::InitAborter(char const*)+44)
[ 0.428639][ T1] init: #06 pc 0000000000353fac /init (android::base::SetAborter(std::__1::function<void (char const*)>&&)::$_3::__invoke(char const*)+76)
[ 0.429591][ T1] init: #07 pc 0000000000353824 /init (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+364)
[ 0.430294][ T1] init: #08 pc 00000000002eb7e8 /init (android::init::FirstStageMain(int, char**)+7756)
[ 0.430986][ T1] init: #09 pc 000000000047b3a8 /init (__real_libc_init(void*, void (*)(), int (*)(int, char**, char**), structors_array_t const*, bionic_tcb*)+668)
[ 0.431994][ T1] init: Reboot ending, jumping to kernel
It looks like the repacked ramdisk.img is miss something.
How can I fix that?

