WiFi strength, range, and throughput - Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo Real Life Review

Rate this thread to express how you think the Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo's Wifi performs. A higher rating indicates that it has excellent range, throughput, and signal strength. Like when you're taking a dump in the bedroom upstairs, do your videos have to buffer or do they come through without interruption?
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Mainly its okay. I think the wifi range is okay and its speeds are great. Buffering may occur as i noticed from too much ads but if u use adblockers it's perfect


WiFi strength, range, and throughput

Rate this thread to express how you think the Samsung Galaxy Core Prime's Wifi performs. A higher rating indicates that it has excellent range, throughput, and signal strength. Like when you're taking a dump in the bedroom upstairs, do your videos have to buffer or do they come through without interruption?
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WiFi strength, range, and throughput

Rate this thread to express how you think the Samsung Galaxy Fresh/Trend's Wifi performs. A higher rating indicates that it has excellent range, throughput, and signal strength. Like when you're taking a dump in the bedroom upstairs, do your videos have to buffer or do they come through without interruption?
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WiFi strength, range, and throughput

Rate this thread to express how you think the Samsung Galaxy On7's Wifi performs. A higher rating indicates that it has excellent range, throughput, and signal strength. Like when you're taking a dump in the bedroom upstairs, do your videos have to buffer or do they come through without interruption?
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Wifi Stength is great and range is about 10-15 mts range

WiFi strength, range, and throughput

Rate this thread to express how you think the Samsung Galaxy A10's Wifi performs. A higher rating indicates that it has excellent range, throughput, and signal strength. Like when you're taking a dump in the bedroom upstairs, do your videos have to buffer or do they come through without interruption?
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Not good stability with average signal strength
It's ok but wish it had better in phone router settings

WiFi strength, range, and throughput

Rate this thread to express how you think the Samsung Galaxy View 2's Wifi performs. A higher rating indicates that it has excellent range, throughput, and signal strength. Like when you're taking a dump in the bedroom upstairs, do your videos have to buffer or do they come through without interruption?
Then, drop a comment if you have anything to add!

