beginner need help about programming an app with vibration control! - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello! Im a music technology student, my final year project is about improving the media experience on the smartphone. I want to make a simple app that plays video while vibrating in a certain pattern in low intensity. Is it possible? If yes, can a total newb like me can do that? I can provide a thin pay for anyone could help!!!!!Thanks!

Please help me!
Please help me! I really want to experiment with smart devices and I can't find any help in the school!!!!

sotszfung said:
Please help me! I really want to experiment with smart devices and I can't find any help in the school!!!!
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Well first of all, this is the wrong place to ask this question but still. You'll need Android Studio to program an app (or use xamarin with c# if you don't want to use java). There are extensive tut's about creating your first android application on the internet provided by google. Try to complete (most of) the tut's that they suggest. After that you'll (hopefully) have a basic understanding of programming in android.
But be reminded that learning to program is a process that could take a long time, depending om how much time and effort you put in to it.


Noob Needing App Making Help!

Hey guys. I'm a complete beginner/noob when it comes to Android development. After trying and failing to modify some gun apps in Ninjamorph (They all FC'd ) to my liking, I decided I REALLY should learn how to make my own app of this sort. I could more then easily get all the required .ogg and .png files needed to make the app, but I have no clue HOW to make it, or WHERE to start. I would mostly like to make a simple gun app, and if possible, add an Augmented Reality/ Camera based Iron Sight add on if I could. But I simply do not know where to start; what I need; What I have to do to get it starting though I'm more than ready to learn. I have decent computer knowledge and such and am very eager to learn how to produce an app like this. If anyone could help with some instrcution, preferably beginner friendly, it would be much, MUCH appreciated.
Thanks in advance, guys!

How do you develop and app?

Hi all. Feel great to join such a huge forum and I have a question. Yeah. New stupid member with studpid question. But I hope it's not stupid enough and you guys be able to answer it(hope so).
It's kinda simple question for all of you who have some experience in Android Freelancing. For example you get an job request to build a Android Bluetooth App to detect other devices and some other functionality which client asked to do. So, what is your first steps to create the app using Android SDK Eclipse or whatever(PhoneGap, Titanium, etc...)? Creating from the scratch or already have pre-build code to start with. I always curious how developers start making app for clients, so it would be awesome if someone have something to say in this situation. Appreaciate any answers. Thank you


I'm not sure if I'm in the right place to post but I really need help, as well as I saw, at this subboard is for talk about Android development and well I need help to know how to develop an Android program/app.
The thing I have to do is program an Chip/card or whatever I need (I don't know what I need so if you can tell me what's would be nice) to make a Helicopter, well the idea is Control an mini helicopter of remote control but I've to do all the stuff. I think I need Arduino card or I don't know if it's that what I need but I have to do the application for my android phone and program the card for the helicopter.
If I'm at a bad place, please tell me where to post and who can help me. I'm not an expert of programming but I will try to do my best. Thanks for read.

Questions for my Project (Completly unexpierenced)

(Sry for my bad English)
Hey, there
I have a project coming in my mind just a month ago and now I started with the only possible solution I could find, I have a lot of Questions on what I did already is the right way to go on and how to possible move on now.
First of the so called "Project" is a Location based game and the only Way I could find to get a working Map with getting my current location was on Android Studio so my first few Questions are:
- Was it the right program to start of with ?
- How far can I take my Project in Android Studio ?
- Is there a better Program to make my game ?
- can I switch over at some point to unity with losing the Map functions etc. ?
- Can I mix up the code in Unity and work with it without problems ?
You may or may not laugh a lot right now, but please remeber I am only a newbie searching for help. xD
Next of I only got a few things that worked out for me, I can make marker, title them, and replace the markergraphic with a own one.
By that said, Im still thinking about how far I can go, because I dont think that I can make a Fightsystem and Charakters+Wappons and their Strength in Android studio, but if you say thats possible thats fine,
but please if you know some tutorials based on what my problems are, feel free to leave them here, I would be so happy.
If you have any helpfull tips on how I should continue or on what to do now please tell me,
Thank you

Help a small, learning coder!

Hello! I have 16 years old and I want to make a music app and I really need some advice to organise everything and to integrate Material Theme. Can someone help me? This is a personal project, i don't really know if I wanna make it known to more than just XDA, maybe.

