Stuck without imei cubot x15 mtk - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi got stuck with a phone with 2 invalid imei's after it rebooted doing a cleanup with root cleaner on here somewhere I bought the copy from play store next thing it nukes my phone factory and destroys the imei's well annoyed, any way tried everything including making a file and dropping it and even flashing that file called MP0B_001 also used uncle tools and mtk engineering to try the way of changing imei's, all it does is refuse with a message user not allowed to or similar. Mega stuck no phone now either it's my only handset.Any help would be great, to be fair it's the second device this app root cleaner was used on that borked out.

PHYSC-1 said:
Hi got stuck with a phone with 2 invalid imei's after it rebooted doing a cleanup with root cleaner on here somewhere I bought the copy from play store next thing it nukes my phone factory and destroys the imei's well annoyed, any way tried everything including making a file and dropping it and even flashing that file called MP0B_001 also used uncle tools and mtk engineering to try the way of changing imei's, all it does is refuse with a message user not allowed to or similar. Mega stuck no phone now either it's my only handset.Any help would be great, to be fair it's the second device this app root cleaner was used on that borked out.
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Use this statter file (just open NotePad and paste on it , save as scatter.txt)
Flash This firmware , and use first scatter file , if it does't work use scatter from Firmware :
Flash like this.
If still you don't have IMEI try to write manualy with SN Write Tool.
Good Luck

Merry Christmas and many thanks for helping me, the firmwares I used went to a chime on black background. I then format+download all option with it with the made up scatter no good, upon reinstalling belulah it had prior it then miraculously restored my imei's, it's a strange round about method but works great

It's still going now, had some struggles with freedompop network they soon after fixing disabled for overlapping data usage of the free 200mb limit 1 day before due to refresh again, worst part I was just about to be boarding a train. Any way thanks to them for understanding the situation and on day 1 of refreshing they re-enabled the account and got my calls through, but yeah the imei's seemed to alter from the internal sticker unless that sticker was incorrect on the imei numbers to begin with there? I have seen that witha chinese haipai phone once the s3 clone and that did let you build and paste the imei in vram section of file structure and reassigned those imei's issue I had was the internal phone sticker and box illustrated imei's were not as dictated upon using the beneath battery imei's it resolved so it is a case with imports allways keep that box the imei loose sticker in the box to try those with a prefab nvram imei file you make or failing both try the imei panel beneath the sticker, but goes to say that if you throw the box and or sticker with imei's on it's not allways the imei set you see that is correct one go figure? Imei's can be a [email protected] is the final realization especially with chinese products. But many thanks been making calls sending texts and will never ever ever use a cleanup tool like root cleaner on bespoke or any other firmware again it's a warning for all those who use cleaners I suppose. But like my sig reads What Is The World If You Don't Explore? lol but another good addition to the sig would read And If You Are Going To Explore Make Sure You Have Those Bare Essentials! lmfao


'Google Talk authentication failed' error

I just got my Atrix yesterday, I seem to have the issue where it wont successfully log in to google talk which also means that I cant download apps. I've tried making a new account which also failed to work. Are there any ideas out there for how I could fix it?
Can anybody help me?
I had the same problem and figured out that it was Droid Wall keeping Gtalk from connecting. Make sure Talk can access the network freely.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA Premium App
Real solution
Gibsonflyingv said:
I just got my Atrix yesterday, I seem to have the issue where it wont successfully log in to google talk which also means that I cant download apps. I've tried making a new account which also failed to work. Are there any ideas out there for how I could fix it?
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After cloning a samsung gio s5660 through a CWM backup I started experiencing the same issue. Heres What REALLY happens.
Google authenticates you in their services trought unique "keys" which are automatically generated upon system installation / factory reset, so if you clone your device or install a rom which has these "keys" pre-installed, obviously, your rom will only autheticate you in google servers if your phone is the only one using the service at that given time... Upon failure, your phone assumes to be the one who's wrong, and google servers won't autheticate you until you either tell your phone he is not wrong (by deleting the data from play store, which resets its status and errors) or you change the "keys". SO, what can we learn from this? deleting the play store data IS a temporary solution, and won't solve a thing. Let's delete the duplicated keys shall we?
Navigate with your favourite folder explorer on your android (I use X-plore, you can tell me anything, there's nothing better) to the following directory:
- "(root)/data/data/"
Now you have two real options, either you may delete the all folder, which was the perfect solution for me, since my rom is prepared to re-create it upon phone restart and new keys will be generated, OR, you might want to just delete the contents of app_sslcache inside whish are THE KEYS I HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THIS ALL TIME, YEEEIHHHH and reboot your phone...
Needless to say, take a nandroid backup before you do any of this...
Thank me later
For those who remember me from symbian s60v3 phones, yes, it is me, I'm back, and I've moved to the droid world, it's much better indeed
Let me just say, I have no idea why this thread was moved or resurrected. Whoever did so was about a year and a half too late. Please close/delete this thread.

Help Galaxy Ace! SEMI BRICKED

My Galaxy ACE is not getting any signal.
When I go to Settings --> About Phone --> Baseband shows "UNKNOWN".
Also hitting *#06# on the phone app. does not show any IMEI.
Phone app. is very slooow.
I have read that my EFS partition might be corrupted... any way to fix it?
Best Regards.
MGA2009 said:
My Galaxy ACE is not getting any signal.
When I go to Settings --> About Phone --> Baseband shows "UNKNOWN".
Also hitting *#06# on the phone app. does not show any IMEI.
Phone app. is very slooow.
I have read that my EFS partition might be corrupted... any way to fix it?
Best Regards.
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Hi @MGA2009...
As far as I'm aware the EFS partition in a phone can normally only be accessed using a low level exploit or test point connection within the phone... If you don't have access to one of these devices (a 3rd party phone shop may be able to help here), then I fear you are fooked...
If I remember correctly, losing the "EFS" partition data is very similar to losing the "RPL" files from the earlier symbian type phones (nokia were the worst)... These files even back then could only be re-calculated by a server connection & some form of "Jaf" box to do the flashing...
I refer you to the following post here :
Best of luck amigo...
Stay Breezy n Be Lucky...
ReaperXL2 said:
Hi @MGA2009...
As far as I'm aware the EFS partition in a phone can normally only be accessed using a low level exploit or test point connection within the phone... If you don't have access to one of these devices (a 3rd party phone shop may be able to help here), then I fear you are fooked...
If I remember correctly, losing the "EFS" partition data is very similar to losing the "RPL" files from the earlier symbian type phones (nokia were the worst)... These files even back then could only be re-calculated by a server connection & some form of "Jaf" box to do the flashing...
I refer you to the following post here :
Best of luck amigo...
Stay Breezy n Be Lucky...
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Thanks for your answer...
It seems that I am screwed. Althou some user claim to have fixed this here:
It's in spanish, but you can translate it to english.
I am selling the phone on eBay, I don't want to keep losing time with it.
Best Regards.
im sory to hear that . LOL

[Q] "ussd code running"

I have a problem on my Galaxy S3, running android 4.1.1 on Vodafone network in the UK. It is not rooted.
I want to make sure the phone is unlocked before buying a sim card for use in France
Using the stock dialer, "*#7465625#" gives me "ussd code running" followed by "Unknown command".
Looking around elsewhere, others have blamed it on Mobile Tracker, which as far as I can see, I don't have. The only solution I have seen is a factory reset, which is a scary prospect for me, not having any idea what that entails. And then reinstalling apps one by one until the culprit is found. I have also seen comments about ussd security issues. I am slowly heading out of my depth here (I know my way round windows quite well, but phones are unknown territory for me,).
I am hoping some clever souls on this forum might be able to help. Is this a known, and solved, problem? Or is a factory reset my best bet?
If I have to reset, I know where the reset is in the menu system - on the same page as a checked box saying backup. So...does does the back up happen automatically or when I press reset or have I got it completely wrong? If not, which files do I need to save away from the phone? What happens to things like contacts I can remove the external SD card, so that won't be an issue. How do I reinstall the apps, particularly the ones I have already paid for?
I have spent most of the afternoon tried to get a handle on this and my head is spinning now.
Any help at all, would be very warmly received.
1st solution : root your phone, very easy procedure then you can flash the same stock ROM from to become unrooted again without wiping/resetting your phone.
2nd solution: download APPSAVER from market for free, then you can save all the applications you have downloaded but not the DATA (for example you can save the game itself but not the progress you have achieved)
as for the contacts, go to the contacts folder - menu import/export - export to usb storage and voila all your contacts will be written in a single file that you can import after you reset your phone
as for SMS, you can download "SMS Backup & Restore" from market for free to backup then restore your SMSs
after you perform the above, go to Settings - Back up and reset - Factory data reset and your phone will be back as you received it.
On the other hand if the phone is locked you can always unlock it using Voodoo S3 on the Play Store, it can sim-unlock your device if you're rooted of course.
Great reply, thank you!
Rooting...a bit loth to do that while still under guarantee and at my level of experience. One day I will get hold of an old phone and try it with that first.
Appsaver - what a brilliant app, thank you again. If it is one particular app that is the problem (and that is the sense that I get from elsewhere), then I can use this to back up my apps, uninstall them all, check for the ussd error. If it has disappeared, then reinstall apps one at a time until the error reappears. If it hasn't disappeared, then I can go the reset route, after backing up contacts and SMS.
Thank you so much for your help.
the code *#7465625# doesn't work on Jelly Bean anymore..
v2leech said:
the code *#7465625# doesn't work on Jelly Bean anymore..
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Ah. The more I try to read up on this, it feels the more lost I get.
How do I check whether the phone is unlocked...borrow someone's micro sim card?

[Q] Fujitsu Arows x F-02E Help

Hello everyone and hope to find a solution to this problem that I caused myself.
A couple of days ago I came to buy a mobile for eBay, with very good features but that only brought two languages ​​English and Japanese, after much research weno to rotearlo, I got you can rotear and is very easy, the question was to use a root desinstador to remove applications in Japanese, that is the question I deleted such that a Mobil has been almost useless, it lights have wifi but no network are not phone applications or contact, it says nothing about the SIM requests and configuration pin or setin gives many fs if it enters network.
Theirs would reinstall the official ROM but I can not find it, if I try to update it does not detect wifi Trough docomo network, tb I watched the efs folder and is not, and can not think of more, one thing in the middle of it desinstaciones I made a backup with titanium backup but not because reason gives me error and not installed, when I made this copy option worked even though I had uninstalled call phone icons and the calendar.
Another thing is that now I have the baseband because I don not known or something.
If you also have looked but I see nothing, I found and downloaded this F02E_F0001_V16R46A.tar.gz
I think it's the original rom unzipped weighs 900mg but remains in extension. tar and not as flasearla.
In conclusion let a disaster, so I do not know what to do with it, I may have a solution say hello.
You need to reset the phone.
Go to settings -> Backup&reset -> Factory data reset.
Note that Backup&reset is located in settings under "Personal" -> "more".
lallolu said:
You need to reset the phone.
Go to settings -> Backup&reset -> Factory data reset.
Note that Backup&reset is located in settings under "Personal" -> "more".
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Hello lallolu yalo did but uninstall applications as root with root uninstaller did not restore
Well I sent an email to the seller happened to me besides the manual and another to put the apn, it's late because I can not put or the phone number, I sent another e actually providing again that the phone does not work properly you can not put your phone number and we that that option does not come out and that the solution would actualiazar the software, I have seen that has left one mine software upgrade brings the build number V16R46A, and now there is a patch V17R48Aque this could solve the problem , let's see if I get any solution.
hello again I'm afraid the vendodor has few solutions, has sent me how to reset the phone to its factory state, let a hard reset, that's what I have done about 10 times, if someone can give me a hand, a file with tar extension of mobile rom but do not know how to install it, if you google samsung wonder absorbs everything and there is just one possible solution the search
GattacaWroclaw said:
hello again I'm afraid the vendodor has few solutions, has sent me how to reset the phone to its factory state, let a hard reset, that's what I have done about 10 times, if someone can give me a hand, a file with tar extension of mobile rom but do not know how to install it, if you google samsung wonder absorbs everything and there is just one possible solution the search
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I have same problem. And i have old source code of ROM in tar.gz file.
If someone know how to make it or whrere to find restoring image of original ROM, please help.

Failed to Restore Whatsapp Database after migrating from STOCK to LineageOS 14.1

I'm struggling with something that never happened to me, I'm unable to restore my database to my recently upgraded Samsung J3 2016 - is running LineageOS 14.1 now
The phone was running stock Android 5.1.1, version J320FXXU0AQI1, nothing fancy here.
Made some research about what ROM to use and decided to upgrade to LineageOS 14.1, I'm really sick and tired of Google spying my steps, my contacts and the number of times i take a piss every day, and so on. Right now I don't have any Google account associated with the mobile (could this be the problem, since this is a custom ROM?)
Everything ran smoothly, backed up my contacts, call logs, SMS, pictures and the ENTIRE Whataspp folder. This method always worked fine on several phones I've upgraded or simple swapped equipment to a more up-to-date hardware. Everytime worked like a charm, restored logs, contacts and so on, in what it concerns to Whatsapp i simply moved the ENTIRE folder to the new phone (or upgraded phone), installed the Whatsapp app and is just straight forward for the app to ask me for a SMS code to activate the software and then asked me to restore my backed up database. It has been very simple so far, but not this time:
When it reachs the point to detect and restore my database Whatsapp states that can find one Database from 1970 (???? WTF) with 0 bytes, and after that it fails to restore my data (not strange, 0 bytes is no data). I've already tried earlier versions of Whataspp, tried different databases (there are 7 in my folder, i don't believe all of them are corrupted). I'm reaching 0 ways to explore. BTW, i dont use Google drive to store my backups because its enough for Google to know how many times i take a piss everyday, i rather have the backups with me, on my phone (thanks any way Google), but the files are safe in my desktop and on my phone for now, inaccessible so far but their're there.
Can any one point me some way to try to revive my database? Just a note, i have an older phone that still have Whatsapp there, i didn't erased it, maybe it's there something of interest for this situation?
Thanks so much in advance for everyone that can help, any hint can be helpful.
I've managed to get another phone, exactly the same, Samsung J3 201 J320F.
I've sent my whatsapp folder to the phone, signed in to my google account, installed whatasapp and, like 98% of the times my backup is ok and is restored. Now I have two phones:
1- one with Whataspp working fine (the one with Stock ROM 5.1.1 J320FXXU0AQI1
2- another one, the main phone, where i want to put my whataspp backup working but it simply doesnt work (previous post). Everything elese is settled and working just fine. Maybe whatasapp doesnt like Custom ROMs??
So, I'm sure that my backups are fine, right now I have access to anything that i may need i guess. I don't believe that Im the first person not beeing able to restore whataspp backups in LineageOS.
Please help
New developments.: I've installed Ressurection 5.8.5, the latest available for this phone. It runs ok, but Whataspp problem is still there, the backup is marked to have 0Kb, somehow Whataspp simple doesn't want to recover my backup if I'm using a custom firmware (I receive a warning about no support from them if I have problems at the beginning of the startup process).
So far this method didn't work (Whatsapp shows my Backup with 0Kb):
1) Copy your latest crypt 12 file to /sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases/
2) Install / Activate WhatsApp
3) WhatsApp will retrieve the key from their server and restore your backup.
I've tried this method that appeared to have some success in same cases. Followed everything but no luck, Whataspp detects a 0Kb backup also.
Meanwhile I still don't believe that I'm the very 1st person that this happens, I'm still very impressed with this. If the OP thinks I'm in the wrong Topic please feel free to move it to the right place, maybe there I'll have better luck.
Not that I have much knowledge in that direction, but the issue sounds more like it is about the file than Whatsapp itself. Maybe some permission issue? If you use a filemanager app like total commander, can it read the file fully? I found a topic that had 0 byte filesize issue and a simple reboot apparently fixed it.
musschrott said:
Not that I have much knowledge in that direction, but the issue sounds more like it is about the file than Whatsapp itself. Maybe some permission issue? If you use a filemanager app like total commander, can it read the file fully? I found a topic that had 0 byte filesize issue and a simple reboot apparently fixed it.
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Hello musschrott, and thanks for replying.
I've tried moving the database file, erase it, changing it's name and the android system allows me to do it, i think the file itself is free to be read by Whataspp, but your other tip, the permissions in system made me google around (even more..) about it and I found here on XDA this. : "The privacy protection in the drop down menu and the permission in the app settings." (credits to LegoTechniker). On the privacy protection is all ON but in the Permission is all OFF and Whataspp nor the System ask me to turn it ON and it can result on whatasapp reading files with 0Kb from 1970.
I'll give a try but only tomorrow because the code/phonecall from Whataspp have a 48h delay and keeps increasing everytime I try a different method to solve this issue.
musschrott, thanks again!
tomalamix said:
Hello musschrott, and thanks for replying.
I've tried moving the database file, erase it, changing it's name and the android system allows me to do it, i think the file itself is free to be read by Whataspp, but your other tip, the permissions in system made me google around (even more..) about it and I found here on XDA this. : "The privacy protection in the drop down menu and the permission in the app settings." (credits to LegoTechniker). On the privacy protection is all ON but in the Permission is all OFF and Whataspp nor the System ask me to turn it ON and it can result on whatasapp reading files with 0Kb from 1970.
I'll give a try but only tomorrow because the code/phonecall from Whataspp have a 48h delay and keeps increasing everytime I try a different method to solve this issue.
musschrott, thanks again!
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For everyone and specially those who helped (musschrott).
This has worked for me: giving full permissions to Whataspp in "Settings - Privacy" and in "Settings - Applications" worked like a charm, you have to do it BEFORE you start Whatsapp.
Best regards to everyone and thanks once more!
Make sure the WhatsApp backup file is in internal storage, and rename the backup file to msgstore.db.crypt.
After upgrading to LineageOS 14.1,install WhatsApp.When asked to restore from backup,choose the "msgstore.db.crypt" file.
mango9 said:
Make sure the WhatsApp backup file is in internal storage, and rename the backup file to msgstore.db.crypt.
After upgrading to LineageOS 14.1,install WhatsApp.When asked to restore from backup,choose the "msgstore.db.crypt" file.
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Those are the basic steps, but BEFORE running Whatasapp for the 1st time you have to give permissions in the system to Whatsapp because these are all OFF and the system doesn't ask to turn them ON when the permission is needed, simply presents you a file with 0Kb from 1970 and that's it. Again, you have to do this BEFORE the 1st Whatsapp startup and everything should run well.
Best regards
My issue is I gave full write permissions but then it goes straight to the Google Drive restore and does not show my local backup.
When I followed this by Rahil:
"So today I finally fixed the issue myself
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Steps: 1)make sure you rename the database as it should be.
2)Install whatsapp
3)Insert your number when asked
4)Use Otp/code
5)Then the app will ask you for google drive permission ,click allow/ok
6)Then the app will ask for contact permission ,simply deny this permission (very important)
7)Then the app will ask for storage permission ,hit allow (very important)
8)Then you will see your local storage behind the popup saying allow google drive and crap You will need to press add account and have your fingers ready for instant tapping between add account and instant tapping restore button ,and out of 10-30 times doing this practice, you will luckily hit restore button, I know this sounds confusing, And I can make a tutorial video if you want ,this works 100%
9)once it is restored ,you will still see app asking google drive option, don't click skip (this will reset the app ,leading to nothing restored) , So when the app is asking to restore from google drive, close the app right away (very important)
10)open the app ,and the app will ask you to set name ,set your name ,and you'll see all your backup"
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It works but then it shows my local backup as 0k and from 12/31/1969
This is Driving me wild and now I have to wait 12 hrs to try again. Has anyone solved this ridiculous error?
dpoverlord said:
My issue is I gave full write permissions but then it goes straight to the Google Drive restore and does not show my local backup.
When I followed this by Rahil:
It works but then it shows my local backup as 0k and from 12/31/1969
This is Driving me wild and now I have to wait 12 hrs to try again. Has anyone solved this ridiculous error?
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Did you find a solution to this? I have the exact same problem

