Wifi Codes - Change Country Codes - Enable Wireless Channels - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi all, I copy - pasted the title from an older thread :
because I have exactly the same problem, but all the solutions I have found so far look outdated and don't work for Android Nougat (Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930F rooted with Odin as explained here). I need to access channel 149 (the wifi camera of my quadcopter)
So this is what I have tried :
1. WifiCodes.apk, described here. Gets root permits but when run, freezes and does nothing
2. Edit /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db to change my country code, as explained here. The directory doesn't exists, and cannot find the settings.db file anyplace
3. Same but on /data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/carriers; not sure where i saw this, but anyway doesn't exist neither
4. RegionChanger app. Gets root permit but does nothing
Of course Nougat has not advanced Wifi configuration to tinker with country codes nor 2.4 vs. 5.0 GHz networks.
Any other suggestion?
Thanks a lot!

i have nougat but on Galaxy note 5
i have tried those methods and i didn't found setting.db but i found that there is another files (like they changed setting db file with another way) the file called settings_global.xml and settings_secure.xml u can check this too u can find them in
u will find something like
(setting id="97" name="wifi_country_code" value="us" package="android" />)
<setting id="100" name="wifi_sns_visited_country_iso" value="us" package="android" />
the point is i changed them it change back to the default setting it was b4
donno how to force it to not get change by it self

Can change code but still KO
Hi, thanks a lot. I have changed the country code but still cannot see the camera's network. After googling a bit more, looks like the camera is not compatible with Android!!! (whatever this means). That is, doesn't show up in any Android device, but does on iPhones. Mysteries of Chinese engineering... So I gave up and acquire a different camera.
Btw, I don't have the problem you mention of reverting configuration.
Thanks again!


Nexus 5 with CM 13 ultimate nightly System where the wifi keeps reconnecting?!!

After I rooted the device then I found that my phone keeps reconnecting whatever the screen is Locked or unlocked.
I found it could be something wrong with Wifi Powersave mode but i cant tell where I could find the code.
Or something related code that caused my problem
So I tried to change the values from the file
when I change too much value that include the scanning rate(I set it as zero,never to scan automatically)
now,it is rare to see the problem happen but it sometime stills.
I need really guidence with professional knowledge of Coding on android.
Need u to tell me hope to change the Code inside the files that controls Wi-Fi.
and pls,avoid telling me that Enable the old-version DHCP in the Dev. settings.
or something seems simple method,that of all I tried and didn't work.
Come to give me the professional,thank you all,the ones who gonna help me!

SGS4 ResurrectionRemix Rom - persist.radio.lteon.xml Missing...

Long story short: I need someone to link the persist.radio.lteon.xml for me / send it to me.
Hello, I'm missing the LTE network option in my phone's settings.
Read quite a few threads about it, and they all suggested changing a flag in said file from 'false' to 'true' with high success rates...
Trouble is, the file does not exist on my phone...
Nor do many others that are suppose to be in the same folder (I have about 5 files in there, and read there should be about 20).
So basically I need someone to link me that file: persist.radio.lteon.xml
I found some old links but they're broken.
(I have a SGS4 running ReserrectionRemix based on android 6.01)

Samsung GS3 I9300 IMEI corrupted/lost/null restoration.

Ok. So here's the deal:
My SGS3 I9300 exynos phone did the famous IMEI 0049 and SN null trick.
I cannot say what precipitated it but is simply stopped registering on the network, so no calling or data. All other functions operational.
After much searching and reading, I settled on flashing the stock 4.3 back. This succeeded only in doing absolutely nothing to alleviate this issue. I wiped the entire phone. Maybe I missed a critical section wipe, but since the stock ROM overwrites all? the CSC/BL/MODEM functions I thought it would set the default for EFS (which I believe is where these critical data live). I'm not a programmer so I cannot say diddly about the architecture and interrelationship of OS files, but I am technical and I know how SW and HW does what it does.
This phone is my own and I have all the rights to it.
I had loaded RRemix ROM a loong while ago and it was functioning fine. Probably a corruption of the EFS due to battery contact being loose. This is in my mind the most likely cause as the system may be accessing the EFS files, say making a call, or accessing data, and the power drops out and voila! Corruption. But again this is theoretical.
Needless to say I tried the usual hocus-pocus out there with no avail.
Getting to understand the system better it seems obvious that these critical identification numbers are hard-coded into the chips on the phone. Which explains the ability to 'fix' them with JTAG and other cable/box solutions and SW. However, I cannot see how the SW loses the ability to read the IMEI/SN that is hard-coded (fused?) into the main-board.
All my research pointed to the EFS files having something to do with this.
Way back when I loaded the custom ROM I did not come across the 'backup your EFS' as a necessary step, so I had nothing to go back on.
And loading the stock 4.3 ROM back on and not having that fix the issue, led me to believe something else was up.
Somewhere in the guts of this phone something is screwing up the layer between reading the registers where the numbers sit and the software layer that reports the numbers.
So, much searching led to the nv_data.bin file being a key component in all this fiasco.
Now, before I say any more, I believe that describing the next steps could be a big no-no here.
Now, understand, all I want to do is get MY personal device working again. I have the SN and IMEI numbers on the physical device.
Sure, I could have stolen it and am attempting to change these to avoid prosecution. Anyone can say anything online.
Therefore, before I can proceed, I need advice from moderators and VPP to either say 'Yes you may post this info' or 'No. Go away'.
Am I allowed to do the following:
1) Describe how I restored my IMEI (Not changed, overwritten, or subverted to my limited knowledge)
2) In the case of 1 not allowed, post the link to where I found the info to achieve this.
3) Submit the 'fix' to a moderator or developer to check whether this is indeed and restoration or a change.
If it's a restoration of existing functionality, I cannot see how this could be a problem. If its changing something, then it's a whole other sack of ferrets.
My reasons for posting are that xdadevelopers has given me years of joy with my SG devices. (Yes, I have the whole range exclusively) Many ROMS, customs, fixes, hints and saves deserves something back, and the difficulty in achieving this particular fix, warrants it.
But I don't want to break any rules, this being my first post.
So, please let me know what I can do to help others stuck in this position...
You can find it if you have the correct search parameters. Perhaps I can say that instead?
And thanks to all who have helped over the years.
[Edit] Just to clarify, the solution requires no special HW or 'boxes'. You do need root, however, and a hex editor. I had a reply explaining the use of Octoplus, which requires credits and registration. You will need none of those.
I can't speak English but I will try.
1- flash stock firmware.
2- root your device s3 .
3-in the web download " octuplus crack box"
4-in youtube see how install " octuplus crack"
5- before install stop your antivirus PC
6- open octuplus and connecte your phone with PC
7- chose your device i9300 .
8 click repair imie
9 click read info and do what OCTU said to do.
10- click repair or write the true imie in your device ( remove battery to see)and click repair.
11- restart phone .
12- see: call work fine
13- in phone go to mobile network\ access point names\ apn's
14- write your network.
TrinityTrip54 said:
Ok. So here's the deal:
Repair is ok Change or Modding is now:good::good::good:
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How to restore corrupted or null 0049 IMEI on SGS3.
Thanks to the moderators for agreeing to let me share the solution. :good:
Thanks to the reddit poster who found this solution. I don't know how the hell you figured this out, but big-ups to you. For privacy I will not mention names or addresses.
You do need a rooted phone and I cannot assist anyone without root as I have not tried it.
Whether this only works to restore a corrupt IMEI or change it, I cannot say, but it managed to restore my existing one.
Preparation: Get your IMEI number from under your battery compartment. Say your IMEI no. is: 123456789101213, write/type it in the following fashion: 1 23 45 67 89 10 12 13
Now some funky transposition: Excluding the first number, transpose the subsequent pairs of numbers so that you have: 1 32 54 76 98 01 21 31. Can you see it? Swap 23 to get 32. 45 to get 54 and so on.
Now add 08 to the beginning and add A after the 1 so that the completed number is: 08 1A 32 54 76 98 01 21 31
Now you will need:
Rooted Galaxy S3 (This may work for all android devices that have an EFS folder. If anyone can confirm that would help others.)
Hex editor (PC based or Android app) - PC is faster and easier. I used hex workshop trial version but I'm sure any editor will do. I used the default install configuration.
USB Data cable (if using PC editor mentioned above)
You should probably back up the EFS folder entirely, just to be sure.
Using your favorite root explorer browse to root/EFS folder and copy the nv_data.bin file to an accessible area in sdcard. I use a /sdcard/Downloads folder.
Either open the file with your hex editor app or transfer the file to PC where you can open it with your hex editor program.
Open the file and jump to address 00550.
Now, get your modified IMEI number from the prep steps above and enter the values in the ASCII TEXT window to the right, NOT the HEX values window to the left. This may be different for other editors but hex workshop works like this.
Double check your address and entered data. When satisfied, save the file and transfer back to the phone if copied to PC.
Now, place the phone in Airplane mode, turning off the cell radios.
Go to the EFS folder and rename the original nv_data.bin file to something else. I used nv_databak.bin.
Copy the modified nv-data file into the EFS folder.
Turn off Airplane mode and do a full reboot.
Your IMEI number should be restored and cellular functions should work.
My previously garbled serial number was also restored.
I hope this works for you. I have no knowledge of any other method as I did not delve further into trying other numbers or such. I can't assist any more other than further clarifying the steps above if you don't understand something.
If anyone can decipher what is going on here, I would love to hear about it. I suspect something between the HW and SW layers is getting garbled or corrupted and this kick starts the process to get the correct data again.
May also contain nuts.
I have this Samsung Galaxy S3 that I bricked 4 years ago and never wanted to sell it or even try to give it away. I searched for months for a frekin solution to this problem. Yesterday night i decided i wanted to try and install custom roms on it and so i wanted to give another shot at this stupid issue i had with the lost IMEI before doing so...and BAM! Today it's fixed!
I'm so thankfull I wanted to post here so that you know that you helped at least one person with this
Thanks a bunch!
can you confirm that this is a permantent solution and remains when flashing new (custom) ROMs? Or is it just for the current installed ROM?
And I am having an issue with "jump to address 00550" in Hex Workshop. There is no address like this, just 540 and the next one is already 558. When inserting 00550 in the goto search field of Hex Workshop it jumps to 210. Any idea?
thanks anyway.

Trying to figure out how to enable VoLTE, WiFi Calling on X Compact

I'm writing this post to track my efforts to enable VoLTE and WiFi Calling on my X Compact. To begin with, I don't have a solution yet. I think I understand a lot of how it's supposed to work, but there are still some things I don't know. Hopefully others will be able to chime in and provide some answers.
I use my phone on MetroPCS in the USA. They are an MVNO for T-Mobile (and also owned by T-Mobile). I know that they support both features as my wife's Moto X4 is able to use them.
The X Compact does support VoLTE:
The problem is, it's only supported on specific carriers. The first requirement is that the carrier supports VoLTE (MetroPCS). The second requirement is that the feature has to be approved by Sony to be used on that carrier. This is where people have problems. I don't know how Sony makes the approval list, but my carrier isn't on it.
Before digging into this, I had planned on upgrading to the XZ1 Compact because it is specifically advertised as having VoLTE working on T-Mobile. I bought one and expected it to work out of the box on MetroPCS, but it didn't. I went back and forth with both MetroPCS and Sony and it still didn't work. This goes back to the list I mentioned above. If your carrier isn't on it, the phone won't work.
So I'm stuck with a phone that would work perfectly well with these features, but due to carrier/manufacturer approval issues, won't. Moving forward, I'll discuss the things that I've tried to get it to work.
Try making the XC work like the XZ1C
As I mentioned above, the XZ1C supports both features natively on T-Mobile. Why it works on T-Mobile came up in the following thread trying to get VoLTE and fingerprint support at the same time on T-Mobile:
So why does the XZ1C work on T-Mobile? @pbarrette did a good job of explaining the process in this post:
The XZ1 and the XZ Premium both use the same chipset as the XZ1C, but those features don't work on T-Mobile. In trying to figure out why, @pbarrette determined the mechanism Sony uses to enable this feature. That work is covered in the following thread:
Simply, the XZ1C has additional files which are triggered to be used when a T-Mobile SIM is placed in the phone. To get the features to work on the XZ1 and XZP, you need to copy the appropriate files on to the phone. @pbarrette created a flashable zip file which does this and it works for those phones. The most important file to get the features working is the proper modem binary file (/etc/customization/modem/), tmobile_us_ims on the XZ1C. Unfortunately, there's no corresponding file on the XC.
I thought that I could just copy the binary file from the XZ1C, but the phones use different hardware so it's likely that a file from one phone won't work on another. I did a file comparison of the default (XC: amss_fsg_kugo_tar.mbn, XZ1C: amss_fsg_lilac_tar.mbn) and T-Mobile (XC: amss_fsg_kugo_tmobile_us_tar.mbn, XZ1C: amss_fsg_lilac_tmobile_us_tar.mbn) modem binary files from each phone, and they're quite different. So it seems like that option won't work.
Even if the XZ1C files did work on the XC, the problem still remains that the XZ1C doesn't work on MetroPCS. So I'd get a franken-ROM that doesn't do what I want it to.
Afaik your operator need to enable volte for your specific device. Here, my operator doesn't support xc and even if I force enable volte it still doesn't work. I contacted them and they said that they have to do some tests and then enable it to use volte.
maluus said:
Afaik your operator need to enable volte for your specific device. Here, my operator doesn't support xc and even if I force enable volte it still doesn't work. I contacted them and they said that they have to do some tests and then enable it to use volte.
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You might be right, but some of the success stories that I've read lead me to believe that it's not device specific. I'll dig into that in a later post. I've contacted my carrier and according to them, everything is set on their end, so that just leaves the device being the issue.
Try making the XC work like the XZ1C, Part 2
Per @pbarrette, the proper files are loaded only when a SIM with the correct ID is inserted into the phone. For the XZ1C, this info is located in /overlay/com.sonymobile.customizationselector-res-305.apk in a file called configuration_selectors.xml. A file of the same name is also present in the same location on the XC. The sim_config_id can be found by entering the following command with USB debugging enabled:
adb shell getprop persist.sys.sim_config_ids
When I enter this, I get S8957.1. That value isn't in the configuration_selectors.xml list so the proper files aren't loaded and the default modem binary is used. If it were in the configuration_selectors.xml list, a config_id value of 400 would be associated with the sim_config_id (408 for XZ1C). Your config_id value can be found using the following command:
adb shell getprop ro.semc.version.cust.active
When I enter this command, I end up with a blank. I believe that this is because the default modem binary is being used, but this is just a guess. Ultimately, it means that the SIM isn't recognized and therefore the features won't work.
There's another file that's part of /overlay/com.sonymobile.customizationselector-res-305.apk, and that is service_providers.xml. I believe that this is where the proper sim_config_id is selected, based upon the MCC and MNC for the carrier. In my case, those values are 310 and 260, respectively. There are two entries which match these values:
<service_provider_sim_config sim_config_id="S8957.1">
<sim directory="7FFF" file="6F3E">6D</sim>
<service_provider_sim_config sim_config_id="S264.8">
There have been times in the past that my phone has been assigned the sim_config_id or S264.8, but most of the time it's S8957.1. I'm not sure what the sim directory tag refers to. If anyone knows what this means, please let me know as it might be helpful.
So my first strategy of trying to mimic the way the XZ1C works doesn't appear to be an option. A question for others: would it be possible to decompile the relevant files, change the xml files to reference the id's that I'm seeing, recompile and replace the APK's, all without sending my phone into a bootloop? Yes, see below.
But even if that were to work, there's no corresponding modem binary file on the XC, so probably no VoLTE. But there are other modem binary files. Could I just rename one of those? Would using the file from the XZ1C crash the modem on the XC? Yes, see below.
Try making the XC work like the XZ1C, Part 3
Alright, I've had partial success. Using some of the overlay files from the flashable zip that @pbarrette created, I was able to get the VoLTE and WiFi Calling menus to show up in settings. Here's a summary:
Flash old firmware. I used this one available on XperiFirm: F5321_34.1.A.1.198_Commercial and Journalists (1305-9054). It's not strictly necessary to flash the old firmware, but you need root, and root requires an unlocked bootloader, and unlocking the BL will delete your TA partition. I wanted to backup the TA partition for my DRM keys. In order to use the backup tool, you have to use an older version of Android so that the exploit used by the backup tool is still available.
Backup TA partition
Flash current firmware (34.4.A.2.118)
Unlock bootloader (use the Sony Mobile website for this)
Root phone (I used the method described here with the DRM fix option. The use-your-own-TA option didn't work for me.
Install the following files from the @pbarrette flashable zip:
You also need to install /oem/overlay/com.sonymobile.customizationselector-res-305.apk, but I had to modify the file from the XZ1C to get things to work. Within the APK, there's one XML file that needs to be updated to include the sim_config_id I'm seeing on MetroPCS. That is /res/xml/configuration_selectors.xml. I modified it to look like the following (with my addition in red):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<configuration config_id="408">
To do this, I decompiled the Sony APK from the XZ1C, changed the file, recompiled the APK, signed the file, then placed the file in the /oem/overlay directory with Solid Explorer, and made sure the file permissions were correct.
It's worth mentioning that /oem/modem-config/408/modem.conf lists the modem binary file to be loaded when a T-Mobile SIM is detected. On the XZ1C, this is tmobile_us_ims and that's what modem.conf lists by default. You'll need to change this to one of the modem binary files contained on the XC. I tried using the tmobile_us_ims modem binary file from the XZ1C and it sent my phone into a bootloop. So it's confirmed that the XZ1C modem binary files aren't compatible with the XC. Just pick one from the /etc/customization/modem folder, like amss_fsg_kugo_a1_austria_ims_tar.mbn and list this in the file. You'll need to cut out the prefix and suffix, so just a1_austria_ims for this example. The prefix and suffix will get added by the phone when selecting the file.
Trigger a SIM check by CustomizationSelector. To do this, I deleted the file /data/data/com.sonymobile.customizationselector/shared_prefs/com.sonymobile.customizationselector_preferences.xml and rebooted (as suggested by @pbarrette here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=74560870&postcount=76 and here https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=74560870&postcount=77). After a couple of minutes, my phone stated that it needed to reboot to optimize for my network. Once it loaded back up, the proper overlays had been loaded and I could see the settings for VoLTE and WiFi Calling.
This is where my success stops. Without the proper modem binary file, it's a bit of a crapshoot to see if an existing file will work. To do this, just repeat steps 8 and 9 with a different modem binary file. I've tried a handful of these files, but no luck yet. There are 127 files, but I'm sticking with the ones that mention IMS or VoLTE. This reduces the total to 88, but it's still a lot of rebooting and waiting. The files I've tried so far are listed below.
So that's my current status. I'm not planning on doing anything else at this point, because I figured out a way to get my XZ1C working on MetroPCS with VoLTE and WiFi Calling. I'll write a bit about that over in the XZ1C forum. If anyone wants to continue looking into it, please provide an update.
Software Used
In case someone wants to work through this process on their own, here is the software that I used:
Flashtool: Used for flashing firmware to the XC via FTF files. This can also be used to extract the contents of some older SIN files.
newflasher: An alternative to Flashtool. I didn't use this, but I saw it referred to a lot.
UnSIN: This program can be used to extract the contents of more modern SIN files.
ext2explore: Tool to explore ext4 image files. Once you've used UnSIN, you end up with an ext4 file. This tool can explore the ext4 file and extract files from it.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/ext2read/files/Ext2Read ver 2.0/ext2explore 2.0 beta/
Google platform tools: This includes ADB, fastboot, etc. It comes with the Android SDK, but that file size is massive so Google conveniently packaged just the platform tools in a much smaller zip file.
apktool: This is a tool to decompile/compile APK files. There are other tools out there, but this is the one that I used.
Tool download: https://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/
Guide I used: https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2213985
Flashable zip guide: I ended up editing the flashable zip from @pbarrette to include only the files I listed above. It was pretty straight forward to edit the script just looking at it, but this was a good resource for explaining things in more detail.
Dirtycow-based TA Dumper for Sony Xperia Devices: This what I used to backup my TA partition.
sgs2toext4: This tool can convert an IMG file (eg. boot.img) to ext4. I used it in some of my tinkering (trying to get use-your-own-TA root option working) but I don't think you'll need it
Mate there is a magisk module to enable that menu options. But although enabled, neither volte nor vowifi does work without operator support. Does your operator list supported devices for volte? If so, you can risk to change the signatures of your device with a supported and identical platforms.
maluus said:
Mate there is a magisk module to enable that menu options. But although enabled, neither volte nor vowifi does work without operator support. Does your operator list supported devices for volte? If so, you can risk to change the signatures of your device with a supported and identical platforms.
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Interesting. I've not heard of that module. MetroPCS doesn't list compatible devices as far as I know, but I know of unlocked devices that do work. Could you please provide a link to that module you mentioned?
I don't have Magisk installed but you can search volte in modules library. I think name was the volte enabler or something similar
maluus said:
I don't have Magisk installed but you can search volte in modules library. I think name was the volte enabler or something similar
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Was it this one? If so, the module isn't doing anything that I'm not already doing. Is there a module that allows for using the Modem Switcher on Sony phones?
camdecoster said:
Was it this one? If so, the module isn't doing anything that I'm not already doing. Is there a module that allows for using the Modem Switcher on Sony phones?
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Yes it is. Btw I noticed a phrase in OP which points out the problem as I stated earlier.
"My carrier supports VoLTE/VoWiFi but not on my device. I made this module to forcefully enable it to test if it worked (it hasn't so far)."
I don't know your provider but still it seems operator support is based on individual devices as it is in my case. When I first call the support center of my carrier the person told me that if my phone does support volte there shouldn't be a problem. I insisted that my phone supports volte and she said that she ll check with tech department and a few minutes later called me back saying indeed they don't support my device. long story short I can't use volte as of now. they support a device from loire platform so may be if I change identification of device to that one to trick the operator network to believe I use the supported device it may work but I have my doubts about consequences so I did not dare yet
maluus said:
Yes it is. Btw I noticed a phrase in OP which points out the problem as I stated earlier.
"My carrier supports VoLTE/VoWiFi but not on my device. I made this module to forcefully enable it to test if it worked (it hasn't so far)."
I don't know your provider but still it seems operator support is based on individual devices as it is in my case. When I first call the support center of my carrier the person told me that if my phone does support volte there shouldn't be a problem. I insisted that my phone supports volte and she said that she ll check with tech department and a few minutes later called me back saying indeed they don't support my device. long story short I can't use volte as of now. they support a device from loire platform so may be if I change identification of device to that one to trick the operator network to believe I use the supported device it may work but I have my doubts about consequences so I did not dare yet
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My carrier does offer VoLTE and WiFi Calling and those features do work on unlocked phones, so I'm pretty sure it's a Sony problem. In fact, I recently got those features working on an XZ1C. It could work on an XC too, but I'm moving on to the XZ1C. I hope someone gets it to work. Good luck with your carrier.
Don't know if anyone interested, but I found this on a Chinese forum - http://bbs.gfan.com/forum.php?mod=v...rby=lastpost&typeid=&typeid=&orderby=lastpost Apparently, if you flash the 2 files in the link, (http://bbs.gfan.com/android-9530989-1-1.html), it will work. I was going to test it out, but you need an account with some Chinese file sharing service, and I didn't feel like trying to figure it out...
Thank you for the information.
Unfortunately, I am unable to register as the registration needs SMS code received on a Chinese phone number.
I hate when some service requests my phone number (or other irrelevant data) without any way to avoid it…
mp107 said:
Thank you for the information.
Unfortunately, I am unable to register as the registration needs SMS code received on a Chinese phone number.
I hate when some service requests my phone number (or other irrelevant data) without any way to avoid it…
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2 files on that post (thanks [email protected] ).
Oreo flash CT_v1_xzs.zip , Pie flash CT_v2_xzp.zip .
BUT, that's for XZs and XZP, not for XC. If failed, you can flash oem.sin only (from .FTF firmware) to restore.
To enable VoLTE and Wifi Callling, we need two parts of modem configs.
1. core: *.mbn modem config of specific local carrier that locate in /system/etc/customization/modem/ .
2. guide: modem configs in /oem.
The 2nd part can be import easily from other sony models, but the KEY is 1st part config. If the specific local carrier config can't be found in /system/etc/customization/modem/ , we have to use QPST to put parameters manualy, or no way to enable VoLTE/VoWifi.
camdecoster said:
My carrier does offer VoLTE and WiFi Calling and those features do work on unlocked phones, so I'm pretty sure it's a Sony problem. In fact, I recently got those features working on an XZ1C. It could work on an XC too, but I'm moving on to the XZ1C. I hope someone gets it to work. Good luck with your carrier.
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Yes, it's Sony's problem. To Sony, importing VoLET/VoWifi parameters of all support carriers is a piece of cake.
There's a post on a Chinese BBS about enable VoLTE:http://bbs.gfan.com/android-9543428-1-1.html
XG_Zepto said:
There's a post on a Chinese BBS about enable VoLTE:http://bbs.gfan.com/android-9543428-1-1.html
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Has anyone here tried this for a US carrier? I tried to follow along with the translated version but my lack of fully understanding the process and the rough translations have made it very difficult.
Does anyone have experience with the X Compact on T-Mobile?
I was going to change from the iPhone SE (tired of Apple, but need a small phone), which has VoLTE and Wifi Calling out of the box. I have a Note FE which was made for Singapore and I was able to change the CSC to get VoLTE, but not Wifi Calling.
W/O VoLTE it's totally not worth it. Besides not being to use LTE while on a call, I read in the thread the OP referenced regarding the XZ1C, that getting Band 12 w/o VoLTE is also a problem.
And then there's the fingerprint sensor. If I install a European ROM to get it...
Will Rooting help any of the above?
Am I stuck with Apple? That's really depressing...

LTE Bands Unlock

I understand that this may be considered duplicate. However due to the title of the previous thread clearly stating that the effort there is closed, I though I open this up. I would really love to get more 4g bands working as I have no LTE service in my area. Here is a post from the aforementioned thread.
Maybe Possible Solution
Just found this thread after I unlock carrier locked my Hisense B16C2G phone that can't be unlocked for almost 3 years. This is just hypothesis, I suggest to try this with concern.
There are several file that determine bands capability in the devices. Most of it is in NV partition, but from the discussion I know that you guys have tried some popular ways to unlock it, but it failed. Like my phone at first i believe its hardware locked too, but i just discovered some Chinese article about unlocking oneplus device. Maybe you can try it too.
Here it is:
1. Connect to QPST and open EFS explorer
2. In policyman folder there are 3 file that most likely can be the cause of this network restiction
post.xml (in my phone there is none)
rat_mask (in my case this file that restrict my network even after I change NV values to support all bands)
3. Compare all three file with other phone's that most likely have same architechture (maybe MI8 or Pixel). For rat_mask, make sure it have same bits number(compare with Hex Editor)
4. replace that carrrier_policy.xml(and any file that contain this name) and rat_mask with modified files or use you can use other unrestricted phone's instead
These file originally in modem.img. Some phone replace them back with the original file when boot, you can modified init.radio.sh to prevent that.
We can modify carrier_policy.xml in modem.img and flash it to the phone but i cant find where rat_mask located
5. Reboot and hope if it solve your problem
I can't find any reference about how to generate unrestricted rat_mask and device_config so make sure you backup your original file before you make modification. Sorry I can confirm whether it will work or not because i don't own poco
NB: I solve my problem just with replacing carrier_config.xml and rat_mask. There is a file called device_config, be careful with this file because it control how the phone modem interact with qpst too, wrong modification can cause you cant connect to PC even in diag mode.
Does the above information help at all with this effort? I'm not quite savvy enough to pursue this on my own. I also found the below thread which describes a process which is apparently still working for many Qualcomm devices including Xiaomi. Has this method been attempted with the Poco F1?
I sold my Poco and took over my GF's which was on 10.2.3. I had LTE at my place, confirmed with speed test and LTE app. After upgrading to 10.3.4 today I no longer have LTE. I've tried switching back and forth between APNs to no avail. Any ideas?
Any updates, did you got it working? I need to unlock B5 and 28.

