The Smoug of the S7 930v (?) afterthoughts... - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Ive spent about a week of full-time work into my S7 930v. I FINALLY rooted the damn thing and I FINALLY, after reading tons of tutorials, read on one of them (right here, in fact) the Doomed Verizon Locking Problem.
Ok, so Im not going to be able to install any android ROMs. I followed the tutorials and I have removed/froze bloatware and installed cleanup apps as per the tutorials (Greenify, Amplify, Titanium Backup, etc.)
I froze damn near everything and my phone still works, so good so far. But it still runs slower and from a security standpoint, I still dont really trust it.
Sorry, I know Im beating a dead horse here.
Down to Business:
I gave up trying to face the impossible. But today, with renewed vigor, I have questions. In an effort not to waste my time, I thought that one of you has probably already tried my next steps or heard of someone who has.
1. Is it also not possible to install linux (Ubuntu?) on my 930v?
2. I heard somewhere that you can call Verizon and have them unlock your phone. I have done so. They gave me the run-around. Switched me to Samsung who told me to call Verizon. Now Im not new to this. Im angry and Ive got too much time on my hands. Im not afraid to call over and over until I get answers. But I thought I would ask you all first.
There seems to be two different versions of what they understand as "unlocked". There is provider unlocked and there is OS/ROM unlocked. So, if I keep harassing them, are they going to ROM unlock my phone? I found this on their website:
Is my phone really a piece of trash now?? Say it aint so!
[EDIT] I just called Verizon again and explained very thoroughly, that Verizon locks software with a private key and that I wish to reinstall Android as a base without their software.
Tech support tells me that they are not given that information from Corporate.


NEWB needing help to upgrade

I have been less than pleased with my verizon Titan ever since I have had it. It runs very slow. At least twice a week, I have to remove the battery to unfreeze. The other day, I was in a patients room and noticed that her husband had a phone just like mine. I asked him if he liked it and he said that he loved it. I expressed some of my frustrations and he directed me to this website, telling me that he had installed a new radio and kitchen etc and that it now worked great. Looking at some of the websites, I have only become confused and a bit scared to try and tweak my phone. I do not know where to start.
Will somebody give me or direct me to simple idiot proof instructions on how to unlock/unleash the powers of this phone? I need instructions written for someone who knows nothing about altering smartphones.
Thanks in Advance
Not to be rude, but did you even read the stickies on the forum? Plz read the wiki's gather as much knowledge as you can about the subject and then take the plunge. You will find that the wiki's are most helpful. I would update to DCD's latest ROM and get the latest radio.
You will also find out that alot of basic apps don't come with his ROMs. Make sure you get a list of what you need on your phone before you take the plunge. Get a backup program like PIM backup.
Do searches. Research on your own. nobody here is going to do that for you. People created these wiki's for a reason. USE THEM.
In all truthfulness you should not hack your phone unless you know what you are doing. The wikis and threads are very daunting even to those who have some knowledge of what is going on.
Not trying to be rude, but maybe you need a different phone. One that works the way you want it to work right out of the box.
Best case scenario, even if you manage to fumble your way thru the wikis and then later flash your rom, are you going to be able to recover if you get stuck in the bootloader?
The wikis have the info that you need. But like learning medicine you have to apply yourself.
You may want to try this one first, to see what all this cooking stuff is all about
gc14 said:
Yes, this is the official sprint 6.1 update with 3.42.02 radio. Non sprint customers can use it to flash the radio only (if you can't via sd card), but again CAN'T let customizations run. Non sprint customers will have to wait until the custom rom is released.
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There are different methods to flash your rom, and different choices for rom updates. Read up on all of them. Trust me, you will need the info sooner or later.
Like it says in the DCD thread you need to unlock your phone, you need a rom, radio, and a carrier. I just flashed my sprint titan for the first time and just about cried when it got stuck in the bootloader.
oh looky what I just accidentally found in the forums.
Boomstick said:
oh looky what I just accidentally found in the forums.
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What an amazing concept, you read the forum.
Unfortunately that many guides offer what I feel to be short-cuts. It may be fine if everything goes perfectly, but the problem with such simplifications is that new people can find themselves stuck in unfamiliar territory.
People should be take the time to be aware of background to what they are doing to their phones. Personally, I'd rather recommend taking care to understand the Wiki as myself and others have made the effort to cover many possibilities and recovers when flashing.
Hysterical that the poster identifies himself as a trauma surgeon. Lets hope that if any of us is ever unlucky enough to find ourselves on the other end of the scalpel from this joker, that he isn't standing at the table saying "how do you do this?", and might have taken the time to read up first.
There is no correlation between Surgeon and Computer literacy. My wife's cousin in finishing up Med school and is as bright as they come yet not computer savy beyond common tasks.
As for the actual question he needs not to worry. Using the link with Step by Step to the Verizon upgrade will go easy for you. I only suggest doing the radio via SD card and Rom via USB.
Big Dawg 23 said:
There is no correlation between Surgeon and Computer literacy. My wife's cousin in finishing up Med school and is as bright as they come yet not computer savy beyond common tasks.
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Its not the correlation, its the attitude.
Interesting attitudes here
I will start of first saying thank you to those of you who actually are trying to help. For the rest of you, yes I did search the forum and yes I did read the Wiki. I still did not feel like I understood things well enough to run the risk of "bricking" my phone. (That is new lingo for those of us who don't spend all of our time on computers) Of course I could spend 10 or 20 hours or more, learning more about the phone, which would mean that some time in October I might have it figured out. My job simply does not give me the time to spend hours and hours trying to tweak my phone. I am in the hospital 110 to 120 hours a week (not a month). I feel lucky when I get a few minutes with my wife and kids. But rest assured, when you crash you car and you are bleeding to death, I am there for you just as I am for everyone else. So for the rest of you who are too cocky and to much of a smartass to help someone else out, I ask what in the world are you doing in this forum anyway. I would predict that you are only in here to take what others are here to give OR just here to try and belittle or make others feel stupid.
traumasurg, well aren't you special?
(That is new lingo for those of us who don't spend all of our time on computers)
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Get off your high horse, exceptional ego, relax, and take the time to respectfully learn. Only a single comment here may have generalised and only slightly went over-board, but none were as bad as your absolute swipe against this community -- your second post to XDA.... ebb pegged it, as you do have a horrible attitude. You may have made a far better first impression by not posting your introduction to the forum as a request for a short-cut to flashing your phone without also stating that you had paid notice to the Wiki and current threads concerning flashing guides.... If you had trouble understanding, then why did you fail to state exactly where you went out-of-depth? If terminology is "new lingo" to you then did you at least cover the basics of basic in our Wiki's Titan for Beginners?
You come in here looking for help yet some of us were quite polite, accurate and specific in warning that you should not rush forward with short-cuts before being aware of what you are doing and how to recovery. Links to help were provided to you before in between your two posts. Your phone is possibly your critical property so you should avoid messing with it if unsure upon ensuring that you can maintain its function.
Warning for you in the future -- don't join a tech forum insult all as shut-in computer geeks who owe our life to you. This is an anonymous forum, and therefore all are potentially equal here. What distinguishes members is their decorum of respect and a display of an effort to learn.
Keystone said:
Warning for you in the future -- don't join a tech forum insult all as shut-in computer geeks who owe our life to you. This is an anonymous forum, and therefore all are potentially equal here. What distinguishes members is their decorum of respect and a display of an effort to learn.
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Look, I in no way implied that everyone in here is a shut-in computer geek, although I have no doubt that some are. If you look back over the replies to my original post, there were a couple of members who showed anything but respect. In fact, two of them even posted twice to my original question without any useful information and replied only to in effect say "look how stupid this guy is." If you were on the other end of that reply, what would you think of those here in this forum? There were however several other responses, yours included, that were helpful. Yes I did read through the Wiki and I also had previously looked at two other websites given me by my patient's husband. It was mostly greek to me. That is why I posted.
I must say, I have been in several different forums, dirtbiking, cycling, climbing, trauma, as well as other computer forums and I have never met such attitudes that I met in here this week.
I'll probably just get an iphone next week.
traumasurg said:
I am in the hospital 110 to 120 hours a week (not a month)
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sucks to be you...
and since there is only 168 hours in a week and you say 120 of it is for work... that leaves you with 48 hours of sleeping time... which would be a little less than 7 hours of sleep a day... how do you eat? how do you shower? how do you get laid? no wonder the attitude... if no one else understands... I do
It is tough for some to answer the same questions that are (I promise) explained in the wiki. The hope is that most people would understand and be able to follow through with the instructions, but this is not for anyone, similar to HAM radio and FTA satellite.
I encourage you to go for the iphone, it seems more your speed.
Alright traumasurg, I can understand being a noob sucks. So here is a breakdown of what you should do if you want to get your phone with a new rom and gps radio.
That stock rom wont work with GPS radio. You need a non-stock rom for it to work.
Get this rom:
Get this radio:
use this as a guide:
Once the rom is installed assuming you have verizon, run the carrier cab.
Get carrier cab here: Verizon Carrier
Remember you will need to install the new boot loader first. Then do the rest according to instructions there.
Also, make sure you have another phone handy or a land-line handy for when u call verizon. To get it re-authenticated. You will need to do this whenever u go from a non-gps radio to a gps one. (I reccomend doing this during business hours so u dont freak and wont be able to contact them until they open in the morning)
Oh yeah make sure you backup your contacts to outlook(activesync) or use Pimbackup or your gonna be pissed off.


I bought an eris off craigslist, and this time around it was a bit of a ripoff.
make a long story short, guy cloned it (or so it seems) and I couldn't really get it to work. So now i started reading the
HOW TO: Fully Flash an HTC Droid Eris to Metro PCS found on Howard Forums and copied throughout the area
and it's a great read. I go to metro pcs, have them flash it. They tell me that since it was cloned the ID numbers on it are from some old phone at some point the phone may stop working. (Great...)
Hence I need a phone so I have this until i get another or it dies and I get another-whichever comes first.
Now in reading that great tutorial I have come to part 3, number 6. I can't get it to work properly. So i post on that thread my dilemma (it's on the last page of it), and someone replied that if I am getting "$" prompts and not a "#" prompt it isn't rooted.
So now, i am looking to root it I guess. After reviewing some threads here it seems there are some massive advantages to rooting the phone. and find this nice thread:
Eris Rooting Guide: Updated 18 November 2010, 10:47 am Central U.S. (found on androidforums)
So now that you have some background and I am running out of breath, here's the actual questions (please keep in mind while i learn quick and am "computer techy" i am oblivious to phones):
1) Will rooting the phone mess up my flash, or the fact that it's cloned.
2) Will it wipe out any valuable information?
3) If I root it will i lose connection to my service?
4) is there a way to reset the phone so I have the original ID numbers to it? (guy at metro pcs dealer tried and it wouldn't work no matter what he did and i thought him pretty fluent in his work)
5) most folks have told me to go with the 1 click root, while that sounds awesome, does it truly matter what rom i use? (one with it or something like froyo (not v 38 i guess)
Additionally if someone could recommend some good reads, I would appreciate it. While I realize most people first think to scour the posts posted (and I have) it's difficult to pull tangible information in an efficient manner with such a vague search ( How to root eris), not to mention, I would prefer advice from reputable folks and there are always ppl out there to hurt others (hence i know this is THE place to go )
OK, now Ive run out of breath
Thanks in advance to all
PS sorry can't post links - im a noob to this board
1) Will rooting the phone mess up my flash, or the fact that it's cloned.
It shouldn't.
2) Will it wipe out any valuable information?
3) If I root it will i lose connection to my service?
4) is there a way to reset the phone so I have the original ID numbers to it? (guy at metro pcs dealer tried and it wouldn't work no matter what he did and i thought him pretty fluent in his work)
Not sure. Probably not.
5) most folks have told me to go with the 1 click root, while that sounds awesome, does it truly matter what rom i use? (one with it or something like froyo (not v 38 i guess)
You can use whatever ROM you like. I personally recommend Tazz Floyo. It's a matter of preference.

Unlocked BL; Rooted; CM10.1 (AntonX) on P769 [8/19/13]

WOOO. After 3 days of playing around, I've got a fully rooted P769 running AntonX's CM10.1 with an unlocked bootloader. I got it 8/5/13 from Amazon for $150, and it's a freaking sweet phone for the price. I wanted a backup phone to play around with, and I couldn't have asked for a better device (well... debateable).
*As of 8/19/13, it's priced at $179 from Amazon versus $240 from T-Mobile.
Obviously, it goes without saying that this thread is completely unnecessary. This thread could be completely ignored by everyone else and I wouldn't mind, because it'll be my own one-stop shop for when I have to redo everything in the future.
I'm going to detail my process and experience, and link all the relevant files and images. I had to do the entire process with about 5 to 7 different XDA threads up and it got extremely annoying trying to maintain a semblance of order. I'll be linking to original threads/posts, but I fully intend on putting all the necessary information here in this post so people don't go thread hopping. Of course, credit will be given where credit is due, which is a lot of people.
Finally, it's nice to finally make an XDA post. This is my first! The community here is fantastic. Maybe someday down the road I'll fork a CM build or something, but for now I'm content.
DISCLAIMERS: I did not read all the XDA posts related to this device. Thus, I may have skipped over some super easy methods to doing things. This is just my own experience and interpretations of the posts I did read.
I am not the most experienced person when it comes to Android development. I'm just extremely organized and like clear and precise instructions. Because this post will be written from memory, I can't guarantee that there aren't any mistakes. I will, however, reinstall a stock ROM, unroot, etc, and do it all over again. I can't relock my bootloader, but I should still be able to test the whole 30 minute wait thing.
As I mentioned in the disclaimer, I may have missed out on some easier methods of rooting, recovery installing, etc. PLEASE provide different methods or links, simply so I can keep track of it and so other people who may be following my methods can live life easier.
8/19/13: Outlined the general process, went into specifics about the introduction/requirements and SIM unlock. Began discussing the bootloader.
8/8/13: As I am currently at work (taking a break), I won't be fully completing this post out until later this evening (EST) or weekend. I did, however, want to let it be known that I am available to help assist anyone that needs help via PM's or replies to this thread.
SIM Unlock
Bootloader Unlock
Recovery Installation
ROM Install
These instructions are for the T-Mobile P769 variant of the LG Optimus L9. If you are not rocking this device, thanks for browsing my post anyways. I wholeheartedly recommend it if you're looking for an entry-level Android device with greater capabilities than standard prepaid smartphones. My device came stock with V20D.
I did everything with a 4GB microSD card installed. This is necessary for when we move apk's, ROMs, zips, and backups.
Make a backup of your ROM. If you aren't using the device as your backup/play-around like I am, please, please, please make a backup (for those of you with rooted and CWM already). For me, I'm fine re-installing stock ROMs and going through the process of unbricking. If you're on the stock ROM, there might be some apps available to back up settings that you can restore later on (someone please suggest something good if you're familiar, I've always used recovery backups).
I use Windows 7 for everything. This may be an absolute requirement, I'll have to check the application compatibility.
There will be programs and files that you need. I will list and link out in the next update. For now, the bootloader has links to required files.
SIM Unlock
SIM unlocking should be the first thing that you do if you anticipate using non-T-Mobile services. SIM unlocking only works on T-Mobile ROMs, though my eBay code worked via a Wind ROM as well.
Obtaining your unlock code:
If you bought your device directly from a T-Mobile store (may need your receipt), then you are entitled to the SIM unlock code directly from T-Mobile. Call customer service and mention going abroad on a trip, etc. Or just demand it. Be nice.
If you purchased it from a store like Walmart, Amazon, or Radioshack, then you will need to purchase your unlock code elsewhere. Please note, there is no "official" seller of such codes. However, codes are determined using algorithms that depend on your device's IMEI, so plenty of people provide them via eBay, websites, etc.
I can CONFIRM that the seller via this link provides working SIM unlock codes. Please note that it is NOT an eBay listing, despite being on eBay. It uses a frame within the eBay posting that redirects you to purchase directly through PayPal. I received both instructions and the code within 24 hours, as advertised.
Using your unlock code
The easiest way to use the code is to pop a spare micro-SIM from another carrier into your phone. When you attempt to use the phone, it'll prompt for a code. Input the code and it will confirm success.
The alternative method for those without a spare SIM card is to pull up the SIM unlock menu. Dial 2945#*769# from the dialer, then select Network Unlock. Input the code and it will confirm success.
Bootloader Unlock
Please note, that there are some details that I am somewhat fuzzy on (the exact version of the V20B ROM that I used, for example). I will go into as much detail (and confirm/edit them when I/others try it again).
The main source of headaches when playing with this device. I'm going to provide a general background and introduction on the process and provide important links. There's a lot of detail to go into this section that I won't be able to fully finish this for a day or so. But I can start pointing people in the right direction.
To learn about the KDZ flashing process until I fully explain it, visit @cmahendra’s excellent post on it. Please thank him.
The process I originally followed to unlock the bootloader was from this post. Make sure you thank @pinoyto.
My instructions for this will actually combine the both the KDZ and the bootloader posts/instructions into one. In order to provide the simplest and clearest instructions, I will type up the process tomorrow night while performing it on my phone. Again, I don’t want to misdirect people and have them viewing multiple pages in order to perform the process. So if you’d like to get started immediately, by all means follow the original instructions that are excellent.
Some quick thank yous until I can properly finish this thread:
@cmahendra: For filling my eyes and mind with your words the past 3 days. I think I've read all your threads on this phone now.
@pinoyto: For your post from March. I'm pretty sure you helped me unlock my bootloader. I need to redo your guide on my phone to confirm it.
@carloswii5: For your video and files. Obviously, I went at this like a noob first.
@Lelus: For being a HUGE part of the thanking chain. And your touch screen fix.
@AntonX: For your build of CM10.1. For an unofficial experimental/nightly, this build is FAST and STABLE.
I'll probably keep throwing in names as I finish this thread.
This isn't a bad phone to have if one has taken the plunge and root/unlock bootloader, or don't install many apps. Things don't get bad until space runs out lol.
Sent from my LG-P769 using Tapatalk 4
Sounds great! How's the battery life btw?
AntonX's CM10.1 makes a huge difference all around.
Sent from my Pokédex
Mensarius said:
Sounds great! How's the battery life btw?
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I'm in the process of restoring a stock ROM on it so I can carrier unlock the device and use my AT&T sim to test it. Unfortunately, until I get that wrapped up, I won't be able to comment on the battery life. It's been great so far, but the extent to which I'm using it is simply WiFi and the screen. I can say this though: I leave it on overnight uncharged, wifi on, with all my apps downloaded and syncing if necessary, and it drops about 5%. So idling for about 6-8 hours, those numbers aren't so bad.
Looking forward for your guide!
T-Mobile just tried to sell me this phone. I found your thread and went to Amazon. Thanks guy, you saved me 70 bucks and I'm sure the wife will love her new phone. I'm looking forward to your guide & for her to stop nagging about her old (first generation Samsung galaxy) phone (I'm sure there will be other things for her to move on to now.. lol).
Just so you know AntonX's CM10.1 doesn't have the space issue!! he found the solution so our phones see the sd card seamlessly as storage space on the phone and also with app2sd enabled so give it a try.
Very interested in your guide, hope you post it soon.
Sent from my LG-P769 using xda app-developers app
queboy89 said:
I'm in the process of restoring a stock ROM on it so I can carrier unlock the device and use my AT&T sim to test it. Unfortunately, until I get that wrapped up, I won't be able to comment on the battery life. It's been great so far, but the extent to which I'm using it is simply WiFi and the screen. I can say this though: I leave it on overnight uncharged, wifi on, with all my apps downloaded and syncing if necessary, and it drops about 5%. So idling for about 6-8 hours, those numbers aren't so bad.
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I'm looking forward to your instructions. I am fed up with all the bloody forums and threads and out-dated and contradictory information, not to mention the appalling English, which often makes things very ambiguous and difficult to understand.
My USA T-Mobile LG Optimus L9 P769 is rooted (I used the very simple LGpwn.apk method) and I have also installed the ClockWorkMod (CWM) using the L9RecoveryInstaller APK (v1.5.0). My bootloader is still locked, though, so I am limited with what I can do. I have already SIM-unlocked it (that was the first thing I did, since I travel internationally).
What I really bought the phone for was to use as a portable hotspot. I live in Australia where, like most of the world, wireless tethering is FREE and a simple matter of ticking the ON box. I have used my jailbroken iPhone 5 as a portable hotspot on my USA T-Mobile SIM card before and if worked fine. But this Optimus L9 just won't let me tether successfully. Any of the apps in the play store that successfully set up a mobile hotspot are useless, because I simply get redirected to T-Mobile's info page telling me I need to pay for tethering.
So I am hoping a new ROM might be faster and also help me get around my tethering issues.
Once again, I'm looking forward to your guide
Really sorry about the delay in getting the guide up. My girlfriend just left for a 10 month teaching trip in Macau, so I've been spending time with her and handling some other things.
I'll be working on the guide tomorrow night, I have some free time.
I think I'll be doing a couple different things. From browsing around on the newer posts, there have been a few newer methods with regards to rooting and installing CWM/recoveries. I'll list out the exact steps I took (which honestly consisted of slightly more manual methods). In any case, it seems like unlocking the bootloader is the most difficult part at the moment. I will definitely elaborate on that part.
queboy89 said:
Really sorry about the delay in getting the guide up. My girlfriend just left for a 10 month teaching trip in Macau, so I've been spending time with her and handling some other things.
I'll be working on the guide tomorrow night, I have some free time.
I think I'll be doing a couple different things. From browsing around on the newer posts, there have been a few newer methods with regards to rooting and installing CWM/recoveries. I'll list out the exact steps I took (which honestly consisted of slightly more manual methods). In any case, it seems like unlocking the bootloader is the most difficult part at the moment. I will definitely elaborate on that part.
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Thanks for the quick reply! 10 months is a long time - I hope you get the chance to go and visit her in Macau/Hong Kong
Yeah, some of the older methods for gaining root access were pretty time consuming and dangerous. Using the method of installing LGpwn.apk was soooo simple - any novice could do it. Same with getting CWM v6.? installed. Main issue for me is he locked bootloader. I'm looking forward to reading about that Cheers :good:
Finally someone is compiling a complete guide on getting CM on a p769 :good:.
I love my phone from a hardware perspective but don't like the T-Mobile stock rom. I tried getting CM 10.1 (or really any custom rom) onto the phone, but most threads I have read either are incomplete, outdated, and/or simply wrong. I ended up settling with rooting the phone, but I still am dying to get CM 10.1 on the phone.
Can't wait to see your guide . Best of luck!
SomeGuyInOz said:
Thanks for the quick reply! 10 months is a long time - I hope you get the chance to go and visit her in Macau/Hong Kong
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Thanks! I'm planning on a trip during the Christmas holidays and at the end of her trip. It'll be tough, but there's so many ways to keep in touch today that we can actually have some fun with it.
I managed to get started on the post. My real life tendencies to blab on and on are starting to show. Heh.
Started talking about the bootloader. It'll be easiest to detail/list/number the process when I sit down with my phone some night and do it. For the time being, I've linked the original instructions I followed so people can get an idea of what's to come.
@queboy89 you really have your hands full with this one. Please include all of the things that can go wrong while flashing with R&D Tool and how to correct them.
Sent from my LG-P769 using xda app-developers app

[Q]What is the Best Way to Root Note SGH-i717??

Hello, I was just wondering the best way to root the AT&T Samsung Note SGH-I717. I have looked up many ways but every time I scroll down to the comments I read everyone is having problems. I would just like the best and most proven way to root the phone. I use the phone with straight talk, it is an unlocked att phone, will rooting the phone affect anything with Straight Talk? I am new to rooting so please be detailed and give me links to get everything I need. Thank You so much.
zeus1911 said:
Hello, I was just wondering the best way to root the AT&T Samsung Note SGH-I717. I have looked up many ways but every time I scroll down to the comments I read everyone is having problems. I would just like the best and most proven way to root the phone. I use the phone with straight talk, it is an unlocked att phone, will rooting the phone affect anything with Straight Talk? I am new to rooting so please be detailed and give me links to get everything I need. Thank You so much.
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so here is the deal, here are 2 methods with very subtle differences. you didn't say what your phone was running now, so here are my suggestions.......
I know you are new here, and I was once too. I went through all of this and was very nervous about the process. (no real reason to be)
I spent a good 2 weeks reading so I would feel confident about what I was doing. I would read through these and figure which is better for you or which you feel more confident in using. they would both work fine depending on your situation or what you phone is running. because these threads are older, you may run into an issue as to where the download files are not active anymore. that is where a recent Google search could come into play. you say you have read the comments for different methods have had negative results. problem is you don't know whether that person followed the directions correctly or whether they were just in a hurry and missed something.
that's why I posted both these threads. compare to what you have read. I have a habit of going to the back of the threads and read forward. this tells me what the most recent problems may have been and if there is a solution. though the files may or may not be active, you can always get the file. its the PROCESS which is correct. compare them.
as I said........... READ, READ, READ
it puts you in the situation to help yourself first
take your time, do as the process suggests. I even rehearsed it several times. due to my lack of experience, I wanted to be as prepared as possible in case something went wrong.
both of these threads are from very reputable members of the community. as all threads will suggest......they are NOT responsible for what you do. make sure you are ready. watch Youtube tutorals, compare processes, have your files loaded and where you have easy access, read and rehearse.
take your time
whatever you need to do to feel confident. if something goes wrong....KNOW what you are going to do next. if you don't know where you went wrong in process or deviated from it, then others cant help.
good luck and I hope I have helped
just saw this...this is at the back of Da G 's thread. suggested by AGOATTAMER. he is the man when it comes to having old links to process. this IS the one I used, that I couldn't find.
Thanl You Very Much. I am running 4.1.2 jelllybean.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using XDA Free mobile app

Sorry to ask thid here...

.....but it seems they are soooooo ignorant.arrogant over on the V50 forum.
Weeks ago i posted a simple question asking in the V50 can can be rooted (UK) Hundreds have viewed buy zero answeres.
Seen as thoguh I only recently gave my mother the V30.....can u pretty please let me help me out and any ideas if v60 can be rooted?
You may want to be more clear on what you're asking for... you mention 3 phones in your post, so I'm not sure which one you're askign about, really. I assume it's not the V30. That said, the V60 shows very little ROM development, which makes me think it's not rooted. Lack of ROMs generally means there is no root.
The V50 has a few ROMs, so that implies it probably does have root capability...
That said, I realize the principles that people have regarding rooting... I was once in that camp myself. But these days, I find it's hard to get it... and it really may not be necessary. I gave up root on my current S10 for this reason, even though it can be rooted in specific situations. For this reason, I question the real "necessity" of it.
i wan to root my V50 just for the sake os system app remover and titanium backp.
As I've learned on my new S10, TiBu hasn't been updated in many years and doesn't quite work as well as it used to either. People have had to find alternative apps to do those tasks. In Samsung-land, Samsung Switch works pretty well for this purpose, and doesn't require root. There are others.
Similarly, you don't need root to remove system apps on the S10 either - you can remove them via ADB these days. I'm guessing you can probably do the same on the V50. However, IMO you don't need to remove system apps as much these days because phones have lots more memory and Android is more efficient in dealing with background apps.
To each their own, but the old ways of doing things may have been superceded... so you may not need root anymore... not that you can get it as easily either.

