Group Text Message - Samsung Galaxy S9+ Questions & Answers

I have created contact groups (carried over from S7). I can't seem to send group text messages.
I select "messages" icon, then, "New message" icon.
My groups do not show up in the text messaging app, though it does in the phone contacts.
And even in contacts I have to choose the entire group (I can't select just a few.)
Any thoughts.

Same issue here... No "fix" from Samsung and tmoble

Same issue
Just want to add my request for any possible solution to this problem. I'm attempting to send a group text from within the actual texting app -- not leaving it to go into Contacts first -- and for some reason, groups aren't listed in the separate contacts sub-heading. Seems like a boneheaded design decision.

I spoke to Samsung about this. Apparently the ability to choose a "group" from within the messaging app was removed with the Oreo update. SMH


sending a text to multiple contacts

Is there any kind of tweak of program to allow sending of multiple text messages? The only way I know of to do that now is to open up a new text, touch "To," touch a contact; then the screen reverts back to the new text message with one contact added, and you have to repeat that process for however many contact you want to include. I would like a way to select several contacts from the phoneboon first, and then get to the new message screen. I know that you can select multiple contacts at once, but there is no option to send a new text message to them all at once.
sending a text to multiple contacts
each txt message is like an email, you can simply put a semi-colon ( ; ) after the first contact in the "TO" field of the message. after the semi-colon put a space & the next contact etc etc..
you can also choose menu > add recipients once you create the message. thats kind of what your wanting.
i remember an app called PowerSMS that dealt with "groups" of contacts but it wasn't freeware. you may check into the app & see if it suits your needs
Have you tried...
Select new.
Pick SMS/MMS/Flix/Pix/whatever.
Cursor should now be in the "To" field.
Start typing the name of the contact you want to use.
Name should appear at the bottom of the screen.
Tap the name to insert it in the "To" field.
Repeat for additional names!
Works for my Verizon TP
You could try Moblmsg (freeware). it doesnt store your texts in the standard way but allows you to define and save groups and send texts to them.
I use SKB Group SMS, works great and sends your multiple text in secs....
I use SKB Group SMS, works great and sends your multiple text in secs....
I know this is probably a stupid question but just wanted to clear it up in my mind:
the reason I CAN NOT reply to all in a text is because the text that is coming to me (SPCS is my carrier) only sees the sender not the sender's distribution list correct?

Grouping SMS messages from Google

I use SMS reminders in Google calendar. For some reason default Hero messages application does not group these messages under one name as it does for other contacts so I have pretty lengthly list of Google reminders in my inbox.
I tried adding dummy Google contact but it did help. Maybe I should have add telephone number to it but there is no sender number in message details.
Any ideas?
I had a similar problem, because each reminder message is from a unique number (the proper shortcode followed by a sequence number), so that Google's system can identify individual messages (and replies when applicable). I never did figure out a way to get them to group, but I did find a work around. I switched my notification types from SMS to Pop-up (in my GCal settings, online). If you have notifications turned on in your phone's calendar, then the calendar app on your phone will alert you (similar to the way the alarm does) rather than getting a text message. The other advantage to this, at least in my opinion, is that if I don't notice it right away, it'll snooze and pop up again in a few minutes, unlike a text message, which is a one shot thing.

[Q] How to unlimit SMS group list?

GS2 allows me to send SMS to contacts no more than 10 Even more annoying is, that also email addresses are counted in a group list. Although I'm writing SMS and try to add the contact group in it, the list shows both the phone numbers and email addresses!!! Helpdesk said: "It is possible to tick the whole group at once, if you have contacts 10 or less." So, if all of them have email too, I can have a group list of 5 contacts max!!!
Is there any chance to get rid of this limit???
Same question
I have a limit to 10 contacts per time to select
See this mod, only for custom deodexed roms though.

How do you send text-only group MMS?

As you all know, Android lacks the ability to receive group text from iPhone users under one single thread. iPhone users can text a multiple users using MMS, and all the replies from all recipients will appear under one "group MMS" thread. For Android users, each individual message in the conversation appears under the contact that sends it, not under a group thread. As a result, my SGS2 can't "reply all" to everybody who is on the original list of recipients.
This is a problem for me as I group text a lot and most of my friends are iPhone users.
I was a dumbphone user right until I got my SGS2 a month ago. I manage to tackle this problem with my dumbphone because it can "reply-all" to MMS messages.
I can't seem to find this option on the SGS2. Anyone got any pointers? Is it possible to send a text only MMS message to multiple contacts?
Reply All to iPhone group texts
I use GO SMS so this may not work in the stock Messaging app.
When I receive an iPhone group text (=Group MMS), I do the following:
(1) Create a new text-only message
(2) Manually key in all the contacts from the group text
(3) Add a subject (e.g. "X") to convert the text-only message into a Group MMS
iPhone users will receive your Group MMS in the same group text thread that everyone else is on, plus the additional "X" subject line. As you already know, without the subject, your text-only message will be sent out as SMS messages to each individual and the iPhone users will not see it in the group text thread.
Until Android Issue 24468 (google it) is resolved, this manual method is the only way I know of how to Reply All to iPhone group texts from an Android phone.
Hope that helps.
p.s. SGS2 is amazing.

[Q] grouping contacts for group messaging?

So I have a bunch of friends with iPhones, and they threw me into a group chat (not that it matters but we're organizing a martini night). As you guys probably know as android users, this presents a problem as the group messages are received as individual texts, normally with a <no subject> header, and as a result, you can't reply to the chat, but have to respond to each member individually (or send a mass text each time).
I'm wondering if there's simply a way to group (on my end only) those contacts together, so that any message I receive from them shows up as a group chat, which I can then reply to all. I would still get the <no subject> headers, but at least this way the messages could be organized and I could read the conversation without having to look at each contact separately and compare the message with the timestamp from when it was sent.
The apps I've seen (like POWOW) can create chat groups, but it requires that my friends join the chat, or reply to some strange number each time, and it's really just an unnecessary hassle for them. I don't want that.
Anyone know of an app, or a way of grouping contacts together like this?
I'm on CM7 using the "Messaging" app.
Handcent has this feature. Free @ play store.
LāvLab / HostileSlothRecords

