How do you install libhoudini on a custom Android Marshmallow x86 rig? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys, how's it going. Can I ask a question, please?
I'm currently making a custom built Android Marshmallow x86 64 on a mini PC. I've successfully installed the Android and now I'm trying to install libhoudini on the rig so that it can play ARM apps and games (porting the apps to x86 is not possible since they are 3rd party apps). How do I install and use it? When I went to its Github repo, it only has links with .sfs files in it and two folders which I don't know the difference of besides their name. And also there is no documentation or tutorial whatsoever about how to install and use it.
I've extracted the houdini.sfs file and it contains the files that are supposed to be in the "/lib/" (or "/lib/arm/", I can't tell) folder. I tried to google for the installation tutorial but they are either dead ( or outdated (since they are from 2012 and when I looked at them, the steps are not exactly correct anymore like for instance there is no in the newest libhoudini repo).
So, is there anyone here that has some experience about this? Thanks.


How to extract application from android?

I have a vmedia vstik (similar to vmedia vbox) that is running android with custom overlay/launcher.
I love that launcher very much and would love to install it on android in my car. I thought it would be as simple as copying apk and installing it, but it isn't. When I try that, I get a message that apk can't be installed. What would be a proper way?
I have checked running processes and found main apk file, but it must depend on some other apk files or libraries.
Here is the apk
And here is link to the vbox which is similar device but runs same interface

[Q] How to make a recovery-flashable Firefox OS rom?

I'm actually trying to port Firefox OS 2.1 on the Nexus 7 2013 (aka "flo"), and after managed to download and compile the sources, I am facing a problem at the last step. Instead of flashing Firefox OS on my Nexus via the conventional method (using, I would like to create a recovery-flashable zip file (as is often seen with custom ROMs). However, I have no idea how to build one, and the analysis of some zip files does not really helped me to understand which files to include and which script to write.
Here are the files generated by the build: http :// / MgobUsp.png
If anyone could help me and explain me how to create that famous zip file ^^.
In advance,
thank you
Nobody? :-/
@cmbaughman was working on this in this thread:
ImCoKeMaN said:
@cmbaughman was working on this in this thread:
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Due to a large project that came my way at work, I've been unable to work on this however I hope to in a few weeks after we demo our new apps. If you want to check mine out it's here however the only real issue with mine which is quite fixable was that I used the wrong version of the Gaia, and webapps. You can use mine as a template really, here is how:
1. Build FF OS
2. Now when building ( I am going from memory here so ask if you ha e questions), pass the argument otapackage and you'll get a "flashable" in your out dir.
3. Find either a fully built version of ff for any device but make sure its the same version, OR build Gaia yourself, see the official docs for how to do that as they explain it very well.
4. From that you go through the output and find the webapps dir.
5. Copy webapps to your built otapckage at /system/b2g/webapps.
6. Now I'd use either my update script from the link I gave you (after looking through and updating anything that needs updated because mine is a few months old.) Make sure there is nothing in there about formatting data or anything (cause you don't want to lose that!) And after repackaging (use a kitchen or whatever method you prefer), you'll have a flashable Firefox zip.
Its a process so use a little trial and error and you'll overcome any issues you find. Any questions let me know.
ImCoKeMaN said:
@cmbaughman was working on this in this thread:
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Due to a large project that came my way at work, I've been unable to work on this however I hope to in a few weeks after we demo our new apps. If you want to check mine out it's here however the only real issue with mine which is quite fixable was that I used the wrong version of the Gaia, and webapps. You can use mine as a template really, here is how:
1. Build FF OS
2. Now
any progress on this im intrested in doing this
Don't waste your time creating such a zip file, just use fastboot to flash the various IMG compiled files.

Alternative OS for Acer Chromebook 13 CB5-311

Hi developers,
is any chance, that can i install any alternative OS to my Acer Chromebook 13 CB5-311? Device has a Nvidia Tegra K1 CPU, that is ARM. Chrome OS is not too bad, but i need some apps, which not exist or not work well.
I finding any OS. It may be Android or Ubuntu. But i need working offline apps (storage is not big problem i mean).
*Sorry for my bad english
just an idea
lord.wiccar said:
Hi developers,
is any chance, that can i install any alternative OS to my Acer Chromebook 13 CB5-311? Device has a Nvidia Tegra K1 CPU, that is ARM. Chrome OS is not too bad, but i need some apps, which not exist or not work well.
I finding any OS. It may be Android or Ubuntu. But i need working offline apps (storage is not big problem i mean).
yea im searching for the samething ... maybe somebody can fix the OS from the shield devices on to it
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I have the same model. Great hardware, lousy os. Crouton with ubuntu trusty build runs well if you are a little computer savvy and dont mind typing in terminal commands. It runs parallel to chrome. I have heard you can install linux native on this model, but have never tried.
Hello, If you find a way how to install android apps on Acer CB5-311 chromebook, will be great. Thank you!
Yeah, it is possible.
lord.wiccar said:
Hi developers,
is any chance, that can i install any alternative OS to my Acer Chromebook 13 CB5-311? Device has a Nvidia Tegra K1 CPU, that is ARM. Chrome OS is not too bad, but i need some apps, which not exist or not work well.
I finding any OS. It may be Android or Ubuntu. But i need working offline apps (storage is not big problem i mean).
*Sorry for my bad english
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I know you porobably solve your problem, or change your device, but i want to reply to it, if anyone else are searching for answers.
Because of drop of support for this device a have decided to move to linux.
On internet are some scrips, which can do it by one or two clicks, but they are old today and it's i bit more tricky today.
In general, you can use arch linux, which instalation still work, but graphical session doesn't start (i don't know why, i'm not expert on arch). You can use Clifford script, which don't work for today, because chrome os karnel has been changed and it is more difficult to use it.
So i install arch linux, with working kernel a delete it's rootfs. Into it i installed ubuntu-base 18.04, update, instal basic packages and kubuntu desktop.
Suprisingly it work very well, even graphic acceleration works.
If anyone wan't to know, how did i do it, i can help.
But i think no one is using it today, except few people like me.
Hy! need help cb5-311
Jirka13 said:
I know you porobably solve your problem, or change your device, but i want to reply to it, if anyone else are searching for answers.
Because of drop of support for this device a have decided to move to linux.
On internet are some scrips, which can do it by one or two clicks, but they are old today and it's i bit more tricky today.
In general, you can use arch linux, which instalation still work, but graphical session doesn't start (i don't know why, i'm not expert on arch). You can use Clifford script, which don't work for today, because chrome os karnel has been changed and it is more difficult to use it.
So i install arch linux, with working kernel a delete it's rootfs. Into it i installed ubuntu-base 18.04, update, instal basic packages and kubuntu desktop.
Suprisingly it work very well, even graphic acceleration works.
If anyone wan't to know, how did i do it, i can help.
But i think no one is using it today, except few people like me.
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I need help to change chrome OS with linux on my old acer cb5-311. [email protected] Thank you!
In case no one has known yet, the CB5-311 is running an Nvidia Tegra K1 processer if I'm not mistaken. Therefore, because it is an ARM-based device, using another OS other than ChromeOS is impossible as far as I can tell.
Good to know about the Tegra k1 processor...
Hey, sorry for waiting.
Here is some linux images for this device:
It is prepared to flash on SD and boot from it. From this awesome develeper can be also found the linux kernel for this chromebook.
It is also posible to did something similar like chrubuntu did earlier, it means flash kernel to KERNEL C partition and boot from internal storage (but my 16 GB internal storage is i bit small)
Good luck, with this.
P. S . only problem is with graphic drivers. Drivers provided from NVIDIA is for ubuntu 14 and they are too old to use. So you you have to regret hardware acceleration (or find another way how to make it work).
Read also the the issues and releases on github.
Second way is to use archlinux. There is and script, which will do anything for you. even if this script isn´t for my CB5-311-T23S, it works.
If you don´t know how to resize internal storage and flash working kernel, it is posible to use this script and install arch linux and later back up kernel modules, format partition with root and there install ubuntu base. ArchKernel work fine with it, but latest working version is ubuntu 18. (Snap don´t work on this old kernel). If you want ubuntu 20 (or newer), you will have to use kernel from hexdump0815 mentioned earlier)

[Help] How to get Stock ROM for non open source device

I have an android device running Android 5.1.1 but on a proprietary build that doesnt include GApps.
What i want to do is root the device, but in order to do so with Magisk, I need the Stock ROM boot.img file which I cant find anywhere because they arent open source like Samsung ect. There is also no TWRP build for it, official or ortherwise.
The device is a Rand McNally OverDryve 8 Pro.
Anyone have any ideas on how to get the boot.img file without having exising root or TWRP? Maybe with adb without root though, unless some way to gain root shell without root device.
Or can anyone point me to a DETAILED, uptodate guide on how to compile TWRP myself, inculding setting up the build envirment and which version of Ubuntu I should use. I have tried previously with some older guides using Ubuntu 12.01 or somthing but lots of sync and repo issues and such and i gave up as im jist learning on the fly and not capable of deep troubleshooting.

Busybox - Incorporate custom binaries

I was just wondering, how would I go about adding several binaries to a busybox installation.
For ex: I would like to add "exa" to use instead of ls, "fd" in replacement for find, the text editor "micro", as well as possibly git (although I would guess that adding too many additional binaries would make busybox too dense)
I know a good deal about android development, c programming, and shell scripting, so I don't by any means expect someone to "do" this for me or recompile it for me. Just the steps necessary (if it's possible to do this effectively), or an alternative solution in which would accomplish this objective.
Currently I have a (working) solution using termux boot, that copies the files to "/system/xbin" on boot. It works fine... however I can't help but feel like this is not the best way to go about it.
If it matters: I am on a Google Pixel, rooted, on a custom rom (resurrection remix, android oreo build) with TWRP recovery installed.

