Finding app pretending to connect to internet as other - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am trying to remove malware from my smartphone. I know I should probably flash a custom ROM, but it's a generic Chinese device based on MTK6753 and I don't know enough to port ROM's.
So far I found I had some strange monitoring thing in /system/bin. It was called "smsdamon" and "smsservice". It used UID1001, hiding its existence. Took me 2 weeks to find it. After I deleted it there is no connection shown in NetGuard logs from UID1001 to "dominoppo".
However there was another entry in the logs, for apps using UID1000. I tried searching the device for any "dominoppo" entry, but was unsuccessful so far. Can anyone help find a way to locate it? I'm at a loss here.


Rom Development for Alps E120L and Other Mediatek Devices

I wanted to start this post to see if anyone was familiar with the Alps E120L specifically, or at least has any knowledge of rom making for any china phone with MT65xx processor.
I would like to be able to fix a few quirks with the phone I have and see if I can develop a rom.
The help I need, which I feel is encountered the most often and not always answered on the forum are:
1. My china phone is rooted, but the bootloader is locked. How do I unlock it?
2. I can pull the framework-res.apk off my phone, decompile and edit it using any of the apk tools, but I get errors recompiling it every single time. what is the problem here? By the way, I was able to successfully pull the same framework file off of my samsung galaxy tab, edit it, and recompile it with no problems so it is not a problem with me!
3. How do I get the gps on my phone to work without A-GPS? What files are responsible for the GPS to function?
The reason I need to know this is because my GPS doesnt work and I dont know if its because I dont have A-GPS enabled because I dont have a data service. Personally I think either GPS files are missing or they are not programmed correctly. I have edited the gps.config file and no success.
4. How do I get mms settings setup for t-mobile without data plan? I could send picture messages via edge with an old phone but now my new android ics phone does not allow it to be sent. I have tried pulling settings from t-mobile, but to no avail. Again, i dont nor did I ever have a data plan. I dont know if my phone just doesnt support edge or requires an internet connection or t-mobile is blocking the service? My APN settings do not allow for me to select edge as an option, either LTE or eHRPD as a Bearer?
If anyone is willing to help I thank you in advance. Im sure other people have similar questions. I will keep searching the forums for more information as well.

[Q] Delete whole ROM

Hi all,
I am new to android development but I have some issue regarding my China's Tablet (Aigopad M80e).
I have rooted the tablet by searching around internet and after i root, I found that I could not install any application.
I found my Storage become 0.0kb so that i couldn't even able to do anything even I uninstall the existing apps, the storage is still the same.
Some internet guide said about xbin or download root File explorer to delete particular file but I couldn't able to install it at all.
Any way to delete whole ROMs? or any other solution? It's really had me so much.
Appreciate so much.

[Q] Installing multiple devices at once

Hi, I have about 200 android tablets and I would like to know if there is any solution how to install them whit filled Google account, installed apps from GP, settings by some easy way rather than doing it with every single tablet...
Something like image file ofr Windows, or *.exe app (in self execution rar) which contains specific informations, ex. specific company ports etc.
Do you guys know about anything like that? It could be even bussines solution, paid, there is no problem with that, only I could not find anything
Thank you very much!!!

tomtom on 5.1.1 issue

can seem to install tomtom on 5.1.1
anyone have the same issue
either can't connect to the internet or license issue
i don't mind paying for it but i can't seem to find it on playstore
You might have a serial number problem.
Check the serial number shown in the configuration part where you have "About Device", if the serial number is very long, then this is the problem.
Either a Device ID changer or the MTC-Serivce from dsa8310 can solve this issue.
I am still working on my device to get it running again and switching to another custom firmware, but my device is behaving strange.
The thread with the sollution is somewhere on the second page right now, should be easy to find.
I just dont know on which page, it is, but read this thread and maybe you find a working sollution for your device.
since my is not root I can't seem to change my sn with the apk, can't install xposed framework, anyone know how to root rk3188 with android

how to detect spy software like flexispy, mspy, phonesheriff, ikeymonitor, ... ?

I don't want to factory reset my phone nor do I want to reflash lineage os.
I just want to detect if there is some spy software on my phone. Software like flexispy, mspy, phonesheriff, ikeymonitor, thetruthspy, ....
I found one app that claim to find them but I doubt its effectivness (
One blog from some years ago claims that the anti-virus made a poor job to detect such softwares. (I can't find that page again)
Some site suggested to use an access point to sniff traffic. That's what I did with my raspberry pi but I got only a bunch of encrypted traffic from my phone (https). So it was not helpfull beside getting a list of IP or at best domain name. You can tell much with that. The next step would be to MITM with ssldump or sslsplit but that's more technically challenging for me
Is there other tool available ? an app ? a site of a good soul that maintain a list of file installed that such spy app and that you could find manually by using an (root) explorer of /system or /data ?

