Termux kali nethunter on Honor 8x - Honor 8X Questions & Answers

I have problem useing kali in termux on my honor 8x

This what i get after dpkg - - configure - a command


Kali Linux On Android

I'm using kingroot to get root access
installed busybox
then installed linux deploy and vnc viewer
but when I choose kali linux and tap on install then after creating partition it says
E: The selected extractor cannot be found: ar
and it get stuck there, then nothing happens for hours

Huawei P8 lite, android 6.0 and cUrl PIE problem

im trying to install curl to my android 6.0 in P8 lite but I can't bypass PIE security and I got this error.
[email protected]:/ # curl
error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported.
1|[email protected]:/ #
Any one have a suggestion how bypass PIE, I tried google it but I didn't found anything that could help me.
OK, I see that nobody really know or want to help me so maybe you know how can I update my DNS on duckdns.org via terminal on Android without curl?

How bypass PIE security check ASUS Padfone S

Hi brother...
Plzz help me to bypass PIE security check On my smartphone [Asus Padfone S] Marshmallow 6.0.1.
Im installing python in my phone n im execute python in terminal emulator.. n i got a notification error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported.
Im following tutorial in thread https://forum.xda-developers.com/google-nexus-5/help/qa-bypassing-pie-security-check-t2941260
Is not working on my phone(Asus padfone s)

Node and NPM on Chromebook (Chrome OS) - using Acer Chromebook C720P official vanilla

Hacking Acer Chromebook C720P -
Node and NPM on Chromebook (Chrome OS) - very inconsistent material & literature on it - could not make it install properly so far - /thread https://yoember.com/nodejs/the-best-way-to-install-node-js/
This command to get npm working
sudo mount -i -o remount,exec /home/chronos/user
(presupposes r/w system)
The purpose - getting further capabilities without having to buy a newer Chromebook - & without having to change or hack the underlying original Chrome OS which uses Linux Kernel 3.8 -
I will be posting some of the results here - & others associated to using crouton with xiwi...
cd ~/Downloads
sudo mount -i -o remount,exec /home/chronos/user
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
command -v nvm
nvm list
nvm ls-remote
nvm install 10.9.0
nvm use 10.9.0
nvm alias default 10.9.0
node -v
npm install -g npm
nvm install iojs
# should get: Now using io.js v3.3.1 (npm v2.14.3)
Resources - 1. nvm by creationix -
Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Resources - 2. Node.js
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Resources - 3. npm
npm is the package manager for javascript
Resources - 4. chromeos-apk
Run Android Apps in Chrome OS or Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.
Crouton, xiwi, Linux, arcwelder & other resources...
In here https://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=77252924&postcount=71
I posted how to get Skype working without Android, because Android in Chromebook Acer CB C720P does not support USB host mode, so we cannot have usb webcams from within Android.
However USB Webcam works in hacked & non hacked Chromebook with UVC.
So using crouton & a Linux distro allows to get Skype with webcam fully working, also with xiwi in a window in Chrome OS.
I tried to get Android Skype working using an apk through arcwelder with no success - versions below 5 load but redirects to install newer versions, disallow operating.
Latest version like 7 or 8 would not load through arc welder.
& I bumped onto chromeos-apk.
To use chromeos-apk to install Android apps, one needs npm, so this is how it led me to node.js -
Run Android Apps in Chrome OS OR Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.
with (in the downloaded chromeos-apk-master folder from above vladikoff git)
npm install chromeos-apk -g
sudo npm install chromeos-apk -g
& you should get something similar to this -
[email protected] ~/Downloads $ cd chromeos-apk-master
[email protected] ~/Downloads/chromeos-apk-master $ npm install chromeos-apk -g
/home/chronos/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.8.0/bin/chromeos-apk -> /home/chronos/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.8.0/lib/node_modules/chromeos-apk/chromeos-apk
+ [email protected]
added 13 packages from 6 contributors in 8.137s
Note - I used v10.8.0 of node.js - but v10.9.0 should work same.
Run chromeos-apk [path to apk file]
... tbc/...
chromeos-apk results
Results not encouraging - any apk I submitted so far to chromeos-apk leads to the error: (it creates an unpacked extension to load from chrome://extensions)
Failed to load extension
There is no "message" element for key extName.
Could not load manifest.
waste of time?
I guess, I learnt how to install node.js & npm
Result - news -
It depends on the apk version, for instance
Es File Explorer version es-file-explorer-4-1-7-1-28.apk installs OK using either Arc Welder or chromeos-apk...
latest versions do not -
(also tested on Asus Chromebit CS10 which is Arm 32bit)
this is a battle of wits between Google developers, & independent developers - Google sabotages community efforts for obvious reasons, stay in control.

adb.exe v1.0.40

Ubuntu 20.04 sees phone with Linux adb v28 using 'adb devices'.
I've installed the usb driver for my Blackview A80 phone in VirtualBox Windows 10 VM. However, VirtualBox Windows 10 VM fails to see my phone with adb (v1.0.32 & 1.0.39). I'd like to download adb.exe v1.0.40 (as that's the requirement to run B4A Windows app under Wine in Ubuntu.). But I can't find that version anywhere. Has anyone got adb.exe v1.0.40?
I've followed the instructions on
http://adbcommand.com/articles/How to build adb(1.0.40) for windows on Ubuntu but I get 'fatal: cannot make .repo directory: Permission denied' on the step
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest. I know nothing about repo. Anybody have any ideas about this repo problem?
johnaaronrose1 said:
Ubuntu 20.04 sees phone with Linux adb v28 using 'adb devices'.
I've installed the usb driver for my Blackview A80 phone in VirtualBox Windows 10 VM. However, VirtualBox Windows 10 VM fails to see my phone with adb (v1.0.32 & 1.0.39). I'd like to download adb.exe v1.0.40 (as that's the requirement to run B4A Windows app under Wine in Ubuntu.). But I can't find that version anywhere. Has anyone got adb.exe v1.0.40?
I've followed the instructions on
http://adbcommand.com/articles/How to build adb(1.0.40) for windows on Ubuntu but I get 'fatal: cannot make .repo directory: Permission denied' on the step
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest. I know nothing about repo. Anybody have any ideas about this repo problem?
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have you tried using chocolatey on the windows VM, to see if their adb source works for you?
you would need chocolately preinstalled, this thread would explain better.
How To Use Chocolatey
========================= ============================================ HOW TO USE CHOCOLATEY ============== ============= Hi Friends~! This amazing package manager changed my Windoz life
after you have chocolatey installed, you would run this command:
choco install adb
essentially, it will dl the latest adb, and wrap all it's variables with the correct permissions, even in a vm. I'm not sure if this will help you, but just wanted to put it out there~!
Have a good day~!
jenneh said:
have you tried using chocolatey on the windows VM, to see if their adb source works for you?
you would need chocolately preinstalled, this thread would explain better.
How To Use Chocolatey
========================= ============================================ HOW TO USE CHOCOLATEY ============== ============= Hi Friends~! This amazing package manager changed my Windoz life
after you have chocolatey installed, you would run this command:
choco install adb
essentially, it will dl the latest adb, and wrap all it's variables with the correct permissions, even in a vm. I'm not sure if this will help you, but just wanted to put it out there~!
Have a good day~!
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The specified link does not AFAIK give instructions on how to install chocolately.
Oh It Does~! As well As a VM demonstration on how to install on an unlisted YT vid. But Okay~! Just trying to help ;-)
The link you supplied with its links to "How to install chocolately" sends me to an advertising site.
johnaaronrose1 said:
Ubuntu 20.04 sees phone with Linux adb v28 using 'adb devices'.
I've installed the usb driver for my Blackview A80 phone in VirtualBox Windows 10 VM. However, VirtualBox Windows 10 VM fails to see my phone with adb (v1.0.32 & 1.0.39). I'd like to download adb.exe v1.0.40 (as that's the requirement to run B4A Windows app under Wine in Ubuntu.). But I can't find that version anywhere. Has anyone got adb.exe v1.0.40?
I've followed the instructions on
http://adbcommand.com/articles/How to build adb(1.0.40) for windows on Ubuntu but I get 'fatal: cannot make .repo directory: Permission denied' on the step
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest. I know nothing about repo. Anybody have any ideas about this repo problem?
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Would this help?
Android SDK Platform Tools for Windows
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.26 platform-tools_r03-windows.zip (2011-02-23) platform-tools_r04-windows.zip (2011-05-10) platform-to...

