RandTune: Ringtone Randomizer is not working anymore - Samsung Galaxy S9+ Questions & Answers

Sorry if it is off topic.
Recently, I bought S9+ (Android v8) and after installing and configuring (I set specific folder, and allowed the app to use phone) the app "RandTune: Ringtone Randomizer" (free app) is not working. Previously on S7 (and below) it was working fine.
I also used couple of other apps. The app is showing that the ringtone has changed but when I go to Setting > Sound and Notification > Ringtones. It's didn't change (On S7 it changed).
So is it possible to change the ringtone automatically on S9+? Is there any app out there?
Also is there any "random ringtone" app that works on dual sim?
Thank you for your time.

Hey, just found out your post I'm developer of the old Randtune, the old version indeed do not work with new phones and we removed that from Google play, but you can checkout new app which called NEW Randtune,it works with all latest phones


Hidden... bloatware(?)

One of the first things which surprised me on Moto Z is the quite absolute lack of bloatware or, anyway, stock installed software.... it quite lacks of basic apps!
BUT looking better, I've found that in ROM there are several "iced" apps, correctly recognized by apps like Titanium Backup....
They are:
- Amazon self update (Market or app for buying items?)
- App Box (?)
- App Widget (?)
- AttPhoneExtns (reported as system app...??)
- File Manager (that sometimes appears called by settings...)
- Automatic prefix (call related I think...)
- Prip Omega (the icon remind something about wifi/wireless/nfc connections)
Nobody has tested or have more information on them?
I saw them aswell. They can't be deinstalled as titanium backup will just say "apk not found" and xposed module "installeropt" says that the app was deinstalled but it's actually not.
The strange thing is once you deice the apps, "file manager" for example works but you can't delete the app altogether.

Standard App Settings

is anyone else having troubles replacing the preinstalled standard apps?
In a German forum users reported they can go to Apps - Settings - Stanard-App Settings and change the standard apps, for expample the browser to CM Broswer, but allthough the systema accepts the change,
the new app is not used by the phone.
I have tested myself and can confirm for caller (telephone app) that I can change the standard app but without any effect.
The browser does work for me as intended.
I had the same probelm with the caller and calendar app as well. Just remove all permissions from the preinstalled apps and from there on it worked for me.
Great tip, cheers!

Samsung s9+ Individual app sounds

Hello all,
I have a Samsung s9+ and am trying to change the sound on Facebook Pages Manager.
I have checked within the app itself but it has no option.
Hoping someone can help.
Thanks Shane
Android Noobie said:
Hello all,
I have a Samsung s9+ and am trying to change the sound on Facebook Pages Manager.
I have checked within the app itself but it has no option.
Hoping someone can help.
Thanks Shane
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
So far what I have learned is that unless the app. devs implements it on the app. there's no way.
It's very frustrating for me too being unable to set sound for each app... my IP cam alerts sounds the same as a simple instagram notifications [emoji36]
Sent from S.G. S9+ Duos
Check the options to see what is present. Some apps don't have options for different sounds within the app, but they might be listed here (like Samsung Pay).
Settings > Notifications > (select the app here)
Otherwise for the apps that do not have the ability to set custom tones in app or in the notifications settings you can use apps like tasker or Notificon to trigger a custom sound. There are probly more apps that can do this, those are the only two I have personally used.
I personally use tasker to trigger a custom sound for snapchat or other apps which I want to use custom tones (but no option setting exists).
Tried tasker but cant seem to be able to get it to work we pages manager.
Also the app itself is a little confusing

can I use google phone on A5 2017 canada

Hello I found an article that claims I can use Google phone as the default phone app on my galaxy at 2017 sma520w. I downloaded that APK and enabled unknown sources. Installed and clicked done. Then I went to settings app default apps and set phone default to Google phone. I then went to the settings app looked for Google phone to set permissions and it's not listed there. If I go to app show system app it's shown there and it says no default set. Once again when I go to default app Page phone is shown as Google phone the default. If I open Google phone go to settings and call it opens Samsung phone. If I use one of my contacts through Google phone it asks me what app I want to use to make the call but the only options are Skype and Samsung
I recently was upgraded from the SM-A520W to a SM-A530W myself. From personal experience with the A5, it has some limitations on the Canadian Network's unfortunately. Closest I was able to successfully install alongside the Samsung programming was Google Contact's. Mind you I was also not really chasing every available "app download" site outside of Google Play.
Based on your post, it went quite different than what I am used to used to seeing as I side load on to our big screen TV from Samsung & a Telus "knockoff" of snow Android TV box both.
1st I would recommend downloading the app "X-plore" from Play Store. Powerful yet simple to use as it had 2 screen's (just for those unaware) while not being loaded with ad's. Reason being is that it can do a search of your device & has a feature to look at the HASH Tag without a purchase. Okay that may not be as useful unless you have a copy of what that should be, but it does help still.
2nd thing is it can install a app for you without needing to wonder where it disappeared to. Many of my side loads show on the next screen after being installed, whatever permission they want while staying put instead of chasing it around.
Your aware that on the A5 that Samsung put the "Messages" app as both TEXT & PHONE right? That could be tripping you up on the final step of setting s nee default...
Sent from my Samsung SM-A530W using XDA Labs

Question Can I use 'Google Phone' app on my PRO-I ?

Greetings! noob here.
Just got my new phone PRO-I (android 12), but really want to use Google Phone app on it.
So I install Google Phone in Playstore, set it as default phone app.
open app / make phonecalls / edit / settings all works well, but if there's a incoming call, my phone just rings and nothing pop up so no way to pick up the phonecall.
I try to disable the system default phone app (com.sonymobile.android.dialer), but nothing changes.
Seems that system needs some other modules, Google Dialer Framework Libary or something else?
So is there anyway I can use Google Dialer?
Have a nice day!
Google Phone and Text App both were implemented as the default apps in Xperia 1 mk2 onward so you should have them by default already.... no need to install G.Phone app from Play store

