I have a Galaxy Note 10.1 and someone used it without my knowledge. I was only getting the logo screen so I tried to do safe mode and I couldn't get to it. So I tried vol up + power and get this:
#manual mode#
Applying Multi-csc
Applied the csc-code : Xar
E:failed to mount /system (Invalid argument)
Can't mount '/system' (Invalid argument)
What did this person do to my tablet? How can I fix this?
Whenever I enter the recovery it says:
--Updating application...
E: failed to mount /system (Invalid argument)
E: install_application_for_customer: Can't mount /system
Copy application failed.
--Appling Multi-CSC...
E: failed to mount system (Invalid argument)
E: Multi-csc: Can't mount /system
Multi-csc applied failed.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is this a hardware problem, or could this be fixed by using Heimdall/Odin?
booting the phone up hangs at the samsung logo
booting into stock recovery shows
recovery 3e
E:failed to mount /efs (invalid argument)
E:failed to mount /efs (invalid argument)
# Manual Mode #
-- Appling Multi-CSC...
Applied the CSC-code : unknown
Successfully applied multi-CSC.
E:failed to mount /data (invalid argument)
Cant mount '/data' (invalid argument)
E:failed to mount /data (invalid argument)
E:Cant mount /data/log/recovery_log.txt
need to try to repair this without losing any data
Your data is already gone, although you can use ADB to extract the whole data partition then use your pc to do data mining -but don't expect to recover much, if any.
Repair is trial and error, flash stock firmware then factory reset but your motherboard might already be toast.
How I bricked the phone:
*I installed a custom rom for my phone and it's stuck on bootloop.
for some reason I didn't make a back up for my phone.
Thing that I did to try and fix it:
*I tried doing the hard reset it didn't work
*I also tried the smart phone flash tool because I have the stock rom for t06
(Cant post the url for my rom due to xda prevent all new users from posting outside links in their messages)
but the smart phone flash tool didn't work as well, I installed all the drivers required for the process it simply didn't detect my device.
*I tried the fastboot, wipe the device and fastboot the system.img etc, It simply didn't work.
By the way after doing the fastboot my twrp goes back to the normal recovery, So I did installed the TWRP again.
-after that I went to recovery and saw this, it says "Unmodified System Partition"
"Could not mount /data and unable to find crypto footer.
Failed to mount '/data' (invalid argument)
Unable to recreate /data/media folder.
Updating partition details. . .
Failed to mount '/system' (invalid argument)
Failed to mount '/cache' (Invalid argument)
Failed to mount '/data' (invalid argument)
. . .done
Unable to mount storage
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)
Failed to mount '/cache' (Invalid argument)
Full SeLinux support is present
Failed to mount '/cache' (invalid argument)
Failed to mount '/cache' (invalid argument)
Unable to mount /data/media/TWRP/ .twrps
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)
MTP enabled
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)"
I really need some help
I know this is the wrong place but there isn't a forum about the 10.1 2016 so i'm doing it here.
my screen is flickering.
when it is connected to a charger is automatically turns on, then it says installing system update but then it says erasing.
then it goes into recovery mode and says:
failed to open recovery_cause (no such file or directory)#
reboot recovery cause is [UNKNOWN]#
no support SINGLE-SKU
file based OTA
E: failed to mount /efs (invalid argument)
supported API:3
E: failed to mount /efs (invalid argument)
E: failed to mount /persdata (invalid argument)
wiping persdata
formatting /persdata
E: format volume: make ext4 failed on /dev/block/platform/13540000. dwmmc0/by-name/PERSDATA: I/O error
persdata wipe failed.
E: unknown volume for path [/odm]
E: unknown volume for path [/vendor]
E: failed to mount /efs (invalid agument)
dm-verity verification failed
E: failed to mount /cache (invalid agument)
E: failed to mount /cache (invalid agument)
E: failed to mount /system (invalid agument)
E: failed to mount /cache (invalid agument)
E: failed to mount /cache (invalid agument)
E: can't mount /cache/recovery/last_locale
and after 3 seconds it turns off for 1 second and then it does the same thing over and over again
Download your firmware on: https://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/
Download Odin tool to unblock your phone.
good luck
JonasHS said:
Download your firmware on: https://www.sammobile.com/firmwares/
Download Odin tool to unblock your phone.
good luck
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
but on what device do i download it because I cant download it on my tablet
You are need 1 PC and cable.
First download Qualcomm 9008 driver and download Odin and stock firmware.
Select your firmware in Odin and let program fix your tablet.
Ok so turns out i just needed a better charger and needed to charge it somewhere else because after leaving it to charge somewhere else i came back and the white line was gone and the screen wasn't flickering and the recovery menu was there.
Also how do i mark something as solved?
I get this problem in TWRP whenever I try to do almost anything.
Failed to mount '/system_root' (No such device or address) or (Invalid argument)
Failed to mount '/vendor' (No such file or directory) or (Invalid argument)
Failed to mount '/product' (Invalid argument)
Failed to mount '/odm' (Invalid argument)
this is preventing me from wiping the phone or installing a ROM and almost any method i try to fix this, it all comes back to it.
if there is any missing info please tell me.
Latest TWRP/O.F
Curtana https://androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=318219
Toco https://androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=318272
With TWRP/O.f
Wipe/format data type yes/reboot TWRP
If errors red lignes repeat this opération
Reboot Twrp/O.F Everytime