Hey Guys, i wasn't able to find help with this anywhere on the web so hopefully someone here can help. i Just purchased a 97FC Tablet PC from Amazon a few days ago and so far is been an outstanding tablet for the money. The only thing is that i cannot for the life of me figure out how to upgrade my OS from Andriod version 2.3.4 to anything else (preferably to 3 or ICS). The only info i have is below. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Andiod Version: 2.3.4
Base Version: 20.4
Kernel Version: 2.6.36-android
No one knows?
Are you certain there is any upgrades? The developer has to make upgrades unless you root your tablet and install a custom ROM.
If there are any upgrades i cant find any...i cant even find the developers website or anything...its like this tablet is a ghost or brother suggested a Root but i have no idea where to get one or even what one is
Well i found the manufacture name and website the name being Xtreme-Tec and the website beingxtreme-tec.combut there is absolutely no info on upgrades or say that HAVE to have this info on their website?
You need to go to: Menu > Settings > About Phone > System Updates > Update Android
Or something that looks very similar to that.
yeah i went to Settings -> about device there is no system update option anywhere....btw thank you MortenJ i really appreciate you trying to help me out here
No problem.
I did a Google search and the only thing I could find about your tablet was this:
It looks like it comes prerooted, so it shouldn't be that difficult to flash a new ROM.
WOW man your my hero...that's for that link now all i need to do is find the right ROM for it...and how to actually Use Super User and root access
Sadly i dont think theres roms for that device
Sent from my SGH-T989D using XDA
nyamd20 said:
Sadly i dont think theres roms for that device
Sent from my SGH-T989D using XDA
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yeah i downloaded the software (SU and Rom Manager) but i cant find anything that will allow me to change my OS..not to mention when i select the "ClockworkMod Recovery" option in ROM manager i get an error that say "Sorry! Until ClockworkMod Recovery is available, ROM Manager will not work with 97FC!"
So am i basically stuck with the OS i currently have?..i know its already rooted but what's the point if i cant upgrade?
TabletPC97FC said:
So am i basically stuck with the OS i currently have?..i know its already rooted but what's the point if i cant upgrade?
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Well you could try containing the official support and ask them if there are going to be future updates if not then your only hope is flashing a custom rom.
Sent from my Optimus Me using xda premium
nerot said:
Well you could try containing the official support and ask them if there are going to be future updates if not then your only hope is flashing a custom rom.
Sent from my Optimus Me using xda premium
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Yeah they dont exist anymore. I found the website (posted on the 1st page) with an email that doesn't work and a Chinese number (im in the US) so i cant call
not sure where else to post this so wing place oh well just tell me to move it don't get all crazy psychotic on me. is there no love for the lg Genesis? out has no love. doesn't even have a custom gb there anything u can do over factory to thus phone? has anyone even successfully rooted one? anything welcome.
Sent from my Motorola Electrify using XDA
Yes I have rooted. Just so you know, there isn't any updates (froyo 2.2.2) and I haven't found any mods. All apps that require rooting work.
Sent from my USCC-US760 using XDA
wags14 said:
Yes I have rooted. Just so you know, there isn't any updates (froyo 2.2.2) and I haven't found any mods. All apps that require rooting work.
Sent from my USCC-US760 using XDA
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can u pm me your step by step way u rooted that thing and i know there aren't any updates which sucks cuz its a cool device and once i start being able to work on programming abs such i want to be the one to make ics work on this device
Sent from my Motorola Electrify using XDA
lg us760
:crying: ok hard keys to restore its bricked after root and also someone anyone tell me where i can get stock rom ,
starrants12 said:
:crying: ok hard keys to restore its bricked after root and also someone anyone tell me where i can get stock rom ,
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Stock rom, I'm not sure....
As for the hard keys, I'm pretty sure they would be Home+Volume Up+Power
That's if you haven't installed a custom recovery on it
Same Boat...
starrants12 said:
:crying: ok hard keys to restore its bricked after root and also someone anyone tell me where i can get stock rom ,
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I'm exactly where you are. I've been here since Christmas.... The lg recovery tool says its not supported too.
Bricked LG US760
Hello to all. I have a bricked LG Genesis (US760) from US Cellular. Can anyone tell me what steps to take and unbrick this phone. It was given to me and I just want to see if I can do it. Any and all help would surely be appreciated.
There's like no support for that device
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
I have a us760 LG Genesis. I rooted mine using gingerbreak app. Worked great. Very easy. Installed busy box using busybox from market. But you are right there is no support for this phone. No custom recovery that I am aware of. No custom roms. I am running Launcher Pro Plus. I have done a system clean using Diagnosis app from market and it seems to run faster. Elixir2 from market is able to set cpu governers and freeze the US Cellular installed apps. The only problem I have now is the external speaker isn't very loud. Which has been a problem for me on a couple of LG phones. I am currently looking for a fix/mod for the volume. With no luck so far, since there is no custom recovery available. I would try to install the bravia/xloud and see if anything changes, but again, no custom recovery. Any suggestions about this would be helpful.
Sent from my USCC-US760 using xda app-developers app
Hey guys I have a Razr V and I know there is basically no support for it on here but having a look around I managed to install Boot Menu Manager (BMM) recovery on it and it seams to be working fine.
Foolishly I tried to flash a CM10.1 ROM on it that is hardcoded to only work on Safestrap ROM slot 1. I can still access the recovery though and I was wondering if someone can point me to a ROM they may work with this phone (its stuck on ICS kernel and I'm not sure if there is a JB kernel I could flash)
This is good progress for us guys with this phone, I think its available in Canada, China and Australia. Anyway I'm trying to get a custo ROM on here and was wondering if some of you guys might be able to help me out.
Would I be able to flash a JB kernel for the XT910? The phones are very similar, but I don't want to try it if it will certainly brick my phone.
EDIT: at the moment my phone is boot looping on the CM10 screen so it is good news we may be close to getting a custom ROM on here, or maybe I'm just an idiot and have ruined my phone
SUCCESS!!! I managed to boot into D-WIZ 3.01 ROM but I have no software buttons anyone Know a patch for this?
frankfurts said:
SUCCESS!!! I managed to boot into D-WIZ 3.01 ROM but I have no software buttons anyone Know a patch for this?
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try button savior from playstore it may work
Its cool I just had to do an edit in build.prop. waiting on someone with dev experience to create a ROM as In have no idea how to port one over.
Sent from my XT885 using Tapatalk 2
frankfurts said:
Its cool I just had to do an edit in build.prop. waiting on someone with dev experience to create a ROM as In have no idea how to port one over.
Sent from my XT885 using Tapatalk 2
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What were the problems with the rom you installed. Also to port roms you need a base like cm10 otherwise its pointless. Every custom rom not based on stock is cyanogen based. All roms like miui, pac, etc are all based on cyanogen. So if we can get a cyanogen mod built rom to boot on our phone we can then start modifying it get all the broken things to work once we have done that we can then create a devtree then compile our roms from source. Its a bit backwards but way quicker than starting from nothing.
The soft buttons was an easy fix but the other problems where the SD card wouldn't mount properly. (File manager and storage recognised it but the phone said it was damaged) and the camera force closed.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
frankfurts said:
Hey guys I have a Razr V and I know there is basically no support for it on here but having a look around I managed to install Boot Menu Manager (BMM) recovery on it and it seams to be working fine.
Foolishly I tried to flash a CM10.1 ROM on it that is hardcoded to only work on Safestrap ROM slot 1. I can still access the recovery though and I was wondering if someone can point me to a ROM they may work with this phone (its stuck on ICS kernel and I'm not sure if there is a JB kernel I could flash)
This is good progress for us guys with this phone, I think its available in Canada, China and Australia. Anyway I'm trying to get a custo ROM on here and was wondering if some of you guys might be able to help me out.
Would I be able to flash a JB kernel for the XT910? The phones are very similar, but I don't want to try it if it will certainly brick my phone.
EDIT: at the moment my phone is boot looping on the CM10 screen so it is good news we may be close to getting a custom ROM on here, or maybe I'm just an idiot and have ruined my phone
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Hey, I too have a RAZR V, and I live in Canada. For MONTHS I've been waiting for JB, anything higher than 4.0.4, but Motorola is taking their sweet ass time with it.
I'm not very tech savvy, so I was wondering if you could post a tutorial, or a walkthrough of how you flashed CM10 onto your phone?
I can provide any information you might need, please let me know
I managed to get it to boot once but other attempts have been unsuccesfull. I sent RAZR V device info to whirleyes the developer of BMM and hopefully he can improve compatibility.
At the moment the only thing working properly is flashing zips. I've soft bricked my phone several times this week and I'm about to go on vacation for a month so i might try out again when I get back.
In guess the good thing about a locked boot loader is that it is almost impossible to fully brick
At the moment its trial and error sorry, I'm not sure how I got it to boot the first time and also camera and SD card didn't work.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
frankfurts said:
I managed to get it to boot once but other attempts have been unsuccesfull. I sent RAZR V device info to whirleyes the developer of BMM and hopefully he can improve compatibility.
At the moment the only thing working properly is flashing zips. I've soft bricked my phone several times this week and I'm about to go on vacation for a month so i might try out again when I get back.
In guess the good thing about a locked boot loader is that it is almost impossible to fully brick
At the moment its trial and error sorry, I'm not sure how I got it to boot the first time and also camera and SD card didn't work.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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dang nothing to apologize for, you've gotten further than anyone else I've seen. wish Motorola would get it together and upgrade the phone's os. Well please keep this thread updated if you continue to work on the Razr V! Thanks a lot
4.1.2 update rolling..
Guys ,the JElly BEan update for the XT885 in China is rolling out. I have downloaded the update but scared maybe it might brick my phone when i flash it. I want to know how different the Chinesse version is from the Canadian version. Can i just flash the update and change the language settings later on. And also clearly the update file is named in English having the abbreviation "en" in the name of the file. Do you guys feel its safe to flash
I'm not sure but I do know once you go to jb you cant go back. Where did you download it from? Have you got a link?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
frankfurts said:
I'm not sure but I do know once you go to jb you cant go back. Where did you download it from? Have you got a link?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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From the Motorola China website. Just Google for it. I will get you the link when i get back to it
Sent from my XT885 using xda premium
Did anyone try JB on this phone?
Update Readme:
Chinese JB ROM:
In Australia they started rolling out the JB update over a week ago but I'm still yet to receive it
I might just sit tight til I get JB on here then muck around with it again.
Sent from my XT885 using Tapatalk 2
CM10.1 compatibility
Hi everyone,
I was wondering it it's possible to install the Motorola RAZR/RAZR MAXX (GSM) CyanogenMod 10.1 on my Motorola RAZR V X885?
I checked that both devices have the same specs.
The version that I want to try to install is the RC5. I would post the link, but, "ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages". hahaha
Do u think I will get some trouble with this?
rewgoes said:
Hi everyone,
I was wondering it it's possible to install the Motorola RAZR/RAZR MAXX (GSM) CyanogenMod 10.1 on my Motorola RAZR V X885?
I checked that both devices have the same specs.
The version that I want to try to install is the RC5. I would post the link, but, "ALL new users prevented from posting outside links in their messages". hahaha
Do u think I will get some trouble with this?
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I was thinking exactly about doing the same thing, but I'm concern about using a ICS kernel with a JB rom. We should first try to flash a JB kernel. But I'm a bit loss with SafeStrap. Has anyone been able to boot something else in Slot 2+ ? I've tried to copy my existing system over these slot and it doesn't work. But I guess it has something to do with the kExec thing.
You can't do so. Your bootloader only allows you to install the system with the same signature. It won't pass the signature check to boot unless you backup and wipe mmcblk1p16(cid)
I found how to update RAZR V XT885 to Jelly Bean
There's a post in "droidevelopers" that show how to update XT885. Try to look for "14904-how-install-jellybean-4-1-2-your-droid-razr-v-xt885" in the website.
TiGuy82 said:
Did anyone try JB on this phone?
Update Readme:
Chinese JB ROM:
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Please i mistakenly flash jellybean on my Australia Optus Motorola XT885 which was on ICS. Now i cant use my phone if i flash the ICS back. Its just shows the motorola icon on start up and turn off again and again. Please can you show me how to resurrect my phone back?
mariowinax said:
Please i mistakenly flash jellybean on my Australia Optus Motorola XT885 which was on ICS. Now i cant use my phone if i flash the ICS back. Its just shows the motorola icon on start up and turn off again and again. Please can you show me how to resurrect my phone back?
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You can't downgrade from JB to ICS...
Flash JB again.
Sent from my Razr XT910
Hello again all, I just have a few questions about rooting my sprint gn2 before i get started. I have found several instructional guides through xda (thanks to all that post them would be lost without ya!) however i am concerned because i am running the new updated version that some of these methods may cause me some issues. I suppose my question is most of these guides were made quite some time ago, and this update has only been around a few months now, is it safe to follow for example this guide I need to revert back to a prior update somehow? I have searched for a few hours now and there does not seem to be much information on rooting the device after the latest update. Looking forward to running custom roms thanks for the help.
PS if there is anything you think i should know before starting feel free to chime in i will definitely send a thanks your way!
PSS I see that 4.3 locks down the bootloader completely.... this is bull****...... Anyone know whether the phone i get through insurance when i "break" my phone would come loaded with 4.3 as well?
Ryanman1321 said:
Hello again all, I just have a few questions about rooting my sprint gn2 before i get started. I have found several instructional guides through xda (thanks to all that post them would be lost without ya!) however i am concerned because i am running the new updated version that some of these methods may cause me some issues. I suppose my question is most of these guides were made quite some time ago, and this update has only been around a few months now, is it safe to follow for example this guide I need to revert back to a prior update somehow? I have searched for a few hours now and there does not seem to be much information on rooting the device after the latest update. Looking forward to running custom roms thanks for the help.
PS if there is anything you think i should know before starting feel free to chime in i will definitely send a thanks your way!
PSS I see that 4.3 locks down the bootloader completely.... this is bull****...... Anyone know whether the phone i get through insurance when i "break" my phone would come loaded with 4.3 as well?
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You should check the sprint forums and maybe this
Edit: I'm not sure all about kingo so I can't give any suggestions.
Thank you, I had read about kingoroot and am sure that is the route i will be taking (as it is my only choice) however would i still be able to backup using twrp? will i still be able to flash custom roms? these are really the only two things i care for doing.. and running root only apps like titanium backup but that is a given. Thanked for your help btw.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T ChRoMi using Xparent Red Tapatalk 2
Ryanman1321 said:
Thank you, I had read about kingoroot and am sure that is the route i will be taking (as it is my only choice) however would i still be able to backup using twrp? will i still be able to flash custom roms? these are really the only two things i care for doing.. and running root only apps like titanium backup but that is a given. Thanked for your help btw.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T ChRoMi using Xparent Red Tapatalk 2
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That I'm not sure. You would no longer have unlocked bootloader and I always thought the two ways to have custom recovery were if bootloader was unlocked or via a safestrap method. You would have root so I'd check and see if recoveries exist for sprint note ii after this root method of 4.3
I believe you would be unable to flash a new rom/kernel as they require a custom recovery to do so, and with out a unlocked boot loader you wouldn't be able to get a custom recovery.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
MunkinDrunky said:
You should check the sprint forums and maybe this
Edit: I'm not sure all about kingo so I can't give any suggestions.
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+1... go to the Sprint forum for the best answer. Each carrier's version on the phone is slightly different.
trollishtrucker said:
I believe you would be unable to flash a new rom/kernel as they require a custom recovery to do so, and with out a unlocked boot loader you wouldn't be able to get a custom recovery.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using xda app-developers app
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I quote what somebody said: "u will not be able to change bootloader but will be able change ROMs just fine)
Smack that thanks button if I helped!
Note 2 LTE powered by Illusion ROM and Plasma Kernel.
Sent from dat small country called Singapore.
P.S. replies with quotes will be replied to faster.
Free your mind, screw the carrier updates, they're so show. Root, and update your phone when you want to! I'm running 4.4.2, and loving it!
Big Mike's Lil R2D2 running CM KitKat/Devil
I need a stock recovery for Metro PCS Samsung Galaxy S3 (SGH-T999N)
Please I installed clockworkmod recovery onto my phone and didn't realize It wasn't going to be easy to remove it im trying to revert back so I can receive ota updates on my phone. Next month I heard talk about samsung releasing the kit kat update 4.4 to this phone correct me if im wrong. But if that's the case I would love to revert back so I can receive it inless you know of other ways of getting it other than installing custom roms....witch im not comfortable doing....I already messed up my phone in the process of rooting doing the ad block app....which then when I uninstalled it. I couldn't connect to the google I had to go back and edit the host file and got it working finally but now I just want to remove this recovery I mean it seemed like a good idea at the start and I know a lot of people say it's amazing which indeed it is but I want to update my rom I know people say do complete wipe and install the stock rom and that should remove it but I'm iffy on the subject because I don't want to brick my device if it doesn't agree with something. I'm not all that new to rooting I had a coolpad quattro which I rooted in the past **** phone btw don't ever buy it. As well as my first galaxy 1 from verizon and a galaxy aspire. but im having problems trying to understand and avoid bricking my device because I haven't even finished paying it off and it's 400 dollar device plus interest.....:crying::crying:
I just wanted to root not get clockworkmod recovery.....dammit fml....
Guess nobody wants to help?
Sent from my SGH-T999N using xda app-developers app
Please help?
Sent from my SGH-T999N using xda app-developers app
You can pull the stock recovery from the this factory firmware.
EDIT: Here is the link to just the stock recovery image itself...
Just delete the .MD5 extension to unzip the tar file. Not sure why that is
The above firmware would have been about a 1gig download... doh!
So this should work? How much of a guarantee that this will? I don't wanna mess up do any professional help would be awesome. I hear this is a great community but I just want reassure like since I've been rooted and done stuff will that soft brick or hard brick my device? 2i appreciate the help I'm just scared and can't afford this so called jig.
Sent from my SGH-T999N using xda app-developers app
You sound really stressed but it also sounds like you've done nothing but post here for answers.
YouTube my friend.
Also... could wait and download a bloat free version on XDA.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
I'm a bit stressed not but not really concerned as far as things go the phone runs fine. As far as YouTube goes I can't find anything about this phone its relatively new from metro but I know the 4.4 update comes out next month. And as I've seen it's better correct me if I'm wrong. But if nobody can help me I'll stick with what I have. It's just mind racking because I know so much about computers and it's easy to fix a pc as far as these phones go they are like a computer or not all that new to Linux but this a lot different.
Sent from my SGH-T999N using xda app-developers app
Download stock firmware from Sammobile and open archive using 7zip or something else......There u will find a file recovery.img,compress it to .tar format and flash it using Odin.....Thats it
Thank me if I helped :angel: