SORRY, am no more active on this Topic cause Device does no more exist.
Please use at your own Risk. But don't expect answers any more.
Weather icon showing Temperature and Weathercondition at selectable iFonz-Icon plus 5 Day forecast, new weathericons
(Only iFonz 1.1.2 not iFonz 2 by now)
the Mortscript, I've done (based on Infos of this thread), is a plugin that replaces an IFonz icon by a weathericon(showing actual weather) and shows temerature as Icon name. In the new version, pressing the weathericon will now show a five day forecast(see screenshots at the end of post). I hope, you'll like it.
The ifonzWeather.ZIP now contains two Mortscripts iFonzWeather.mscr (sceduled download of weatherdata and refresh iFonzscreen) and the new iFonzForecast.mscr(when started expand from 1 to 5 weathericons for 5 day forecast and restore original icons when started again.)
What is new/has changed:
Removed Bug wrong Icon is shown, when online source for weatherdata is available, but Page says no actual data available(weathercode 3200, not 0, not na)
The script can now autoconnect to gsm if no dataconnection is available and if wanted!
Added iFonzForecast.mscr to be started by weathericon. This will give you 5day Forecast, shown as iFonzIcons.
What do you need/have to do:
iFonz 1.1.2(Works with older versions too, but I got reports, that with V0.99 is waits with iconupdate till newstart of iFonz.)
Download and install the
Download my Mortscripts (see end of post)
S2U2 has Weathericons included, but you can also download the ones i've created of them(complete set but not perfect). Better use blueaxe's icons(see end of post)
Modify scripts with texteditor to fit your needs(at least change your location/descriped further down).
Start it manually by doubleclicking on script to start or put a lnk to windows\autostart(startup)\
What does the script(iFonzWeather.mscr) do:
It downloads the actual weathercondition and the forecast for five days, of a place you select, from and saves them. It uses the internetconnection available(I've testet via wlan and activesync)
It canges the iFonz icon (you can select in the script) to show the picture of the actual weatherconditions.
it changes iconname shown, to a combination of actual temp and forecast(highes and lowest temp).
It lets you open the 5day forecast if selected or altenatively sets the icon, to start the Browser, you've chosen in the mortscript, and opens the yahoo page showing further weatherinformation to your selectet place. You can also disable this if you like to start an other app.
It will retry to get weater every hour(but you can change the timeintervall to any time in mortscript).
If connection is not available, it will try to use saved weatherdata for showing actual day and the forecast.
Needed changes in script(iFonzWeather.mscr) Simply change with texteditor
The mortscript should work without any changes on english devices. It is by default set, to use the weatherpictures of s2U2, if S2U2 is installed in "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\". Pressing the Icon will start iFonzForecast.mscr(change icons to show 5 day forecast). It will change the 4th Icon on the first page to be the main weathericonon the first page(can be changed)
Here you see the settings you can change in an texteditor
# your location (see on finding your location)
# desired units for temp, f or c
# Set GSMConnection to your internetconnection("The Internet","Internet","My ISP"..see settings/connections ...)
# If you only want to use available connections set GSMConnection=""
GSMConnection="The Internet"
# how often to try and get the weather
delayHours = 1
delayMinutes = 0
# iFonz variables to change
# -------------------------
# iFonzPixPath(path to icons): to use s2u2 icons set "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\"
iFonzPixPath = "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\"
# iFonzWNA(WeatherPic if not available: to use s2u2icons set "0" else "na"
iFonzWNA = "0"
# Want iFonz to open Yahooweather for your destination, when icon pressed ? set iFonzOpenYahoo=2
# Want iFonz to show Weatherforecast with Icons ? set iFonzOpenYahoo=2
iFonzBrowser = "\windows\iexplore.exe"
# Choose Icon to change
# iFonzBottomIcon(True = BottonIcon/False = NormalIcon)
# ifonzIconNumber(0..X)
# ifonzPageNumber(1..X)not needed if bottomicon
iFonzBottomIcon = false
ifonzIconNumber = 3
ifonzPageNumber = 1
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Set location to your locationcode.For finding your locationcode, enter and click trough the countries and the cities untill you find your place.
Then you'll see your needed location in the adressfield of your browser.
You want fahrenheit, not centigrade? Change units from c to f
You dont want the script to autoconnect to gsm? SetGSMConnection=""
You want to reload data in shorter or longer Timeintervalls? Change delayHours = 1 and delayMinutes = 0 to your needs
You want other Pix? Change iFonzPixPath to the folder containing the pictures. The mortscript uses 0.png up to 47.png and nb.png for weather not available. So check if NA-Picture is called 0.png or NA.png and eventually change iFonzWNA from "0" from to "na"
Choose pressing Weathericon, (2)to open 5day-forecast inside iFonz(offline), (1) to open online Webpage with further data or (0) select any app to open, manually in iFonz iconsettings, by setting iFonzOpenYahoo =2, 1 or 0
You want iFonz to start an other browser(please Internetexplorer is a shame), for showing further weather information ? Set iFonzBrowser to an other browser.
You want an other Icon to be changed? Set iFonzBottomIcon = True (0..X), if you want to change an icon in bottombar, set if false if you want to change a normal icon. ifonzIconNumber is the positionnumber of the icon counted from left to right,up to down.First Icon has Nr 0. For the bottomicons start counting with the first buttombaricon. Set ifonzPageNumber(1..X) to the page the icon should be(not nescessairy for BottomIcons
What does the script(iFonzForecastdo.mscr) do:
It changes 4 selectable Icons to show Forecast for day 2, 3, 4 and 5(Day 1 is shown by ifonzWeather.mscr). It saves the original Icons with all data, and restores them when script is started again. By setting iFonzOpenYahoo=2 in iFonzweather.mscr it will be started by pressing the Mainicon or any of the other forecasticons
What you can change (works without changes)in script(iFonzForecast.mscr) :
# iFonz variables to change
# -------------------------
# iFonzPixPath(path to icons): to use s2u2 icons set "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\"
iFonzPixPath = "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\"
# iFonzWNA(WeatherPic if not available: to use s2u2icons set "0" else "na"
iFonzWNA = "0"
# Choose first Icon to use out of four to show forecast
# iFonzBottomIcon(True = BottonIcon/False = NormalIcon)
# ifonzIconNumber(0..X)
# ifonzPageNumber(1..X)not needed if bottomicon
iFonzBottomIcon = false
ifonzIconNumber = 4
ifonzPageNumber = 1
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
iFonzPixPath and iFonzWNA should get the same values as in iFonzWeather.mscr.
Selecting the first of the 4 replaced icons, works like in FonzWeather.mscr. The values should not be the same like in iFonzWeather.mscr because you would otherwise only see Day 2-5, because you replaced the Mainweathericon, showing actual day.
Click here to see bluemetalaxe's new realizelook weathericons. Find Icons in higher resolution and diffrent optics. These Icons are the base for the Set posted below. TNX bluemetalaxe
To use this Icons set iFonzWNA = "0"
So, this was a long Post. Sounds difficult, but is indeed quite easy. I hope you like it.
Any feedback by now ??? Wishes ??? Problems ??? Questions ??? Chage requests ???
Thanks Sid-Shrunk, it was the missed part on iFonz
Excellent work, i played arround a little bit with some weather Icons, if anyone likes that how about this with Day and Night Background (just a really first test in 96x96, on the fake screenshot in 52x52):
Hi bluemetalaxe,
bluemetalaxe said:
i played arround a little bit with some weather Icons, if anyone likes that how about this with Day and Night Background
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Click to collapse
the preview icons look realy good. Especially playing with night and day should be interesting.
By the way, if you plan to do more pix, do you already have a table with the conditions belonging to the weathercodes?
yes, i think the codes/numbers are correct you see 36,39 and 33 from left to right, but please check it.
EDIT: Okay i checked it with your Icons, seems its okay. The other question is the size, i prefer 52 but i think the most like to use 48 Pixel for qvga. For the weather graphics itself i use Rumball`s Set (or the Set Rumball uses for manila weather panel, who knows ?), but i think i PM him first before doing this.
I did not mean thy are wrong, I just thought you could be interested in the link to YahooWeather that shows the exact description of condition to a code.
There you can see the exact diffrences between a bit/normal/heavy rain ....
For the pictures I've done I've just changed the icons coming with S2U2, and compared the missing icons with other available sets.
I forgot: For the size I think it would be best if it fits to the rest of your iconset, but that's you descision. I use 48, but I use a frame for every icon I use, so I had to modify anyway.
it`s okay the yahoo description and the graphics are right: 41 (heavy snow) and 37: So i think i will post a set for your application on the next few days on my icons thread.. (Just thinking about a cleaner background like on the second icon). Thanks for this app man !
Sounds great man, I like the smooth look of you new iconset.
The backgroundproblem in iFonz with transparency, is the Reason, why I modified all my icons with a metalic border So I can use any background now.
bluemetalaxe said:
Excellent work, i played arround a little bit with some weather Icons, if anyone likes that how about this with Day and Night Background (just a really first test in 96x96, on the fake screenshot in 52x52):
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Click to collapse
These are really nice icons and they go nicely with your realize icons which i use, i like that and i am interested
thank you claus
@sid: yes bmps and transparency, always a Problem on ppcs, i for myself went back to a black background, now my Icons look smooth. okay i post here again when the set is ready with a link (weekend)
Weather icons look up to your usual high standard. Would love a set in VGA. Is this possible?
blue those weather icons would be sweet.
icons, also in vga will come.
@Sid: i can't get this to run. installed mortscript, modified your file but i get allways no data (also not with Rosenheim) It just shows the correct s2u2 icon(NA) ?
i set the update now to 2 minutes but it seems it doesen't connect to internet at all.
Hey i would use this as it looks great, but sadly, ifonz is too slow for me on my diamond, too jumpy, and the settings screen is jerky and slow. Its just not a pleasant experiance using ifonz.
Of course, i cannot "do better" so, just my own opinion.
okay ifonz setting screen is slow as hell, but who cares, its just for the Settings.
But i don`t think that ifonz is slow, ecspecially the new Version is really fast, and i´m using just a Polaris.
You should wait about one Minute when starting ifionz the first time then it runnes really smooth.
Anyway, my weathericons for SIDs App are ready (96 Pixel VGA PNGs). Now i must do ifonz icons out of this.
i made four different backgounds (Day, Day-snow,Night, Night-Snow)
Hi bluemetalaxe
bluemetalaxe said:
icons, also in vga will come.
@Sid: i can't get this to run. installed mortscript, modified your file but i get allways no data (also not with Rosenheim) It just shows the correct s2u2 icon(NA) ?
i set the update now to 2 minutes but it seems it doesen't connect to internet at all.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry I answer so late,
I will look for your problem when im Home this afternon. Also I will post a small description of the errormanagement of the script.
launching app
Hi! this is a great application, it is all I missed on iFonz. It would be great if one could launch the weather panel by bluemetalaxe ( I am a newbie and I dunno how to do it. Any suggestions?
PS: BTW the weather icons do not update if you have a non-English device and you put them in a non-root directory. I tried with S2U2 icons and WEATHERpix putting them on \Archivos de programa\ and didn't work, putting them on \WEATHERpix fixed things.
Errorhandling of iFonzWeather
This is a short info about errormanagement of IFonzweather.
When started it checks, if internetconnection is available(Tries if can be reached). If not available it waits 10 seconds and tries again(if connection is available, but breaking while trying to download, it will resart after the setup time).
1. Possibility(Everythig works):
-> Correct actual weathericon will be shown, Temperatures will be shown like "9°(12°/7°)" and forecast will be saved in registry for 5 Days (HKCU\Software\Sid-Shrunk\Weather\...).
2. Possibility(Data is downloaded but theres an error in the Data)...
2a. ...and there is a forecast saved in registry for actual Day:
-> Icon will be changed to Icon of saved forcast for actual day. Temp will be shown like "Err(12°/7°)" (Error but forecast available).
2b. ...and there is no forecast saved in registry for actual Day:
-> Icon NA will be shown. Temp will be shown like "DataErr"(Error and forecast not available).
3 Possibility(Connection could not be established) ...
2a. ...and here is a forecast saved in registry for actual Day:
-> Icon will be changed to Icon of saved forcast for actual day. Temp will be shown like "N/A(12°/7°)" (no Connection but forecast available).
2b. ...and here is no forecast saved in registry for actual Day:
-> Icon NA will be shown. Temp will be shown like "NoData"(Error and forecast not available).
As I've no dataflatrate, I've deactivated dataconnection via Provider and only use wlan or connection via activesync.
This tool uses available connections, so I think it may not connect to your provider on it's own. But it should use the connection if you've activated it(I've not checked this). May be some of you could post your experiences with this.
@bluemetalaxe: Does it work by now ? If not, what connections have you tried, what language does your device use? If not perhaps you could send me a copy of your modified mort.
PS: The pic look fantastic
MartCronos said:
PS: BTW the weather icons do not update if you have a non-English device and you put them in a non-root directory. I tried with S2U2 icons and WEATHERpix putting them on \Archivos de programa\ and didn't work, putting them on \WEATHERpix fixed things.
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Click to collapse
Hi MartCronos,
I use an non english device too, and it works for me. Have you changed iFonzPixPath = "\program files\s2u2\gfx\weather\" to the correct and full path ?
for me it was iFonzPixPath = "\programme\s2u2\gfx\weather\"
for you it should be iFonzPixPath = "\Archivos de programa\s2u2\gfx\weather\" (if this is how programs folder is called on your device)
Hi fellow devs of XDA !
On Aug 13 2012, Tungstwenty introduced a new awesome feature to android kernel, that empower our touch devices to a new level, the ability to respond to multitouch gestures:
[Ref][Kernel]Triggering actions with touch gestures
As Far as I Know, The feature is implemented in the following kernels:
Samsung Galaxy SII - I9100
Siyah // Siyah Mali v2
Samsung Galaxy SIII - I9300
Now let me introduce to you Kernel Gestures Builder, the tool that allows you to define the gesture pattern in a user friendly fashion:
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Install (for free):
Link to Google Play (The Place Formerly Known as Store)
If you have DorimanX kernel you config is in /data/
If you don't have current config the script will be installed in /etc/init.d/S50GestureActions
Backup current script config, will be overwritten
Launch Kernel Gesture Builder App
Select Menu/Reset Gestures
Select Menu/Reset Actions
(optional) Select Menu / Settings / Grid Columns and Grid Rows (default 3 columns and 5 rows)
Draw Gesture with as many fingers as you like (maximum supported by kernel is 5)
When last finger leaves the screen, gesture definition is copied to clipboard and local file is saved
Configure Actions by selecting Launch Application or Set Action
If Desired, select Test Action to execute defined action
Open gesture definition script with editor and paste gesture OR
Configure Actions in /data/data/*.sh
and Select Install Gestures to REPLACE without backup current or S50GestureActions and new directory /data/gestures (do not edit anything here, will be overwrite on each Install Gesture action)
Select Menu/Select Gesture to edit another gesture and repeat the process from
Draw Gesture for each desired gesture
Select Menu/Install Gestures, if you have DorimanX kernel with Gestures enabled, turn off screen and turn it on again to activate new gestures. If you have another kernel reboot to apply changes.
Thanks To:
Tungstwenty , gokhanmoral, DorimanX , Robert Green , Gustavo_s
This list is not complete please inform me anyone that contributed and have credits
License (Open Source, feel free to contribute and giving proper credit if you use it):
GPL Version 3
APK Archive:
Version 1.15 [Nov 02 2013]
Support for Android 4.4 KitKat
Version 1.14.1 [Jun 11 2013]
Bug Fix: FC on start
Version 1.14 [Jun 06 2013]
Select Gesture from Main Menu
Version 1.13 [May 03 2013]
Version 1.12 [Apr 26 2013]
Set Action to gesture
Test Action
Version 1.11 [Apr 19 2013]
German, French & Spanish Translations
Browse for Applications to Launch on Gesture
Version 1.10 [Apr 8 2013]
Google Analytics for better support and future development
Version 1.9.1 [Mar 12 2013]
Add support for new Superuser
Version 1.8.1 [Jan 7 2013]
Resolved bug in gesture install script
Version 1.8 [Dec 26 2012]
Display actions for current gesture
Force Portrait Mode
Default gestures for 1280x720 devices
Install Script in /system/etc/init.d if no /data/
Version 1.7 [Nov 30 2012]
Draw actual path of traversal of every finger with different color and alpha blending [Debadatta]
Read and Write to Scripts [It_ler]
Parse gestures from config
Version 1.6 [Nov 23 2012]
Install new Actions and Gestures config in /data/gestures (overwrites current script!)
Changed max fingers to 5 (kernel limit)
Version 1.5 [Nov 15 2012]
Allow changing of Gesture Number (1-30) from Settings
Version 1.4 [Nov 11 2012]
Copy Gesture to Clipboard
Version 1.3
Display Gesture Number fixed
Version 1.2
Display Intercepted Hotspot
Version 1.1
Detect Hotspot
Known Bugs:
Bad finger numbering if finger not lifted in inverse order
Any Bug that you report
Animate the spots of an existing gesture to view on screen what trace you must do with fingers [Mario1968]
Custom name for gestures [Mario1968]
Always show current gesture anim, gesture number, gesture name on screen [Mario1968]
Any Feature that you request
If you like my work please buy me a beer
Reserved I
Reserved I
Reserved II
Reserved II
Great, will try
Hay buddy, tnx for kg tool. Wanna trying these. Report u later.
sorry for my bad english.
Just my thoughts:
Have you thought about a collaboration with Tungstwenty to combine / integrate your gesture building app into his multi touch gesture kernel feature?
Ok, copy & paste the gesture definition into a script is not that difficult, but if you could define the gesture and assign it directly to a script/action (without manual copy & paste), that would be even easier and more (end-)user friendly.
I have something similar to tasker app in mind, but with your gesture (builder) as the trigger.
Good idea anyway !
That's is Awesome!
Thanks allot!
beer on me
Confirmation number: 2WN54160CY969421P.
Now that is really cool thnx for this!!!
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
Sounds great! I'll try it right now.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
dorimanx said:
That's is Awesome!
Thanks allot!
beer on me
Confirmation number: 2WN54160CY969421P.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're my hero!
Thank you very much for your support and everything you're doing for the community!
Sent from my GT-I9100 Powered by Dorimanx kernel and AOKP unicorn
It_ler said:
Just my thoughts:
Have you thought about a collaboration with Tungstwenty to combine / integrate your gesture building app into his multi touch gesture kernel feature?
Ok, copy & paste the gesture definition into a script is not that difficult, but if you could define the gesture and assign it directly to a script/action (without manual copy & paste), that would be even easier and more (end-)user friendly.
I have something similar to tasker app in mind, but with your gesture (builder) as the trigger.
Good idea anyway !
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, the objective of this app is to be able to parse, edit, and generate Tungstwenty rc.d script (or DorimanX equivalent)
If you find anything else please ask and will be included in TODO
Sent from my GT-I9100 Powered by Dorimanx kernel and AOKP unicorn
Flint2 said:
Yes, the objective of this app is to be able to parse, edit, and generate Tungstwenty rc.d script (or DorimanX equivalent)
If you find anything else please ask and will be included in TODO
Sent from my GT-I9100 Powered by Dorimanx kernel and AOKP unicorn
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Click to collapse
How about drawing the actual path of traversal of the finger? Would be helpful for some people. After the hand is lifted off, you can show an animation to replay how the finger was moved i.e. how the gesture actually will be. Then ask for a confirmation and copy to clipboard or merge with S50GestureActions like lt_ler said. Plus, you might want to ask gesture number before generating the definition. The def is always assuming 1. Yes, some people actually will have problems with changed a 1 to their desired number I know after being so long on XDA.
Also, when merged with S50GestureActions, create a check to check if a requested gesture already contains a predefined gesture. This is because, even if this gesture is defined, the predefined gesture will execute halfway between the requested gesture. I know, "Duh!", but this app makes defining gestures so damn easy, you'll have a noob attack here. So, its essential for this to be noob proof.
P.S. the drawable lines should have some percentage of transparency to avoid confusion when they overlap.
Debadatta said:
How about drawing the actual path of traversal of the finger? Would be helpful for some people. After the hand is lifted off, you can show an animation to replay how the finger was moved i.e. how the gesture actually will be. Then ask for a confirmation and copy to clipboard or merge with S50GestureActions like lt_ler said. Plus, you might want to ask gesture number before generating the definition. The def is always assuming 1. Yes, some people actually will have problems with changed a 1 to their desired number I know after being so long on XDA.
Also, when merged with S50GestureActions, create a check to check if a requested gesture already contains a predefined gesture. This is because, even if this gesture is defined, the predefined gesture will execute halfway between the requested gesture. I know, "Duh!", but this app makes defining gestures so damn easy, you'll have a noob attack here. So, its essential for this to be noob proof.
P.S. the drawable lines should have some percentage of transparency to avoid confusion when they overlap.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Added lt_ler and Debadatta request to TODO section
Great initiative Flint!
This will be really useful for wider adoption of this "oh so scary" script-only feature
Here are some comments from me on your current Todo list:
Generate the scripts
Since there's at least 3 ways of launching the scripts (I wasn't aware of all these ), I'd suggest deciding a well-known place for storing per-gesture files for configuration (finger positions) and for actions (execution when detected) which would then be called by the main script(s).
# Toggle "outdoor" mode
if [ `cat /sys/class/lcd/panel/user_gamma_adjust` != "50" ]; then
echo "50" > /sys/class/lcd/panel/user_gamma_adjust
echo 1 > sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/outdoor
echo "0" > /sys/class/lcd/panel/user_gamma_adjust
echo 0 > sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/outdoor
Each of the wrapper script implementations would then:
- cat the *.config files all at once to the gesture_definitions file (it currently doesn't support incremental configuration, each write clears all the previous definition)
- loop waiting for a detected gesture and when each of those is detected launch the corresponding if it exists
This allows the definition and detection logic to keep working, and at the same time allow a frontend app such as this one to granularly parse and store each gesture's individual definition and action.
Additionally, the main script(s) can then be fixed and all the logic of maximum gestures, etc. depend only on whatever files exist on /etc/gestures/ or whatever. The app can ignore that part, especially taking into consideration that there are different approaches.
On a side note, I still am not sure about DorimanX's approach of stopping the loop while the screen is off, as the overhead afaik is nearly none (is memory relevant?). Also, I'm thinking of allow the configuration of whether you'd like gestures while screen is off or not; now that Siyah includes s2w it's merely an extra check and the associate configuration parameter for STweaks.
Review gesture paths
I also think this would be useful, not only for viewing but also "tuning".
Actual situation: if I want to draw e.g. a diagonal from top-left to bottom-right, it will pick up some of the rectangles in the middle depending on how much I deviate from the ideal diagonal.
Ideally, once a gesture is finished one would see all the touched rectangles - probably a small circle in the middle - and allow the removal of some of them as in the situation of the diagonal where the intermediate steps should be removed.
There are of course some challenges, like crossing paths or even the same finger that repeats the same path multiple times. Personally, the gesture I use to kill the current app is: 1 finger on the middle-left, another one goes from top-right to bottom-right and back, 3 times in a row.
In this topic I see several things:
- launching an app (which could allow you to browse for an app, or even better, configure a shortcut which can be a direct dial, compose message to, etc.)
- all the other advanced stuff that can be done by "am start ...", "service call ...", etc.
For this second group of items, perhaps a list of well-known things could be added gradually to the app, and still allow a fallback of directly editing the script's text for those things the user would like to add himself.
Gestures Configuration
Tungstwenty said:
Great initiative Flint!
This will be really useful for wider adoption of this "oh so scary" script-only feature
Here are some comments from me on your current Todo list:
Generate the scripts
Since there's at least 3 ways of launching the scripts (I wasn't aware of all these ), I'd suggest deciding a well-known place for storing per-gesture files for configuration (finger positions) and for actions (execution when detected) which would then be called by the main script(s).
# Toggle "outdoor" mode
if [ `cat /sys/class/lcd/panel/user_gamma_adjust` != "50" ]; then
echo "50" > /sys/class/lcd/panel/user_gamma_adjust
echo 1 > sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/outdoor
echo "0" > /sys/class/lcd/panel/user_gamma_adjust
echo 0 > sys/class/mdnie/mdnie/outdoor
Each of the wrapper script implementations would then:
- cat the *.config files all at once to the gesture_definitions file (it currently doesn't support incremental configuration, each write clears all the previous definition)
- loop waiting for a detected gesture and when each of those is detected launch the corresponding if it exists
This allows the definition and detection logic to keep working, and at the same time allow a frontend app such as this one to granularly parse and store each gesture's individual definition and action.
Additionally, the main script(s) can then be fixed and all the logic of maximum gestures, etc. depend only on whatever files exist on /etc/gestures/ or whatever. The app can ignore that part, especially taking into consideration that there are different approaches.
On a side note, I still am not sure about DorimanX's approach of stopping the loop while the screen is off, as the overhead afaik is nearly none (is memory relevant?). Also, I'm thinking of allow the configuration of whether you'd like gestures while screen is off or not; now that Siyah includes s2w it's merely an extra check and the associate configuration parameter for STweaks.
Review gesture paths
I also think this would be useful, not only for viewing but also "tuning".
Actual situation: if I want to draw e.g. a diagonal from top-left to bottom-right, it will pick up some of the rectangles in the middle depending on how much I deviate from the ideal diagonal.
Ideally, once a gesture is finished one would see all the touched rectangles - probably a small circle in the middle - and allow the removal of some of them as in the situation of the diagonal where the intermediate steps should be removed.
There are of course some challenges, like crossing paths or even the same finger that repeats the same path multiple times. Personally, the gesture I use to kill the current app is: 1 finger on the middle-left, another one goes from top-right to bottom-right and back, 3 times in a row.
In this topic I see several things:
- launching an app (which could allow you to browse for an app, or even better, configure a shortcut which can be a direct dial, compose message to, etc.)
- all the other advanced stuff that can be done by "am start ...", "service call ...", etc.
For this second group of items, perhaps a list of well-known things could be added gradually to the app, and still allow a fallback of directly editing the script's text for those things the user would like to add himself.
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Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions!!
Generate the scripts
I can support many configurations, i'm aware of:
- Yours original (/system/etc/init.d/S50GestureActions) , will need root for remount system and modify file
- DorimanX (/data/, no need to be root, only adequate permissions on file
I'm not aware of 3th method that you mentioned.
Do you know other devices besides S2 and S3 or kernels apart from Siyah and DorimanX that have your feature implemented?
If you want to split the config and actions in an alternate setup, I will support it to, these are my suggestions:
- Please keep the writeable config in /data , so no remount and root is needed
- Keep in mind the overhead of forking one more process on each gesture (modular overhead vs. current monolithic approach)
I think DorimanX intention is to keep the script always working
dorimanx said:
Kernel 7.17 ICS-JB-MALI Uploaded. (BUG FIX) and STABLE.
*Thanks to GM for guide, now cortex + cron + gestures will never be killed from RAM. so stability restored to 100% no more stuck CPU on low/high freq.
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May be later I will ask by PM or drop a question in his thread.
Review gesture paths
- My idea is to paint every hotspot with finger color and display the sequence number in the path inside it
- Even if i will include parsing and displaying current gestures, for now I think is easy to redo the gesture than to edit or trim it (I can change my mind later on this subject)
- There is no need to keep your second or third finger in the screen all the time, you can just touch on the first point of you imaginary line, lift the finger, and touch on the end of the imaginary line, repeating this start and end points as many times as you like
As long as you keep one finger in the screen, you're still constructing the paths
When you lift last finger, gesture definition is copied to clipoard
So you can define the '5 point ROM exploding thechnique' that reboots in recovery (borrowed from Kill Bill movie)
That's exactly what I have in mind, having a set of standard, browsable Androind intents, a set of predefined am , service, cat to config, etc, and a set of custom actions
Changing manually the script should be last resort for advanced users.
I like the idea of maintaining all the configs in scripts, and daemon also in script.
The idea of building a standalone service to replace it has come to my mind but i dislike it.
So far 100+ installs and no FC or bugs reports
I appreciate all the feedback from devs and users!
Version 1.5 On Google Play
Version 1.5 On Google Play
Version 1.5 [Nov 15 2012]
Allow changing of Gesture Number (1-30) from Settings
Should be updated in a few hours.
Flint2 said:
Generate the scripts
I can support many configurations, i'm aware of:
- Yours original (/system/etc/init.d/S50GestureActions) , will need root for remount system and modify file
- DorimanX (/data/, no need to be root, only adequate permissions on file
I'm not aware of 3th method that you mentioned.
Do you know other devices besides S2 and S3 or kernels apart from Siyah and DorimanX that have your feature implemented?
If you want to split the config and actions in an alternate setup, I will support it to, these are my suggestions:
- Please keep the writeable config in /data , so no remount and root is needed
- Keep in mind the overhead of forking one more process on each gesture (modular overhead vs. current monolithic approach)
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Good idea about having the definitions in scripts under /data rather than /system (/etc) so it doesn't require a remount when changing definitions only.
The "bootstrap" main script can be anywhere (even in /data, as long as it's triggered somehow) and the individual files can be in /data/gestures/ or whatever.
Your app should be able to change that, but on the other hand it can't be world-writable since it will be running as root. If anyone can write the definitions, it can hijack control of the phone.
Therefore, it might not be that easy to make it so that your app doesn't require root and still prevent other apps from controlling this sensitive configs.
The main script can be as simple as this:
# Load all gesture definitions, removing comments to reduce the total size
cat $GESTURES_PATH/gesture-*.config | sed -e 's/#.*$//' > /sys/devices/virtual/misc/touch_gestures/gesture_patterns
# Start loop listening for triggered gestures
( while [ 1 ]
GESTURE=`cat /sys/devices/virtual/misc/touch_gestures/wait_for_gesture`
# Launch the action script if it exists, not spawning a separate process
if [ -f $GESTURE_SCRIPT ]; then
done ) > /dev/null 2>&1 &
That's it, a universal "bootstrap" script.
It can be installed once on /etc/init.d/S50GestureActions, on /data/, or whatever. As long as the bootstrap script is executed somehow, everything else can be handled by your app by editing the config and sh files under the decided $GESTURES_PATH.
As for which kernels do implement the gestures, I don't have a clue. It's easy enough to cherry-pick the code to any kernel, even to other devices, so perhaps the best way for you to check for support within the app would be to check if /sys/devices/virtual/misc/touch_gestures/ exists. If it does, probably it will work regardless of the kernel. The max gestures might not be 30, just to give an example, but the mechanism is there for sure.
Flint2 said:
Review gesture paths
- My idea is to paint every hotspot with finger color and display the sequence number in the path inside it
- Even if i will include parsing and displaying current gestures, for now I think is easy to redo the gesture than to edit or trim it (I can change my mind later on this subject)
- There is no need to keep your second or third finger in the screen all the time, you can just touch on the first point of you imaginary line, lift the finger, and touch on the end of the imaginary line, repeating this start and end points as many times as you like
As long as you keep one finger in the screen, you're still constructing the paths
When you lift last finger, gesture definition is copied to clipoard
So you can define the '5 point ROM exploding thechnique' that reboots in recovery (borrowed from Kill Bill movie)
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I know, that's exactly the same logic I implemented in the detection code. As long as at least one of the fingers is down, it will still be tracking.
I meant the visual clarity of the path. If a single finger goes through the same hotspot multiple times, as in the example I stated, it might be a bit challenging to draw the hole path at once and still be able to understand it visually I guess it will take some prototyping to see how it works out.
Flint2 said:
That's exactly what I have in mind, having a set of standard, browsable Androind intents, a set of predefined am , service, cat to config, etc, and a set of custom actions
Changing manually the script should be last resort for advanced users.
I like the idea of maintaining all the configs in scripts, and daemon also in script.
The idea of building a standalone service to replace it has come to my mind but i dislike it.
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If the bootstrap script + individual files per gestures idea that I presented before does work (if I'm not forgetting any important detail), then a service is not needed at all.
In fact, for the runtime part (the loop detecting gestures and launching actions), it should absolutely be independent of java apps and be solely script-based. Otherwise it will be subject to app lifecycle (stopping app of service depending on available mem), responsiveness of the task scheduler, etc.
Flint2 said:
Thank you very much for your feedback and suggestions!!
Generate the scripts
I can support many configurations, i'm aware of:
- Yours original (/system/etc/init.d/S50GestureActions) , will need root for remount system and modify file
- DorimanX (/data/, no need to be root, only adequate permissions on file
I'm not aware of 3th method that you mentioned.
Do you know other devices besides S2 and S3 or kernels apart from Siyah and DorimanX that have your feature implemented?
If you want to split the config and actions in an alternate setup, I will support it to, these are my suggestions:
- Please keep the writeable config in /data , so no remount and root is needed
- Keep in mind the overhead of forking one more process on each gesture (modular overhead vs. current monolithic approach)
I think DorimanX intention is to keep the script always working
May be later I will ask by PM or drop a question in his thread.
Review gesture paths
- My idea is to paint every hotspot with finger color and display the sequence number in the path inside it
- Even if i will include parsing and displaying current gestures, for now I think is easy to redo the gesture than to edit or trim it (I can change my mind later on this subject)
- There is no need to keep your second or third finger in the screen all the time, you can just touch on the first point of you imaginary line, lift the finger, and touch on the end of the imaginary line, repeating this start and end points as many times as you like
As long as you keep one finger in the screen, you're still constructing the paths
When you lift last finger, gesture definition is copied to clipoard
So you can define the '5 point ROM exploding thechnique' that reboots in recovery (borrowed from Kill Bill movie)
That's exactly what I have in mind, having a set of standard, browsable Androind intents, a set of predefined am , service, cat to config, etc, and a set of custom actions
Changing manually the script should be last resort for advanced users.
I like the idea of maintaining all the configs in scripts, and daemon also in script.
The idea of building a standalone service to replace it has come to my mind but i dislike it.
So far 100+ installs and no FC or bugs reports
I appreciate all the feedback from devs and users!
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my way is to shut gesture script on screen off, is for removing one more loop function, i have one that control many things, if i can do it, so why not
it's shut and start the gestures loop on need.
about GM suggestion to protect gestures loop script is to run it with
/sbin/busybox nohup /data/
then this script will never be killed from RAM.
if app run the script, app shell will be closed in time, and "child(our gestures loop script)" will be removed from ram, and stop working...
with the nohup it's has it's own shell that will never stop.
till force killed by:
pkill -f "/data/"
it's also NOT detected by
ps | grep "/data/"
only by:
pgrep -f "/data/"
then you see the PID.
so it's also good in case you will need to RELOAD the loop script via APP.
to use only nohup.
dorimanx said:
my way is to shut gesture script on screen off, is for removing one more loop function, i have one that control many things, if i can do it, so why not
it's shut and start the gestures loop on need.
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What's your personal opinion about keeping gesture detection active even with screen off (optional of course), provided the touch screen is still powered, i.e., s2w is enabled?
I've been thinking about adding this optional behavior on the touch processing routine, and that would then require the loop to continue running in order to produce effects.
i was just thinking yesterday that this feature was useless for most of the people but u just made it easy
thanks man
I am new to Android development; and so, clueless about the terms to use!
What I want to do is modify the file/whatever, from where the dumpsys gets the information it "dumps".
More specifically I want to resize the main-window sizes; but not the "whole" screen, by modifying mStable, mRestrictedScreen, etc.
Even more specifically, I am looking for a taskbar that does not hide the onscreen information - there are some apps that use screen overlay, but often times, it needs to "hide" and "unhide". I just want a desktop-like experience, where the taskbar does not hide the onscreen information.
I dont know what is wrong with OPPO ColorOS system engineer. Such a big screen phone, how can they delete the DISPLAY SIZE?
I even checked all the oppo phones, they are the same. Even VIVO phones.
And this makes the ColorOS UI very ugly.
but you can set it by ABD Code or developer options.
after you set it, you can see the difference with the orignal DPI settings (360). because the original one is really ugly.
better set as 420 or even bigger. personally I prefer 480 or 500.
but, questions coming. while restarting your phone. it will become like this. Damn.... I dont even know why it can be like this.
View attachment 4564870
Does anybody have a good way to set it please?
thanks a lot.
Since ColorOS is heavily modified by oppo, on current stage it's impossible to change it, and if u adjust the DPI higher than 360 you'll also noticed that the status bar will go crazy...
zhuyonsan said:
I dont know what is wrong with OPPO ColorOS system engineer. Such a big screen phone, how can they delete the DISPLAY SIZE?
I even checked all the oppo phones, they are the same. Even VIVO phones.
And this makes the ColorOS UI very ugly.
but you can set it by ABD Code or developer options.
after you set it, you can see the difference with the orignal DPI settings (360). because the original one is really ugly.
better set as 420 or even bigger. personally I prefer 480 or 500.
but, questions coming. while restarting your phone. it will become like this. Damn.... I dont even know why it can be like this.
View attachment 4564870
Does anybody have a good way to set it please?
thanks a lot.
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No way to change it unfortunately. Apps like Youtube and Google Now look ridiculously magnified.
Display size
Highly disappointed .there is no option to set display size.everything looks so zoom out
@zhuyonsan how did you change DPI through ADB, when I tried it show me an error saying "Security exception: Permission denial: writing to settings requires:android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"
karunch said:
@zhuyonsan how did you change DPI through ADB, when I tried it show me an error saying "Security exception: Permission denial: writing to settings requires:android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"
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Two ways of doing it.
1. Developer Options---Smallest width.
2.ADB: adb shell wm density XXX && adb reboot (XXX: the size which you wanna change)
@zhuyonsan That didn't work for me, see attached image
karunch said:
@zhuyonsan That didn't work for me, see attached image
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adb shell
wm density 420
adb reboot
I'm getting the same java.lang.SecurityException: Must hold permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS error as Karunch when running the command 'wm density 420' inside the adb shell. Was there a fix for this?
drazil22 said:
I'm getting the same java.lang.SecurityException: Must hold permission android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS error as Karunch when running the command 'wm density 420' inside the adb shell. Was there a fix for this?
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it works, just remember to check "Disable Permission Monitoring" in Developer Options
i set at 480 dpi with nova launcher prime
Hope it hepls
allacciascarpa said:
it works, just remember to check "Disable Permission Monitoring" in Developer Options
i set at 480 dpi with nova launcher prime
Hope it hepls
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And what about neon notifications? On different dpi it makes a strange display effect!
freccia said:
And what about neon notifications? On different dpi it makes a strange display effect!
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Here everything works fine.
So, any way yet to get rid of those weird cutouts on status and nav bar once we change dpi yet?
freccia said:
And what about neon notifications? On different dpi it makes a strange display effect!
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Allesa said:
So, any way yet to get rid of those weird cutouts on status and nav bar once we change dpi yet?
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That's one more noise...
allacciascarpa said:
it works, just remember to check "Disable Permission Monitoring" in Developer Options
i set at 480 dpi with nova launcher prime
Hope it hepls
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Thanks! it was that second setting that I was missing. Also your additional post mentioning you had no problems with the notification bar. I originally set the dpi at 420 but got the messed up notification bar. Changed it to 480 to match your post and the display bug fixed :good:. I guess 420 does not scale properly with the default dpi but 480 does.
Edit: ok I think I finally figured this out. you have to use a lower number like '360' to increase what's displayed on the screen. 'wm density 480' is the default value.
Don't let people confuse you in this thread. Basically the dpi can be changed in the "minimum width" parameter in the developer settings. However, Oppo is absolutely tyrannical in their allowance of the dev menu. The entire status bar turns a flashing orange warning that the developer mode will lead to phone issues. Setting the dpi from the dev menu results in NO status bar anomalies. Upon disabling the developer menu, all dpi changes are LOST. The other way to change the dpi is through adb. The command wm density does this. This produces the same change as the developer mode does. Great right, let's use adb to just change the dpi and not use the dev mode. Well the developer mode is required to be enabled to further enable USB debugging to even send adb commands in the first place. So upon disabling dev mode, all adb dpi changes are also reset. I also used the command wm density xx && reboot. When rebooted the corner of the top and bottom right side has a black anomalous overlay.
Of all tweaks I care about, a custom launcher is one, but dpi is the next. This phone is borderline unbearable.
xNiNELiVES said:
Don't let people confuse you in this thread. Basically the dpi can be changed in the "minimum width" parameter in the developer settings.
Of all tweaks I care about, a custom launcher is one, but dpi is the next. This phone is borderline unbearable.
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Totally agree to this. I don't think we have any clean solution right now. ColorOS is such a terrible skin to work with and probably Oppo is not serious about this. The team wants to add new features, but ironically some of these important basic android features have gone for a toss.. Shame! Such a software experience is a bummer and I'm not gonna consider Oppo in future - I'm really frustrated.
Is there a way we can send a strong message to the team for this inclusion of this basic option?
Download MS Resolution changer from playsotre, you can change the resololution and the dpi without roor but you have to give the app a permission from adb in order to use the it.
1-Install the app from Playstore on your phone
2-Open it
3-Enable "usb debugging" in Developer Options.
4-Enable "Disable Permissions Monitoring" in Developer Options.
5-Conncet your phone to your pc with usb cable and run this command on adb:
"adb shell pm grant com.draco.smresolutionchanger android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"
6-Go back to the app and change resolution and dpi, I have an Oppo F9 and the best parameters is resolution: 1080x2340 | dpi: 360
Here's some screenshots :
It takes effect immediately after changing it to 450 BUT it gets reset to default after rebooting.
c:\minimal_adb_fastboot_1.4.3_portable>adb shell wm density 450
Before ADB Reboot:
c:\minimal_adb_fastboot_1.4.3_portable>adb shell wm density
Physical density: 480
Override density: 450
After ADB reboot:
c:\minimal_adb_fastboot_1.4.3_portable>adb shell wm density
Physical density: 480
Is there some user start script where I can put this setting so that it get's picked up each time I restart Oppo Find X6 Pro (on Android 13) ?? (or some other way to make it permanent (phone not rooted)).
I got a used OnePlus 7T Pro, because it was a better choice for me in many ways than new phones. I just absolutely love the screen.
But I was trying to find out, how to make actually everything fully use it. Afaik there used to be a way on A10, that is no longer working.
So I searched the whole week how to hide the status bar, and in the end decided to even root and try various Magisk modules, or EdXposed/GravityBox stuff, pretty much anything I could find because many people reported "status bar height = 0" to do the job. But it really doesn't.
It allows to hide the *contents* of the status bar, BUT the space there is still covered by an ugly bar that apps (browser, whatsapp, anything) aren't drawing over. And that looks even worse than having clock+battery present honestly :'(
So I am desperately trying to search for ANY way to accomplish a fullscreen experience. Does anyone know of one?
I actually like the stock OxygenOS personally. But at this point, I'm willing to hop on any good quality custom rom that would allow it.
(I am even considering somehow downgrading to A10, but would absolutely prefer not to).
I can't believe people here aren't all over this / that everyone with 7/7T pro didn't already do everything in their power to accomplish a full system-wide fullscreen experience. So, desperately pleading anyone, is there some Rom/Mod/Module allowing this?
Oh, one additional thing: I noticed, that when changing the option under
Settings -> Developer -> Display Cutout
The status bar (and the reserved space around it) actually does change and move up/down for various options. The "Waterfall Cutout" makes the bar significantly narrower, and apps are properly respecting it (= being drawn a bit higher) too. Which gives me some hope.
There is an installable Magisk module called "None Display Cutout" from here:
[Remove display cutout][ROOT] Full screen 21:9 for apps in landscape, incl Netflix.
Requirements: Magisk root. Download and install the "None Display Cutout" in the Magisk managers module repo. It will add an option in developer settings display cutout options, "No Display Cutout". Choose it, and apps, including netflix, will...
And "No Nonsense Notch Overlay" from here
[MODULE] N3O No Nonsense Notch Overlay
N3O (or Nitrous Oxide i guess :p) Who is it for: devices with punchole or cutout displays the black bar REALLY annoys you in landscape clock behind camera annoys you just as much! What it does: Uses full screen in landscape mode respects the...
These just don't try to accomplish complete status bar disappearance, but they touch on the "Display Cutout" settings in some way. So they *could... maybe* be modified to make the status bar completely disappear? Since they alter the overall display bounds even on Android 11 successfully.
Honestly, those 2 are the most promising directions I stumbled upon, but I personally don't know how to modify them to do what I want (= shrink the whole status bar area to 0 pretty much)
LadTy said:
I got a used OnePlus 7T Pro, because it was a better choice for me in many ways than new phones. I just absolutely love the screen.
But I was trying to find out, how to make actually everything fully use it. Afaik there used to be a way on A10, that is no longer working.
So I searched the whole week how to hide the status bar, and in the end decided to even root and try various Magisk modules, or EdXposed/GravityBox stuff, pretty much anything I could find because many people reported "status bar height = 0" to do the job. But it really doesn't.
It allows to hide the *contents* of the status bar, BUT the space there is still covered by an ugly bar that apps (browser, whatsapp, anything) aren't drawing over. And that looks even worse than having clock+battery present honestly :'(
So I am desperately trying to search for ANY way to accomplish a fullscreen experience. Does anyone know of one?
I actually like the stock OxygenOS personally. But at this point, I'm willing to hop on any good quality custom rom that would allow it.
(I am even considering somehow downgrading to A10, but would absolutely prefer not to).
I can't believe people here aren't all over this / that everyone with 7/7T pro didn't already do everything in their power to accomplish a full system-wide fullscreen experience. So, desperately pleading anyone, is there some Rom/Mod/Module allowing this?
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I too am desperately looking everywhere having hidden the status bar for years and can't find any way to hide it anymore did you find anything that works? i'm rooted with magisk
I am sorry to say that I gave up. If you have energy to be dealing with this still and manage to find a good solution, pls ping me, but otherwise I'm now in peace with not being able to get rid of it Wish I could help but I tried for some time and just didn't find anything fully working.
Fullscreen immersive app can do this and I think Apex launcher can hide this too
I was aiming for getting rid of the status bar everywhere, in photos, twitter, maps, browser etc, not just homescreen (Apex).
And any "immersive apps" that sort-of work only manage to hide the time+notifs+battery from the status bar, but actually retaining the status bar itself :'(( Aka, any app starts drawing only under the area where the status bar always is. So I don't see the battery+time there, but I see an empty space - at that point it's just better to have the time there as normal, it just looks bad when simply empty :-|
Afaik the "immersive app" only work "properly" on the older android versions that support immersive mode, which newer androids don't (((
LadTy said:
I was aiming for getting rid of the status bar everywhere, in photos, twitter, maps, browser etc, not just homescreen (Apex).
And any "immersive apps" that sort-of work only manage to hide the time+notifs+battery from the status bar, but actually retaining the status bar itself :'(( Aka, any app starts drawing only under the area where the status bar always is. So I don't see the battery+time there, but I see an empty space - at that point it's just better to have the time there as normal, it just looks bad when simply empty :-|
Afaik the "immersive app" only work "properly" on the older android versions that support immersive mode, which newer androids don't (((
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androplus wrote a magisk module that hides the status bar in MIUI. I'm not sure if it will work on other devices or not but it works on my Mix Fold 2. definitely worth trying. search the mix fold 2 forum for the link
I own OnePlus 7 Pro and I spent 2 months trying to find the solution. Status bar... I hate it too. So... it will be hit or miss for every app, but (for example Google photos is crashing with it) ... If your phone is rooted and you have installed Magisk:
Download and install LSPosed Framework modul (Zygisk version should be better)
In LSPosed Framework->Repository->Search->App Settings Reborn and enable it.
In App Settings Reborn choose any app you wanna tweak to eliminate Status Bar and then click on the wheel at bottom right corner. Now, you will have to go app after app to tweak it. Choose one and enable tweaking at left top corner. These three options are your new friends: auto hide fullscreen, no title and fullscreen.
Just don't be me... don't forget to stop app you are tweaking or it will not work immediately and don't forget to save the settings you chose by clicking on that floppy disk. And as I wrote earlier, some apps will behave weird and some will crash. Have fun.