How do I flash APK? - Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Questions & Answers
How can I flash an APK if it's not a ZIP file?

APK's can't be flashed.
APK is an installer package.
Only zip and img can be flashed


any flashable flemanager zip?

i want to flash ginermorrom but it does not have any filemanger built in and my data is not working too
so is there any flashable filemanager zip?
Just add the file manager apk file in system/app folder of zip file,without extracting it.
I make flashable zip for u. Zip instal's "GhostCommander" to /system/app/
Do not forget to disable signature verfication in recovery
Niter43 said:
I make flashable zip for u. Zip instal's "GhostCommander" to /system/app/
Do not forget to disable signature verfication in recovery
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
thnx,will give it a try
btw m using clockwork mod recovery so there is no need to disble anything??

odin rom into zip

anyone know how to convert odin rom into zip rom?
ansonchan said:
anyone know how to convert odin rom into zip rom?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you need a valid file or use any of the templates that are available all over.
now extract the system files from tar file, extract the boot.img and copy them to the file(delete the older files in the zip before)

what to do with zip files

What do I do with zip files?
I'm running Hyperdive 18.1 on my I545 S4. I click Hyperdrive Hub, Themes, click Cobalt KK and download it. Now what? I can find the file. I can see what is inside the file. But I don't know where to put it or if I should unzip it, or if I should copy the zip somewhere or copy the unzipped files somewhere or use safestrap to install it or use the built in recovery program to install it.
I also downloaded several wallpaper files that are also zips. How do I use them?
You need to flash them in Safestrap or TWRP/CWM

Recovery img flashable zip

Isvthere any guide on how we create a flashable zip for instlling a custom recovery??

Extracted a ZIP [URGENT]

Hi guys
I extracted all the files from a flashable ROM zip file. But I have deleleted the ZIP file accidentally. So my question is, can I ZIP it again using WinRar or winzip and flash it ? Will that work ?
No, it won't work without the updater script

