Netflix goes black when moving mouse cursor - Huawei MediaPad M5 Questions & Answers

We've got the MediaPad M5 with attached hardware keyboard. (Original Huawei/Fine Triumph Folio keyboard)
In Netflix, as soon as we move the mouse cursor, the video turns black. Sound is still playing, overlays like subtitles and time line are still visible, but the video itself is not. Wait 15 seconds for the mouse cursor to fade away, and the video comes back.
I've also tried YouTube, Plex and the video streaming app for the national TV here, and they do not have this problem.
I've tried re-installing Netflix, rebooting the tablet, changing colour mode & temperature, text & display size, smart resolution, colour correction, mouse pointer size, advanced visual effects, but the problem does not change.
Does anybody know a solution?

I have the same issue but with touch. Idk why


Hdmi output with screen off?

Is there a way or an app in which you can watch a video thru hdmi with the screen off?
I'm looking for a solution also. I thought my prime would be able to replace my media player but when the screen is always on it's terribly distracting, even if the background is black.
Screen off puts it to sleep. As far as I know there's no workaround.
But if you use dice player every video I've tried has used hardware decoding and gives you the black screen. Helps on battery as well as not being distracting. Swipe down to decrease brightness on the black screen even further. Doesn't affect you're actual brightness setting.
My tablet screen goes into a sleep mode after minute. but continues playing video. I also have it plugged in. I was using the crunchyroll app so I don't know if it will work for other apps. My best guess would be go into settings and click on display and adjust the time till the screen turns off. The last thing is you can just close the prime if you have the keyboard station or just flip it over so the screen is faced down.
I don't mind the screen on but would like if off to save on battery.

HDMI / Sony / On Screen Display / WTF

Hi all!
Long shot, but you just never know........
T95Z Plus TV Box
Sony Bravia 40" LCD TV
So when I select a difference sources with this TV, it displays in white text on the screen the input; screen format; input name etc. IE: "T95Z, AV8". Now this is expected behaviour.
I've not experienced this issue with any other device, but this is what's occurring:
During normal use of the box, IE: watching a film or stream, it keeps displaying the above mentioned information on the screen. As if the TV box is communicating with the TV or trying to change screen resolution....or something. Basically it seems to be entirely random, but the on screen informative channel display keeps popping up over the content. This isn't a "feature" I can disable on the TV unfortunately.
There looks to be a myriad of HDMI / CEC and general display settings on the TV Box. Does anyone have an educated guess whether this can be addressed?
Thanks in advance,
For anyone that has the same problem, it's a know issue with the Sony Bravia TVs and it still does it on the new models. I ended up just turning CEC features off and manually turning on/off the TV.

Netflix Colorspace Anomaly

Altered Carbon came out Friday. For some reason, its colorspace is regraded during playback on my Tab S3. The anomaly takes a few seconds to manifest, but the switch can be observed in the opening credit sequence. At first the lettering is bright red, then it turns into a washed out orange. Occasionally, when you pause playback and resume after a few seconds the colorspace resets to normal, then snaps back to the muted colors. The effect is also especially noticeable during the end credits: the usually red Netflix and vibrant Skydance logos are washed out, and when watching episodes back to back this carriers over into the opening Netflix logo of the next episode.
This doesn't happen with any other series or on any other device. I'm on Samsung's stock Nougat. Changing the screen mode doesn't seem to affect this issue.
Does anyone else notice this anomaly?
For what its worth, I haven't experienced this issue watching a 1080p rip of the show via Kodi (with the option to change contrast enabled).
Could just be that the Samsung "Adaptive Display" screen mode (can be changed under settings) is ****ing with the picture. Another possibility is HDR. As far as I know Netflix isn't yet supporting it on this tablet (could be wrong, I don't have Netflix) even though the device does support it. This could be them having support implemented wrongly in the latest app version (but than most likely other HDR enabled shows should act the same).

Issues with Oreo and dex. Mouse capture

I have an issue where dex captures the mouse and no matter what key combo I press it won't let go. It also won't take and inputs from my keyboard at all. This can be recreated by playing an hdr video on the youtube with an hdr tv. It jumps into full scree, plays the video, but locks up the phone until I pull it from the dock. Similar thing happens with moonlight gamestream but I can use a keyboard combo to unlock the mouse at least.

Black screen with Netflix

I have this weird problem with the Honor 10. When playing a Netflix video, it first works, but after a few video's, the screen is black. Subtitle, audio and notifications are heard/shown but no video. When pressing the home button, the PiP video is shown and this DOES work. When switching back to full screen, again only black video. I've found out that switching the resolution between HD+ and FHD+ fixes the problem but after a while it comes back. Anyone have a clue?
I only watch it at HD+ so it consumes less bandwith.
Never a problem.
Watched like 100+ episodes of different series on my Honor 10 and never had this problem.

