Recommended setup and tweaks for a Stock ROM - Xiaomi Poco F1 Questions & Answers

I have a Locked BL, Stock (up to date) MIUI 10.3.5 - No_root.
I would like to keep/use the functionality of MIUI, so not yet keen on custom roms/ rooting.
I have installed the ADB/Fastboot tool to debloat the phone ( MiApps, Mivideo, Google Video, Google Music etc apps)
I have disabled Adaptive battery with most other suggestions here:
What else can I do to optimize the device battery life, experience & functionality?
Please share the "safe to remove" bloatware apps - I see quite some confusion on the debloating related threads.
Thank you,


[UNMAINTAINED][ROM ALL-IN-ONE] [KK_4.4.4] [D58XX] Heavily debloated - extras

This is for both locked/unlocked. Being 100% stock it is not going to unlock your BL, mess up your DRM/keys etc!
As even in the LP time some people asked me about debloating KK (and I'm using it right now and actually seems i like it more than LP too) hereby I present you my new all-in-one solution for Z3C, this time based on KK 4.4.4, consisting in one heavily debloated full rom including some extras for both D5803 and D5833, based on 23.0.1.A.5.77 FW.
1. as in my first debloating solution for all xperia phones, all the bloat/replaced stuff is not really deleted but moved to a Backup folder in system (/system/__Backup) so you can restore anything you want very easily (sony keyboard, sony launcher, system apps etc)
2. that's the reason you can see /system partition still almost full in spite of my high debloat, but stuff moved to the backup folder is "silent", so for sure it is not affecting the system at all and it is like it is not installed: I use this approach for people who needs to restore something, this way restoring is very very easy and fast. By the way, deleting the whole Backup folder (or moving it to your sdcard) you will then see something like 1.1 gb extra free space in /system!! (see screenshots below )
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- Working recovery installed
1. full backup
2. full wipe (system, data, cache and dalvik) ***
3. flash either AIO for D5803 or AIO for D5833 (md5sums) [V2!!]
4. reboot/enjoy
You can also avoid wiping /data to keep all your data untouched but if YOU DO NOT WIPE DATA:
1. all apps I updated directly in /system may conflict someway with copies you may have stored in /data and you could get FC, especially Play Store/Services (btw in case any conflicts will appear it is pretty easy to fix them if you know how to clean things up yourself, for example clearing data of the conflicting apps installed in /data, and then uninstalling them via settings > downloaded apps)
2. my debloating solution won't be be 100% effective: the personal apps I included that are going to be installed in /data (xposed installer APK, Gravity Box, Xperia Xposed and Blurred UI xposed modules, Z3+ Live Wallpaper and latest Sony Album and Music) WON'T be installed but just placed in /system/etc/product/applications with no effects (so in this case you can either keep them there, won't hurt, or delete them if you don't want them, while if you want them installed you can just click on them to start the installation)
3. all the apps installed by sony FW in /data (kobo books, navigator, social life, psp app, avg etc etc) won't be automatically removed (you will have to go to settings > download apps to uninstall them manually)
4. you may get some FC due to missing overlays at boot: in this case, just enter in TWRP, mount system, go to advanced > file manager and move back the whole "overlay" folder from /system/__Backup/various/vendor_overlay to /system/vendor and reboot
I repeat the above will happen only if you DO NOT WIPE DATA, with clean flash instead everything will be as supposed: for sure no conflicts at all, all apps installed, xposed, modules, full debloat etc everything up and running and working OOB!
What you'll obtain doing the above:
- KK 4.4.4 23.0.1.A.5.77 FW (customized Belgium for D5803, Brazil for D5833)
- pre-rooted with SuperSU 2.46 and Dual Recovery 2.8.21
- 100% stock Odexed
- Heavily debloated with my own original list
- Play Store, Play Services, Play Games already updated to latest version as of 07/Sep in /system replacing the old ones provided in the FW
- AOSP browser replacing Chrome + sync adapter for syncing your Chrome desktop bookmarks
- Google Keyboard replacing Sony's
- Nova Launcher (stock sony launcher also available)
- ES File Manager replacing stock one
- TextraSMS replacing stock one
- Z4 bootanimation
- Latest xposed APK for 4.4.4
- Gravity Box module for KK
- Blurred System UI and Xperia Xposed modules
- external sdcard writing fix
- Google Calendar replacing Sony's
- Lock screen mod to hide "Swipe to unlock" message
- QuickPic app
- Simpler contacts/dialer
- Latest Sony Album app
- Latest Sony Music app
V2 (11/Sep)
Changelog here
Hope you like it! If so, just please press THANKS!
Removed stuff:
With my solution you are going to get rid of more than 170 packages (unfortunately not also all the libs like it happen in LP because of how are placed apps in system in KK) plus all applications automatically installed by Sony, overlays etc...
As said at the beginning, stuff is not going to be really deleted, but moved in /system/__Backup folder. This way you can restore things very easily.
At the following link you will find the full list of all stuff I moved away:
PS. the file is with read-only access for everyone, if you have any changes to suggest, please reply in the thread or send me a PM with the changes you propose
Sorry, the link was not public, now you should be able to correctly see the list!
PS. of course I also removed from my FW all the stuff that can be easily downloaded from the Play Store (Gmail, etc)
In the hidden field below you will find the restoring instructions you need to follow to restore any package you may want back:
According to what you want to restore, you have to follow two different procedures:
- all the APKs that are inside /system/__Backup/various/etc_custom_apps and /system/__Backup/various/etc_prod_apps are regular APKs that are going to be installed in /data, so you can just run them and then select "install" like a normal APK, easy. You will then see them in Settings > applications > downloaded
- instead, all the things in /system/__Backup/system_app and /system/__Backup/system_priv-app folders can't be normally installed, but must be restored in the correct /system folders with correct permissions. To do this, see the step-by-step instructions below (in the following example, I am going to restore Chrome app in /system/app and Velvet (Google Search) in /system/priv-app, but of course you can restore how many things as you want at the same time)
- with a root file manager like ES, go to /system/__Backup/system_app and MOVE both "Chrome.apk" and "Chrome.odex" files to /system/app
- with a root file manager like ES, go to /system/__Backup/system_priv-app and MOVE both "Velvet.apk" and "Velvet.odex" files to /system/priv-app
- reboot
- done
PS. don't copy but MOVE things back, or permissions will get messed up and you are likely to end up in a bootloop!
PPS. still, if you mess up something copying stuff to /system, and you get a bootloop, remember you can just enter in TWRP, mount system, and then with advanced > file manager you can delete what you have just copied to /system, this way your phone will boot up properly again
Many many heartily THANKS to:
@[NUT] for his lovely Dual Recovery
@zxz0O0 for many things (root, helping with recovery, PRF creator etc) and @russel5 for fixing some problems in PRF creator
@rovo89 for his wonderful xposed
@C3C076 for excellent GravityBox
@serajr for many things but especially for his kindness, contributions and in particular for the amazing Xperia Xposed and Blurred UI modules
@Gustavo RD78 for the swipe to unlock message removal mod in lockscreen
@istux for suggesting to try again KK
@demonio98 for beautiful z3+ Bootanimation
@ondrejvaroscak and @Puffin617 for some very good advices about backing up stuff and installing personal apps respectively
@mj084 for some packages descriptions and collaboration and suggestions, mirrors etc [emoji14]
Awesome man! Waiting on your feedback and your full ROM, because if the battery is much better on KK, I'll jump back to that version.
Used this last night.. its pretty cool man thanks!
framerper2 said:
Awesome man! Waiting on your feedback and your full ROM, because if the battery is much better on KK, I'll jump back to that version.
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after some time on KK i can confirm that at least for me it seems i get much better battery life with KK. lately in LP i could barely get to 5 hours SOT and had to charge the phone almost daily, while now here on KK during my full second battery cycle for example i got to two full days, and more than 7 hours SOT (see attachments). almost same usage as in LP i would say. it may be a case, will see later on if these stats are confirmed. if so i think I'll keep KK here
other differences i noticed so far: much better "looking" battery stats from settings in KK (i don't like new confusing graphs in LP) and most important in kk i don't have anymore the so annoying bug showing wifi on in stats even when it was surely off... can't really stand that bug in LP! finally, at last in KK i have again screen as top battery sucker, while in LP i used to have android os, Google services and/or others...
in general as said KK seems less buggy than LP here. also, i find better brightness management in KK (it seems i never need to change the brightness slider even under direct sunlight, as i used to do in LP, and no problems at all while waking up the phone, bugged instead in LP)
other thing, i much prefer the recents management in KK (after reboot don't see the many recent apps i had active before shutting down for example)
other pretty important things, in kk no spacing problems at all with icons in status bar (can't stand this bug too in LP, hate it!), no stagefright bug to worry about (i think? don't bother me too much that bug though), and probably no data connection problems as some are having in LP (didn't have them in LP here either though)
less important things: in KK i don't feel the need to change DPI settings, everything is good as it is (can't stay in LP instead if i don't change DPI first, thing are just too big by default there!), and i find KK nicer in some things (quick tiles/notification panel for example) and uglier in others (KK contacts and dialer are just terrible for example.. does anyone know of a nice alternative dialer/dialer mod? [emoji14] )
last but not least, i find KK faster somewhere (apps list in settings for example), but slower in others (clock app while switching tabs, contacts in phone app)
very last thing KK lockscreen is less customizable, but using snaplock now which is very very nice and has all i need!
all considered, for now I'm gonna stay with KK
EDIT: here I'm on locked BL, all stock. just using greenify and stamina mode
EDIT2: also, kk is so much faster than lp in booting.. just wow! Also first boot after clean flashing is much faster!
battery stats:
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You list some pretty compelling reasons to return to KK
Also not so impressed with LP and my main reason for using LP was the problem with the R/W to the SD card in KK - but believe that has been solved now....?
Keep up the great work and looking forward to trying your KK rom when done.
PS: Maybe you should change your signature to: Z3C WAS running my (LP)..... but NOW running my (KK).
That way you get to advertise for both of your great ROMs
moly82 said:
after some time on KK i can confirm that at least for me it seems i get much better battery life with KK. lately in LP i could barely get to 5 hours SOT and had to charge the phone almost daily, while now here on KK during my full second battery cycle for example i got to two full days, and more than 7 hours SOT (see attachments). almost same usage as in LP i would say. it may be a case, will see later on if these stats are confirmed. if so i think I'll keep KK here
other differences i noticed so far: much better "looking" battery stats from settings in KK (i don't like new confusing graphs in LP) and most important in kk i don't have anymore the so annoying but showing wifi on in stats even when it was surely off... can't really stand that bug in LP! finally, at last in KK i have again screen as top battery sucker, while in LP i used to have android os, Google services and/or others...
in general as said KK seems less buggy than LP here. also, i find better brightness management in KK (it seems i never need to change the brightness slider even under direct sunlight, as i used to do in LP, and no problems at all while waking up the phone, bugged instead in LP)
other thing, i much prefer the recents management in KK (after reboot don't see the many recent apps i had active before shutting down for example)
other pretty important things, in kk no spacing problems at all with icons in status bar icons (can't stand this bug too in LP, hate it!), no stagefright bug to worry about (i think? don't bother me too much that bug though), and probably no data connection problems as some are having in LP (didn't have them in LP here either though)
less important things: in KK i don't feel the need to change DPI settings, everything is good as it is (can't stay in LP instead if i don't change DPI first, thing are just too big by default there!), and i find KK nicer in some things (quick tiles/notification panel for example) and uglier in others (KK contacts and dialer are just terrible for example.. does anyone know of a nice alternative dialer/dialer mod? [emoji14] )
last but not least, i find KK faster somewhere (apps list in settings for example), but slower in others (clock app while switching tabs, contacts in phone app)
very last thing KK lockscreen is less customizable, but using snaplock now which is very very nice and has all i need!
all considered, for now I'm gonna stay with KK
EDIT: here I'm on locked BL, all stock. just using greenify and stamina mode
battery stats:
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Excellent breakdown thank you! Are you going to have it all in one available soon for us to just flash with ease? Or how can I do it today in simple terms?
Norup58 said:
You list some pretty compelling reasons to return to KK
Also not so impressed with LP and my main reason for using LP was the problem with the R/W to the SD card in KK - but believe that has been solved now....?
Keep up the great work and looking forward to trying your KK rom when done.
PS: Maybe you should change your signature to: Z3C WAS running my (LP)..... but NOW running my (KK).
That way you get to advertise for both of your great ROMs
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thanks mate! yes kk and lp need/share same ext sd fix, so applied the same change in permissions file to get ext sd to work my extra zip already include that yes will change signature next week will see as i change my mind almost everyday
alwaysbelieve1 said:
Excellent breakdown thank you! Are you going to have it all in one available soon for us to just flash with ease? Or how can I do it today in simple terms?
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you can already do it pretty simply following instructions in OP. several steps are needed right now though.
btw next week will surely provide a "single file solution"
How about stagefright, is that patched? That's mainly the reason why I moved to 5.1.1.
newk9 said:
How about stagefright, is that patched? That's mainly the reason why I moved to 5.1.1.
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I think it is not patched.
is kk affected too by that security bug? if so, and if there is a fix for kk as well, will include it in the full rom next week
moly82 said:
is kk affected too by that security bug? if so, and if there is a fix for kk as well, will include it in the full rom next week
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You can read here that almost all the devices and versions of android are vulnerable. I am not sure how and where to get patch for kitkat though. There are some patched libs here on xda but the question is will they work on z3c.
Is the camera fix included to open pictures taken with the cam in quickpic?
razr83 said:
Is the camera fix included to open pictures taken with the cam in quickpic?
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no. unfortunately the guy who made that mod did it for LP only ;( we tried to ask to make it available for kk too or let us how to do that ourselves in his thread but so far he didn't reply
ok, other question. is it possible to include the "2g-only" and "3g-only" modes? i had this in another 5.1.1 rom an it was pretty useful in areas where the 3g-network is weak to force the device to stay in it and not to switch to 2g....
razr83 said:
ok, other question. is it possible to include the "2g-only" and "3g-only" modes? i had this in another 5.1.1 rom an it was pretty useful in areas where the 3g-network is weak to force the device to stay in it and not to switch to 2g....
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i have that already available in the rom using xposed and xperia xposed module by serajr, both included in my extra zip
thanks a lot!
Slowly im reverting back to Kitkat, too. Lollipop is just not so good as KK. I cant get rid of "uncompleted experiment" feeling of LP. KK feels more consistent, completed and actually more snappier. Thanks for your debloating solution for KK, too. Works flawlessly.
Actually im getting very tired of Google's progress on Android, and im sniffing around iOS and WP. Ill hope that Google will make some significant steps to improve overall experience. LP is failure in my eyes. Especially notification area is absolutely horrible.
Changing profile's signature tomorrow to give you more credit for you good work.
Dark Emotion said:
You can read here that almost all the devices and versions of android are vulnerable. I am not sure how and where to get patch for kitkat though. There are some patched libs here on xda but the question is will they work on z3c.
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You can block calls to the stagefright player in Build.prop, this doesn't fix the libs tho.
Change those lines in Build.prop.
OP updated with all in one files for both d5803 and d5833
if someone try them, please report if everything works fine thank you!
md5sum for V1 files: = 6CD7C710203A81BEB1EEF2DC7C597427 = 55FB7B1FE2F2744ED21A50D05CD802D8
@moly82 can you please give me some hintrs how to install or restore Xperia Home, Clock widget and Weather Widget? I cant install it as a normal *apk file from _Backup. Installation keeps failing. Thanks!

Support and Primer for Jgcaap's CM12.1 ROM

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Current Events
Dodo released! This means this ROM is now extinct. Sorry! If links below fail, try this one!
OTA is in Beta. Will be included in CM 13 release once both are stable. OTA will be available before full-sized versions due to the testing process (updates are tested first).
SnapChat will not work without some help. This is entirely SnapChat's fault for trying to control your device. Please read this thread before flashing and how you can make it work. Or just open Xposed installer, install Snapprefs and reboot.
Welcome to the fastest and most stable ROM for your OnePlus. This thread is mainly a support thread for Jgcaap's awesome work, allowing him to spend more time working on "M" and less time answering questions. His latest builds will be tested by me, hand selected for stability, and the best of the crop will be repackaged, enhanced, and placed here. If you are new to this ROM, check the screen shots for benchmark results and battery life screenshots. Be amazed, then download the ROM and be even more amazed! Smooth as glass and flows like water! As one person has said, "Disgustingly Fast!"
Please read this entire post! Check back often for updates. Also, current jgcaap users will get additional information and tips that can be useful. Check out all the links! And if you want to try some Bacon wrapped Marshmallow, click the bent arrow in the Announcement's line.
Each ROM will be named by an animal, starting at A for Aardvark. A picture of the animal will be placed here so you can see at a glance which release is current. The original jgcaap ROMs often have multiple releases in a single day, and every country has a different date format, so the animal names will allow us to represent specific "official" releases with memorable names.
Release (CM 12.1 - jgcaap 11/30): (click image to update)
Downloads | Other Stuff | Links ​
Features & Changes
The ROM gets repackaged so that new users don't have to go about tracking down which files they need and which order to flash things. The firmware is included and everything is set and ready to go. For legal reasons, just add your own GApps and go. This ROM currently has the following feature's prepackaged and already included with the ROM ...
SuperSU (pre roooted)
Xposed (special jgcaap version)
Moab Ad Blocker
--- ZooKeeper can configure this!
ColorOS Camera
--- with manual focus option
Viper (Audio Eargasm)
Dolby ATMOS! (Dodo+)
Send Reduced (send small pics)
CatLog (for bug reports)
Show On Lockscreen (wallpaper)
OmniSwitcher (optional)
Init.d Support (Badger+)
Governor: blu-active (Badger+)
Low call volume fix
OTA Support (coming soon!)
Support, Questions, Feature Requests and Bugs
Please report all bugs for CM12.1/Lollipop based Jgcaap ROMs to this thread. Even if you didn't download one of the Wildlife pre-packaged ROM sets! Feel free to ask questions. This thread will have the same warm inviting atmosphere that jgcaap's development thread has always had. Newb-friendly and all are welcome!
Getting Started
There will be two ROM images available. The update packages will be designed with a smaller download size with only the files that have actually been changed. The installer will not remove things you have added nor re-install programs you have removed. If you are already using a WildLife ROM, use the Update packages to upgrade. This does not apply to full versions. The full versions should be clean flashed.
The next post will have Step-by-Step instructions telling you exactly what you need to do and how to go about flashing your phone or upgrading. The post after that will have all the tips and tricks for maximum tweaker power. Finally, we'll have instructions on how to rescue your phone when something goes wrong.
Sponsored by Eddon Systems
Additional Downloads at Eddon Systems Download Page
XDA:DevDB Information
Wildlife Android, ROM for the OnePlus One
uudruid74, jgcaap, purerawenergy
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: INCLUDED
Source Code: Jgcaap's Github Repo
Based On: CyanogenMod 12.1
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: See Post
Stable Release Date: 2015-11-16
Created 2015-11-16
Last Updated 2015-12-11
Flashing WildLife
Flashing Instructions - Full ROM
Step 1 - Backup
If you don't have a backup program, you can grab a really fast and free one, Backup+. XDA Forum | My Mirror - Direct Download. Be sure you keep the APK on your Internal Storage so you can install it easily and restore the rest of your apps. Also, I strongly recommend you copy your internal storage (or at least the backup directory) onto a PC, a harddrive, a flash drive, or cloud storage such as Google Drive. Get it off your phone and make it safe.
Step 2 - Boot into Recovery
Even if your reboot menu doesn't have a Recovery option, you can always just hold down the Volume Down button when your phone boots and you're good. I recommend Philz Recovery from this XDA thread or you can download the exact ZIP I use.
Step 3 - Wipe Carefully
This step is what is known as a "clean flash". Do not perform this step if you are flashing an upgrade or addition. If this is the first time you've flashed this ROM, you want the full version and you want to do it cleanly. Failure to clean flash leads to odd problems. For example, Agent stopped reading my calendar, or my Camera plugins would start to disappear.
You do not want to do a Factory wipe or anything like that or you'll lose all your data. Do not format /data. Here's where it gets confusing. Many recovery systems treat /data and Internal Storage as if they were separate partitions, but they are not. Your internal storage is on the same partition as /data. If you are from Windows, image your /system is your C: drive, and /data (where your apps are at) and your internal storage are both on D:. Your recovery has a specific wipe designed to safely wipe /data without wiping out your internal storage by erase directories individually, yet automatically.
Philz makes this simple and direct. Select Wipe and Format Options, then select Clean to Install a New ROM. Confirm the wipe, and you are ready to go.
Step 4 - Flash the ZIP
This is pretty easy. Select the option to flash it, find it on your device, and away it goes. If you downloaded the file to your PC (or wiped your internal storage and now have no files on your phone), you can use the "sideload" option you see in the menu. Just plug in a USB cable and type: adb sideload This does require that you have adb drivers set up on your PC, but you needed that to unlock your bootloader, right? More tips like this in a later post!
Step 5 - Flash your Gapps
The most important part of Gapps is making sure its for Lollipop. The more up to date, the better. You should download the smallest GApps that fits your needs, just so you don't have to download so much. You can specifically control which Gapps are installed with a config file. Just drop the gapps-config.txt into the same directory as your gapps ZIP file. This file can even delete crufty Cyanogen apps that you don't need or want (you have better ones from Play store right?) and reduce bloat considerably.
About the Gapps Config | OpenGapps is the recommended Gapps package | Newer Sources for Gapps | My gapps-config.txt ... note: you might not want to use my config unless you want almost all your Cyanogen apps to go away. When the system comes up, you won't have a file manager to install Backup+. I install it with "adb install BackupPlus.apk" or if its on the phone, you can log in with adb shell and then install with pm install $PWD/BackupPlus.apk
TIP: If you have Chrome installed from Gapps, you can open it and type "file:///sdcard" in the URL window and then select your Backup+ or Titanium Backup APK to install it. Be sure you have "Install from unknown sources" turned on. Now you can restore your good File Manager (like FX File Manager mentioned in Post #5) from your Backup and don't need Cyanogen's!
NOTE: If you have trouble with OpenGapps, then you can try my stable mirror or SlimGapps (which is now recommended by jgcaap, but I've not tried it myself yet ... but expect it to be the new recommended after I run it through the paces).
Step 6 - Reboot your Phone
After flashing, the first time your phone comes up, its going to optimize itself and you should expect it to take awhile. Don't panic, and wait a few minutes. I refuse the CyanogenMod account (you already have a Google one, and Cyanogen doesn't offer anything extra and defintely do NOT send bug reports or analytics to Cyanogen!). I also go into Settings, About Phone, tap the Build Number like a mad monkey to turn on Developer options, and from there, I enable the Reboot Menu, Fast Boot, Cut the animations down to below 0.5, and turn on ADB since I'll be installing Backup+ over ADB.
Step 7 - Restore your Backup
Use your file manager (or ADB) to install your backup program and then restore the rest of the apps from your backup. I keep my Wifi off so that Google Play won't freak out and try upgrading stuff while its restoring. Do not use ROM Settings Backups to try to move settings from one ROM to another (thats what Update files are for). You can usually restore your Desktop with Backup+ by restoring the data for Trebuchet if you formerly used another Cyanogen release. The next reboot I go to Play Store and upgrade any apps that need it.
Step 8 - Final Config / Updates
I haven't found a perfect way to back up Trebuchet and my desktop ... but Backup+'s system backup tool (paid feature) can be used to restore the Trebuchet data, which gets everything but the widgets. If you use OmniSwitcher, just turn it on. If you use Xposed, it should already be working and active. If you don't use Xposed, jgcaap's version won't slow down your phone or cause glitches. However, if you really don't want it on your phone, you can flash this to deinstall it and can reinstall it without flashing the whole ROM by flashing this file.
MaxxAudio is gone ... use Viper. Set it to Super Audio Quality and reboot when it says to (Aardvark only, no reboot required for Badger and above). More about Viper here. I strongly recommend reading as there are a lot of optional add-ons (convolvers and such for emulating other tones and systems) but many of these will use significant battery power. I don't even use it for the built-in speaker. You can control it per output device, and have different profiles, such as if you have multiple pairs of headphones or different USB Audio devices.
Please Donate to the developers when you use an app. It is only through your support that you get to use high quality apps. This ROM has ads blocked, so developers of free apps will go poor and hungry since they won't be getting any revenue from your ad clicks!
Flashing Instructions - Updates
An update is a slimmed down version without any apps (unless they've been updated), no firmware, no media files, etc. And it avoids flashing over files you may have changed or deinstalled, like the hosts file or various bundled apps. It doesn't touch your settings, you don't need to wipe anything, and it just upgrades in-place. All you need to do is Steps 2 and 4 and 6!! Updates are clearly labelled. Never wipe your phone when installing an update! No OTA yet.
Tweaking, Trimming and Theming
There is a UKM for jgcaap's kernel which is in the download area. You'll need Synapse from Play store to use it. I don't recommend tweaking the kernel, but if you want the option it is there. Just download the ZIP, flash it in recovery, and you can start tweaking some kernel parameters! Personally, I use 3C Android Tuner (see below) because it can tune more than just the kernel, but you might find something UKM does that 3C doesn't. As as Badger, you can use the init.d script option for restoring settings imposed by kernel tweakers.,
Your governor controlls when your CPU is at full blast, when it throttles down, and how quickly it changes and by how much. This will affect battery and performance (and "lag") considerably. As of Badger, the default CPU governor is "blu_active". You won't need to ever change to "Performance" mode to squeeze out more power, its runs even more fluid than before, and battery life is as good as ever. There are a couple ways to select the governor. The one I use is 3C (below). The only source of lag is memory. If you run out and Android has to swap stuff out, there will be a noticeable delay. If you rarely get lag, but get it rather severely, I bet its when you have 20 apps open and a million installed with their own background services and content providers! Suddenly the OOM (Out Of Memory) killer attacks and your phone stops for a second or two. I'm testing a possible solution, but everyone's phone is different.
CPU Temp
How hot does your CPU get? If you run Cardboard like me, you might be concerned. If you have to switch to an app to find out, then your CPU will have already cooled by the time you see the temp. This CPUTemp App displays an overlay anywhere you want that will show you your exact temperature. It can also save the data and give you in-depth graphs of CPU speed, load, and temperature. Alternately, you can just use this Xposed module to always show the CPU temperature in your status bar. (WARNING: I've not tested this Xposed module myself).
Wildlife already has Xposed installed. If you have heard of requirements that your ROM must be deodexed or odex or and that you will have compatibility issues or slowdown, the current news is that the latest Xposed works on odexed ROMs and jgcaap has personally blessed some modifications to increase speed and compatibility with this ROM, and final result is packed into Wildlife. However, until you install some Xposed modules, it lies dormant. Fire up the Xposed Installer and you can start searching for tools to tweak how your phone looks, how it acts, how it sounds, and tweak some more battery life. Once you install a module, activate it, and then reboot.
Please be aware that not all Xposed modules are compatible with Lollipop and not all modules are created equal. I have heard mixed reports on GravityBox in particular. If for some reason your phone gets horribly confused and won't boot because of some Xposed module you have installed, or if you just hate the idea of having Xposed and want it gone. There is a solution! Flash this Xposed Uninstaller and if you flash this and want Xposed to come back, just Flash Jgcaap's modified v75 Xposed framework.
Ones I use are the 3C Toolbox helper, Clarity (makes your contacts in better definition), No Device Check (privacy), RootCloak (hides root), Smart Network (auto switches between 3G and LTE to conserve battery).
3C ToolBox
If you like tweaking, this toolbox has a little bit of everything. You can view logs, including last kernel boot log (the one that ran before you crashed), open a terminal, set a firewall, change CPU and GPU governors, disable services, remove programs from the start-up list, change network congestion control ... the list goes on and on!
Here is the XDA thread (with download links) for this tweaker's toolbox.
Battery Extensions
The first step to checking battery problems is Wakelock Detector and Better Battery Stats. These tools will tell you where your juice is going. If an app is holding a wakelock, ditch the app or alert the developer. Once you see what is chewing the most battery you can launch an assault on it with these tools:
Xposed Modules - Again, I'm going to defer to an expert source, @V7 's Extreme Battery Life Thread for all the goodies on PowerNap, Greenify, Amplify, and all the others that you've heard about.
Underclocking - I simply do NOT recommend this. Why? Well I checked Better Battery Stats! And my CPU had only been at full speed for 6% of the time. The next speed was under 2Ghz. So, is it worth slowing down your phone by 20% in order to achieve an overall savings of about 1.2% battery? The reason for this is that your system has what's called a governor that predicts how much CPU you need at any given moment and adjusts accordingly. This means you only use max CPU when you need it! If you underclock, then you are slowing down your phone when you need it most. You might even waste more battery because you'll be keeping your screen on longer waiting for your phone to finish!
Undervolting - I don't like this idea either. Basically, the voltage is how much strength it takes to open the transistor gates, like little doors. When your CPU gets busy, the voltage can fluctuate by small amounts, and if you undervolt your CPU, you can occasionally get a gate that doesn't open, and your get a CPU doing really crazy things and some app with crash or your whole system will crash. Generally, higher speeds require higher voltage to keep your CPU stable, and less voltage at lower speeds. Imagine trying to open and shut a door really fast ... you'll need more force than just shutting the door gently.
Can I get 9hrs SOT? - Sure! See the screen shot, but here's the secret. WASTE battery power! If you have a flip-case, remove it. Take your screen timer and set it REALLY high and don't turn off your screen. Let it BURN! This will ensure that your screen is on for a really long time. Cheating? Well, yes and no. The point is that someone who is chatting on their phone over Wifi and rarely touches it, but leave the screen on while doing so will get great SOT. The guy streaming Bluetooth audio all day long and has their phone tethered to use LTE internet with a low signal will waste tons of battery and may not have the screen on at all. The 9hr screen on time was done while doing all the above, plus some web browsing using ....
Ultimate Browser - This browser is said to use less battery than Chrome and others. You can check it out and see for yourself on The Ultimate Browser XDA thread.
Many people ask about the themes pictured in the screenshots. This is the Deep Darkness Overhauled Theme but with the thinner fonts from Cosmos CM12. Just select which parts of each theme you like before clicking the Update button.
I'm now using an Add-On package for this theme that gives icons that aren't so dark. It has a cool font, too, but I don't know if I like the Cosmos or Deep Darkness Add-On better. I'm also using a compromise between the 400 DPI (real) and 480 DPI (stock) of 440 DPI. This still gives me 5 icons wide on the home screens without throwing off apps that expect stock DPI (much).
Rescuing Your OnePlus From Disaster
Rescuing Your OnePlus From Disaster
I sure hope you never need any of this information! The following links are from Heisenberg's OnePlus One thread
Device Recovery/Unbrick Tools
[TOOL] One-Click Backup & Restore EFS on OnePlus One
[TOOL] OnePlusRecovery Tool | Restore Stock (CM11S) | Fix Bricks | ETC
[TOOL] OnePlus One Return To Stock - Automated!
[GUIDE] [UNBRICK] Unbrick Oneplus One
I originally intended to post a step-by-step, but instead I'll defer to existing/tested sources. Heisenberg's thread has tons of useful information and is well worth checking out.
More Info
Link Database
Someone has an awesome thread listing all the links you could ever ask for, so I'll defer to those that are already maintaining this. Here you are ...
Recommended Apps
Please note that these are some of the best of the best, and most of them are not free!
Email - [email protected] Mail This is a fork of K-9, which is the Android Mutt (from Dr Who) .. mutt being a classic Unix mail program. I love Dr Who, but [email protected] was such a big improvement, I had to go with it. If you need full folder support, multiple accounts, and support for email cryptographic signing and encryption, multiple identities, and html editing of email and html signatures!
Music Player - PowerAmp - this is by the best music player I've used, bar none. If you don't want it messing with your custom lockscreen wallpaper, you can tell it not to, or add a whole second/custom lockscreen over the original. It has its own EQ, but I don't need it with Viper. To make PowerAmp compatible with Viper, simply turn off the direct volume control. You can use Xposed to add more volume steps if you like the extra control that PowerAmp's default has.
Video Player - VLC Video Lan Client Plays everything, does everything, streams videos, and has remote control apps to connect to other VLCs anywhere on your network.
QuickPic - QuickPic is a replacement for the stock Cyanogen Gallery. It works and acts much the same only its much much faster. Another good choice is Piktures, but new users may find it a bit more complicated, and it doesn't seem to be nearly as fast.
Agent - While much of what Agent does can be duplicated with other tools, the ease of use and flexibility of this tool can't be beat. It monitors your calendar for meetings and silences your phone, knows when you are driving and responds to your texts (and/or reads them to you), detects when your sleeping and makes your phone quiet (even if you sleep at different times). Has a battery saver mode, and can even remember where you parked. The Meeting agent works best if your calendar supports the "Busy" flag, which Google removed about a year ago, so ...
Today Calendar - The Today Calendar is just a really beautiful app and has some nice widgets (although I just use cLock from Cyanogen to show my calendar and make appointments via Voice commands, so I don't see Today much, I still bought it). It has the Busy flag and all sorts of features. If you want one a little less flashy (and free), try Boxer Calendar.
File Manager - The FX File Manager is by far the greatest file manager. It has everything built in, including SMB to network with Windows and SFTP to network with any machines running SSH. App Management, Media Refresh, and nice clean material design! Bloat free!
FXR Wifi Repair - Get this app and install it NOW! You will thank me the day you end up needing it!
Project Toolbar
For those on Tapatalk that don't get the toolbar, here it is ...
Feature Requests
Bug Reports
I'm running 12.1-20151030 deodexed version. Could you provide me links to proper Xposed installer? Or is it ok to flash that one package with all that installed?
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
Tyga187 said:
I'm running 12.1-20151030 deodexed version. Could you provide me links to proper Xposed installer and Viper? Or is it ok to flash that one package with all that installed?
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
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Don't know if 10/30 needs deodex or not but if its before jgcaaps hacks you'll need the older Xposed. I have it and Ill upload it for you to my site (Eddon Systems Download Page ... link in first post). Viper is already there (look for LolliViper).
If you don't mind taking the time to do a clean flash, Aardvark is based on the 11/08 build with the Apple code. All works out of the box Dirty flash possible, but can lead to weird problems.
I'll upload Xposed v75 right now
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Ok so it is possible to run odexed version and have Xposed working? I've heard that I need deodexed version for exposed that's why I'm on 20151030.
Thanks a lot for fast response!
Sent from my A0001 using XDA Free mobile app
Deodex and Xposed
The newer builds are made in such a way that you can use them with Odex builds without problems. We even have a special "Hacked" version of Xposed that prevents the possible slowdown issues and bypassing jgcaap's ART improvements.
So yes, use Odex and new builds and preferably the "Hacked ZIP" for the framework, although normal v75 still works. Or flash Aardvark. I've got maybe a dozen Xposed modules active.
The reason you don't see newer Deodex is because they aren't needed anymore
uudruid74 said:
The newer builds are made in such a way that you can use them with Odex builds without problems. We even have a special "Hacked" version of Xposed that prevents the possible slowdown issues and bypassing jgcaap's ART improvements.
So yes, use Odex and new builds and preferably the "Hacked ZIP" for the framework, although normal v75 still works. Or flash Aardvark. I've got maybe a dozen Xposed modules active.
The reason you don't see newer Deodex is because they aren't needed anymore
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Which build has Apple code ? Normal odexed build , deodexed or bionic build ?
lokesh.3440 said:
Which build has Apple code ? Normal odexed build , deodexed or bionic build ?
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It varies based on date and jgcaap's whim. The 11/08 builds do. I don't think any deodex builds do because he stopped making those before the Apple assembler code experiments.
Since 11/08 has it, Aardvark has it.
Bionic isn't a ROM build, its the Android low level C library to which the Apple code is being added.
More about me at
uudruid74 said:
It varies based on date and jgcaap's whim. The 11/08 builds do. I don't think any deodex builds do because he stopped making those before the Apple assembler code experiments.
Since 11/08 has it, Aardvark has it.
Bionic isn't a ROM build, its the Android low level C library to which the Apple code is being added.
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I m downloading latest build now.
Good job Evan. This will definitely help Jorge and the Marshmallow project. Thanks in advance brother.. See you on the testing ground.
Tom 2.0
Purerawenergy said:
Good job Evan. This will definitely help Jorge and the Marshmallow project. Thanks in advance brother.. See you on the testing ground.
Tom 2.0
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I'm going to be stealing your post you made in the other thread about battery tweaks ... Greenify, Amplify, PowerNap and all that. It will go in the tweaks post. Let me know if that info is changed and if you can remember the date or post number for when I go digging.
More about me at
uudruid74 said:
I'm going to be stealing your post you made in the other thread about battery tweaks ... Greenify, Amplify, PowerNap and all that. It will go in the tweaks post. Let me know if that info is changed and if you can remember the date or post number for when I go digging.
More about me at
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You may want to link my buddy @v7 in there somewhere if you want. He's the wake lock master Bro. And his helpfulness is awe inspiring.
Tom 2.0
---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------
Oh and it's not stealing if you ask someone. Haha
Tom 2.0
Purerawenergy said:
You may want to link my buddy @v7 in there somewhere if you want. He's the wake lock master Bro. And his helpfulness is awe inspiring.
Tom 2.0
---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------
Oh and it's not stealing if you ask someone. Haha
Tom 2.0
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Actually, I put your name in as a contributor (and obviously @jgcaap) which gives you a lot more access. That way, if I'm hit by a bus tomorrow, other people can step in (its the admin in me). You might be able to edit the project page and initial reserved posts yourself.
My routed here is getting old so I'm doing a reflash and adding a captive portal to disconnect people when there isn't a human body using it. I need to cut down on everyone's bandwidth usage. So ... gonna be a busy night.
More about me at
uudruid74 said:
Flashing Instructions - Full ROM
If you don't have a backup program, you can grab a really fast and free one, Backup+. XDA Forum | My Mirror - Direct Download.
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Hi,thanks for this thread. I've downloaded aardvark but for the backup+ download from : I get a 403 forbidden.
Verstuurd vanaf mijn A0001 met Tapatalk
I am going to download your rom and test it in a couple of days
Wysłane z mojego A0001 przy użyciu Tapatalka
Well this came around at a perfect time! I haven't been actively flashing my phone much this year and my current ROM is from July 5th lol. So I'm not really new, but could use something pre made like this. Reading, backing up, and downloading this afternoon, then flash later tonight. Thanks for putting this up.
Is the rom ok to flash on system/data/cache on f2fs ?

total noob... after its done!

hi all got loads of info off the site and I managed to unlocked bootloader, flashed twrp recovery (altho I don't get a gui when trying to boot into it) I have now got root access also but what do I do from here
I just wanted more memory for apps and things so wanted to use the memory card to install apps to
do I install custom roms or do I use the rom i have already?
Wait, r u serious?
With root access you can do almost everything in the stock ROM - delete unwanted apps (or even GApps - apps from Google), tweak your performance and battery life and more. If you want some more performance - install Sky-Melon kernel. If you want more cool features - install Xposed. If you wanna get more personality - install some overlays to make your life better while waiting for completely clean ROM - AOSP 7.1.1.
One more advice - do not, remember, do not install anything with a prefix Pexo! Sound mod can break your earspeak (seriously), PexoCam is buggy, PexoROM is also with bunch of bugs. But, it's my personal opinion. Nothing personnal, PexoTeam.
Gray47Maxx said:
Wait, r u serious?
With root access you can do almost everything in the stock ROM - delete unwanted apps (or even GApps - apps from Google), tweak your performance and battery life and more. If you want some more performance - install Sky-Melon kernel. If you want more cool features - install Xposed. If you wanna get more personality - install some overlays to make your life better while waiting for completely clean ROM - AOSP 7.1.1.
One more advice - do not, remember, do not install anything with a prefix Pexo! Sound mod can break your earspeak (seriously), PexoCam is buggy, PexoROM is also with bunch of bugs. But, it's my personal opinion. Nothing personnal, PexoTeam.
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hi thanks for the reply
yeah I was serious in all fairness I was just doing it to see if I could why is beyond me I had some spare time lol
I'll keep having a read to see if anything is worth it to me
I do like the clean look after the uninstall app program makes a hell of a difference

[Guide] Moto G4/G4 Plus - Tips for great battery and solid performance on Nougat 7.0

Hey everyone, I just wanted to make a guide on how to improve your battery life on a custom nougat rom with solid performance and little to no heating issues. I use this method after many trials and errors after I only got 2.5-3hrs of SOT after leaving stock and flashing custom roms. However, after Magisk 14.3 I no longer got the frequent safety issue that plague me for months and I also notice my battery life starting to improve.
Please Note: I have not tested this on marshmallow custom roms or any stock Moto G4/G4 Plus rom (6.0 and above) but feel free to try and let me know if it works. Also this method could be duplicated on other devices.
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any bricked or damage device you used my method. I give all credit to the developers who does a fantastic job creating all the things they do for the root community. Thank you!
Follow the following tips if your on a custom nougat rom (Ex: LineageOS, Resurrection Remix, InvictaOS, etc.).
1. Download a custom Nougat (7.0+) rom for your device and go through the initial set up as normal. (I personally use InvictaOS for my device which is very stable). Note: Do not install any root app that modifies system files!
2. Download the following files: Ex kernel , Addon-su- , Magisk 14.3 (1437).zip.
2. Reboot into recovery and install the latest Ex kernel for nougat. This kernel is quite stable and works universally with most custom roms. (It also keeps the phone sightly cooler during heavy usage).
3. Next, flash the file to remove any traces of root from your room as it will interfere with Magisk which could result in your device randomly rebooting. Afterwards, flash magisk (This version of magisk pass safetynet on a consistent basis in my experience). You can now reboot your device.
4. Once your back into your phone, launch magisk manager and check if your pass safetynet (which means you did it right) now head to the download section of the app and install the module for "Sysconfig Patcher". A solid tweak improves screen off time by putting the battery hog known as Google Play Service into doze.
This is a bonus step but it's well worth it if you want to maximize battery life:
5A. Buy the official Ex kernel app from the play store. This allows you more power over your kernel settings than the alternatives. Next download the kernel turnables "lightning blade" in addition to our device, this works on allow phones using a snapdragon 617 processor like the G4/G4 Plus. Download the zip file and follow the instructions in the thread very carefully. This will give you much improved screen on time by using less cores unless necessary to maintain a smooth experience. Additionally, It keeps the phone cooler during heavy usage coupled with ex kernel.
5B. Now you can play around with the kernel settings if you like. My personal settings is more gear to my average daily use. Under CPU tab I change my governor turnable to lightning blade from the previous step, under GPU tab I use Simple_ondemand as the gpu governor. Under memory tab, I disable both KSM and KSM Deferred Timer and enable Low Memory Killer. Then under miscellaneous I change TCP to Westwood, increase the i/o schedule read ahead time to 512, and press wake blocks to toggle all three wake blocks. If you want to keep these changes make sure to hit apply on boot for every changes made within the app. You can undo all this to return to ex kernel's stock settings by clearing ex kernel manager's app data and rebooting.
Important: If you follow my steps above you should have better battery life. Try not to install Magisk modules what is not compatible with Magisk 14.0 and above as it may cause your device to randomly reboot and bootloop when powering on.
Please share your battery stats!

Easiest way to get rid of bloatware - via root and an app or try to find a ROM?

UPDATE I've just realised my phone has a bootloader which can't be unlocked, so it looks like rooting is not possible for me. Are there any other options to debloat my ROM, or at least disable some of the Sony/Google apps?
Hi, I'm new to the Z5 compact, and was previously using the Z3 compact. I've spent a long time browsing this section, but I've still got three questions. (I thought I'd be lazy and ask for help as I suspect there are a few other lurkers on this forum who would find the answer to these questions helpful.)
I want a ROM which is as close to stock as possible, but without all the annoying bloatware: mainly Sony's 'Whats New' but also most of the Google apps. Ideally, I'd like to completely remove these apps from my phone (rather than 'freeze' them) so that I'm not constantly being asked to update apps that I never use.
With the Z3 compact, there were always lots of debloated, stock-based ROMS available on this forum, but I haven't found any for the Z5 compact. 1. Are there any up-to-date, near-stock ROMs available which have been debloated?
If I'm not able to simply install a debloated ROM, I'd prefer to disable/remove the bloatware on my stock ROM using an app.
2. What's the easiest way of doing this? E.g. if I root and use ES Explorer, would this allow me to remove 'system' apps like 'Whats New?'
Finally, if the easiest way to solve my problem is to create a debloated stock ROM myself, I have seen lots of separate posts with instructions on deodexing etc. but I'm not yet confident that I'm ready to proceed.
3. Has anyone got a simple step-by-step guide to producing a debloated ROM, including all the necessary steps, e.g. rooting/deodexing/whatever?
Thanks in advance for any help.
you can just use titanium backup to uninstall system apps
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, since I originally posted this question, I've discovered that my phone's bootloader can't be unlocked so I therefore can't root it and use Titanium Backup.
My main reason to debloat the phone was that I was annoyed with the frequent unwanted notifications from 'Whats New.' However, I've since discovered that these can be turned off within the app's settings and I haven't heard from it since. So I'm using a completely stock, unrooted ROM, but it actually works perfectly for me.

