Is there any way to root the Android subsystem on FydeOS? I'm new to Chromium OS and I don't know all the ins and outs. I do know, however, that there's this way to root Android on Chrome OS. Does it also work on FydeOS? If not, is there any other relatively simple way to root?
I tried to run sudo /usr/share/vboot/bin/ --remove_rootfs_verification --partitions $(( $(rootdev -s | sed -r 's/.*(.)$/\1/') - 1)), but I got a message saying that I don't have developer firmware.
I learned about this here...
You can install an i386/x86_64 chroot within your existing Debian chroot using qemu-user-static to run the Android SDK on your Android phone/tablet/phablet.
Get yourself a debian chroot, I recommend at least 2gb. I use DebianKit from market.
You will need a X11 desktop environment and a VNC client on your device. I use androidVNC from market.
Here is my working example...
Start your Debian chroot/environment and do...
apt-get install openbox openbox-themes obmenu obconf menu menu-xdg xdg-utils xfonts-base xfonts-terminus* nautilus terminator lxappearance gmrun leafpad man-db hicolor-icon-theme tightvncserver tint2
That gives you a window manager, fonts, filebrowser, terminal emulator, text editor, theme manager, taskbar, and a VNC server.
Now lets get some GTK engines and libraries....
apt-get install gtk2-engines-auroa gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-oxygen gtk2-engines-pixbuf libgtk2.0-bin gtk3-engines-oxygen gtk3-engines-unico libgtk-3-bin
Now 7zip to handle zips and archives comfortably(put non-free in your apt sources.list)...
apt-get install p7zip p7zip-full p7zip-rar zip unzip
##The Android SDK manager, qemu, and multistrap##
apt-get install ant file openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jdk qemu-user-static libswt-gtk-3-java libswt-cairo-gtk-3-jni
Now we can build a small x86_64 rootfs using multistrap
multistrap can use a config, have mine...
Copy multistrap.conf straight into your working(pwd) directory....
cp /sdcard/Download/multistrap.conf .
Do this to avoid multistrap complaining later...
cat multistrap.conf >mstrap
mkdir /data/mnt
Determine size of rootfs for loop image..
du -hs /data/mnt/
Now make an image for x86_64 chroot
dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard/64bit.img bs=$(( 0x100000 )) count=YOUR IMAGE SIZE
That byte size makes your image slightly larger than the count value in Mb, for example count=78 will write 82Mb image.
mkfs.ext2 /sdcard/64bit.img
tune2fs -c0 /sdcard/64bit.img
mkdir /data/tmp
busybox mount -o loop /sdcard/64bit.img /data/tmp/
cp -r /data/mnt/* /data/tmp/
umount /data/tmp
rm -r /data/tmp/
rm -r /data/mnt/
mkdir /data/mnt
busybox mount -o loop /sdcard/64bit.img /data/mnt/
Now the environment is set up and mounted, at this point install the SDK
Aim your browser to
Select "Linux" from "SDK Tools Only", thats the last thing at the bottom of the list.
cp /sdcard/Download/android-sdk_r21.0.1-linux.tgz .
7z x android-sdk_r21.0.1-linux.tgz russosv
7z x android-sdk_r21.0.1-linux.tar
Now we need a couple goodies from ##--Thanks to russosv from FeildEffect
These are edited from original....
case "$1" in
if [ ! -e "./64BIT" ]; then
mkdir ./64BIT
for i in $(file ./* | grep "ELF 32" | awk '{print $1}' | sed s/://g | sed s/[./]//g); do
echo "Moving $i..."
mv $i ./64BIT
ln -s ~/bin/run-64-link $i
$QEMU $64CHROOT/lib64/ --library-path $64CHROOT/lib:$64CHROOT/usr/lib:$64CHROOT/usr/share/perl/5.12.4/unicore/lib:$64CHROOT/var/lib:$64CHROOT/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:$64CHROOT/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu [email protected]
Copy that to run-64, then...
chmod 755 run64
cp run-64 /usr/bin/
One more...
echo $(dirname $0)/64BIT/$(basename $0) [email protected]
/usr/bin/run-i386 $(dirname $0)/64BIT/$(basename $0) [email protected]
Make that run-64-link
chmod 755 run-64-link
cp run-64-link /usr/bin/
Now launch VNC server
killall Xtightvnc
cat >.vnc/xstartup<<EOF
tint2 &
terminator &
export DISPLAY=:1
Now launch the VNC client I mentioned earlier, should connect with and your password you set.
Go back to terminal or use the one launched on X11 to do...
sh android-sdk-linux/tools/android
Install at least one api.
If all went well you can now go around "debugging" yours and your friends Android devices over wifi now.
For an example, and to see it work do....
svc wifi disable(or enable) ##this turns off/on wifi
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555(or -1) ##this turns on/off adb over network
stop adbd
start adbd
adb connect or any other adbd addy listening on your network,
Have fun
Never did a "how to" before, go easy and I'll make corrections and answer things. Thanks for reading. Leave feedback.
Potential necro post but I believe the information is still currently valid and not readily available on searches. I've looked variations of this up for years with no luck until I hit the right search terms.
bump, and thanks.
can't believe there's no comments.
I know it's a slower than real-64-bit-pc method but not all of us have access to new hardware... or pc's. Maybe a novelty, still cool and useful if you've got the time to let the slower hardware compile.
you have preserved the scripts, original link is dead.
here is the Internet Wayback Machine cache of the original circa 2012 for reference.
appreciate you sharing.
I'm porting a script that runs well on android 4.0.4 to android 4.4.2
Simplified it does this:
ls *.a | ./busybox xargs ./busybox rm -f
I'm using a busybox binary in mi app's folder (/data/data/com.myapp.bla/)
The error I'm getting is:
xargs: ./busybox: Permission denied
However, if I run
./busybox rm -f x.a
it works.
The ./busybox that it's complaining about it's the second, the one that calls rm. The first get's executed. Whatever I put as the second command won't get executed.
I'm rooted and can execute simple commands as root, the problem is when a comand has a nested command inside.
same thing happens with rsync -e.
I've tested this on Samsung galaxy note 10.1 android 4.0.4 where it works fine, and Samsung galaxy note 10.1 2014 edittion android 4.4.2 where it fails.
I'm sensing this has something to do with SELinux set in enforced. I can't change it whatsoever. I've tryed everything on the net besides reflashing a new kernel and changing image.
rombusevil said:
I'm porting a script that runs well on android 4.0.4 to android 4.4.2
Simplified it does this:
ls *.a | ./busybox xargs ./busybox rm -f
I'm using a busybox binary in mi app's folder (/data/data/com.myapp.bla/)
The error I'm getting is:
xargs: ./busybox: Permission denied
However, if I run
./busybox rm -f x.a
it works.
The ./busybox that it's complaining about it's the second, the one that calls rm. The first get's executed. Whatever I put as the second command won't get executed.
I'm rooted and can execute simple commands as root, the problem is when a comand has a nested command inside.
same thing happens with rsync -e.
I've tested this on Samsung galaxy note 10.1 android 4.0.4 where it works fine, and Samsung galaxy note 10.1 2014 edittion android 4.4.2 where it fails.
I'm sensing this has something to do with SELinux set in enforced. I can't change it whatsoever. I've tryed everything on the net besides reflashing a new kernel and changing image.
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I tried executing the example command in /data/local/tmp as shell user and it works. Same command in my app's folder executed as the linux user of the app and it works too. Problem is that I need to access different directories not owned by my app's user, such as /sdcard/
If there's a way that I can change selinux policies at runtime or disable it without reflashing please let me know.
Thanks in advance
I had a script that I ran via tasker when I was on 5.1.1 to download the pic of the day from Nasa
Since upgrading to MM the script no longer works. It does work just fine via command line on linux machines(most likely d/t the increased support and ease of wget/curl) so I know the formatting is correct.
here's what I have
wget -q -c -O ~/Downloads/potd/$(date +%m-%d-%Y.jpg)$(curl -silent > astropix.html && grep "IMG SRC" astropix.html | cut -c 10- | tr -d "\"") && rm astropix.html
On android I get as far as
sslv3 alert handshake failure
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've tried setting different ssl/tls versions via curl and still nothing.
Has anyone figured out a hack on how to get GPlay working successfully on these Acer C720's. I been doing some research but no dice.
One time I got it on Canary Chammel and was able to see it in chrome after reboot it was long gone...
This chromebook would be way more useful with a google Play. I shouldn't have to buy a new one to use this feature, even tho it looks that way...
Any input is appreciated. Thanks all
I know for google play store it needs a kernel update. Any pros and cons and if this isn't happening, does anyone have any suggestions as to what they are using the chrome book for these days... any sort of cool hacks/Mods?
cletisvandamm said:
I know for google play store it needs a kernel update. Any pros and cons and if this isn't happening, does anyone have any suggestions as to what they are using the chromebook for these days... any sort of cool hacks/Mods?
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I have a USB 3.0 stick loaded with Arm Arch Linux latest buil & kernel, on Acer C720P as ctrl-l legacy it's very performant.
Also have crouton with Ubuntu Xenial & Mate as desktop, decent performance, can play VLC 2.2 without a glitch....
---------- Post added at 04:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 AM ----------
It will be interesting to test on usb the C740P recovery rom, & see if one get Android apps play store access this way, I think Acer C740P is planned for Android apps, I might be wrong.
If not maybe the next Acer Chromebook in line could be used on the Acer C720P through a USB hack., like the script used to install chromeos on compatible laptops, I can do it with Acer W700 hybrid tablets for a bunch of recovery roms, after installing chromium os first...
placeholder - Chrome OS
I think this deserves its own thread, don't you think?
Copied to new thread:
It is possible to get Google Play Store perfectly running on Acer CB C720P, off the USB 3.0 port using a USB 3.0 bootable stick with the recovery rom for Acer Chromebook R11 - it needs adjustments, & a version of Chromium OS above 55 like
(use WIndows Diskimage to map it to usb stick, then expand the data partition file system to use up all the disk)
& adapting this script I hacked:
sudo apt-get install cgpt
rootfs_start="`cgpt show -i 3 -n -b -q $image_file`"
rootfs_size="`cgpt show -i 3 -n -s -q $image_file`"
mkdir chrome_efi_mount
sudo mount /dev/sdb12 chrome_efi_mount -t vfat
mkdir chromium_efi_mount
sudo mount -ro loop,offset=$((`cgpt show -i 12 -n -b -q $image_file`*512)) $image_file chromium_efi_mount
sudo cp chromium_efi_mount/syslinux/vmlinuz.B chrome_efi_mount/syslinux/vmlinuz.B -f
sudo cp chromium_efi_mount/syslinux/vmlinuz.B chrome_efi_mount/syslinux/vmlinuz.A -f
sudo umount chrome_efi_mount
sudo umount chromium_efi_mount
sudo dd if=$image_file of=/dev/sdb3 bs=512 skip=$rootfs_start count=$rootfs_size
Sorry for now too lazy to write a full step by step how to...
Here are exhibits on my twitter feed
Installing FydeOs on your Chromebook with mrChromebox's firmware will do the whole job. It fully supports Android and Play store with open Gapps. FydeOS is chromeOs and android both. Please give it a try
Installing FydeOs will do the whole job, It supports and comes with android built-in and also open Gapps,
Install FydeOS with Mr Chromebox's Firmware and flash fydeOs into a USB using rufus, then follow the on screen instructions.
If you need help just ask.
Happy chromium user.
I am wondering which Android OS the current firmware is based on, I am mainly asking for the Stratos 3.
also, when will the Android OS eventually be upgraded, if at all?
For Pace, the software is based on Android 5.1. I would try this I found over at StackOverflow,the watch should be connected to the pc and ADB commands must be used:
To get Android version you can use: adb shell getprop
To get API level: adb shell getprop
You can see all available properties with this command: adb shell getprop