hwhiaidsengine causing full screen pop up ads - help with removal - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

hi all, i'm about to drive to a phone shop and buy my wife a pixel 4. Somebody please save me some money!
She has a huawei p20 pro and has some bloatware or something causing full screen pop up ads. Pushing the app switcher button doesn't identify the culprit but using recent services in developer mode showed me that i think the culprit is hwhiaidsengine
I've followed several guides online, installed Debloater which recognises the phone but only recognises one package on the phone where it should show a huge list.
I've downloaded ADB and it has recognised the phone however I do not know the command to bring up a list of packages or the command to disable/remove hwhiaidsengine.
If anybody can offer any help whatsoever it would really be fantastic.


Nexus 5X weird behavior (malware?), possibly caused by FB Messenger or Pixel Launcher

Some very weird things started happening on my phone earlier today. It's a Nexus 5X, running 8.0 Oreo, with the October security patch. I'm not rooted and I'm careful about what I install. The phone is fairly new, from this summer.
I will begin with describing what I did in the hours before this started. I can think of two things that possibly could have started it:
1) Two of my Facebook contacts sent malicious links to me an hour before. It looked like Youtube videos but was not. I did NOT open any of these links, knowing directly they were harmful (not sure if you can be affected by just receiving them, not clicking on them?). I received them in the Messenger Lite application (an official app from Facebook with scaled-down functionality).
2) A few hours before the Facebook links, I sideloaded an APK containing the new Pixel Launcher. I got the APK from Android Police/APK Mirror.
Can't attach links, but Google for: Hands-on with the updated Pixel Launcher, including the new Pixel 2 features [APK Download]
The APK was working fine and nothing seemed odd with it (I used the launcher for a few hours). As long as Android Police know what they uploaded, this shouldn't be the cause for my problems. I bet on Facebook Messenger instead. (People that click such malware links typically get their Facebook accounts hacked, however my account seems fine and my account didn't spam others with the same link. I did not change password or did anything else to "recover" my account yet).
So what happened after this on my phone?
Here is the first thing I noticed. I open Play Store to install updates. It turns out I have one update pending, it's called BankID. This is a major Swedish app used by nearly every smartphone user in the country, and it's for signing into government websites, bank websites, insurance company websites, and much more. When I click update in Play Store two things happen almost instantly:
1) Six pictures are downloaded from Messenger Lite to my phone. That makes no sense, how could clicking a button in Google Play trigger something to happen in Messenger Lite? In fact I tried it three times, with the same behavior every time. (Well, actually opening the Messenger Lite photo album, there are only photos there I already downloaded, so nothing new seems to be added there - but the photos were probably re-downloaded I believe).
2) The BankID update downloads to 100 % (the downloading takes a little longer than expected), then it halts and does nothing, i.e. it's not installing. No error message, it just stops there. I can choose to abort and try again, which I do three times or more, with exactly the same behavior.
Also, I now notice Play Protect hasn't run for two days, but when I try to run it, it seems to be down. After ~30 seconds of scanning it says "App verification temporarily down". "App verification temporarily down" could very well be connected with the halted update I just described? It still says it hasn't run for two days after this.
When I experiment, I notice other things that are very weird indeed.
1) Notifications in Gmail, Snapchat and possibly other apps aren't coming through. By opening the apps, I can sync manually.
2) When I move a file to a new folder using the Downloads app (Files app, stock one) I get a error message saying the move operation failed. This also triggered the photo notifications from Messenger Lite (same behavior as described above, with six photos). However, after a while the moved pictures are indeed in the right folder, even though the error message saying otherwise.
3) After some time I remove "app data" for the Google Play app. When I open it after that, there are now three app updates pending (e.g. Google Wifi also). But the same behavior occurs, when I try to download one or all of them, I get the Messenger photo notifications and the updates halt at 100 % without installing. So the BankID app - which could be targeted by attackers for obvious reasons - could just be a coincidence. It could have happened with any app I suppose, this was the only one pending right then. But still, why couldn't Play Store detect other pending app updates until I refreshed it the way I did? Was Play Store blocked from connecting to Google (or forced to connect to some other server, perhaps?).
What did I do after all of this?
I uninstalled three apps:
-Facebook Lite
-Facebook Messenger Lite
-Pixel Launcher APK
However the uninstall process was very odd. A process called "Package Installer" had a notification saying "Uninstalling Lite" and "Uninstalling Messenger Lite". It didn't seem to be working, it was stuck after some time. I restarted my phone and the apps seem to be gone now, at least they aren't listed in Settings --> Apps. So the uninstall process was successful I suppose, even though it didn't seem to work.
After I restarted my phone I also noticed:
-When I install Messenger Lite from Play Store now, it's easy to uninstall it the way it should be - in mere seconds.
-When I open Play Store, updates are now installing fine. Play Protect is also scanning fine now.
Everything looks back to normal now. But I'm not trusting my device. I'm gonna factory reset it. Before I do, I wonder:
-Can I feel safe the wipe would erase whatever malware I might have had on the phone?
-Is there something I could do to let us know what caused this? Upload a log here somehow?
The only piece of advice I have received as of now is: "Try restarting in safe mode, installing some AV software, and generally looking for suspicious processes." I haven't done that yet, would it still be a good thing to do? Must I install AV software before rebooting into safe mode, or could I install it directly from safe mode? (App suggestions, AV software?).
Usually I'm very careful and security-minded. I haven't had something like this happen before. So I'm very intrigued and mad about this. I'm gonna change my Google account and Facebook account passwords later on I think (I already have 2-factor authentication enabled).
One last thing: When I install Pixel Launcher on my non-rooted phone, it's not running as a system app if my understanding is correct. (At least it shouldn't be). But none the less, when I wanted to uninstall it I had to go into Settings --> Apps and tap "Show system apps" to find it in the list. Is that normal? Perhaps it doesn't mean anything, I just want to know.
Thanks for your advice in advance. Anything else to add? What should I do know? All you might have to say is appreciated.
Come on now guys, someone must be able to help?
If I factory reset the device, will it be clean? I didn't mess with custom ROMs, root, the bootloader or something else. (I suppose the bootloader is locked).

Unwanted Vchat App icon appeared on home screen, but not in application manager

I just noticed that an application was added to my home screen called Vchat. I didn't install this app. I checked the application manager and my account in the play store and this app doesn't appear in either. I'm not really sure what this is and what the best way to remove it is. I haven't clicked on it. I also notice random ads popping up after the unlocking the screen, though they are very sporadic.
I'm on a LG G5, the verizon version, running android 7.0.
Girlfriend also has this on her Samsung Galaxy A5, couldn't identify an app in app list which matched. Removed from home screen and hoped it was simply a sketchy weblink. Will follow post to ensure phone is secure or if an app needs removing. Seems to have appeared in last 24 hours.
I tried running avast and malwarebytes on my phone. Neither of those detected anything.
Came up 3/30
I Googled this yesterday, glad I did again today to find this forum. I bought this phone March 22nd and I am noticing my lock screen button stopped working around the same time the app appeared. This phone is brand new from amazon and I am about to return it, but something tells me this issue is software related as the button was working fine on 3/29 and now it clicks and is responsive to the touch, but it will only "sometimes" lock the screen. Right now it is fully functioning, but it will start to fail if I have too many apps open, or if I am running a game. It specifically won't work while in an app, but will work when on the home screen with no apps open.
On top of all of this, my phone has been getting weird ads, but male ware detection doesn't see it, also, the phone is a lot slower now. Whatever this is, I don't want to be connected to it.
Update: the v stands for Vietnamese. The app is some Vietnamese chatting service. Googled "vchat' you guess should try it too.
Bunyip04 said:
I Googled this yesterday, glad I did again today to find this forum. I bought this phone March 22nd and I am noticing my lock screen button stopped working around the same time the app appeared. This phone is brand new from amazon and I am about to return it, but something tells me this issue is software related as the button was working fine on 3/29 and now it clicks and is responsive to the touch, but it will only "sometimes" lock the screen. Right now it is fully functioning, but it will start to fail if I have too many apps open, or if I am running a game. It specifically won't work while in an app, but will work when on the home screen with no apps open.
On top of all of this, my phone has been getting weird ads, but male ware detection doesn't see it, also, the phone is a lot slower now. Whatever this is, I don't want to be connected to it.
Update: the v stands for Vietnamese. The app is some Vietnamese chatting service. Googled "vchat' you guess should try it too.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I did look it up and found that. I'm just trying to figure out how it got there and how to remove it.
erehwon6811 said:
I did look it up and found that. I'm just trying to figure out how it got there and how to remove it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I got frustrated trying to figure out how to remove this app, so I decided to restore the phone to factory defaults. I've only had the phone for a month, so I didn't have much on it.
Galaxy S5
I have a Galaxy S5 Android version 6.0.1 and this URL shortcut also appeared on my homesceen. Likewise I would like to know what app / service was used to create this advertisement so I can disable / uninstall it.

Firefly Mobile Intense XL

My phone was serviced "reprogrammed" and when it came back I keep getting ads. I tried resetting the phone but it still keeps getting adware silently installed. Is there any way to fix this?
You are not alone. Bought this phone for my mom since she likes a bigger screen to do social media stuff. The malware popped in after the last ota. The official wirelessupdate app included on the phone silently installs random apks that pushes full screen ads and impersonates clicks even if the the phone is not being used. This is common with generic android phones coming from CHINA
I haven't figured out a way to root the phone as most rooting methods will fail(because of the sucky spreadtrum SOC which makes it difficult to root the phone).SADLY, rooting is the only way to disable/uninstall the wirelessupdate app.
However, here's a workaround I found that works.
1) restrict your network to limit background data usage (Found in settings).
2) **uninstall the malware app: finding the app may be difficult as It normally disguises itself as a system app with names like radio, settings, wifi or some application name that doesn't even make sense. It uses a lot of data and is always active. You'll know its the fake app if it poses as a system app but you have the option to uninstall it(System apps cannot be uninstalled without root/Su access).
The wireless update will probably install another malware app after uninstalling the current one.
3)disable notification of the app so it doesnt send fake notifications to you that opens ad based webpages as it also fakes notification, posing as a fake notif from FB, whatsapp
4) force stop it and stop the services from settings so it doesn't load or push apps while you use your phone
Restarting the phone will make the app run again
5) Remove the app's permission. By default its granted access to location, settings, storage and sometimes camera or mic. The wireless app doesnt detect this and wont turn those permission back on
6) lastly, you can contact firefly support AND PRAY TO THE GOOD LORD they know know what they're doing. Because I did and they were completely clueless on the troubleshooting or on the issue itself and even blamed the problem on the user. Ridiculously stupid.
I haven't really tried ADB yet because i don't have the time and the phone lacks resources online to restore it in case I brick it. Frankly, this phone is not worth investing time fixing especially with the quality of support it has from Firefly and the price it asked for.

Adverts I can't get rid of

Hi guys got a poco f1 running miui I keep getting full screen adverts that pop while the phone is on home screen and Facebook and camera (even whilst recording) amongst other odd situations. Sometimes i unlock my phone to find a full screen advert has popped up. If i press the square button to see open/running apps when it pops up you can see the ad pop up is running in chrome. I am aware that xiaomi puts adverts on their phones but until recently i never had these kind of ads that are so intrusive and trying all the usual ways to get rid of the ads (changing region, turning of recommendations on apps and settings) has not seemed to work. I even downloaded an ad block app but still no luck. Its annoying because their the only ads that annoy me and have ruined a good few videos already. Please someone help me get these adverts to go away.
Check if you have installed any new app recently because pocophone miui does not have ads like other xiaomi miui.
Find the culprit app and uninstall it immediately.
You probably have a scam app installed or some sort of virus
Try a virus scan + delete the malicious app
If this doesn't work try with a fresh install of the latest Global (remember to backup first) or some adblocking app like Blokada

[Question] "Alternative" Ways to Sideload Apps (Vodafone Smart A9/VFD 120)

I've recently purchased what I thought was a feature phone with long battery life, the Vodafone Smart A9 (VFD 120) for the purpose of putting my "home" SIM card in while I travel. Surprisingly, this phone actually runs Android! Albeit a very locked down version of Android without Google Play Services. In hindsight I probably should've purchased a different cheap phone and turned off data and location to get a similarly long battery life, at the time the price of $49NZD ($32USD) didn't seem like a bad idea. For the sake of interest I decided to try and sideload an application onto this phone, it seems like a decent companion to take hiking as I lost my last phone off the side of a mountain.
I've tried a few things to sideload an app or gain some sort of privileged access to the phone. I haven't really been up to date with the Android Hacking/Dev scene in a good while as my personal need to root has diminished greatly in the last few years.
Things I've tried:
Enable ADB in Developer Mode by pressing Build Version a bunch of times. Unfortunately pressing Build Version does nothing.
Look for settings to enable applications from other sources. This doesn't exist in the security settings.
Tried installing an app from the file manager. This doesn't work either.
Boot into recovery to do "anything". The phone shows up in ADB as "Unauthorised". There aren't any settings except a bunch of hardware tests and factory reset.
The device only has OTA updates but I imagine that even if I grab the file and spoof the download URL with a modified ROM, it wouldn't pass a hash/signature check.
Is there anything else I could realistically try? I'd just like to know if I've missed anything glaringly obvious.
Thanks for taking a look at my post!
phone is now 13nzd from harvy norman did you ever work out a way to load apps
If Android device is Wi-Fi enabled and has browser installed, you at any time can install an app from one of the several existing app markets: Google Play Store isn't the only one though it's highly recommended to use it due to security reasons.
Hi I was wondering if You could tell me how to boot into Recovery mode for this phone.

