Failed rooting by a noob - Xiaomi Mi A3 Questions & Answers

I tried rooting my device using the install-twrp-recovery-xiaomi-mi-a3-guide/ it took a while but I got magidisk working but wifi wasn't connecting, if I turned it on it would turn itself off after a couple of seconds. I tried making a call and this crashed the system and factory resets the device, then the same issue comes up again. I thought I might have flashed the wrong iso. because I used the global version instead of stock_boot_10.3.13.0_mi_a3_eu.iso. I followed the same steps with this instead and had the same issue but on the phone the build number changed to so I tried the same with that boot but it swapped back to recovery mode come up with "no command" and I can access twrp and fast boot but nothing i've tried has let me make calls/ turn on wifi. I didn't make a back up unfortunately, would flashing the stock ROM work? oddly 4g does work and internet from that.
Not sure what to try, feel very out of my depth and feel a bit dumb trying this without having much of a clue what I was doing. Feel like it's not totally ****ed but I've hit a brick wall, thanks in advance for the advice.


[q] Atrix not starting past M Dual Core screen - Long boot time

Hey all,
I did my searching for the last several hours, and am feeling pretty weak. I know there are several other posts with this error - but please let me explain my situation.
Phone was running 2.3.6. I am unsure how it was originally unlocked (carrier unlocked) and bought it used. To my knowledge it did not have root access... (though the advert said it did - running SU in Terminal to show if it had access failed)
I tried doing a factory reset on the phone because it kept acting weird. Just rebooting 10 times a day, and wifi not working either.
Since the reset the phone has not made it past the M Dual Core screen.
Edit as I type: As I type this, I FINALLY got into recovery mode. It took a long time... is that normal? I mean.. loongggg. Now i see other posts state I just need to click the bottom right corner above the search key and I should be on the way to recovering the device...
This however is not working...
I will keep the phone plugged in over night and see if it just needed more time I suppose. Can you guys recommend anything?
I am on win7 - should have the device drivers installed (though, Windows doesn't seem to recognize this with a notification bubble). I know the phone was not on USB Debug Mode when I clicked 'factory reset'.. would it have retained this?
I will update as i have more information.. otherwise if I am missing something please let me know.
Thanks again,
Try booting into recovery mode by holding volume down while turning on. When the menu appears keep pressing volume down until it says android recovery and then press volume up to select it. If an android Guy with a warning sign shows up, press volume down and up. A menu should appear soon. Try to do a data wipe and factory reset from there.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Hi ar31791, thank you for the reply.
That worked to put me into a recovery mode - very nice. Is the button combo different depending on the version of android your'e running, or just phone dependent? I appreciate that.
Couple follow up questions if you guys don't mind and can help
- after the factory reset - my boot time is incredibly slow.... like 30 minutes to boot kinda thing. I tried to factory reset several times since, and its the same issue.
- my data is not working on the phone. I used the apn suggestions from all sites I've found, rebooted (took a while) tried data roaming, etc, but it just doesn't work. I have a decent idea that the apn's are correct because the mms apn worked fine with a test picture message.
My main concern is the incredible lengthy boot time and the data no longer working. The issue with wifi still showing 'error' when enabling it was not resolved by the reset (I didn't think it would - I was reading other posts where it is suspected as a hardware issue).
Thanks again for the reads, and replies. I appreciate the help!
You need romracers or cwm. Unless yer going to stay stock.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Is this an att or a rogers/international phone? Best bet would be to flash pudding and than cwm + custom roms
hey again- thank you for the replies.. seriously. much appreciated.
phalanx, i dont mind staying stock but would that not allow the data connection to work correctly? i found a few posts based on the romracer. i lack the hands on experience, but it looks like i just need to follow the steps for an adb push and then install eh?
you mention staying stock, is that an option? info on my setup below
crnkoj, i am running a bell phone on a fido network in canada. bought on ebay pre unlocked. i do not bekieve it is rooted. phone, mms and text work fine, it seems to be a problem finding a data network at this moment.
thanks again guys, ill be taking a look into the tutorials for romracer and cwm, and giver a shot. lemme know if you have any further ideas, questions or anything you think i might need to know.
edit.. also, whats the deal with the crazyyyyy long boot up time?
(send from a mobile.. please excuse any typos or punctuation errors)
No its just that with an unlocked bootloader you can flash a new.recovery and that makes it easier to flash roms and also kernels and radios. Kernels and radios can affect your ability to connect with data and can even affect the speeds.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
I had a similar situation. So, i did a full wipe installed the rom did another full wipe then installed the appropriate kernel and booted it up. I believe you nedd to install the right kernel per the instructions. It will mot boot if the kernel is not correct.
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
Thanks again guys,
Man it's a funny issue. I am always able to get in and factory wipe the device, but it seems that sometimes that damn M screen will sit forever. I left it over the course of a movie and a half (probably 3 hours) and that screen was still just sitting there.
I get into the fastboot menu easy enough before that screen hangs, and sometimes i can get into the Boot Android (without BP) (I believe it's called) and sometimes it hangs, and sometimes it works.
Other times, like right now, it boots just fine and kinda fast.
I am having an issue with the RSDLite application recognizing my phone. It did once - then hung at 94% flash of the pudding tutorial. I didn't realize the tutorial says to keep the phone plugged in for 10 minutes even after a fail to see if it actually completes. I havent been able to have the software recognize the phone since- I've installed and reinstalled the motorola drivers, set the phone to usb debugging, and was able to try 2 computers, and 2 different cables. I'll giver another shot though.
I am pretty sure my boot loader was unlocked (as I said I had this all done from an ebay purchase) so I think I can just proceed to the flashing, but if there is a way to confirm that it is indeed locked, I'll take the advice.
The more I read though, it looks like I might just need to send this beast in for a service call with Motorola, because of that damn wifi "error" error. I'd hate to go through all this and realize it still will not work.
Thanks for the replies, I'll always take more suggestions, and if you guys think I'm on the wrong path, let me know. I'll keep searchin dem' forums
If your bootloader is unlocked it will say unlocked in white letters on that M boot logo screen. Did you run "fastboot oem unlock" after the rsd flash?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

[Q] Flashing custom FW, returns to stock.

Hey all, before I say my problem, firstly I have no idea if this is the right section in the forums so apologies in advance, secondly, I have held out for 3 days trying to work out various issues before I posted. I probably did just miss one thing or misread another but no matter how much I look, no idea what as new to this. Thanks in advance for your help.
Basically, wanted to flash some custom firmware to my phone, I have been having many issues with backing up on Kies, seems to be something related to my USB's and my computer, it keeps failing during the backing up of programs. I ended up giving up on this, made a titanium pro back up of System files and of programs, also made a Nandroid backup, both on my internal phone memory I believe. Have root access, installed busy box and such, backed up some other stuff using EFS Pro, now I am completely confused, I have followed a few guides dotted around the internet, tried to install some custom firmware, it was Carbon Rom 4.2 I believe. I went into the CMW menu, wiped data/factory reset, wiped partition cache, and wiped dalvik cache, installed the rom from my internal phone memory, as it would not find it on the memory card when I tried, and now after two attempts of it seemingly doing it, on rebooting the phone, I go back to the Samsung firmware.
I have tried to read up as much as I can but obviously I am missing something here and no amount of guides or google searches have hinted at my problem, could anyone help? I know people asking constantly for information on how to put on custom firmware will be irritating, but I have genuinely taken this as far as I can alone Cheers
Now after formating something under mount/system, my phone is stuck on the logo screen, reinstalling the ROM does not work either, no idea what to do now
reflash rom, wipe data and voila.
Hey, thanks for the reply. By reflash rom, which way do you mean, am pretty confused still. The rom I download basically bricked my phone, I don't know why, I think to recover it I use ODIN and get my stock software, so is that what you mean? Or can I somehow use my Nandroid back up..?
deancolt45 said:
Hey, thanks for the reply. By reflash rom, which way do you mean, am pretty confused still. The rom I download basically bricked my phone, I don't know why, I think to recover it I use ODIN and get my stock software, so is that what you mean? Or can I somehow use my Nandroid back up..?
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If you have a Nandroid restore that or flash your original firmware via Odin .
Never restore system files after a firmware change with TB .
Ok here is the situation now, I have made things 100 times worse, I possibly should not of been doing it this late... I followed guides exactly though and there is definitely something not working right with this phone, I just don't know what, all I know is its very temperamental with connecting to computers and will fail doing the custom firmware flashes half the time, no matter what I use, even using the stock ROM i got from samimobile has caused many problems. It might be me, I don't know, but in my frustration followed some advice on a forum and I think I formatted the mount/system. SO obviously I lost both my back up's. My fault and can live with that, phone was bricked and had to do that to get past it I think..
But now no matter what kernel I use and have tried quite a few including my original one, I am unable to connect to my home wifi. It definitely is not the wifi, it worked just fine before I flashed the phone and has been working with it for 4 months, now whenever I set up the phone its constantly stuck in this obtaining network ip infinite loop. No fixes I have used have helped at all so far Sorry to keep asking stuff, I am just literally at the end of my tether, was up until 7am messing with it to no avail.
Just to reiterate a point, the reason I wanted custom firmware was because the phone was crashing randomly and just dying on me and also the speaker had lost like 90% of the volume when I wanted to play music, also it would not connect to my computer with ease, now obviously before I did anything it had issues. So that is why I feel something might be wrong, not saying I did not break anything myself, just the process of flashing the firmware has been pretty straight forward once I did it a couple of times, it has just been failing and bricking every other time, so I am not sure what the problem actually is, did I miss a step, did I mess it up? If not what has. Please helps guys. Regards.
I formatted the mount/system. SO obviously I lost both my back up's
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formatting system wouldn't touch your backups
deancolt45 said:
Just to reiterate a point, the reason I wanted custom firmware was because the phone was crashing randomly and just dying on me and also the speaker had lost like 90% of the volume when I wanted to play music, also it would not connect to my computer with ease, now obviously before I did anything it had issues. So that is why I feel something might be wrong, not saying I did not break anything myself, just the process of flashing the firmware has been pretty straight forward once I did it a couple of times, it has just been failing and bricking every other time, so I am not sure what the problem actually is, did I miss a step, did I mess it up? If not what has. Please helps guys. Regards.
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Usual reply if you did not know what and why and had never bothered to read the faqs and guides before flashing .Then its nearly always user error .
Best take it to a service centre and pay for a repair .
edinghn are
Close thread please
Found out something really handy
Hi guys,
TheGS3 has 1 huge trick when u got stuck in firmware, CSC, etc.
Especially when u used some super usefull toolkit (like me)
I used the Galaxy S3 Toolkit, option4 (ALL in ONE) just push enter 2 times
1 to start and the last one to exit...
Got all the issues i read on hundreds of pages searching for the solution.
Accidentialy i found this morning (its 4:45am right now and busy with it since 15:00)
Start Kies, connect GS3 with USB kabel and when it says not connected take out USB
Dont plug in USB for a while...
In KIES go to Tools and irmware upgrade.. Remember, DONT plug in USB
It will ask u for your model nr which is printed on sticker in baterycover
Confirm and it will ask u S / N' which is printed on same sticker
It will start downloading firmware and u will be guided through update progress
Good Luck to y'all.. Time to go to bed.......

Wogiz WX40 not working properly after flash with "stock" rom.

I only want my Wogiz WX40 to work properly again. It somehow got into a booting loop and I spent many hours figuring out how to flash it due to drivers acting unexpectedly, incorrect instructions for my device and so on.
I finally got it to flash with stock software I got from needrom using SP Flash Tool. However 1) none of the bottom keys work now and 2) it looks as if the resolution is set too high for the device and I think there is also some slowness when using the phone. I have tried clicking upgrade firmware and formatting the entire flash and using different versions of the software and the result is always the same - the bottom keys not working in particular makes it unusable. I tried downloading the stock rom from another location but after downloading it said I needed a password.
So what is the next thing I can try? I'm at my wit's end here and just want it to work again. Thanks for all help.
Anyone know what I should try? For example what custom RAM + firmware might I want to try? At this point I don't care what it is as long as it works. It's a MT6580 device if that helps.
God, I FINALLY got it working.
In case there's anyone else that runs into this: My mistake was getting the stockrom from needrom, every one of those roms for this phone is bad. Get the rom from and use SP Flash Tool to flash it, and even then you have to try to get the one that isn't password protected with no password. Leave the battery in, turn the phone off, use option "format + download" in the software and click download BEFORE you connect the phone, NOW connect the phone and after a little while it will start downloading. Disconnect the phone when it's done and switch it on, it will take a REALLY long time to boot up the first time but it should then work.
That's what came from hours of trying to get it to work. The tutorials etc. online are so confusing, even some incorrect instructions like saying I should take out the battery that are completely false and I would never have gotten it to work if I paid more attention to them. I don't ever want to go through something like that again. I finally have my phone back.

Stuck in bootload/"Encryption unsuccessful", how to flash/root/unlock?

I'm pretty new here, so don't hate on my lack of knowledge^^
Maybe I'm even in the wrong sub-forum
(I think there was a sub-forum dedicated to moto x, but this isn't a device-specific issue, so here should be fine - no?)
Got the following problem:
My moto x (2nd gen) is stuck in a loop. I get to the logo-screen, then it goes to "Encryption unsuccessful" and when I click "Reset", it restarts and fails upon trying to reset.
How I got here:
1) A while ago I wanted to encrypt the phone for the lulz (using its' own encryption-tool)
Followed the simple steps, as in having it charged up, but the encryption did not go through.
Don't remember having it to reset at first, it just booted, even though it had bugs after that:
-whenever I charged it, I had problems turning it back on after charging, had to turn off and back on for it to actually work.
-those notifications on top which one can normally open via sliding down, that sliding down did not work after that.
Eventually I did a hard-reset and it fixed the sliding-problem.
Charging also worked fine at first until it did not.
2) I ended up stuck in a boot-loop that went to the logo-screen back and forth (got to logo-screen, restarted, got to logo-screen, restarted, ...)
Tried to soft-/hard-reset using the VOL- and POWER combo.
The hard-reset itself threw some errors at me, something like "can't delete [whatever]".
Still, after a few tries it eventually went past the logo-screen to the encryption-step.
After another few failed resets and emptied cache via recovery-screen, it somehow ignored the encryption-step and turned on the phone (was a fresh version).
3) Worked fine for 1 whole evening, no crashes/glitches/anything until I had to charge it up.
Then it was back to the broken state.
Note: during 2) I tried to boot with a custom recovery-mode(TWRP), but couldn't get it running.
Then I tried to flash it, but anything I tried to install failed.
I had my suspicions, but eventually I got it straightened out: my phone isn't rooted, and the bootloader is locked.
I did get the code to root it via some steps and the motorola service, but the code did not work as it wanted me to unlock the phone first.
From what I've read, to do that I need to get into the settings and unlock/root it...
Funny thing: I can not turn on the phone to get into the settings.
So - anyone got ideas?
Warranty is gone since apparently my tinkering with the locked bootloader and unrooted phone still was visible and they voided the warranty.
Not sure I broke much/anything with that, though, since it DID work at some point after that (even if it was for a few hours before needing recharging)
Therefore I'm open to any suggestions since the alternative stop would be throwing it into the bin^^
Can I unlock the bootloader without having a working system?
Can I root it somehow without having to get into settings (since I can not turn it on in the first place)?
I did a fair share of reading, but most times the guides just assumed that I already rooted it, or forwarded me to a guide where it said "go into settings and spam the build to get advanced options, then simply root/unlock that damn thing". Tried to find a way to unlock/root it without being able to turn it on, but did not get lucky with the search.
If I could unlock and root it, I probably could go from there. Guides are pretty specific and seem to work for most.
Also, I would try the original android version first before searching for any custom systems.
(that is the smartest way to do, right? since I'm just a user and dont plan on doing more hacking/breaking)
Hope all that above wasn't too much to read
Thx for any advice in advance.
Well, after what feels like 50 restarts it miraculously did not send me to the "Encryption unsuccessful" but instead booted like it should (as a fresh version, though - so had to backup).
Now I've turned on the thing in the settings so next time it breaks, which I expect to happen by tomorrow, I can flash that sucker.
Still - anyone knows how to enable all that stuff one normally does via settings some way that does not involve successfully booting it?
I mean, there should be a way to root/unlock it without having to turn it on first, right?
As expected, the flashing part was pretty easy, so I'm now sitting with a fresh android 6.0.
Two days in and it's still working fine, haven't had any complications (except battery draining faster then at the very beginning, but I think that's due to it hanging too much on the usb-cable during all those sessions of me trying to fix it - and generally I've had it charge over night a few times to often)
Still would appreciate any advice on how to unlock developer mode and usb-debugging within the bootloader or recovery-mode.

Note 8 crashing after flash

So I've reached out to this forum as I've tried a million and one things but can't seem to get my phone to boot.
Here's the situation:
I fell asleep watching a video on my phone and my phone died. I plugged it into the charger and it wouldn't boot, would just endlessly be stuck in a boot loop. Looked it up and saw this is a common issue. Went through the standard fixes:
Wiped the cache
Factory reset the phone.
Attempted to boot in safe mode. (Wouldn't work, still boot looped)
After all this failed I thought I would just flash it using Odin v3.14. T-Mobile is my carrier and I'm based in the US so I used this firmware: SM-N950U TMB, LINK(
It still didn't work after this. It booted up and the startup process began asking me to agree to the terms and conditions. Before even getting to agree, the phone crashed. I tried this again and it just kept failing and crashing. I did this all while plugged into a charger. What I did begin to notice is that the phone would get hot on the left side, where the battery sits. I'm not sure if this is related to the crash or just the fact that its been discharging and charging a lot while I troubleshoot it. I have tried different firmware as well just in case I had the wrong one, but nothing has been working. When I update the firmware I used the CSC file and not the HOME_CSC and I also use the USERDATA file since at this point I kind of accepted I'm not getting my pictures and files back and I'm just trying to get the phone to work once again, thus just trying to factory restore it. Also, when the phone does start booting it says optimizing apps on the bottom each time I boot it I feel this number is changing. I'm not sure what else to do or if anyone has any suggestions? Thank you in advance

