I have had two devices which have been lost ,I have obtained 2 new sim cards and loaded whats app on to a new device for each phone.
I deleted my whats app account ( this would then remove old whats app data and chats from old device app ?)
I logged on to google drive and removed any access to whats app and deleted all back ups
I then changed my mobile numbers to further secure a the chances of no restall and back up as account number is dead !
My question is this - despite all my efforts will there still be a chance back up data will be stored on the file maanger ?
If YES then how long does it stay for ? I have deleted items which are a few weeks old , should they have been over written ? Will all the data be Unretrievable?
Odinswane said:
I have had two devices which have been lost ,I have obtained 2 new sim cards and loaded whats app on to a new device for each phone.
I deleted my whats app account ( this would then remove old whats app data and chats from old device app ?)
I logged on to google drive and removed any access to whats app and deleted all back ups
I then changed my mobile numbers to further secure a the chances of no restall and back up as account number is dead !
My question is this - despite all my efforts will there still be a chance back up data will be stored on the file maanger ?
If YES then how long does it stay for ? I have deleted items which are a few weeks old , should they have been over written ? Will all the data be Unretrievable?
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If you deleted your old WhatsApp account the chats are unrecoverable
Maybe FBI can bring them back
So Be relax
---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------
Odinswane said:
I have had two devices which have been lost ,I have obtained 2 new sim cards and loaded whats app on to a new device for each phone.
I deleted my whats app account ( this would then remove old whats app data and chats from old device app ?)
I logged on to google drive and removed any access to whats app and deleted all back ups
I then changed my mobile numbers to further secure a the chances of no restall and back up as account number is dead !
My question is this - despite all my efforts will there still be a chance back up data will be stored on the file maanger ?
If YES then how long does it stay for ? I have deleted items which are a few weeks old , should they have been over written ? Will all the data be Unretrievable?
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If you deleted your old WhatsApp account the chats are unrecoverable
Maybe FBI can bring them back
So Be relax
BTW: did you tried to reset factory with FMM(find my mobile)?
amirizad_7436 said:
If you deleted your old WhatsApp account the chats are unrecoverable
Maybe FBI can bring them back
So Be relax
---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------
If you deleted your old WhatsApp account the chats are unrecoverable
Maybe FBI can bring them back
So Be relax
BTW: did you tried to reset factory with FMM(find my mobile)?
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So if the police have tech to find it then others can download and use that tech :-/ is this a real possibility even after someone has deleted their account ?
Ps the FMM thing only works if your phone is switched on , if I have disconnected my sim in the device there is no data going to it , do they need a WIFI connection to extract the data ???
Odinswane said:
So if the police have tech to find it then others can download and use that tech :-/ is this a real possibility even after someone has deleted their account ?
Ps the FMM thing only works if your phone is switched on , if I have disconnected my sim in the device there is no data going to it , do they need a WIFI connection to extract the data ???
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Nodody can do this
Just kidding
What you mean from extract data
And they are who?!!
amirizad_7436 said:
Nodody can do this
Just kidding
What you mean from extract data
And they are who?!!
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Oh I see
"They " as in anyone who is tech savy and finds my device .
My issue for peace of mind is this .....
Is there software anywhere that can break passwords ?
Is there software that can extract data by passing the pass code of your device ?
Does the device need to be switched on for DATA extraction and if so does it need to be connected somehow to the WIFI or connect online ?
If I can remote wipe my device , but it is switched off , would it matter if they can extract data while it is not connected online or to the WIFI ?
amirizad_7436 said:
Nodody can do this
Just kidding
What you mean from extract data
And they are who?!!
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Extract DATA - To take all the stuff on a phone and remove it on to a separate device , " vampire dry"
Odinswane said:
Oh I see
"They " as in anyone who is tech savy and finds my device .
My issue for peace of mind is this .....
Is there software anywhere that can break passwords ?
Is there software that can extract data by passing the pass code of your device ?
Does the device need to be switched on for DATA extraction and if so does it need to be connected somehow to the WIFI or connect online ?
If I can remote wipe my device , but it is switched off , would it matter if they can extract data while it is not connected online or to the WIFI ?
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Did you ever enable USB debug at dev option?
If yes there is a way to unlock your phone
And if not they can't do any thing at all
Data removal from android
amirizad_7436 said:
Did you ever enable USB debug at dev option?
If yes there is a way to unlock your phone
And if not they can't do any thing at all
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I'm guessing that the fact I have no idea what that means is to assume I didn't do it ..... I'm not the most tech savy of people so would not have known how to do this on a Samsung ?
Well that is a little reassuring if they can not by pass with any software ..... I've read so much stuff on the Internet saying that people can use all kinds of tech to break into phones ect !!
If I do use the remote wipe option but it says" trying to connect" does this mean it is switched off or off line and that they will need to switch it on if they want to take the data or get in and that will set the remote wipe into action ?
Odinswane said:
I'm guessing that the fact I have no idea what that means is to assume I didn't do it ..... I'm not the most tech savy of people so would not have known how to do this on a Samsung ?
Well that is a little reassuring if they can not by pass with any software ..... I've read so much stuff on the Internet saying that people can use all kinds of tech to break into phones ect !!
If I do use the remote wipe option but it says" trying to connect" does this mean it is switched off or off line and that they will need to switch it on if they want to take the data or get in and that will set the remote wipe into action ?
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Why do people not read all of ths question and answer it ?
Please help,
My hd2 will not boot, I get the message "this device is unable to boot because you have turned it off incorrectly or tried to install an application from an untrusted source. press volume up to reset.... ...this operation will delete all data".
Memory card is okay, but I had important documents and photos on the phone which i need before I reset the phone. How can I access these? I have tried active sync but it is not detecting the phone.
thanks for any help
I really dont think you will be able to, if you cant boot then you have no access to the device memory..............
Ive got the phone in bootloader now and when I connect it, the computer recognises it but it is not displayed in the explorer window.
Any ideas?
ljinno said:
Ive got the phone in bootloader now and when I connect it, the computer recognises it but it is not displayed in the explorer window.
Any ideas?
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I stil dont think it will work. pretty sure you need wm to boot before you can access the memory.
If this phone belonged to Osama BinLaden, I dont think the FBI would reset it, im sure they would find a way to get the documents off. I am so frustrated.
ljinno said:
If this phone belonged to Osama BinLaden, I dont think the FBI would reset it, im sure they would find a way to get the documents off. I am so frustrated.
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lol try booting without the memory card or hacking the device with hspl and see if that works..
ljinno said:
If this phone belonged to Osama BinLaden, I dont think the FBI would reset it, im sure they would find a way to get the documents off. I am so frustrated.
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Maybe OBL would do regular backups and not rely on just one device for important documents.
Since he does his blogging on cassette tapes, I think he will still be using a Nokia 3210.
fred_up said:
Maybe OBL would do regular backups and not rely on just one device for important documents.
Since he does his blogging on cassette tapes, I think he will still be using a Nokia 3210.
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Looks like an iPhone user to me..............
@ the op
I wasnt suggesting that its impossible to get to the data, but I dont think it will be possible for you to get to the data..........
if you still have no success after booting without the sd card inserted and applying HSPL ( not sure that will work but its worth a try.....) then I would give up if I were you.
I suppose a repair centre may be able to remove the internal memory and copy the data for you maybe not but that would be about the only option left if you cannot get the phone to boot.........
Either that or you impersonate an FBI agent and try to blag access to a facility with the technology to access your phones memory under the pretense that you believe the handset contains information which may be potentially dangerous to national security, begin a romance with one of the lab technicians and attempt to sweet talk him/her into giving you the contents of the phone....
Good luck.........
My Galaxy ACE is not getting any signal.
When I go to Settings --> About Phone --> Baseband shows "UNKNOWN".
Also hitting *#06# on the phone app. does not show any IMEI.
Phone app. is very slooow.
I have read that my EFS partition might be corrupted... any way to fix it?
Best Regards.
MGA2009 said:
My Galaxy ACE is not getting any signal.
When I go to Settings --> About Phone --> Baseband shows "UNKNOWN".
Also hitting *#06# on the phone app. does not show any IMEI.
Phone app. is very slooow.
I have read that my EFS partition might be corrupted... any way to fix it?
Best Regards.
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Hi @MGA2009...
As far as I'm aware the EFS partition in a phone can normally only be accessed using a low level exploit or test point connection within the phone... If you don't have access to one of these devices (a 3rd party phone shop may be able to help here), then I fear you are fooked...
If I remember correctly, losing the "EFS" partition data is very similar to losing the "RPL" files from the earlier symbian type phones (nokia were the worst)... These files even back then could only be re-calculated by a server connection & some form of "Jaf" box to do the flashing...
I refer you to the following post here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1231278
Best of luck amigo...
Stay Breezy n Be Lucky...
ReaperXL2 said:
Hi @MGA2009...
As far as I'm aware the EFS partition in a phone can normally only be accessed using a low level exploit or test point connection within the phone... If you don't have access to one of these devices (a 3rd party phone shop may be able to help here), then I fear you are fooked...
If I remember correctly, losing the "EFS" partition data is very similar to losing the "RPL" files from the earlier symbian type phones (nokia were the worst)... These files even back then could only be re-calculated by a server connection & some form of "Jaf" box to do the flashing...
I refer you to the following post here : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1231278
Best of luck amigo...
Stay Breezy n Be Lucky...
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Thanks for your answer...
It seems that I am screwed. Althou some user claim to have fixed this here:
It's in spanish, but you can translate it to english.
I am selling the phone on eBay, I don't want to keep losing time with it.
Best Regards.
im sory to hear that . LOL
Heloo everyone ! i've recently installed this battle.net authenticator without knowing what is it all about and so without knowlegde i've unistaled it and know i cant get my original reset code.
My question to you guys is : can i get somekind of restore of that previously installed app... is there any file in my phone which i can get so i can take back that data ?
i have no root and no backup apps instaled
thank you ! any response will be highly apreciated
without the reset code you will have problem..
go here to check as it will be an Battle.net log on issue.
i can't post link u need to copy & paste
I am afraid you need to call Blizzard Technical support for issues regarding the battle.net authenticators. Mobile or the physical device. They can remove the option from your account so one can either re-add a new one or keep it off.
Can't download on wifi "appname" could not be downloaded due to an error - 403
Can't download on wifi "appname" could not be downloaded due to an error - 403
Hey Guys, so I've been having the error 403 when trying to update or install ANY apps via Wi-Fi, ones I have purchased and ones that are free. But I can download when I am connected to my phone data (vodafone AU).
I have tried restoring via nandroid backup (i think I have gapps installed, even though I am still on the stock ROM), forgetting the gmail account, and then logging back in, restarting (duh), logging back into wifi, cleared cache etc, basically all the fixes people have said.
P.S I am rooted and would unroot for it to work, btw would reseting the router do anything? :crying:
114 views, no replies, so that would imply its not just me with this problem?
First try and go to settings/appmanager, find play store and clear the cache.
Write back if it's not fixed.
It didn't help :-\
Sent from my GT-I9300T using xda app-developers app
Try change the kernel. The wifi driver is located in the kernel.
have u tried restarting modem/router,yeah ofcause u have.
zodiaxe66 said:
Try change the kernel. The wifi driver is located in the kernel.
have u tried restarting modem/router,yeah ofcause u have.
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Actually i didn't I'll try that now
I completely removed root using: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1721380 guide which you install the stock EVERYTHING i guess and it still doesn't work :crying: PLEASE HELP!
Edit: I used my nandroid backup not the one supplied (it gave me md5 mismatch)
That is one of the best unroot and back to stock guides..
Can i ask were u are from. Maybe Google or your country removed access to paid apps,because your wifi is working for browsing and u are able to download free apps.
So either access to paid apps have been removed or did u log in using a different gmail account .
I did have a similar problem more than a year ago and sometimes i get the 403 error, but only for an hour or so.
Ps. I has nothing to do with root, a lot of apps can not be used without root and can bought on market.
Edit:can u buy new apps. Can u try(just one) and return the purchase immediately .to if your account is up and running.
The problem isn't root or stock, I'm on stock and I get this regularly if I start a download just as I have switched on Wifi, if it fails, i start again it works fine.
alias_neo said:
The problem isn't root or stock, I'm on stock and I get this regularly if I start a download just as I have switched on Wifi, if it fails, i start again it works fine.
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Your wifi disconnect during download and u have to restart the download.
The issue here is different he get an error 403 when trying to dl paid apps.read the thread it's only one page.
zodiaxe66 said:
Your wifi disconnect during download and u have to restart the download.
The issue here is different he get an error 403 when trying to dl paid apps.read the thread it's only one page.
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I did read thank you, and I am also talking about receiving a 403 error.
But, As I have stated, it usually only happens immediately after connecting wifi. If I click ok and try again it usually works the second time.
zodiaxe66 said:
That is one of the best unroot and back to stock guides..
Can i ask were u are from. Maybe Google or your country removed access to paid apps,because your wifi is working for browsing and u are able to download free apps.
So either access to paid apps have been removed or did u log in using a different gmail account .
I did have a similar problem more than a year ago and sometimes i get the 403 error, but only for an hour or so.
Ps. I has nothing to do with root, a lot of apps can not be used without root and can bought on market.
Edit:can u buy new apps. Can u try(just one) and return the purchase immediately .to if your account is up and running.
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I'm in Australia (Perth, WA), and I cannot download free apps, or update apps for that matter.
Edit: BTW some of my router ports have been forwarded could that screw it up?
ASoGElit3 said:
I'm in Australia (Perth, WA), and I cannot download free apps, or update apps for that matter.
Edit: BTW some of my router ports have been forwarded could that screw it up?
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That could potentially yes.
I just recalled another time I had this problem, and it was solved by selecting a different account (because I had multiple Google accounts set up).
Do you have multiple? If so, give it a go by selecting an alternative account from within Play Store, by hitting Menu - > Accounts.
alias_neo said:
That could potentially yes.
I just recalled another time I had this problem, and it was solved by selecting a different account (because I had multiple Google accounts set up).
Do you have multiple? If so, give it a go by selecting an alternative account from within Play Store, by hitting Menu - > Accounts.
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Yeah, I've tried that :\
Another way to fix it (but this is old, sgs1). Clear your play store data on the phone. Then log in to the internet Google store from the browser, download any app and try again from the play store app
---------- Post added at 01:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------
alias_neo said:
I did read thank you, and I am also talking about receiving a 403 error.
But, As I have stated, it usually only happens immediately after connecting wifi. If I click ok and try again it usually works the second time.
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And dude, stop making this a pissing contest and NO u did not read the thread
zodiaxe66 said:
Another way to fix it (but this is old, sgs1). Clear your play store data on the phone. Then log in to the internet Google store from the browser, download any app and try again from the play store app
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It didn't work but thanks (thankyou everyone) and I think it is the forwarding ports problem or the new Google Play update
Sorry 'bout that. But port forwarding shouldn't interfere with play store. Maybe I'm wrong. Ooh well good luck anyway
Hi everyone . i own a galaxy s3 (GT-I9300) with Orange Sim .
Now i have reset my phone few days ago . (Factory Reset) now after the reset i tired to log into my google account to gain access to the Google Store . now i face an error when i try to log into my acc ,that says: "Can't establish a reliable connection to the server. This could be a temporary problem or your Android device may not be provisioned for data services. If it continues, call Customer Care."
now i use my wifi network and i can surf in the internet through my device . but i can log into my google account . i tried to:
1)Full Wipe/Factory Reset again - DIDN'T WORK
2)trying to delete /data/data/com.android.providers.settings - DIDN'T WORK
3)trying to connect to my Youtube Acc. - DIDN'T WORK
im out of ideas . i must say that before the reset i could log into my acc and everything . now i cant .
do you have internet access ?
try to open your browser see if your'e connected to the internet.
it's possible that you just need to add your operator APN.
if you are connected to the internet try to remove your account and re-add it via settings.
eytan123 said:
do you have internet access ?
try to open your browser see if your'e connected to the internet.
it's possible that you just need to add your operator APN.
if you are connected to the internet try to remove your account and re-add it via settings.
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i don't have internet package . i always use wifi . and it worked well before i have done the reset . yes im connected and can surf just cant log into my google acc . tried 3 different accounts . same result . i can't re-add the account because i couldn't log into it in the first place .
well, i also searched for you and all the solutions lead to the youtube login.
i'd give another shot to:
1. clear youtube data
2.remove sim card.
3. start the phone, connect to WIFI and make sure you surf.
4. login to youtube, and than to gmail.
what's your phone status? rooted? stock\ custom rom ?
eytan123 said:
well, i also searched for you and all the solutions lead to the youtube login.
i'd give another shot to:
1. clear youtube data
2.remove sim card.
3. start the phone, connect to WIFI and make sure you surf.
4. login to youtube, and than to gmail.
what's your phone status? rooted? stock\ custom rom ?
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i tried the youtube thing again . didn't work . i can't log into any Google Applications . getting same result .
now my phone status is: normal . stock rom , stock kernal , my phone was rooted but i unrooted it today . i'm having this problem since Thursday. before the reset i could log in without problems. running 4.1.2 Android version if its matter .
Try flashing a stock ROM via Odin, wipe everything from recovery. It should work fine after that.
i agree, i don't see anything else that could solve this.
though it's really strange that your'e running stock and can't get it to work, maybe someone else could assist you further than i.
GL anyways man!!
Can you send me a tutorial of how to flash a stock rom ? i'm new to this .
it's against the rules to bump a thread more than once every 24 hours
Glebun said:
it's against the rules to bump a thread more than once every 24 hours
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okay, but can someone send me a good tutorial of how to flash a rom ?