AndResGuard - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys, what is the best way to decode the apk file resources encoded by AndResGuard


PUBLIC.XML and smali file chaos.

Hi guys, pretty new to playing with android, I'm trying to edit some apk (really simple app), I removed an image
from the res/ folder and removed the entry from the value xml file, which then COMPLETELY jumbled up the resource codes of public.xml when it compiled with APKTool (deleted original public.xml because it was giving compile errors), which broke the application because the resource IDs do not match to the 'smali' codes in the source.
I've googled and searched around for AGES and people are saying smali files ARE rebuilt upon recompiling which didn't
in my case. How do I fix this issue?
please help me!

(Q) Apktool for Android decompile error

I'm using Apktool for Android v'4.1.1 on a Verizon SGS3 4.4.2...I'm trying to decompile Systemui.apk in hopes that I can port the card stack view in the recents panel, like in lollipop or the Note 4.
I keep getting an error while decoding the resource files. It's says that it can't decode attr value: using undecoded value instead for numerous things.
I have SELinux set to permissive, apktool if framework, etc...I can decompile AOSPA Systemui.apk no problem. It even creates .yml file as well. But I can't recompile directly after decompile without editing anything either. This is driving me nuts!

compiling error

Hey guy's im going nuts trying to figure out why i can't recompile anymore?
it was working before..
so i tried unistall jdk --re install fresh
but the root in my windows file
apktool in command line
Log Type : Decompiling
Log Recorded At : 2018-04-26 -- 20:16:29.60
Log Recorded By : Advanced ApkTool v4.1.0 By BDFreak
W: Config flags size > 38. Exceeding bytes: 0x746E00000000000000000000000000000000.
W: Invalid config flags detected. Dropping resources: string-sr-ERR0
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResAttrDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.AXmlResourceParser.getAttributeValue(
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.XmlPullParserDelegate.getAttributeValue(
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.writeStartTag(
at org.xmlpull.v1.wrapper.classic.StaticXmlSerializerWrapper.event(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.XmlPullStreamDecoder$1.event(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.XmlPullStreamDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResStreamDecoderContainer.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResFileDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.decoder.ResFileDecoder.decode(
at brut.androlib.res.AndrolibResources.decode(
at brut.androlib.Androlib.decodeResourcesFull(
at brut.androlib.ApkDecoder.decode(
at brut.apktool.Main.cmdDecode(
at brut.apktool.Main.main(
apktool application 1.50 same issue. but just tries to compile...never stops.
update the apktool to latets
still no luck?any clue why??
techker said:
Hey guy's im going nuts trying to figure out why i can't recompile anymore?...
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Since this question is regarding the Advanced Apktool, your best bet is to post this question within the following Advanced Apktool thread.
I noticed that this question was also posted within the APK Easy Tool thread when your log indicates that it was taken from the Advanced Apktool software.
Also, your log indicates that your using the Advanced Apktool v4.1.0 when the most recent version is v4.2.0...
Good Luck!
I DO NOT provide support via PM unless asked/requested by myself. PLEASE keep it in the threads where everyone can share.
sorry for posting in the wrong place.
ya i posted it there also cause i tried to use it.
but good point for the update.i will try that one to see..

How to decode and Encode file AndroidManifest.xml in folder Original ?

Hi guys,
Can you tell me how to decode and Encode file AndroidManifest.xml in folder Original after decompiled a apk by apk easy tool ?
Link file :
MinhFtuer said:
Hi guys,
Can you tell me how to decode and Encode file AndroidManifest.xml in folder Original after decompiled a apk by apk easy tool ?
Link file :
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Weird, AndroidManifest.xml is supposed to be decoded. The fact that it remains in the original folder is weird, did you try doing it with apktool only ? (With apk easy tool)
Super simple, just install apktool (if not already installed and working without apk easy tool)
To test if it's working without APK easy tool open a command prompt and enter "apktool --version", if it returns something, then it's good, if not, you're good to set it up yourself in a separate folder, here is the guide from the apktool website:
Enter the command "apktool d [name of the apk].apk" to decompile your apk, you should have everything.
And if you don't want to bother your with all of that, I can decompile the APK for you and send you the AndroidManifest.xml file decompiled.
Have a good day
Raiz said:
Weird, AndroidManifest.xml is supposed to be decoded. The fact that it remains in the original folder is weird, did you try doing it with apktool only ? (With apk easy tool)
Super simple, just install apktool (if not already installed and working without apk easy tool)
To test if it's working without APK easy tool open a command prompt and enter "apktool --version", if it returns something, then it's good, if not, you're good to set it up yourself in a separate folder, here is the guide from the apktool website: //
Enter the command "apktool d [name of the apk].apk" to decompile your apk, you should have everything.
And if you don't want to bother your with all of that, I can decompile the APK for you and send you the AndroidManifest.xml file decompiled.
Have a good day
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Thanks for your reply, I have tried to decompile that apk by your way but file AndroidManifest.xml in folder ...original\AndroidManifest still be encoded. Can you help me decode it as you said that ?
Link down this apk .Remember that I need to decode file AndroidManifest.xml in folder original which contains both of folder META-INF
MinhFtuer said:
Thanks for your reply, I have tried to decompile that apk by your way but file AndroidManifest.xml in folder ...original\AndroidManifest still be encoded. Can you help me decode it as you said that ?
Link down this apk .Remember that I need to decode file AndroidManifest.xml in folder original which contains both of folder META-INF
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That's a huge apk, what is it? 1,2 Gb I've never seen that before. I'll just send you here the AndroidManifest.xml text. You'll then have to copy/past it into a text editor, and rename the file "AndroidManifest.xml".
Edit #1: I can't even decode the APK, can you tell me what is this file and where you got it from ? The apk file size limit is 100MB , what is this file ?
Edit #2 : Usually the AndroidManifest.xml isn't encoded at all, you just have to browse the APK with a zip explorer to find this file and read it. I personally won't do that as this file is very suspicious... 1,3 Gb for an APK... Apktool doesn't recognize it... This is really weird, I recommend you just to trash it.
To decode a binary AndroidManifest.xml file you use axmldec: Android Binary XML Decoder.
jwoegerbauer said:
To decode a binary AndroidManifest.xml file you use ["] axmldec: Android Binary XML Decoder[/url].
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Great, I can do it by your way, can you teach me how to encode back it tks ?

Question Where is the features.xml and other omc stuff

Have searched my phone for the omc folder with the features.xml file to no avail. My A52s doesn't have an omc folder that I can find.
edit: Found the source... Root\optics\configs\carriers\singles and look for the code of your csc. looking for a way to be able to decode the coded xml files though... damn samsung.
Here is the way to decode the coded xml files:
Decode or Encode OMC Files with OMC Decoder Encoder
Decode or Encode OMC Files with OMC Decoder Encoder Warning: I'm not responsible for any problem on your pc or mobile. This manipulation is at your own risk. This tutorial and this OMC Decoder Encoder script comes from my own work. No mirror...
Location update in Android 12 OneUI 4.1:

