Please use the Help, Questions & Answers, Troubleshooting forum for questions/any requests for help.
To all,
This section is for the posting of Themes and Apps only. All questions, Help issues,
Troubleshooting or request threads should be posted in the Q&A, Help and Troubleshooting section.
Thank you for your cooperation
The General Section is for information sharing and Discussion... Guides, how to's, etc.... Not to find help or have questions answered.
Any and all questions go in the Q&A section,
Thank you,
The Moderator Staff
Please be advised that Questions are to be posted in the Q & A,Help & Troubleshooting Forums.
The General Forum is to be used primarily for News, Rumors, and other information about the device, or other posts of a similar nature.
Please help keep things in the correct forums.
Thank You
XDA Moderation
The General Sections are for information sharing only, not for questions, support, requests... Etc... Etc.
Please use the Q&A section for questions of any kind.
Padfone X and S Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting
Your Moderation Staff
Please do not ask for help or post requests or ask if there is a certain mod you would like available. All questions should be in the Questions and Answers section for this device. This section is only for posting work.
Thank you for your understanding!