Hi there,
How can i replace a base rom file while cooking my own rom? I want to replace the browser.dll, but not afterwards when the image is on my phone, i want to include it into my rom. My problem is after i build my own rom i got the "patched" browser.dll replaced by the original one.
I understand that i have a imageinfo.txt and imageinfo.bin along with the 5 files s000, s001, s002, s003, s004 and i guess the browser.dll is build from these files. But how can i generate those files or modify them to that my patched browser.dll is included into the cooked rom. Or isn't that possible at all?
if browser.dll is a module (it's in a folder in the dump dir whose name is also browser.dll) then just remove the folder and replace it with your own dll.
The actual technique required to do this depends on the kitchen you're using. With Tadzio's tools, I simply remove the folder then move my new dll to the dump directory. Tadzio's tools rebuild imgfs from the dump dir and then merges it back into the XIP section.
Hi....I have the same problem....
What's wrong??
1) I split a .NBH to some .NB
2) Put in the same folder, Tadzio's Tools and OS.nb
3) Make the payload using the string "NBSplit -hermes OS.nb"
4) Make the imgfs.bin using the string "Imgfsfromnb OS.nb.payload imgfs.bin"
5) Extract all files to dumpfolder using the string "ImgfsToDump imgfs.bin"
Ok....now I would want to replace the "MsgStore.dll" and the "cespell.dll"....
Both are MODULEs (in the dump folder I have two folder named as, contain the dll e few other files)
So, I'll delete this two folder from Dump folder, and put in this my two DLL as they are
(note: original MsgStore size: 151 kb / My MsgStore size: 152 kb
note2: original cespell size: 7kb / My cespell size: 8 kb)
6) Make a new imgfs.bin using the string "ImgfsFromDump imgfs.bin imgfs-new.bin"
7) Make the new payload using the string "ImgfsToNb imgfs-new.bin os.nb.payload os-new.nb.payload"
8) Make the new OS.bin using the string "NBMerge -hermes os-new.nb"
What's WRONG ????
I'm trying to hack aapt to generate for each layout named xxx_layout.xml an extra num in R named R.id.xxx_layout_max_id which will contain the max id for that layout (since each id is an in num and each layout has several id's in it i assume one of them is the biggest).
I need it for adding custom components dynamically in runtime but for layouts like RelativeLayout which requires ID's.
Did anyone hacked appt before to know which file in aapt directory contains the code to genereate ids ?
Please use the Q&A Forum for questions Thanks
Moving to Q&A
i want to create custom boot image.i am using cygwin bash shell and android kitchen.
i extract boot.img with Android Kitchen 0.194 Tools for boot images <unpack/re-pack/etc.>
it show like this
Working folder found
Kernal found at offset 2048 in boot.img
Making folder BOOT-EXTRACTED ....
Extracting kernal ...
Extracting ramdisk ...
Error : NO ramdisk folder found!
Press Enter to counting
How i solve Error:NO ramdisk folder found.
Are you have trouble extracting from the phone or extracting the .img file into something editable? I see at the top of the first page here that there is an update to the Kitchen. Maybe the newer version supports your phone better?
I used Android kitchen to splite a boot.img, on split_img folder i get a .img-zImage file.
I used 7z.exe to decompress the .img-zImage file and i get a .reloc file and a .text file.
How can i edite or see the .text file?? With notpad++ i see ite but is like encrypted, so how can i see or edite this file???
No one to help???? ?
Hello, is there a param file for Android 11 so far?
Or at least a way to extract it?
Sadly there is no up_param file in snapdragon...