"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
PixelExperience Plus for Moto G7 Power [ocean]
What is this?
Pixel Experience is an AOSP based ROM, with Google apps included and all Pixel goodies (launcher, wallpapers, icons, fonts, bootanimation)
Our mission is to offer the maximum possible stability and security, along with essential and useful features for the proper functioning of the device
Based on Android 10
Whats working?
Mobile data
Fingerprint reader
Face unlock
Sound / vibration
Known issues
Nothing yet
You tell me
Download from SourceForge
Liked my work? Give me a beer
Help with project translation
Stay tuned
Our Telegram channel
Our blog
Android OS version: 10.0.0_r41
Security patch level: August 2020
Build author/Device Maintainer: Fraaxius
Device Source code: https://github.com/luizdores/android_device_motorola_ocean
Source code: https://github.com/PixelExperience
ROM Developer: jhenrique09
Some Screenshots
• Initial Build.
• Updated to latest sources.
• Updated Device Tree, Common and Kernel (Thanks to @Dark98).
• Added Moto Camera 2 and Moto Clock Widget (Thanks to @Deivid_21).
• Fixed Bluetooth.
• Fixed FM Radio.
• Updated to latest sources.
• August 2020 Security Patch.
• Updated fingerprint to QPOS30.52-29-2
• Setting rounded corner radius to 23dp and content padding to 14dp.
• Removed HD notification for VoLTE.
Reserved 3
Bluetooth keeps stopping error; cant enable bluetooth
tbirdguy said:
Bluetooth keeps stopping error; cant enable bluetooth
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Fixed! Download the new update in the post
• The new update for Pixel Experience Plus is available.
Download in OP.
• Updated to latest sources.
• Updated Device Tree, Common and Kernel (Thanks to @Dark98).
• Added Moto Camera 2 and Moto Clock Widget (Thanks to @Deivid_21).
• Fixed Bluetooth.
• Fixed FM Radio.
Fraaxius said:
Fixed! Download the new update in the post
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the hard work !
this rom rocks:good:
tbirdguy said:
Thanks for the hard work !
this rom rocks:good:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You're welcome! If you like my work, then please press the thanks button
Does Android Auto work ?
Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk
MrCamby said:
Does Android Auto work ?
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Click to collapse
It has not been tested yet. It would be amazing if you could try it!
Fraaxius said:
It has not been tested yet. It would be amazing if you could try it!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I just finished installing the rom. It is very nice although I miss the Motorola pill gesture navigation and none of my banking apps will let access my accounts.
In regards to Android Auto. I can confirm that it works!
Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk
MrCamby said:
I just finished installing the rom. It is very nice although I miss the Motorola pill gesture navigation and none of my banking apps will let access my accounts.
In regards to Android Auto. I can confirm that it works!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Gesture navigation can be activated in Settings > System > Gestures. It's amazing that Android Auto works perfectly If you like my job, you can give the Thanks button Good day
my device is no longer recognized by adb or fastboot. ? ? adb devices or fastboot devices returns nothing.
Never mind. Damned windows was installing a large update in the background that temporarily stopped adb from recognizing my phone via USB.
Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk
I installed the rom last night and test drove it today. Great job and thanks!
The only thing I miss using this rom is the ability to have the app included sounds for notifications.
Everything has been great otherwise! No issues, no force closes, good battery life. Thanks for all the hard work!
when i try to connect to a wireless display the device reboots
sound for the right side does not work when using speaker.
been running some other tests, very hype about VoIP working! Unlike other roms for this phone ive tested in the community, this actually booted for my phone, my apps work, notifications work and this is very stable. On rare occasions the WI-FI signal will be dropped and will reconnect. I want to thank all the contributors for this project.
Jellypowered said:
The only thing I miss using this rom is the ability to have the app included sounds for notifications.
Everything has been great otherwise! No issues, no force closes, good battery life. Thanks for all the hard work!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks you! :3
• The new update for Pixel Experience Plus is available.
Download in OP.
• Updated to latest sources.
• August 2020 Security Patch.
• Updated fingerprint to QPOS30.52-29-2
• Setting rounded corner radius to 23dp and content padding to 14dp.
• Removed HD notification for VoLTE.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Evolution X for Moto G5 Plus [Potter]
What is this?
Evolution X is an AOSP based ROM, with Google apps included and all Pixel goodies (launcher, wallpapers, icons, fonts, bootanimation) and ADDITIONAL FEATURES added that are not included in the official Pixel Experience builds.
Based on Android 9.0
Whats working?
Mobile data
FM Radio
Fingerprint reader
Sound / vibration
Face lock
Additional QS tiles
Battery Icon Styles
Lock screen clock/date styles
Lock screen visualizer/ambient visualizer
Ambient Music Ticker
substratum service aka sysserv
and many more
Known issues
None at the moment
Liked my work? Please donate. Thanks!
Help with project translation
Telegram channel
Join my telegram channel for more
Android OS version: 9.0.0_r34
Security patch level: March 2019
Build author: Shiv
Source code: [url]https://github.com/evolution-x[/url]
Kernel Source code: [url]https://github.com/evolution-x-devices/kernel_xiaomi_msm8953[/url]
ROM Developer: joeyhuab
XDA:DevDB Information
evolution X, ROM for the Moto G5 Plus
Source Code: https://github.com/evolution-x
ROM OS Version: 9.x Pie
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: Unlocked Bootloader, Oreo Firmware
Based On: AOSP/PE
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: unknown
Stable Release Date: 2019-03-22
Created 2019-03-22
Last Updated 2019-03-29
Nice rom.
Everything works well and very smooth.
Thanks OP.
Edit: LOL I not seen that Sorry
vaibhav800 said:
Plz Share Screenshots
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Click to collapse
Uploaded, check main post.
Error 7
Hello. While installing this rom, I'm getting error 7. My TWRP is version 3.2.3-1. Kindly help. My download isn't broken.
pandeymitul said:
Hello. While installing this rom, I'm getting error 7. My TWRP is version 3.2.3-1. Kindly help. My download isn't broken.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Error 7? Is your recovery really the latest? Try reboot to recovery. Or maybe redownload the zip. Sometimes it happens that downloaded zips get corrupted for nothing.
pandeymitul said:
Hello. While installing this rom, I'm getting error 7. My TWRP is version 3.2.3-1. Kindly help. My download isn't broken.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Error 7 is always a bad download.
Nothing else.
Be sure you are using a good data cable and it is connected properly to a USB port. If you are downloading it directly to the phone , uninstall the download that you have and redownload.
All the best.
Awesome Rom. Very smooth. Set up was easy. How to disable navigation bar? All I see is the option to hide it in display for Expanded Desktop.
NM, I finally found it! Settings/System/Buttons
Evolution X AOSP with Optimus Kernel 3.18.137 / 9.0 Pie (2019/03/27)
• Weekly unofficial update
• Gapps already included
• Sysserv support
? - @Shivvvvvv
? Download - https://sourceforge.net/projects/sh...ter-9.0-20190327-1535-UNOFFICIAL.zip/download
? Changelog :
• PE upstreams
• Upstream kernel to 3.18.137
• Add Lockscreen filter options (Blur/Greyscale)
• Add Substratum sysserv support (Meant to be added in this build, but we got in last build also ) ?
• Various translations update
? Screenshots of Lockscreen Filters -
I'll wait for the next update and try it in my variant of 2gb. Since I was recommended for this variant, and the other customs do not go very well with my variant of 2GB
The effort is appreciated, thank you
No more ROM updates from my side. Dropping support for everything I posted on telegram channel, xda and everywhere.
Shivvvv said:
No more ROM updates from my side. Dropping support for everything I posted on telegram channel, xda and everywhere.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Seriously : Android Q or Ashwin ???
Sustratum crash
Shivvvv said:
No more ROM updates from my side. Dropping support for everything I posted on telegram channel, xda and everywhere.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Im unable to use my fingerprint to unlock device or access this option in security menu please help
EDIT : FIXED WITH THIS https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid...78262904029635
NeoPreacher said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hahahahahahahahaha okay uncle.
///// Evolution - X - UNOFFICIAL \\\\\
• Gapps Included
• Changelog- Device Side
- Its Enforcing now.
- Optimus Drunk .138 with clang 9.0.2
- Changed input boost frequency to 1036
• Changelog-ROM Side
- April Security Patch
- Add Battery temp to Battery settings
- Replace Pixel Launcher with Lawnchair
- Removed Pixel Live wallpapers (smaller zip size now)
- Add Aggressive Battery feature
- Allow toggling of date/weather - under Q clock style
- sysserv ftw. ?
• Full changelog - https://del.dog/Evopotter.sql
• Download - https://sourceforge.net/projects/sh...ter-9.0-20190422-1056-UNOFFICIAL.zip/download
• Fonts - https://sourceforge.net/projects/shivvvvvv/files/Evolution/Havoc-Fonts.apk/download
(Download and install as normal qpk, change fonts from settings > display > font option)
Kthnx, enjoy.
It's lagging after 3 days use. Every apps taking about 7-8 second in opening. Will Any upcoming update fix it??
And one more request, please add side gesture and pie, it's really handy to use. Otherwise this rom is great.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
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"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
PixelExperience for Moto G5S [montana]
What is this?
Pixel Experience is an AOSP based ROM, with Google apps included and all Pixel goodies (launcher, wallpapers, icons, fonts, bootanimation)
Our mission is to offer the maximum possible stability and security, along with essential features for the proper functioning of the device
Based on Android 9.0
Whats working?
Mobile data
FM Radio
Fingerprint reader
Sounds / vibration
USB tethering
Known issues
SELinux: Permissive
You tell me
Download from Pixel Experience website
Liked my work? Give me a beer
Help with project translation
Telegram channel
Stay tuned
Special thanks to:
@Nowbie and @wiktorek140 for providing me with a build environment
@ZJRDroid for the CAF bringup
Pixel Experience team
LineageOS team
Any other open source devs/teams I may have missed
To all my friends in Montana Development!
Build author: JarlPenguin
Source code:
ROM: [url]https://github.com/PixelExperience[/url]
Device sources:
ROM Developer: jhenrique09
New build, should fix Moto Actions fingerprint gestures
Is this a possibile update for the previous official build?
Dylan DSilva QTV said:
Is this a possibile update for the previous official build?
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Click to collapse
If you're coming from AOSP you should clean flash, otherwise just dirty flash over previous build.
Edit: don't flash the current build. Moto Actions is broken. I'm going to remove the link to it.
Last working unofficial build:
I won't be releasing public updates until I can figure out what is going on.
First working build since forever:
Known issues:
Flashlight - flash works in camera
Open Camera doesn't work (enable HAL3, install GCam mod)
Moto Actions fingerprint gestures
Upon pressing recents button "Actions Services has stopped" will appear. Disable Actions Services to fix this
New build:
Enable HAL3 by default.
Replace Open Camera with GCam mod.
New build:
- Fixed Moto Actions fingerprint gestures
- Updated source from CAF
- Fixed Actions Services stopped error upon entering recents
Known issues:
Look in known issues in main post
New build:
- Fixed front flash
- Fixed USB tethering
- Updated source
Front flash & USB tethering - thanks to @wiktorek140
Hi, I'm here to post to thank you for this ROM. I've been using it for a week and I'm more than happy about it. It is very fluid and the battery life is excellent. Fm Radio is working and until now I have not found any significant bug other than the flashlight as you say. Thanks for the effort!
federicogaston said:
Hi, I'm here to post to thank you for this ROM. I've been using it for a week and I'm more than happy about it. It is very fluid and the battery life is excellent. Fm Radio is working and until now I have not found any significant bug other than the flashlight as you say. Thanks for the effort!
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Click to collapse
You're welcome. Thanks for using this ROM. I'm planning to release a new update soon if I can. Some people are reporting thermal issues, so I'm looking into it.
New build available! We are now official <3
Changelog is included there as well.
Unable to hide navbar
First thanks for the great work, i'm using many of your work on my Montana.
Second i did install this rom and everything is working fine but i can't hide the navbar, not even if add the "qemu.hw.mainkeys=1" into the build.prop, i tried to install a Magisk module to do it but doesn't work. Do you know how i can do it? Thanks!
loneee said:
First thanks for the great work, i'm using many of your work on my Montana.
Second i did install this rom and everything is working fine but i can't hide the navbar, not even if add the "qemu.hw.mainkeys=1" into the build.prop, i tried to install a Magisk module to do it but doesn't work. Do you know how i can do it? Thanks!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try to unninstall the magisk module, sometimes it conflites with the build.prop
I did it. First i did add the line into the build.prop and it didn't work then i removed the line and tried with Magisk but nothing again.
loneee said:
I did it. First i did add the line into the build.prop and it didn't work then i removed the line and tried with Magisk but nothing again.
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Click to collapse
Hi. I do not know your level of knowledge. I'm a novice and the first time I enhanced it, I made a copy paste. Then I realized that the entry was up to the equal sign and in value was 1. Sorry if it is very obvious. It worked ok for me.
loneee said:
First thanks for the great work, i'm using many of your work on my Montana.
Second i did install this rom and everything is working fine but i can't hide the navbar, not even if add the "qemu.hw.mainkeys=1" into the build.prop, i tried to install a Magisk module to do it but doesn't work. Do you know how i can do it? Thanks!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This feature will be added in the next update, which will be released around tomorrow or today. Sorry for the inconvenience (I forgot to add a config in the overlay).
**** Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if you destroy your device. Use at your own risk!!! ****
Welcome to COSP, your new future Android Operating System.
Our goal is to have an Pixel-like android ROM that isn't spying on you and uses as few system space as possible. Also, we provide the option to go completely without GApps using MicroG support.
Why us?
We are focusing on stability and performance, having an debloated ROM is essential for that. Also, we want Users to decide what kind of Store they want to use, either F-Droid or the Play Store.
Also, we take User requests serious. To suggest something, contact us on telegram.
1) All systemUI tuning elements
2) An handy Network indicator
3) Charging Information
4) Lawnchair and Quickstep as default
5) Quick Settings mods
6) Signature spoofing
7) OP gestures
8) Navbar tuner
9) Rootless Substratum (with fixes to theme system correctly)
10) Screenshot/screenrecord tile
11) Advanced power menu
12) Double tap to sleep on statusbar
13) Option to disable quick settings/power menu on secure lockscreen
And Lot More!!
OTA Updating for official devices enables Users to get the newest version with ease.
ROM Source: https://github.com/cosp-project/
Kernel Source code: https://github.com/GZR-Kernels/Optimus_Drunk_Potter
Device tree:https://github.com/cosp-devices/device_motorola_potter
Last Updated On: 05-07-2019
1. April Security Patch
2. Compiled with Clang 9.0.1
3. Optimus Drunk 3.18.137
4. Source Side Changes
If any issues feel free to Report
I'm running this for a few days now. Runs flawless. Everything seems to work as it should. Thanks for this.
NeoPreacher said:
I'm running this for a few days now. Runs flawless. Everything seems to work as it should. Thanks for this.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks Mate
Great rom ! Super stable. Been using for almost a week with no issues.
Looking forward to more features ! Love this rom. I'd been keen to get involved but don't know how to code ? Lol. Can anyone recommended any apps // resources to help beginners with compiling and debugging android ROMs ?
I tried it, but it asks me the password at the first boot. I wiped data/cache/davilk but nothing. Why is it in french??
nathanielsametz said:
Great rom ! Super stable. Been using for almost a week with no issues.
Looking forward to more features ! Love this rom. I'd been keen to get involved but don't know how to code ? Lol. Can anyone recommended any apps // resources to help beginners with compiling and debugging android ROMs ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Actually Stuffs are being added and builds are made monthly ..if the response is good we will move to 15 day once or even weekly..
Thanks for the Review
massima said:
I tried it, but it asks me the password at the first boot. I wiped data/cache/davilk but nothing. Why is it in french??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I guess ur device is encrypted look to it and i tested the build for a day and release it no issues so please do check it
My fault, i found "format" then "yes". Now it boots.
massima said:
My fault, i found "format" then "yes". Now it boots.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No problem!!:good:
Lets Roll
+ May security patch merged
+ replaced Lawnchair with Launcher3 from @aosiP
+ App Ops/Privacy Guard
+ Agressive Battery from @aosiP
+ Accent picker from @PixelExperience
+ seperate ringtone for second sim
+ translations: russian, italian, simplified chinese
+ font picker
+ more steps for font size
+ search bar hiding in launcher
+ switch for fingerprint authentication vibration
+ switch for inverting navbar layout
+ button on FC dialog for sending crash info to dogbin
* QS padding on statusbar
* crash on security settings
* LTE+ icon
* app swithching on OP gestures
* sepolicy
Device Side
*Optimus Drunk 3.18.139
*IT's Enforcing
Download : https://mirror.codebucket.de/cosp/potter/COSP-190508-OFFICIAL-potter.zip
If u face any Bug Feel Free to Report!!
Support for exfat? : )
Hello dev, I have been using this ROM from past 3 days, It works flawlessly. I have 2 questions - Where does the call recordings get saved ? Can I encrypt my device?/
Very nice ROM. Is it just me, but I can't see how to use the fingerprint sensor to lock and unlock etc. Just for gestures.
DTV is working??
xijaw said:
Hello dev, I have been using this ROM from past 3 days, It works flawlessly. I have 2 questions - Where does the call recordings get saved ? Can I encrypt my device?/
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Click to collapse
1. There will be a folder created for Call Recording in ur Internal Storage
2. Yeah U can Encrypt
Genebaby said:
Very nice ROM. Is it just me, but I can't see how to use the fingerprint sensor to lock and unlock etc. Just for gestures.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Check at security Section ..
GuilhermeXtreme said:
DTV is working??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah it should work !!Do check and say
DTV is not working, it does not search channels...
ImTester said:
Check at security Section ..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I've looked and looked but this is all I can see.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
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"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
This is ViperOS
We are not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.
"This is a user friendly thread. All feature requests will be heard and considered. I am not against anything that doesn't stray too far away from the original idea of the ROM! Helping one another is also encouraged! Please be respectful and you will always be treated the same way, we are all here for a good experience."
We are a Brazilian team, ViperOS aims to bring stability and useful features. If you are looking for a stable ROM with true tested features, minimal bugs and no Lineage bloatwares, then this is the place to be.
Added OTA Services updater
QS settings
Clock statusbar settings
Battery style
Carrier label
Network traffic
VoLTE icon toggle
4G/LTE icon toggle
Rounded corner settings
QS for Reboot/Recovery
QS Screenshot full and partial
Style recents AOSP and QuickStep
Button clear and Membar for recents AOSP
Face auto unlock
Fingerprint authentication vibration
Battery info Charging
Ambient music ticker
Color engine
theme QS style
Styles switch
Styles clock lockscreen
Buttons and navbar settings
LED battery Charging
LED notifications colors
Power Menu advanced
Fonts packages
Pulse Navbar
VPapers new
Many other customizations, install and take a look
What's Working?
Telephony (Calls, SMS, Mobile Data)
GPS (Plain Device Mode Works)
Camera (Needs Improvements)
What's not Working?
Obviously Samsung's own features such as Samsung Pay, KNOX, Theme Center, Game Launcher, etc. won't be ported to LineageOS. We may have our own implementation to similar functions, though.
IMS services (VoLTE, VoWiFi, etc). Samsung has their own proprietary implementation. It is not really possible to easily port that to LineageOS.
How to Install?
Make sure TWRP has been installed and functional.
Download the latest build (and optionally gapps).
Reboot to recovery
Wipe data and cache (required if you switch from other ROMs)
Flash the latest build (and gapps)
GDrive: Download
OpenGapps: OpenGApps
ViperGapps: ViperGApps
Credits & Thanks:
All ViperOS Team
LineageOS team
And all other open source Devs/Teams I may have missed!
Other links
Telegram channel
Telegram chat discussion
ROM source
XDA:DevDB Information
ViperOS, ROM for the Samsung Galaxy S6
enesuzun2002, lukasb06, TeamNexus
Source Code: https://github.com/enesuzun2002/android_kernel_samsung_exynos7420
ROM OS Version: 9.x Pie
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: Latest Nougat Modem & BL
Based On: ViperOS
Version Information
Status: Stable
Stable Release Date: 2019-04-14
Created 2019-04-14
Last Updated 2019-09-06
enesuzun2002 said:
i am thinking of updating it once Q comes out for ViperOS
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Click to collapse
Anytime soon,?
Fixed Call-Audio For TMobile-Models
Initial Release
reserved 2
Great work enes. Thanks for your hard work always
Installation went smooth on my W8, however phone calls was the first issue I found, the call connects but sound doesn't work in either direction. Switching back to Ultimate Nougat
Looks great.
Can I flash Magisk?
acadiantoast said:
Installation went smooth on my W8, however phone calls was the first issue I found, the call connects but sound doesn't work in either direction. Switching back to Ultimate Nougat
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i need to modify audio hal. Thanks for reporting
acadiantoast said:
Installation went smooth on my W8, however phone calls was the first issue I found, the call connects but sound doesn't work in either direction. Switching back to Ultimate Nougat
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i had same problem in los 16
tillward said:
Looks great.
Can I flash Magisk?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
TMobile Call-Audio Fixed
enesuzun2002 said:
TMobile Call-Audio Fixed
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That got er working thanks for all the effort and work behind the scenes.
Thanks for this, looking good.
Any idea how could I start Pokemon GO on it?
The device is compatible, I used Pokemon GO on this phone with other ROM.
Thanx, great ROM. Thanx
Enviado desde mi SM-G920F mediante Tapatalk
rookuli said:
Thanks for this, looking good.
Any idea how could I start Pokemon GO on it?
The device is compatible, I used Pokemon GO on this phone with other ROM.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Do you pas the safety checks in magisk? You can try magisk hide props config.
Security patch
What security patch lvl is used in this rom (April)?
Hi, just finish to flash this Rom, for now everythigs is working smooth...
I'll try mms later and will report any bug i face!
Thank you @enesuzun2002 !
acadiantoast said:
That got er working thanks for all the effort and work behind the scenes.
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Click to collapse
Just to clarify, do you now have sound (audio) when you make calls on your W8 (Canadian model G920W8)?
I tried to use se linux switcher on this rom but it keeps reverting to permissive. what gives guys.
mentat said:
Just to clarify, do you now have sound (audio) when you make calls on your W8 (Canadian model G920W8)?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi, yes, calls works on this rom on my W8!!
Still have data dropping when sending MMS... But this time i juste have to refresh data one time to make it go or Come in!! Great! @enesuzun2002 Do you need a log for that?
mentat said:
Just to clarify, do you now have sound (audio) when you make calls on your W8 (Canadian model G920W8)?
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Yeah works great,
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PixelExperience for Redmi Note 10 [mojito/sunny]
What is this?
Pixel Experience is an AOSP based ROM, with Google apps included and all Pixel goodies (launcher, wallpapers, icons, fonts, bootanimation)
Our mission is to offer the maximum possible stability and security, along with essential and useful features for the proper functioning of the device
Based on Android 12.0
Whats working?
Mobile data
Fingerprint reader
Sound / vibration
Known issues
Liked my work? Give me a beer
Help with project translation
Stay tuned
Our Telegram channel
Build author/Device Maintainer: ZIDAN44
Device Source code: https://github.com/PixelExperience-Devices
Source code: https://github.com/PixelExperience
ROM Developer: jhenrique09
First rom, good !!!!
Thank's man
Fast charging not working. Any fix?
Wow, first Rom for Mojito
I hope it will be stable soon, thank you build PE for Mojito
The rom is very good. I'm surprised that you've managed to bring this much better rom this soon. Thanks for that.
Now we need 2 things, Fast Charging support (33W) and Anx Camera support. But it's understandable that these things takes time. Very much appreciated.
keep up the good work ! still waiting some time to unlock the bootloader
Thx bro... keep it up
Thanks for sharing. So what is the difference between *non-plus and *plus
Thanks for sharing. So what is the difference between *non-plus and *plus
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Just installed and tested, no bugs found so far... thanx to the devs!
Thanks for your Hardwork Mr. Zidan44 sir! Its people like you who brings hope to this crooked world! We hope you continue your support for this ROM!
Huge props to the developer/maintainer. I was beginning to worry that a custom rom would never come! Any word on a custom recovery?
thanks for the great rom.
the battery life and performance are much better then stock miui 12.0.3 global rom, but i want testing some more days
I miss two things:
- kill-app-function (back-button)
- stock camera app of redmi note 10 miui 12 ....
i can´t found the stock camera ;/
can somebody upload the camera apk of miui 12 please?
thaaaaaaaaank you again - i love this rom <3
Please boot.img for the Magisk root.
StaryMuz said:
Please boot.img for the Magisk root.
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you can flash the magisk.zip via sideload like the rom ...
(attachment of my post)
after then you need the magisk apk from here:
Downloading Magisk App... | Magisk Manager
The download will automatically start in 5 seconds, please click here to access the download URL directly. If you are confused and want to know how to install the Magisk Manager on your phone you can click here.
it works for me and i am rooted .D
• Tuned vibration patterns values
• Updated brightness overlays from sunfish
• Added some library in pinner service list
• Switched to OSS CAF kernel
• Fixed device model props
• Fixed low brightness
I saw on the YouTube channel TechInfo Mania, the guy says that I need to downgrade to MIUI 12.0.4 before installing Pixel Experience ROM otherwise there will be Video Playback bugs and Screen Recording bugs.
Is it still true for this latest update of April 23?
I'm planning on updating and staying on Pixel Experience once my bootloader is unlocked in the next 7 days.
ZIDAN44 said:
• Tuned vibration patterns values
• Updated brightness overlays from sunfish
• Added some library in pinner service list
• Switched to OSS CAF kernel
• Fixed device model props
• Fixed low brightness
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- i flashed the recovery
- i updated the rom via adb sideload
now wifi can´t turning on - doesn´t work for me
what can i do? i don´t want downgrade to the first rom-version ...
thank you
zuggi_m said:
- i flashed the recovery
- i updated the rom via adb sideload
now wifi can´t turning on - doesn´t work for me
what can i do? i don´t want downgrade to the first rom-version ...
thank you
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Hey, can't we get those incremental updates through OTA in Pixel Experience Plus?
I have never used Pixel Experience Roms that's why I'm asking.
Wilson Shrestha said:
Hey, can't we get those incremental updates through OTA in Pixel Experience Plus?
I have never used Pixel Experience Roms that's why I'm asking.
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good question
i always update via custom recovery or fastboot
pixel exp. is one of the best custom roms for the most smartphones ever
i prefer pixel exp or resurrection remix all the time since i use smartphones