Help needed in Making HWC 1 .3 work on Android 9 - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I'm porting Android 9 in SM-G355H phone from a Android 8 tree but I cannot get pass the black screen or frozen screen.
This happens whenever the SurfaceFlinger has to compose the layers (Client Compositing) because the Framebuffer Target Layer that the Hardware Composer 1.3 code expects always have a NULL buffer handle so there's nothing to be displayed.
Usually SPRD GSP (a hardware blitter) does the compositing for n layers so it's possible to have a working display with the Framebuffer target layer's buffer_handle being null unless the blitter fails or SurfaceFlinger forces Client composition.
I have noted that this is also the same outcome with Android 8 when HWC2on1 adapter is used, which is part of the reason I disabled it on the Android 8 tree and went with the HWC1 support within SurfaceFlinger. The HWC1 support was removed on Android 9, so HWC2on1 adapter is a must.
Any ways to get the HWC2on1 work on this device for Android 9 (and also Android 8)?
Should there be steps to be done before using the adapter? Like changing some code in the HWC or something?

This may probably turn to a Q&A section. So, I'll include a preamble of some sort.
I was right that there is only one issue on Android 8 which also affects Android 9. (and maybe Android 10 and above)
I was wrong about something needed to be done about the adapter, it just works.
The problem lies in the how the vendor decides to use the native_handle_t created in gralloc for "framebuffer" handles or handles that handle framebuffer memory.
Yeah, this means only Framebuffers allocated from gralloc are affected. Any other buffers from gralloc are okay.
TL;DR; Basically, the vendor use -1 as a FD while the whole HIDL, native_handle_clone(), and kernel binder operations always expects a valid FD. I just need to work around that.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to decrease the number of FD's when creating the native_handle_t since the underlying blob,, will reject it stating that the handle is not valid. It compares the number of FDs and number of INTs, you could check what the "struct native_handle" holds.
But then again, that FD is used by as a dma_buf fd.
This means that having a valid fd will make issue an ioctl call expecting a dma_buf so I cannot just plug in a valid FD to /dev/null.
And to point, dma_buf fb support does not exist in the kernel provided by Samsung so the FD is set to -1.
When this FD is -1, simply moves on and uses alternative methods aside dma_buf.
Then the handle goes to binder or HIDL which in effect needs to duplicate all file descriptors (fd). dup() doesn't work on -1 since it's an invalid fd.
Thus, this problem will prevent the FramebufferTarget layer from having a native_handle_t simply because SurfaceFlinger cannot send it through HIDL.


[DEV] BMA150 Accelerometer Interface

I would like to develop an application that makes use of the accelerometer sensor on an Android smartphone.
My app needs a measurement range of +-4g. I looked for accelerometer hardware specifications for various models and found that Nexus One mounts BMA150 by Bosch Sensortec, which supports three ranges (+-2g/+-4g/+-8g).
While browsing Android source code from Nexus One, looking for bma150 driver, I read this issue:
I wish to modify the bma150 driver to set a default range of +-4g and then write a Java app to get and use data from the sensor. By the way, as far as I understand, the driver is actually not implemented at all. Or it is just not exported to the Java API? However, if it is not implemented at all, how can the OS change the screen orientation when the user rotates the device? And if it is not exported to the Java API, what would actually happen when an app tries to read data from the sensor?
Thank you for your help,
Using the accelerometer is pretty easy from the SDK, just google for "android accelerometer" you'll get loads of examples, like:
Note the "onAccuracyChanged" method, I think the ranges/accuracy depend on the magnitude of the forces currently applied.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the answer. I'd already had a look at the Sensor API in Android.
I was trying to understand a bit more about the driver that actually stands behind the Java API. I thought that the measurement range could be set via software (maybe via i2c communication with the device) and that it is not dynamically adapted.
However, I'm not an expert in the Android Open Source Project, so I don't clearly understand the source code structure and design. Maybe someone with an in-depth knowledge of HAL and drivers could give me some hints.
Thank you again for you help!

Hacking MIC and GPS devices on Android

I would like to hack in to two andorid devices, mic and the GPS device. With the mic I want to get the back ground noise. Measure the intensity of sound for ex - lets say frequency or some dB value (which ever is supported). With GPS obviously the location cordinates.
On the android platform it will be easy to do this as an application. However I want to pass this data to the to achieve that? a user space daemon polling the above sensors constantly(then agian how to write to the kernel space..), or can I get these values in the kernel space itself? (ex- as a bite stream from the device driver)
Appreciate any ideas about the matter..
I think the os can do realtime calculations. But kernal????, as of my knowledge kernal is a bridge that connects the hardware with the software( os here) and dnt think that kernal itself can do calculations, but kernal can adjust the o/p , i/p parameters to the os( for eg. Android kernal parameters can be adjusted by init.d or local.prop scripts. ) . But they are executed in os startup, and i think they are constant through out the operating time or untill next boot. So i think either of these scripts can be used to adjust some thing, but not in real time but in each boot.
So the idea is read the values via some app, use the app to generate the script with desired value, inject it to the system folder, and it will be executed on next startup.
Still i dont get the point, why do u want the kernal itself to do the things.
I'm not sure why you're so big on doing this in kernel.
GPS data is so slow that you could easily handle it on a TRS-80.
Audio data is not a heap of work either.
Ok, I would write any heavy computations in a native lib (in user space).
I'm not sure if Android phones (versus other Android devices) use ALSA,
but I've written my own code for interfacing with ALSA directly and bypassing Android.

Compass / magnetometer potential bug fix

I own a JFLTEVZW i545, but I understand that this affects other variants as well.
I'm not a developer, but in the last 4 weeks or so, I've been trying to learn more about android, linux, and kernels. Hopefully what I've come up with can be attempted by someone with a more advanced skill set, because although I've had what appears to be success in attempted fixes, I really don't know if I'm implementing the changes appropriately because I don't see the appropriate fix. I'm also wasting many, MANY hours (200-300?) learning, tinkering, and waiting on compiling because I'm not skilled enough to make a quick change that I want, or to implement that change easily, without a complete recompile (which costs me 2 hours each time). Someone who is more knowledgeable with kernels and building/compiling from source could probably do everything I'm doing in 1%, or less, of the time that I'm doing it.
Core issue:
The magnetometer's X and Z axes are off 180degrees. This has been a consistent issue since early/mid 2014 builds in both CM11 and CM12, as well as CM12.1 (as of a few days ago when I last tested). This causes problems with navigation and multiple user apps.
Ways to experience the issue:
If you aren't familiar with this bug, or if you're of the opinion that the compass doesn't have any problems, fire up google sky and you'll see that things are wonky when the phone flips around crazily and none of the constellations, planets, or moon are where they should be via the augmented reality. This app is NOT incompatible--the data it's being fed is erroneous.
Alternatively, you can use Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite to view the true raw data (other sensor apps are either adulterated or show false or useless data). With this, the sections I've found most worth looking at are the Linear Accelerometer, Magnetometer, and Orientation, and you can compare the data to an OEM phone if you have another one handy.
For the magnetometer, I've found that the absolute best way to calibrate it is by performing a figure-8 movement in three-dimensional space, rather than two-dimensional as shown in some apps and videos, or by the method mentioned in GPS Status & Toolbox. See this video for an example. I perform a larger figure-8 and do it multiple times--once can work, but a few times really settles it down.
What aren't contributing factors:
Hardware malfunction (many others have confirmed)
App malfunction
Magnetometer driver source code (note: the code itself in the files I've looked at are the same as Samsung's source, but the way in which it's implemented may not be)
Please keep in mind that because I'm very new to this, I don't have instant intuitive feedback to know how to confirm these things in the contributing factors or possible solutions. I really need to pass the reigns on this one to someone much more advanced than myself, who will see this post and churn out the fix in a half hour.
Possible contributing factors (could be more than this):
Driver implementation. The source in /kernel/samsung/jf/drivers/sensors/ is new, and OEM, but I don't see it compiling.
Driver implementation. I'm having difficulty knowing which source files from Samsung need to be dropped in to try and compile a kernel without CM modifications which pertain to the sensors. I also have significant difficulty knowing if it succeeded, correctly, rather than something in CM taking over and undoing my changes. This is the case for one particular thing, so I have no idea how to confirm the things that I can't readily see.
Sensor(s) orientation configuration(s).
Possible solutions:
Should /kernel/samsung/jf/drivers/sensors/ actually be compiling? I don't think it is (because I don't see the folder), or even know if it's necessary for our phones, but Samsung has it in their source and I cannot successfully compile Samsung source to try and compare. I also don't know if it gets merged in with other files somewhere else.
Dropping in all OEM necessary files and compiling, without CM interrupting. I don't understand linux and the filesystem enough to know what happens when, and I've resorted to using shred/srm to try and truly delete files, but I still struggle with understanding what's going on. I also don't know what encompasses a swap like this. I don't know if replacing sensorhub is all that needs to be done or if there are 3 other files in completely different directories that are critical, and must overwrite the CM modifications for things to compile appropriately.
I've tried the first two and had intermittent success. Sometimes things compile, sometimes they don't. But I also don't know if what I'm changing even matters. I've been checking file hashes to see when things change, but it's becoming tedious and someone who knows all of the linux commands and knows how the source gets compiled would know without having to check.
My favorite possible solution is the third. This is in the .config file which is made by the make menuconfig process, which I believe is influenced by various defcofig files. I've tried changing the .config directly, but CM undoes that. I've tried adding those lines to the defconfig files, but CM either undoes or ignores that. I've tried compiling a kernel outside of compiling CM as a whole and am hitting roadblocks with my lack of experience and knowledge. I've successfully compiled kernels, but I don't even know if my changes are sticking. I've taken what I though may have been an appropriately compiled kernel (Image and zImage) by modifying the .config and then manually doing a make zImage, but even dropping those in to compile with CM, chmod 555, chown/chgrp root and CM somehow manages to overwrite the renamed zImage-->kernel file, but it would actually leave them alone when I did all that nonsense to the Image and zImage in their normal output spot, /arch/arm/boot/kernel/ I believe.
The third possible solution sets how the sensors are physically placed within the phone. If the readings are off by right-angles, it seems that a coding change for one or more of these would be appropriate:
I've had no success in making this happen, but as I said, someone who is a genuine programmer would be able to make these things happen and compile and test quickly...rather than me spend an entire day trying 20 different ways to see if I can get something to stick, and then not even being able to confirm if what I changed, actually made its way into the final compiled files.
Hopefully someone is willing to take a stab at this, because I'm apparently the equivalent of an elderly person having their first encounter with a computer when it comes to this stuff. It seems so simple, but I'm not the one to make it happen, and I feel like this may be the route to take. Thanks, y'all!
EDIT: I've tried other methods to make this work that I didn't list, I just can't remember everything and my mind is breaking down after going at this for about 13 hours straight today.
I suppose you own a Verizon phone, the unique with Compass issue. I'm currently helping jfltevzw guys to find a fix, and still nothing real even after some tries...
Already tried to change magnetometer physical angle (the correct value must be 3 or 5 according to board-jf_vzw), but if you think: even in CM10.2 the MAGNETOMETER_POSITION was 0
I'm going to try some other things...
Sorry, yes, I own a JFLTEVZW
What are your thoughts on the new "sensors" source folder and it seemingly not being compiled/built? The \Kernel\drivers\sensors\geomagnetic\Kconfig has a completely separate orientation reference of INPUT_YAS_MAGNETOMETER_POSITION:
# Copyright (c) 2010 Yamaha Corporation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
# USA.
tristate "YAS Geomagnetic Sensor"
depends on I2C
tristate "YAS Geomagnetic Sensor - yas532"
depends on I2C
Say Y here if you want support for the yas532 sensor
To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
module will be called yas532.
int "YAS Geomagnetic Sensor Mounting Position on Board"
default "0"
Chip mounting position (pin 1).
0: top, upper-left
1: top, upper-right
2: top, lower-right
3: top, lower-left
4: bottom, upper-left
5: bottom, upper-right
6: bottom, lower-right
7: bottom, lower-left
This is one of the points where I get stuck, because even if I can forcefully input a different number and reference, I don't know how to reverse engineer and get the pseudo-code (or how to read it) to confirm that what I input actually made it into the kernel. I want to confirm one of two things:
1) The change made it into the kernel successfully, and there is proof of that, yet the magnetometer data is not fixed, or
2) The change cannot be confirmed that it made it into the kernel successfully, with proof, so things such as this are still viable options.
Side note:
Samsung is also using this driver setup for their new "wear" devices. Both sensors and sensorhub source folders, for the same YAS532 (YAS532B is the same chip from my research, it's akin to calling the phone the s4 or galaxy s4). This source code change was made without any hardware change to our phones, so that why I wonder if something is awry and something completely unexpected and seemingly unrelated, on first glance, is expecting the sensors source folder to be compiled, but it isn't.
jfltevzw compass now works on CM
Feel free to donate to invisiblek as part of the bounty
Heh, I saw that commit and was tinkering around before sunrise today--very excited!
Hi there everyone -
I am running an AOSP / CM12.1 / Lollipop 5.1 ROM (Fusion) with KT Kernel. IT's a Sprint variant and I, too have the Compass / magnetometer bug. North points south / east points west. Maddening. Everything else in the ROM is Really wonderful, but without the compass / GPS / Maps, it's a deal breaker for me.
My last ROM - GPE on this forum had NO issues with the compass, so I am assuming that it is either the Kernel, or the ROM, or some odd combo.
If anyone else has any other info, please let me know? Thanks in advance!

Android text rendering engine

Some guy makes Android 6.0 for MT6735P (Doogee X5 Pro thread on 4PDA forum (russian)) from vanzo sources. And this sources have some strange bug -- any non-english or arabic fonts produce lags (GPU working time > 30ms on ~90% of frames). What can produce these lags? I think that font rendering subsystem works not well, that's why it happens. Where this subsystem located? Thanks in advance.
P.S. Sorry for my English, it's not my primary language.
samsung galaxy s3 android ics 4.0.4 facing this problem too
you have to be running kitkat or earlier for these effects to not occur because this version and below didnt have the technology available then.. from my understanding.... the arabic code confuses the text rendering engine due to its marginal settings.. basically they stick malicious binary script or code in certain areas of the binary of the original character code. they then convert to utf 8 from binary. doing this you have incomplete or unrecognizable characters which the engine renders as null and parse as invisible characters. you wont ever see it. until you select all in the textview field. these characters you do see cause the text engine to try and render it. when viewing and then cannot parse it but the kernel runs it regardless underneath the security of the android layers, where the interpreter/ interpreter engine runs. that arabic and characters you do see are basically bull**** to distract you and also causes the engine to run certain parts of the code.. the arabic codes you see also have marginal settings that our en-us language can not understand and it causes it to flip it to correct itself and then tries again to run it.. this is causing your reduced performance..
you can cause a massive app failure by writing code as follows...
inside of this parent script with the marginal errors , you write the same exact code but with the correct ltr marginal settings.. by doing so, you now have created a mass confusion in the text engine because it corrects itself by flipping the parent string which causes, the child string inside, which was written correctly, to now flip backwards like parent script was. it reruns from the beginning , the parent script now readable to interpreter and the engine makes its way on to that child script... it causes confusion from its new marginal settings applied by the engine, from the parent flip process.... it then flips the parent or containing script to try and correct the childs error. this causes the parent script to now return to its original state and reruns the code... we are now back at square one. this process will cycle fast and will causes any application this script comes in contact with to fail due to it not being able resolve this failure. you can send these codes via sms and render anyone's messaging app useless and to crash upon opening it..this will happen until the sender of the code sends you a rescue message. something simple as a hi will knock it off the preview list of the sms app and stops rendering it because now instead of the code on preview list from sender, now sits the rescue message. a factory reset is the only other way to rid this issue... your possibilities are endless here in this case.. if the right activator characters are present, you can get any modern android to do wtf you want...with-in its capabilities of course. ive witnessed a script with variable after variable stacked inside and only becomes malicious when fully assembled. like pieces of a puzzle... variables themselves are not malicious and neither are their definitions. the script itself assembles these innocent variables like a puzzle and then it becomes malicious... at that point its too late.. if anyone would like examples of this crazy sht or if you need to educate me because errors in above text.. hmu i love to learn as much as i do educate...

[Development] Discovering, reverse-engineering and using vendor HALs

Project Treble provides a great help in getting access to vendor-specific HALs, I'll try to explain how, and how to exploit it.
Presentation of vendor HIDLs
Thanks to Project Treble, all HALs must be defined through HIDL.
Standard AOSP HALs means that a generic AOSP system works with standard AOSP features.
But, vendor HALs are also going through HIDL!
APIs defined through HIDL are stable, versioned, hashed and easy to access.
Just plug the HIDL inside your build system, and you get easy access from your applications to the HAL behind the HIDL!
Also, APIs defined through HIDL are supposed to be clean, and mostly self-documented, so getting the HIDL can help understand how the HAL works.
To understand how easy it is, here is a real world client usage of an HIDL:
IExtBiometricsFingerprint service = IExtBiometricsFingerprint.getService();
With the HIDL, enabling gestures on the fingerprint sensor on Huawei devices is a two liners! [1]
Browsing vendor HIDLs
Now, the problem is that HIDLs are part of the source code, not the firmware.
So if the vendor doesn't publish it, there is some additional work to do.
Android build system is capable of generating two client APIs for HALs using HIDL. Either a C++ library, or a java library. Not all firmwares will contain java libraries for all APIs, but C++ is almost always available.
Both languages make it fairly easy to reverse engineer the prototype of the functions, which is almost all of HIDL (c++ is missing function arguments)
So, I made a script to reverse engineer those HALs ( ).
It is far from perfect, it can't generate a full-blown HIDL, but it makes discovery much easier!
Here are a few examples of APIs it is giving access to:
- Touch screen gives us access to Glove mode and cover mode
- Display gives us access to functions like setColorTemperature, or updateRgbGamma
- Infrared HAL gives us access to learning capability
- fingerprint sensor gives us access to sendCmdToHal
With the first three examples, we can see things can be easy, but the last one makes things trickier. With the last one, there is still a magic value to give to the sendCmdToHal function.
Anyway, that's still quite an improvement compared to before Treble.
Using vendor HALs
So, let's say we've discovered [email protected]::hwTsSetGloveMode(bool) function, and we want to call it.
As I mentioned in the first section, if we have the HIDL, it's a two liners.
But, we don't have it, so what do we do?
Android build system usually generates HIDL client code for C++ and Java, so we just need to piggy-back to this code to be able to call the functions!
Using vendor HALs from Java
For Java, the idea is fairly simple, we need to copy/paste the code from the original firmware (either from an app or framework), and copy it in our own environment.
It's a bit more complicated to realize, here is how I did it:
- grep -rF <name of the function> system # To find where to find the java symbols
This gave me system/system/framework/oat/arm64/hwServices.vdex
- deodex it
- Retrieve all symbols inside proper folder. In this case, vendor/huawei/hardware/tp
- Create a mock of the java class ( here is an example )
- Create the code to call this (here is an example)
- Build the mock and the caller (here is an example)
- Decompile the result into smali
- Replace the mock code by the actual classes from the original firmware
- Recompile the whole
- Run the resulting app/dex
Things to improve
First problem here, is this code is annoying to automate and put into a build system.
Them, we can only partially reverse-engineer the HIDL, which leads to two problems:
- We need to piggy-back previous firmware's APIs
- Calling C++ is much harder (because ABI behaviour when changing headers is tricky)
The cleanest solution would be to fully reverse-engineer the HIDLs.
Though current reverse engineering is so bad that it doesn't even list all the functions available, so a lot of work is needed.
Project Treble's HALs are fun to play with, look at it!
[1] I'm a bit lying here. This is enough to enable event reporting, but there are some additional changes needed to make sense of those events
Thanks for your great work here OP
BTW, on Honor 9 stock EMUI HwCamera2 can't take a photo ( checked on landscape or portrait mode on the both camera ), but video recording it's working like expected !
Also with your solution, home button it's working in this way : when I press home button it's open search with a "=" into it
surdu_petru said:
BTW, on Honor 9 stock EMUI HwCamera2 can't take a photo ( checked on landscape or portrait mode on the both camera ), but video recording it's working like expected !
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This is fixed by
Also with your solution, home button it's working in this way : when I press home button it's open search with a "=" into it
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Yeah, that's what my footnote basically says
Huawei is defining the meaning of fingerprint evdev in /vendor/usr/keylayout/fingerprint.kl, but the KEYCODE_FINGERPRINT_* it uses doesn't exist in AOSP.
What I'm planning to do there is a daemon listening exclusively to /dev/input/eventX of fingerprint, and launch commands based on the events.
This could have performance issues (input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME takes half a second), so I might switch to creating an uinput.
phhusson said:
This is fixed by
Yeah, that's what my footnote basically says
Huawei is defining the meaning of fingerprint evdev in /vendor/usr/keylayout/fingerprint.kl, but the KEYCODE_FINGERPRINT_* it uses doesn't exist in AOSP.
What I'm planning to do there is a daemon listening exclusively to /dev/input/eventX of fingerprint, and launch commands based on the events.
This could have performance issues (input keyevent KEYCODE_HOME takes half a second), so I might switch to creating an uinput.
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Thank you very much, and good luck
surdu_petru said:
Thank you very much, and good luck
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Does your fingerprint sensor mechanically click? Or is it just some capacitive sensor?
phhusson said:
Does your fingerprint sensor mechanically click? Or is it just some capacitive sensor?
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No, the only one withe the click is into Honor 8 ... I already see it this : "key 28 ENTER" into fingerprint.kl ... maybe here we can defined as virtual or something like this if I'm not wrong, but sure need to be tested
I guess it's used only on Honor 8, as fingerprint.kl is almost the same for all devices
surdu_petru said:
No, the only one withe the click is into Honor 8 ... I already see it this : "key 28 ENTER" into fingerprint.kl ... maybe here we can defined as virtual or something like this if I'm not wrong, but sure need to be tested
I guess it's used only on Honor 8, as fingerprint.kl is almost the same for all devices
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Well, my Device (Mate 9), which doesn't mechanically click, does trigger click event.
The way I'm doing it doesn't require changing vendor partition. But yes, changing vendor/usr/keylayout/fingerprint.kl would be much easier.
Diggin on "my own"
Good evening out there!
First of all: Thank you very much for all of your afford till now.
I own a honor 9 lite and im investigating right now how oreo and treble works.
So i took your reverse_hal and tried to improve it a little bit (see attachment).
Maybe it can keep things easier?
Does it make sense to read out all classes in the so's?
I've uploaded the script ( and an example-output from vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint.
Please, have a look at it.
PS: If there are any ideas to improve just tell. I thought about automatically create JavaClasses? Or Smali? Will it work?
vsrookie said:
Good evening out there!
First of all: Thank you very much for all of your afford till now.
I own a honor 9 lite and im investigating right now how oreo and treble works.
So i took your reverse_hal and tried to improve it a little bit (see attachment).
Maybe it can keep things easier?
Does it make sense to read out all classes in the so's?
I've uploaded the script ( and an example-output from vendor.huawei.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint.
Please, have a look at it.
PS: If there are any ideas to improve just tell. I thought about automatically create JavaClasses? Or Smali? Will it work?
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Looks good
Could you make a pull-request to ?
The ideal target would be to generate the original .hal file, so that we can generate c++ and java code automatically with hidl-gen.
I don't know how big is the gap to be able to do that though...
I dont think that it will be earlier then the weekend.
But i will do.
Also i go on with my investigation at weekend.
This is interesting... Going to see if I could extract something useful from the Nabi SE, as I'm curious if it can be Treble'd.
phhusson said:
Project Treble provides a great help in getting access to vendor-specific HALs, I'll try to explain how, and how to exploit it.
Presentation of vendor HIDLs
Thanks to Project Treble, all HALs must be defined through HIDL.
Standard AOSP HALs means that a generic AOSP system works with standard AOSP features.
But, vendor HALs are also going through HIDL!
APIs defined through HIDL are stable, versioned, hashed and easy to access.
Just plug the HIDL inside your build system, and you get easy access from your applications to the HAL behind the HIDL!
Also, APIs defined through HIDL are supposed to be clean, and mostly self-documented, so getting the HIDL can help understand how the HAL works.
To understand how easy it is, here is a real world client usage of an HIDL:
With the HIDL, enabling gestures on the fingerprint sensor on Huawei devices is a two liners! [1]
Browsing vendor HIDLs
Now, the problem is that HIDLs are part of the source code, not the firmware.
So if the vendor doesn't publish it, there is some additional work to do.
Android build system is capable of generating two client APIs for HALs using HIDL. Either a C++ library, or a java library. Not all firmwares will contain java libraries for all APIs, but C++ is almost always available.
Both languages make it fairly easy to reverse engineer the prototype of the functions, which is almost all of HIDL (c++ is missing function arguments)
So, I made a script to reverse engineer those HALs ( ).
It is far from perfect, it can't generate a full-blown HIDL, but it makes discovery much easier!
Here are a few examples of APIs it is giving access to:
- Touch screen gives us access to Glove mode and cover mode
- Display gives us access to functions like setColorTemperature, or updateRgbGamma
- Infrared HAL gives us access to learning capability
- fingerprint sensor gives us access to sendCmdToHal
With the first three examples, we can see things can be easy, but the last one makes things trickier. With the last one, there is still a magic value to give to the sendCmdToHal function.
Anyway, that's still quite an improvement compared to before Treble.
Using vendor HALs
So, let's say we've discovered [email protected]::hwTsSetGloveMode(bool) function, and we want to call it.
As I mentioned in the first section, if we have the HIDL, it's a two liners.
But, we don't have it, so what do we do?
Android build system usually generates HIDL client code for C++ and Java, so we just need to piggy-back to this code to be able to call the functions!
Using vendor HALs from Java
For Java, the idea is fairly simple, we need to copy/paste the code from the original firmware (either from an app or framework), and copy it in our own environment.
It's a bit more complicated to realize, here is how I did it:
- grep -rF <name of the function> system # To find where to find the java symbols
This gave me system/system/framework/oat/arm64/hwServices.vdex
- deodex it
- Retrieve all symbols inside proper folder. In this case, vendor/huawei/hardware/tp
- Create a mock of the java class ( here is an example )
- Create the code to call this (here is an example)
- Build the mock and the caller (here is an example)
- Decompile the result into smali
- Replace the mock code by the actual classes from the original firmware
- Recompile the whole
- Run the resulting app/dex
Things to improve
First problem here, is this code is annoying to automate and put into a build system.
Them, we can only partially reverse-engineer the HIDL, which leads to two problems:
- We need to piggy-back previous firmware's APIs
- Calling C++ is much harder (because ABI behaviour when changing headers is tricky)
The cleanest solution would be to fully reverse-engineer the HIDLs.
Though current reverse engineering is so bad that it doesn't even list all the functions available, so a lot of work is needed.
Project Treble's HALs are fun to play with, look at it!
[1] I'm a bit lying here. This is enough to enable event reporting, but there are some additional changes needed to make sense of those events
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So my theory is.
Trebel is a wrapper for closed source drivers ?
If so. Knowing the calls to the drivers give you the code to make any driver trebel ...

