[Help] chroot: Run Ubuntu on TWRP. How add Wifi drivers? - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am a fan of Ubuntu and linux.
I want to make Ubuntu Mobile Device based on REDMI2.
I have launched TWRP on my phone.
fastboot boot wt8847_64_twrp_3.2.1.img
Using debootstrap I got Ubuntu for ARMv7.
debootstrap --arch = armhf --variant = minbase --foreign trusty ~/Downloads/ARMv7/Ubuntu_Trusty_armhf http://ports.ubuntu.com/
TWRP has a terminal.
I found chroot in TWRP.
I copied using adb push Ubuntu ARMv7 to phone.
Chroot helped me get Ubuntu up and running in conlose mode.
chroot /dev/Ubuntu_Trusty /bin/bash
Everything is fine.
But I can only use the Internet via a USB cable.
I am using pppd. (Thanks to the article at https://forum.xda-developers.com/)
If anyone is interested, I can describe in more detail.
I am trying to start an internal WiFi module or connect an external one.
For example the powerful RT2870 / RT3070 Wireless Adapter.
I have unpacked wt8847_64_twrp_3.2.1.img by Android Image Kitchen (AIK).
I added kernel from the official firmware.
Packed up and launched successfully.
But ifconfig didn't show any wireless devices.
There are folders in the official firmware
What is the name of the driver file for WiFi?

OK. All drivers in /system/lib/modules

IronAndroid2021 said:
I can only use the Internet via a USB cable.
I am using pppd. (Thanks to the article at https://forum.xda-developers.com/)
If anyone is interested, I can describe in more detail.
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How are you using internet by usb ? Please tell, I want that too in my twrp chroot. What is pppd ?


How install Debian on a LG P500

If you want to install Debian, just follow this step:
1. Download this : megaupload.com/?d=EV1SOKWJ
In the debian folder you should change the installer.sh and bootdeb files by this one
Download them:
installer.sh : mediafire.com/file/6j99zi0g1lu4oxq/ashu11x_installer.rar
Bootdeb : mediafire.com/file/osshm94mo1qhd65/ashu11x_bootdeb.rar
2. After that, copy the debian folder unzipped to the root of your sd-card
3. Than open Terminal and type:
cd /sdcard/debian
sh installer.sh
cd /scripts/onetime.sh
sh onetime.sh
That's it!
An other way to install it
I'm back:
Ok galoula create a universal way to install Deban AND UBUNTU
Download Linux Installer here:
Install it
Press "Menu" button and choose "Setup".
The configuration apper, the defaults settings work without touch anithing : Debian Leny into a 500M loop file named "Linux.loop" in th sdcard. for lunch this Linux, the script name is "linuxboot".
Detailled functions :
- Install into LOOP file
Check to box if you want use an loop file, a loop file, is a virtual disk, same as image of hard drive. The loop file can be in any directory. I recomand to put this loop file into sdcard with an extension ".loop".
- Server
Name or IP of download server. If this option is empty, the default server is used. To install ubuntu, leave emtpy.
- Distribution type
Type of distibutions, actualy, Debian or Ubuntu.
- Distribution version
Version in type distribution. Warning ! Please check your version with a real type ! Debian can be Lenny or Squeeze, but no Dapper or Jaunty ! This two end, is Ubuntu version !
- Script to lunch Linux
The command to lunch Linux. you can choose own command to lunch. It permit to install Lenny into file Lenny.loop with script name bootLenny and install. after that install debian squeez or Ubuntu Jaunty into a partition of your SD card, and use an JauntyBoot to lunch jaunty. You have two Linux distributions on the same phone !
- Install into (loop)
Enter full path for the filename used as loop. I recommend to /sdcard/myfile.loop
- File size
The size of file allowed for loop. The size is alocated directly, no possible to change or have an dynamic size !
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The full site with pictures
where is the /scripts/onetime.sh
ccownu said:
I'm back:
Ok galoula create a universal way to install Deban AND UBUNTU
The full site with pictures
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on My P500 that one sucks, it worked on 2 gb not on 8 gb, but as told its an rc
Or just do this: ← How to Build CHROOT ARM Ubuntu Images for Android! (UBUNTU ONLY) SHALL WORK ON DEBIAN I THINK!
How to Install Busybox on your Android! →
How to Install Ubuntu on Android!
Posted on February 1, 2011 by admin
For those of you who want to install Ubuntu on your Android smartphone or tablet device, here’s our universal guide on how to do it. (This guide is based off my original guide at NexusOneHacks.net)
*Note – This guide should work on most “rooted” Android smartphones/tablets with no further modification.
We will be running Ubuntu “chrooted” under Android OS, which just means that we will be running a “virtual” Ubuntu OS that runs on top of the Android OS. Your Android OS will work fully (e.g. your phone will keep working normally) while the Ubuntu runs on top of it.
First of all, you should have your Android device “rooted” because you need root access to run Ubuntu off your Android.
Second, your Android OS must support loop devices. Most newer Android smartphones/tablets come with this support so we can mount our Ubuntu image as a loop device. If not, you will either have to build your own kernel with support for loop devices or you can try an aftermarket ROM for your phone as most aftermarket ROMs come with support for it.
For example, G2 Phone and Nexus One both come with loop device support so there’s no need for us to compile a new kernel for it but for others, you may have to.
How do you know this? Just try installing Ubuntu and if it doesn’t boot, your Android device needs a kernel with loop device support. Otherwise you are fine.
How to Install Ubuntu on Android! (Windows)
First, download the following Ubuntu.zip file (from a preferred mirror), unzip and copy over the whole ubuntu directory to the SD card of your Android smartphone/tablet device:
Download ubuntu.zip http://downloadandroidroms.com/files/get/Nhi9EJWSw7/ubuntu.zip
(Turn USB storage ON then copy over the Ubuntu folder to the root directory of your SD card.)
(What it looks like after copied over to the SD Card)
1) Again, make sure you have your Android smartphone/tablet “rooted”!
2) You must have Android SDK installed or have access to adb.exe.
3) Make sure your Android phone/tablet is in debugging mode. Go to Settings->Applications->Development and make sure USB Debugging is checked ON.
4) Connect your Android device to your computer via USB cable and set the USB mode to “Just Charge”.
5) Your Android device should be recognized as “ADB Device” under Device Manager. If not, install appropriate drivers.
For all HTC Android smartphones/tablets (such as G2 Phone, Nexus One), you can download Windows drivers here:
HTC Windows 64-bit driver download – Click Here to Download Driver
HTC Windows 32-bit driver download – Click Here to Download Driver
6) Open up a command prompt by typing “cmd” under Start->Search programs and files.
7) Browse to your SDK directory where you installed the Android SDK:
8) Then go into platform-tools directory:
9) Type “adb devices” to double-check your Android device is recognized.
In this example, I used an HTC G2 Phone, which shows up at “HT09SR204261″. This is fine. However, if you get an empty device, that means you didn’t install the drivers for your phone/tablet correctly. (Go back to #5)
10) Type “adb shell” to enter the Android shell.
Then type “su” to enter super user mode, then type “cd /sdcard” and “cd ubuntu” to enter the ubuntu directory in your SD card of your Android device.
11) Next, type “sh ubuntu.sh” to run the script which will basically get your Ubuntu image ready to run on your Android smartphone/tablet.
If you get error messages, don’t worry and keep going.
12) Type “bootubuntu” to enter Ubuntu. (Next time you enter Ubuntu, you just need to type “bootubuntu” from your /sdcard/ubuntu directory, no need to run ubuntu.sh again.
If you got “[email protected]” at this point, congratulations! This means your Android OS comes with loop device support and Ubuntu is now running “chrooted” on top of your Android OS!!!
However, if you failed at this point, your Android OS probably doesn’t support loop devices, try installing another ROM or compiling your own kernel with loop device support.
How to Install Programs on your Ubuntu!
Once you’ve got Ubuntu running on your Android device, it’s time to install some Ubuntu packages(or programs).
Type “apt-get update” to update, this is the first thing you will need to do before installing any new programs.
How to Install OpenSSH-server on your Android Ubuntu!
Type “apt-get install openssh-server” to install OpenSSH-server. What is OpenSSH-server? If you want to connect to your Android Ubuntu via an IP address (and SSH into it), you will want to do this.
How to Install TightVNCServer on your Android Ubuntu!
If you want to access the GUI of your Android Ubuntu, you can install TightVNCServer, which allows you to access the Android Ubuntu via Android VNC app on your Android smartphone/tablet or even access it remotely from your desktop computer.
Type “apt-get install tightvncserver” to install.
How to Fix Language Issues
Above is after I connected to my Android Ubuntu via SSH2. Well, for some reason my default language switched to German. To fix that, just type “export LANG=en_US.UTF-8″:
How to Install LXDE!(optional)
Next, we will install LXDE (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment). Although we can use Ubuntu’s default GNOME (and trust me I love that), LXDE takes up less memory so our GUI access will be faster.
If you like GNOME, you can skip this step though.
Type “apt-get install lxde”
Next, let’s setup xstartup file so that when TightVNCServer is started, the LXDE runs instead of GNOME:
Type “cat > /root/.vnc/xstartup”
Then type:
cat > /root/.vnc/xstartup
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
icewm &
Then hit Ctrl+D twice and enter to save the file.
How to Start TightVNCServer!
Next, let’s start the TightVNCServer and connect to it from our Android phone and my Windows 7 desktop:
Type “export USER=root” and “vncserver -geometry 1024×800″.
Here, you can change the resolution settings 1024×800 to the resolution of your liking.
Now your TightVNCServer is ready to accept any incoming connections from your phone or computer. Just point to the correct IP address and use port number 5901 to connect.
On your Android smartphone, just download the free app “Android-VNC-Viewer” and set the IP address to “″ and port number 5901 to connect.
And you should be able to get into your Ubuntu like this:
You can also use desktop software like TightVNC Viewer and connect to your phone.
Do “ifconfig” to find out what your IP address is in your Android Ubuntu.
In this example, mine was connected to “″.
Then connect to “″ on your TightVNC Viewer:
Here’s LXDE running on my desktop off my G2 Phone’s Ubuntu:
Ubuntu not running?
Try typing “cp” under Android shell and if you get an error message, it means you need to install Busybox. Install Busybox and try again.
Final Thoughts
As said in the video, there will be a lot of improvements in the speed of Android devices in the near future. This year, there will be a slew of dual-core 1Ghz processor-equipped Android devices being introduced. Which just means our Android Ubuntu will run faster and faster.

Folio Linux "Drivers Thread"

There are some people in this forum that have got success instaling ubuntu on Folio. I've got too.
Now i have a great question !!
Are our folios fully driver installed ??
For example, in my folio with ubuntu, i can't use bluetooth or i can't heard any sound because it doesn't run, or also i can't adjust brightness...
I have searched lot of pages and i haven't got success....
This thread is created for people who knows how install this kind of drivers can help us to make us happy !!
If you discovered how to install any kind of driver... or things for optimize ubuntu and make it more quickly please, post it !!
Also would be insteresting if people got success installing programs on our ARM architecture device like Dropbox, Foxit reader, Wine compatibility layer... that are based on i386 and AMD architectures post a how to do it.
Thanks in advance for all people that make that possible.
I am working on sound driver. Just trying to find specs as running android do not give enough informations.
I will also try to integrate accelerated drivers as in AC100 build (but system may be unstable...)
When I installed Linux on my netbook, I haven't got bluetooth, go to software manager(ubuntu market) and search for bluetooth(drivers). May this help you
I'm working on sound too...
I guess there is an GPIO Chip inside the Folio, which manages sound in-/outputs..
I dont know whether the bluetooth and screen brightness are also part of it...
The GPIO has many inputs and outputs, but these are not fix...
So you have to build/run a program which tells them to be an output or input and what they have to do...
I ported the mach-tegra tree and the sound/soc/tegra tree from android-kernel-source to the folio source..
After that I ran nvrm_daemon in a chroot..
For that you'll have to do the following steps:
1. Create a new folder whereever you want (for me /home/ubuntu/Desktop/chroot)
2. mount /dev/mmcbkl0p1 and copy the bin & lib folders into your directory
3. create a folder called system inside your folder and move the lib folder into it
4. create the folders dev and proc
5. open a shell and cd to your directory
6. $ mount -o bind /dev dev/
7. $ mount -t proc /proc proc/
8. chroot ./ /bin/sh
9. nvrm_daemon
You should better run chroot/nvrm_daemon from a ssh shell on your laptop because sometimes the screen gets black, because of segmentation fault..
Then you can take a look @ dmesg..
There are some outputs given by nvrm_daemon.. Also for GPIO but they failed to change some pins because they are already in use..
And I guess thats the problem!
I also tested whats happening when the nvrm_daemon is not starting when android boots.
I removed it from the ramdisk.
After that the folio wasn't starting anymore...
Only after I started nvrm_daemon manually via adb shell the boot screen appers and the window manager starts..
So everything depends on the nvrm_daemon!
I hope you'll more lucky than me and findout why the nvrm_daemon is not starting correctly!
Thanks for the info.
Will look at that to begin with
I there, I have contacted Atheros to know which bluetooth chip is in our folio and they replied me that is 3011 or 3012 depending on the version.
I hope this helps to get bluetooth working early. I will try using ndiswrapper to install windows driver after the biggest brick ever!!!
I found the drivers for the gpu
I've gotten through the forums trimslice computer graphics chip drivers Tegra2
To download them here:
These drivers are valid for Debian and Ubuntu Maverick.
However, you must edit xorg.conf to make them work properly with the folio 100.
If someone can correctly configure xorg.conf. I would appreciate it also put him in these forums. Thanks
To install the drivers simply must enter the terminal from ubuntu and type the following commands:
cd /
sudo tar -jxf nvidia-drivers.18.0004.tar.bz2
jarre2 said:
I've gotten through the forums trimslice computer graphics chip drivers Tegra2
To download them here:
These drivers are valid for Debian and Ubuntu Maverick.
However, you must edit xorg.conf to make them work properly with the folio 100.
If someone can correctly configure xorg.conf. I would appreciate it also put him in these forums. Thanks
To install the drivers simply must enter the terminal from ubuntu and type the following commands:
cd /
sudo tar -jxf nvidia-drivers.18.0004.tar.bz2
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Hey, I have installed this drivers and now I can't boot ubuntu !! Can you help me ? I send you a mp with my e-mail, we can speak on google talk chat i'm spanish !
thx !!
I had said before, it is necessary to create an xorg.conf file that is compatible with
toshiba screen folio 100.
It is the only way to have graphics acceleration.
Funny how nobody was interested in compiling the kernel with support for
ALSA (and there have been some drivers called tegra) But if you do not work
we can always choose to have sound through USB since.
no news ? aneybody have graphics acceleration ?
up please!!!
please why nobody reply ?

[Q] chroot Linux installed, then..

I installed ubuntu 9.10 and fedora
apt-got openjdk and then ran android sdk to download and unpack platform-tools in the right place..
Is there a way to use adb and fastboot so I won't need my laptop to connect to my other android devices? or is it impossible on the ATP?
I get "cannot execute binary files" from terminal..
I'm unaware of any adb client binaries that are built for use on an ARM platform, but if you happen to find one, please share.
I have notes on setting up the android sdk on the TF's, problem is where to find source for aapt and porting it to Linux/ARM. Eh, well disregarding renderscript...
Adb will be the same case as aapt afaik.
Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
adb is in system/bin of the device..
I can share it if you need it
now it's fastboot that I want... aaaarrrm...

Debian Linux for Xperia

Ok, here is my Debian Squeeze bootstrap for armel architecture and is tested on my Xperia Go. Port contain a lot of installed things like compilers, libraries, programers languages, desktop enviroment, tight vnc server, openssh server... so everything that can be used like in desktop computer...
Only stock rom files is safe and nothing "custom" is safe! You doing everything on your own risk! So you can play with Debian on your own risk!
How to install:
first, you need to have rooted phone! You need "su" installed! Busybox is needed too! Terminal emulator too!
extract Xperia_Debian.rar to your external sd card. You need min 4gb free disk space on your external sd card!
using adb tool perform next steps:
adb remount
adb push bootdeb /system/bin/bootdeb
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/bootdeb
How to boot debian:
open terminal emulator and type "su" and press enter. You must see "#"
type "bootdeb" and press enter
You can see log on terminal emulator and if all is ok you are now in Debian
Optional things:
You can start ssh server by command "/etc/init.d/ssh start" and you can install WinSCP + Putty on your computer to get remote acces to your Debian like: WinSCP for remotelly browsing/uploading/deleting...etc and Putty for remote secure shell (ssh) access.
Username for ssh access is: user: root, password: password. You can change password by command "passwd your_password_here"
You can install vnc client on your computer for remote desktop connection to Debian (just you need to start vncserver on Debian with proper screen size geometry for example "vncserver -geometry 1024x768")
You can install vnc on your android (android vnc viever) to get remote desktop connection from your android.
You can install Debian to for example usb stick, but you need to modify (path to external usb disk) bootdeb script!
When you start terminal emulator and you start Debian than do not close terminal emulator!!! If you close terminal emulator than Debian partition is not unmounted so there is posibility for Debian image coruption + coruption on userdata partition! So allways before closing terminal emulator (after starting Debian) you must type "exit" so Debian partition will be safely unmounted and Debian stopped!
do not perform long operations like git clone big pproject...etc because ram memory is not enought and sometimes Debian freze... I created 300mb swap but still swap is allways free so I think maybe kernel have no enabled swap support? I can see zram support in ICS kernel but its about ~50mb so maybe someone can/need to increase zram size to get our Debian stable!
Download link:
munjeni said:
Anyone interested? Let me know!
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What the hell is that???
N y is this in development section
Sent From Xperia Sola White (MT27i)
Rooted Stock ICS
Hit Thanks If I Helped!!
Yes, yes, yes...
definitely YES. Maybe not only Debian ? Ubuntu? Firefox OS?
Thread moved to General section.
Firefox OS would be VERY nice!
Is it possible to run that native?
Sent from my LT22i using xda app-developers app
Debian ? sounds cool ? is it possible ?
It's already existing. Look for "Linux Installer" on the market. It's running from an image via loopback device and VNC. So you don't even need to flash anything, works on standard Image.
I had Debian (I think it was LXDE DE) running. Ubuntu also available.
Pretty nice to show to someone, but I would not work with it. I deleted the image cause it wasted several GB on flash memory.
Sent from my LT26i using xda app-developers app
Of course all of us say YES
DeJe63 said:
It's already existing. Look for "Linux Installer" on the market. It's running from an image via loopback device and VNC. So you don't even need to flash anything, works on standard Image.
I had Debian (I think it was LXDE DE) running. Ubuntu also available.
Pretty nice to show to someone, but I would not work with it. I deleted the image cause it wasted several GB on flash memory.
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Yes I use the same principe (it runing under android in loop) but I prepared/installed a lot of things like compilers... etc... its about 4gb ext2 image...
Ok I will share it and it will be in zip (installable trought recovery) ! Will try to include everything like VNC viewer...etc
I am interested.
What about the official Ubuntu for android project?
My wet dreams are about that.
so much yesss please do
is it laggy??
i would love it but sadly with xpetia u i need a smaller image... 4gb are too many. anyway thanks for doing it
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
What about to be installable on USB Stick,just put USB on phone and run it.
Sent from my ST25i using xda app-developers app
I had old Debian Leny bootstraped, it was for HTC HD Mini, I got it runing on Xperia but it not worked good, so yesterday I created new debian.ext2 image (4gb), its bassed on latest stable Debian Squeeze, it contain installed: full desktop enviroment, a lot of compilers and libraries...etc. I tried to make an zip installer but zip could not accept larger files so it will be rar archive: debian.ext2 + bootscript, you need to install all that manually! Allso you need 4gb free space on your external sd card or maybe it will be runing from external usb disk (you need to modify bootdeb script)? Today I going to start uploading ...see first post!

Wifi drivers installation on Android x86

Hello xda users,
I had to make that post cause I have lot of issues cause that. I'm using a modded version of Android x86, but also the same base doesn't contains drivers for my wifi interface. I have a laptop with a realtek wifi interface that I could install its drivers with the make command on linux, but in Android I don't know how to do that. The Su user doesn't contains that commands, and if I try to use it with Termux, probably I'll have problems due to the less permissions. Somebody knows how to make that with that driver on Android x86?

