can not install indigo on kodi - Shield Android TV Themes and Apps

i tried to install indigo through Fusion, when i downloaded the repository or any other one i got this message
THE TVDB API V2 is not compatible with this version of kodi v 19.0
what is the matter and how to overcome this trouble


Compatibility issue of xposed on nexus 4

On my nexus 4 running on stock android 5.1.1, gone by the book through installation of apk then flash install After installed any module it says no framework installed.
It also says about the compactibility issue with sdk 22 or with the arm v7a.
Can somebody help me with tat.

Cydia Substrate Error

I`ve rooted my phone and some game cant be launch when you are Rooted So I`ve looked on google to hide my root
I tried HIDE MY ROOT but still not working so
I`ve downloaded Cydia Substrate and there is a note : Something about your device made it Impossible for Substrate to Perform its internal safety check ; can you please contact Saurik via e-mail ?
Anyone can help me fix that to be able to hide my root
Phone :
Samsung S5
Model : SM-G900W8
Version: 5.0
Version Knox
Knox 2.3
Standard SDK 5.3.0
Premium SDK 2.3.0
Customization SDK 2.0.0
Container 2.3.0
CEP 2.0.1
Entreprise Billing 1.0.0
SE For Android 2.2.1
SSO 2.1.1
TIMA 3.0
VPN 2.2.0
Lollipop Version
Did you find a solution.
Having same issues with a Tronsmart orion R68.

I can't install/update xposed framework

I have lava iris x8 android 5.1.I installed xposed installer but after I went for xposed framework,I can't click on install/update for shows xposed is not (yet) compatible with android SDK version 22 or your processor architechture (armeabi-v7a).please reply and solve my problem?
You could avoided this question if you read the XF thread. Anyway, you must flash the xposed v86 sdk22 arm zip from here, after install xf installer
Hi experts,
My problem is a bit different. I'm using Samsung Galaxy S3 I9300 (international version). I flashed with cyanogenmod (CM11-20160115-SNAPSHOT-XNH0E0O00N-i9300) with android 4.4.4 Kitkat.
However, in the XF installer, it stated that Xposed is not compatible with Android SDK version 19 or your processor architecture (armeabi-v7a)
It also stated as below:
CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE: cannot locate symbol "_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime5startEPKcS2_" referenced by "/data/data/"...
And I couldn't find any SDK version 19 in the link you give. I'm blur please help~

Xposed framework problem

Hi everybody,
I'm trying to use xposed but it says that i haven't install the latest framework so it doesn't work... i've got a huawei p8 with lollipop 5.0, I've installed xposed 3.0alpha4 and downloaded the framework sdk21 arm, arm64 and x86 i've tried with all... once downloaded i used TWRP to flash the zip file but nothing happened
Could you tell me what am I missing?

Xposed Framework V86 on Remix OS X86 Achieved

Yes guys, It has finally happened!
Of course, not all modules will work due to Remix OS using custom versions of Android APK's, but I have tested Autoinstall [email protected] and it works!
I will be updating my thread with a new version soon! Be on the lookout!

