Hi All,
Currently working in China so bought this for the misses and the first problem is
1) the stock browser does not seem to recognise flash 10.3 so I most of the websites she uses are useless.
2)No market place icon to download Dolphin Hd etc
3)No Gmail Icon or Samsung Account/ Gmail Account options when try to setup the accounts
4)Tried to create an account in Gmail for her using laptop but when try to download an app from interent it says no devices associated with the account and you need to access the MarketPlace using the device first.
5)haha, downloaded the marketplace.apk and installed it on the app, however just says i need to setup an account before I can use it, 8-( however the Samsung Account is setup and using the Gmail Email Address (all be it not an actual address)
Please anybody, can you help before this thing goes through the window, the shop has refused to allow me to return it so after pointless argusing in English to somebody who does not understand and my misses also trying in chinese we are left with it, any ideas how to resolve the above?
I'm also getting messages when using the internet saying something about WebIM and Windows Media Player needed to be installed, when click ok, nothing happens ?
Doh !
Resolved the Flash issue with the stock browser, very simple answer, was just in the settings to always allow plugins...
But still need to resolve the Market Place issue and the Windows Media Player Plugin for the browser, anybody any ideas please ?
Nobody got any help ?
什么是真理? . . . .
I am also in the (Chinese) market for a Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Wifi), since it is way cheaper in China than back home in Germany, plus it is actually being sold here
I've bought an Android device in China before and it also lacked the Google apps as well as Facebook etc. And the Market app, most importantly. On that device I just downloaded another, non-Chinese firmware, installed it and it worked like charm.
Is that also possible with the Tab? Because I would like to get rid of the castrated Chinese firmware. If yes, which firmware should I use - and how high is the risk of bricking the device?
Thanks in advance
I had thought of putting the Europe Firmware on it, but as its for my wife I aso need it to have Chinese Character Support, My Galaxy S2 mobile has the XX firmware on it, but I cannot switch this into Chinese Language so was worried the Galaxy Tab would be the same....
So that means no Chinese input or no character display at all? Because for the input you just install another IME and it should be good to go...
Anyone else any ideas about the possibility of slapping a European firmware on it?
Hi All,
I picked up a Soniq 32" Lcd last weekend and it runs android. I have been trying unsuccessfully to root this device. There is no usb debugging option so I am unable to use Z4 or alike.
I also have been trying to get the official maketplace installed by it keeps crashing.... anyone had any experience with these??
Maybe try apps like this one:
To enable the hidden usb debuggin?
Any Idea how to get the APK file?
Developer has it on his blog:
advancedservers, haven't worked out how to get the market on the soniq yet, but I found a way to install apps, just drop them onto a flash drive and then install them through the file manager in all apps. hope this helps.
Has anyone successfully rooted this android TV?
I have a Soniq E55V13A with Android 4.2.1
I know a few people have had trouble getting the TV Launcher on to it which skips the annoying cinavision front page and goes straight to TV.
The proper Soniq TV Launcher that you want is not in the Google play store as far as I can tell even though it is freely available in the Soniq cinavision market.
Here is the apk backed up from mine if you're having trouble getting it.
You can put it on a usb drive and install it from there.
brotherofkalel said:
Has anyone successfully rooted this android TV?
I have a Soniq E55V13A with Android 4.2.1
I know a few people have had trouble getting the TV Launcher on to it which skips the annoying cinavision front page and goes straight to TV.
The proper Soniq TV Launcher that you want is not in the Google play store as far as I can tell even though it is freely available in the Soniq cinavision market.
Here is the apk backed up from mine if you're having trouble getting it.
You can put it on a usb drive and install it from there.
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Hate to necro but that link doesnt work anymore but I need it to get my stupid ass TV working too...
Khaltzane said:
Hate to necro but that link doesnt work anymore but I need it to get my stupid ass TV working too...
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The apk link still works for me and I was able to install it on my phone. Maybe try a different browser?
Bumping an old thread
Hi All,
I have the Soniq S55V14B-AU Running the original Android Firmware (Not sure how to find this). By now I am sure there would be a way to root this device and rid it of the cancer that is Cinavision. Can anyone help me? I don't have much cash to buy an up to date smart TV and considering this is running Android I am sure there would be a way by now to remove the trash and actually get Netflix on it.
Hope someone can help.
I gave up trying to update. I don't think Soniq ever released a decent update and even their website for updates is broken.
I vaguely remember being able install some apks via usb, maybe even root, but I doubt you will ever find an open source version of android built for your model.
Your best bet would be to get a Chromecast/Fire Stick/Roku etc. and use all the streaming features from there through HDMI. In fact you should definitely not connect the TV to the internet. It's so full of security holes that I've seen a report from at least one user who had ransomware take over his Soniq TV.
there any ROM updated model?
RenorainChile said:
there any ROM updated model?
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I have a couple of these. Seem basically sound phones, using MTK6589 quad core, dual SIM, 4G ROM, 512Mb RAM,
Google play and services is absent from the default install, which has a lot of Chinese-centric apps. eg, a Chinese-only opera web browser.
It is easy to root using Kingo android root.
The default software makes this otherwise reasonable phone look rather tacky, and misses so much functionality westerners expect from the (missing) Google infrastructure.
I'd like a vanilla android for this with gapps, etc..
LOVE this phone.. lot of china and russian roms works great and some won't connect to wifi so try them out and use chrome browser to translate. Pretty easy to put custom rom.
Please help me
I bought this phone some time ago and no Google
play.when I install black market or aptoide on the
phone, the ram after playing few games go full
and the only thing to do for this phone to work is
to shut down and replace the this
normal or this phone doesn't work well?i want
some help cause I don't understand room or
root .this is the only forum when is posted this
phone.please help me and sorry for my bad
Wonder if you would put a link to where I can download custom rom to ZTE V965?
Thanks in advance!
zte v965 roms
Hi, I have recently purchased a Xiaomi laser projector. I like it a lot. It has the same menu as Chinese version of xiaomi mi box. The problem is that the projectors menu is in Chinese as well. I have made a little review on the menu here but I really want android 7, or at least 6 but a European version. Does anyone here knows someone who participates in building these roms so I can ask them??
you can install an English setup app
I am interested in buying this projector too, I saw an YouTube video saying there was a software that you can install to alter the setup setting so that there are in English. If you have not already seen them, I may try to play around with the android version however it may just be easier to attach it to another box such as the android shield TV and use it that way instead of killing yourself with Chinese apps and trying to upgrade Android.
It's pretty easy to change to English and install any app you want. I installed YouTube but you can't sign into an account due to no Google services pre installed. It's super responsive and great picture quality. It would be awesome if someone has a chance to make a rom for it or work out a way to get the play store and a launcher to run on it
I have exactly the same problem.
Although you can install an app to change the language to English, 95% of the ROM is still in Chinese.
This device is not even listed in XDA-developers long list of devices. I am not sure how many developers will spend 1500+$ to buy, develop and test roms on this projector.
It would be great to have an international ROM based on Android TV similar to the Mi Android Box.
Meanwhile, I connect my chromecast to the projector and it works just fine. Of course, this means that I am not using any of the "Smart" functionalities of the device.
hey if someone found an answer I would really love to know too. Got some english which is fine, but the miui tv version 1.3.63 on android 6.0.1 is a pain to have. Bloat ware apps everywhere that just reappear on uninstall.
Also no playstore is an issue. The netflix I have is not really fitted to screen size and also remote does not reach certain parts. so its cut off.
I dare not meddle with it at the moment, becasue I think the software can maybe root and do something about it? But what about the hdmi and av inputs. I am just worried if i meddle with it, I lose these inputs.
HELP if someone found an answer I would really love to know too. The miui tv version 1.3.63 on android 6.0.1 is dead the playstore not work in this version. HELP
me too
einnairo said:
hey if someone found an answer I would really love to know too. Got some english which is fine, but the miui tv version 1.3.63 on android 6.0.1 is a pain to have. Bloat ware apps everywhere that just reappear on uninstall.
Also no playstore is an issue. The netflix I have is not really fitted to screen size and also remote does not reach certain parts. so its cut off.
I dare not meddle with it at the moment, becasue I think the software can maybe root and do something about it? But what about the hdmi and av inputs. I am just worried if i meddle with it, I lose these inputs.
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You could try aptoide tv which is a play store alternative , you may need to side load it.
Unfortunately I do not have this device to try and create a ROM and I have never created one.
I get the impression its not that hard, I would just make a backup of the exiting Android should things go bad and then try Lineage OS which you can download for free. If I am not being clear I am talking about using a custom ROM with the latest Android Lineage OS.. I did this on an old Kindle tablet and had no issue. Well maybe I am not being completely truthful my first attempt at flashing I almost bricked the device, it took at lot of nerve and patience to make it work. Here a link below with more details on Flashing as I am not talking about an old man in a long rain coat.
Hello everyone!
The 12 september xiaomi will release a version of the mi laser projector for eu with oreo 8.0 and android tv, i have the projector in chinese version, are there any chance to bring the update on my device? At least it would be a simple flash of a oreo rom, or not?
I also have Chinese version and would love to install the firmware for EU.
Normally the update should work via the USB with downloaded FW. So if Xiaomi publish the update we can give it a try. The question is whether the FW will check the region or any other thing before installation?
In the meantime, is there any manual how to make a backup or rooting via the Android Development on PC?
I have the Chinese version with just a little bit English settings I would love to have the eu rom
what would be needed that someone can help us to get the EU-Rom on the China- Version?
DreamEvil2k said:
what would be needed that someone can help us to get the EU-Rom on the China- Version?
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There may be some hope for your request as on Oct 06, 2018 a user @servo386 was able to use abd and TWRP (loaded but not installed) to make a Nandroid copy of his v01 ROM (Chinese version). A few users have encouraged him to post on XDA. He is currently refining the process and trying to install Magisk for full root.
You need to be aware that the Android Oreo full English ROM, for this projector, has some draw backs. One of the biggest is that Xiaomi Oreo likely did a rush software job as they have dropped some very important projector specific settings/functionality. Primary to a lot of users is that 3D is no longer an option and that color correction controls are lacking between the two ROMS. On the other hand you do get working Google Playstore integration.
Also despite the recent success of @servo386 no TWRP nandroid backup of the Oreo version currently exists nor has the method used by @servo386 been tried by a Oreo Mi PJ owner. It's still encouraging news though.
All right, you can see the european version test here :
Envoyé de mon SM-G960F en utilisant Tapatalk
Just in case it might be useful, here's an app I made to access engineering menu.
I have this projector and I wasn't able to install Google Services on it. I tried very many versions. Currently Im using it with Chromecast connected to its HDMI port. But I would love to see some custom ROM for it.
Android 8 Dolby/DTS
My international Projector has Android 8. I have problems with DTS and Dolby on the AVR. Here only stereo arrives. Whether Netflix, Plex, Media Server ... Sometimes restarts help. With another Android TV box directly on the AVR it works flawlessly. That is very disappointing.
michahab said:
My international Projector has Android 8. I have problems with DTS and Dolby on the AVR. Here only stereo arrives. Whether Netflix, Plex, Media Server ... Sometimes restarts help. With another Android TV box directly on the AVR it works flawlessly. That is very disappointing.
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Here is a more active forum with many owners of this projector both the V1 and V2 (international) models. You are likely to have better luck with that forum's thread. This one is more oriented to modding the projector's OS than Home Theater related experiences such as your describing. At the very least the owners can tell you if they have similar experiences or not.
Hello everyone,
after unsubscribing from an internet + TV package, the old operator has left this TV box in my house. The problem is that it is blocked, that is to say, when I start it I get a message that the box is blocked and that I should contact Agile Tv to solve it (which I am not going to do). The Amazon and Netflix buttons work, but nothing else and I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to reinstall a clean version of android TV to this box to be able to use it.
P.S: Sorry if my English is very bad.
Saggiskate said:
Hello everyone,
after unsubscribing from an internet + TV package, the old operator has left this TV box in my house. The problem is that it is blocked, that is to say, when I start it I get a message that the box is blocked and that I should contact Agile Tv to solve it (which I am not going to do). The Amazon and Netflix buttons work, but nothing else and I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to reinstall a clean version of android TV to this box to be able to use it.
P.S: Sorry if my English is very bad.
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I advise you to install projectivity launcher