Set orientation app - Shield Android TV Themes and Apps

I finally found a app that works for me.
Set Orientation 1.1.4 APK Download by Eyes-Free Project - APKMirror
Set Orientation 1.1.4 APK Download by Eyes-Free Project - APKMirror Free and safe Android APK downloads
Thanks to this post
How To Rotate Your Android TV/Fire Stick Screen To Landscape
Have you ever sideloaded an app and it's stuck in portrait mode? Find out how to fix that and rotate the screen on Android TV in this article


[Q] Gallery and screen orientation

Hi there.
In stock gallery app, I would like to have an option to have my screen orientation according to sensors and NOT to Android settings, such as in QuickPic app. Is there a way to do that? Would be great.
KahlanHaskeer said:
Hi there.
In stock gallery app, I would like to have an option to have my screen orientation according to sensors and NOT to Android settings, such as in QuickPic app. Is there a way to do that? Would be great.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There is an app called Ultimate Rotation Control on the Play Store which is free to try for 7 days then requires payment, and it has per app settings.
Oh, great, thanks!
No free alternative app? Or a way to do this manually?
I found Smart Rotator, seems free (with ads). Takes 20MB memory with a background service.

[Q] Xposed tablet mode preview issue

I've set Facebook and Instagram to 160dpi and when uploading pictures they are smaller than normal, is there a fix?

[APP] Moto X Camera app

This is the Moto X camera application. animations.
Credits: Originally released by Android Police, since modified for the Xperia Z Ultra.
- Download to SD car
- Open in a file manager explorer
Make a BACKUP!!
- This app may update your current camera app. So backup before you do this!
- If it doesn't instal freeze/delete/uninstall current camera/gallery.
Everything works except the following:
- Wrist gestures
- Panorama mode crashes app
- HDR mode is not enabled
- Slow-motion mode is not enabled
Installed it like normal apk on a non rooted device and all is fine.
Hi Hamdogg,
Is it possible to adjust ISO in the camera settings in this app?
qazzi76 said:
Hi Hamdogg,
Is it possible to adjust ISO in the camera settings in this app?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not that I have seen. For a camera app that has more user and manual settings I'd go for the "Camera FV-5"
FV-5 is what I'm using now. Seems to do an OK job.
I really like this! simple no frills cam. thanks for the link. keep the updates coming!
version 3.1.5 is out

Google Camera! Finally out!

Google Camera App - Released to the Public on April 16th.
I tested it with CM11 on Note 2 and works like the champ with only a issues.
Have you faced any issues with this camera yet?
Google Camera snaps quick and easy photos and videos, and has creative picture modes like Photo Sphere, Lens Blur and Panorama.
• Photo Spheres for immersive 360º views
• Lens Blur mode for SLR-like photos with shallow depth of field
• Panorama mode with high resolution
• 100% viewfinder for getting the maximum resolution from the sensor (no dropped pixels)
• Updated UI that gets out of your way and is centered on an extra large capture button
• Works on phones and tablets running Android 4.4+ KitKat
Download Link:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can someone please upload an apk of it.
I can't download it from the playstore!
It works great, I'm on SlimKat. You may need to download Xposed and install the playstore fix in case you're not on the default DPI settings.
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
The Mirror for the thing has been posted. I got the link from The Android Soul Blog (I am not affiliated with them in anyway therefore I am linking the source. Download at your own risk.)
Will not install, "can't parse" error keeps popping up.
It is for 4.4
Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk
Crashing Photosphere
The camera crashes when I try to take a photosphere. But its only after I take several shots. I can get a photosphere of about 50degrees. But anything beyond that, the app just crashes

Android TV Screen rotation

I'm looking for a recent Android TV Box (Android 9 or 10) model that supports screen rotation either via the Settings configuration or using a 3rd party app.
My idea is to be able to play games like Pinball where the screen is rotated.
I'll deeply appreciate any recommendations.
I have a T9 4G/32GB Android 9 (rockchip RK3318) and changing the build.prop (ro.hwrotation=90) file didn't work. Any ideas/workarounds?
Thank you in advance.
Thread is old, I know; but just in case.
Screen Resolution Changer (com.iutilities.screen_resolution) is one of those really helpful applications display configuration wise.

