Question Stutters when scrolling while finger on screen - Google Pixel 6

Hey everyone!
I noticed an issue with my pixel 6 where the scrolling seems to stutter when I scroll anywhere (e.g. settings page, play store) with my finger held on the screen . If I flick my finger up and down to scroll instead it is smooth, but right when I hold my finger on the screen to scroll it stutters. Also happens when pinching to zoom in on photos, especially Instagram: when I zoom in slowly the photo seems to spazz out/stutter a little. Am I the only one?

Multiple photo sets in Instagram fail to swipe over


[Q] Scrolling list slowly and suddenly it starts scrolling at lightspeed

I see this in a lot of apps, so its not just one app. I'll be slowly scrolling through a list of items and then all of a sudden it will start scrolling super fast all the way to the bottom of the list. What is the deal with that? Does this happen with anyone else?
This happens because of the nature of the scroll settings. You can scroll slowly, or quickly. You can also flick the screen to rapidly scroll. Just watch how you are lifting your finger. I was getting the same thing until I realized I was dragging my finger slightly at the end when I lifted my finger. Just lift your finger straight off, and not drag.
You can test this by placing your finger very close the screen, but not touching, and you can type/input.
So that little second after you lift your finger makes the scroll shoot in the direction your finger comes off the tablet.
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA App

[Q] Switching between home screens

Sorry this is such a noobish question to start off with but I'm having trouble finding a feature I stumbled across a few days ago. Obviously to move between home screens you swipe left and right and pressing the home key from the main screen displays all 5 (swiping up from the bottom of the screen also does this).
The display I saw was a minimized view of each page, each a bit larger than when you're viewing all 5 at once, but only one was viewable on screen at a time and you could swipe left or right to see the others. I've no idea how I got in to that and I can't find any combination of controls to get back to it. I also can't see any purpose to it but it was definitely a deliberate feature and not a bug or glitch.
Can anyone shed any light on that please?
I believe that would be a bug.. there are several homescreen bugs I encounterd with my razr but all tolerable for me..
Case 1:
Slightly tilted diagonally homescreen when swiping left and right..
Case 2:
Minimize view (5 displays) also all screen tilted diagonally...
Maybe we can consider your scenario as a 3rd case..
The screen you see when you tap the home button twice (when already at the middle /primary home screen)?
Sent from my DROID RAZR using XDA App
This sounds interesting, but i'm not sure what you want this for?
Is it like when you see all the home screens, but more zoomed in?
For what its worth, i've been hitting the keys, trying to get to something like this, but no luck..
Yeah I can't fathom any purpose for it... The best I can describe it is like viewing a zoomed out version of each page on your home screen. The same widgets and icons are there, you can flick left and right, 1 page displays at a time but it didn't seem like you could do anything useful from that view.
I thought it may have been a deliberate feature but any combination of buttons or gestures won't reproduce it on my RAZR so I guess it was a bug. It seemed completely deliberate though, it wasn't distorted or glitchy... It was somewhat like on samsungs touchwiz (galaxy s II for example) when you can add in widgets and shortcuts from a zoomed out view of each page except all you had was the zoomed out view and no discernible function.
Thanks for the advice though.
I figured it out.
Sometimes, when you are dragging between the homescreens, and press home at the same time, you will get strange zoomed versions of the home screens, and sometimes it was zoomed out, exactly as you describe.
However, i mostly got a heavily zoomed in version or crooked one.
Just try again and again, and you will see a lot of strange things, and eventually the one you describe

Browser issue? Hard to scroll diagonal

So in my browser I got this annoying issue where sometimes it sticks to scroll either up, down, left, right. When I go diagonal on my screen it won't register the movement.. I tried dolphin and boat browser now, both the same.

continous scrolling?

How do I set up continuous scrolling ? I want to just scroll from one page of apps to the next without coming to the end and scrolling back. I know its probably in settings somewhere. Thanks
I'd like continuous scrolling of the homescreens and the app drawer, but there are no settings for this from what I've seen.
The Galaxy S 3 has them as continuous scrolling, but not the Note 2.
Only work around I can think of is to use a custom home screen/launcher app.

Question Buggy gesture navigation on rotated full screen apps

Anyone else having trouble with gesture navigation when using full screen apps?
Sometimes when I start a video on YouTube in full screen mode, switch temporarily to a messaging app and then come back to the video, the gesture navigation is all messed up. Lower part (short side of the phone) of the screen doesn't register touch so I can't get out of full screen in YouTube and the thin white bar is not where it should be on the longer side (which is now supposed to be the bottom), but instead it is on the short side which should also be my "back" gesture now.
This is very annoying as trying to swipe 'back' now gets me to the home screen and I am unable to hit three dots or the full screen button in YouTube.
I am not using auto-rotate, but I am using Sony Side sense and obviously gestures to navigate. Rotating the phone 180 degrees and back seems to fix it. It's like the phone forgets how it should be oriented when I switch between an app that is in portrait mode and landscape mode
Anyone else out there with these kind of issues or am I alone with this?
I've also experienced this and have found no fix. If I go to recent apps and re-enter the app from there a couple times, it fixes itself but that's all I've found.

