Copied a very long string to the clip tray, phone restarts every time I open the keyboard - LG V60 ThinQ Questions & Answers

Alright, so I copied 1 million digits of Pi to my v60's clip tray (for educational purposes), and now it restarts when I open the keyboard. I have uninstalled or disabled every clipboard/keyboard related app I can find, including the stock LG keyboard (using adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.lge.ime). I have restarted the phone, used the Smart Cleaning app to clear memory and temp storage, and copied other (much shorter) phrases to the clipboard in an attempt to clear Pi from the clipboard history.
Evidently, something in the phone has stored Pi in some sort of history or backup, and now every time I open the keyboard (now using AnySoftKeyboard), it waits about 15-30 seconds, then stutters, freezes, crashes, and restarts.
What can I do, barring a factory reset?
Edit: I tried rebooting into safe mode, and it still crashed upon clicking a text input field, even though AnySoftKeyboard didn't come up (since it's not a system app).

This is probably to late as you probably have figured it out by now, but for the next person who has this issue , try this. Go to settings, then apps, find the keyboard app , and go into storage and delete all its data.

I actually believe I tried that, and it didn't fix the issue. Eventually, the issue just went away - I think I had copied enough unique strings in normal usage that it just pushed Pi out of the clipboard history.

Any update to this at all?

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I've seen this happen. Been a long while. Clearing the cut/paste data using the Edge Clipboard may be how I solved it. It wasn't anything drastic. Also try clearing the system cache from the boot menu as that can resolve many strange issues.

How would I clear the system cache, and what exactly is the Edge clipboard?


[Q] Checklist before performing hard reset on Android 2.2?

I have an HTC Desire Z, and it's been acting strangely lately. I hear it play the startup sound when it's in my pocket, meaning the phone has crashed when I wasn't even doing anything. I suppose it's time for a hard reset. I'm very reluctant to do this, but when I missed an important call the other day because my "" (or whatever) application crashed and I didn't notice, that was the last straw.
What is a checklist of things I should do before hard resetting? So far, I've:
1) Backed up SMS
2) Taken screenshots of all my home screens so as to put the icons back in the same place
3) Taken screenshots of the application settings screens so as to install all the same applications again
4) Taken screenshots of some of the other settings screens, so as to use the same ringtone, background, SMS beep, etc.
What are some other steps I should take? I'm scared that I won't get my phone set up the same way again. My phone is great right now, it's just how I like it - except for the crashes.
Is your phone rooted? If so, TitaniumBackup (TB) would be all you need. You can get TitaniumBackup, free and paid, from the market. TB can backup your screen settings according to the launcher apps. For example, I use Go Launcher and when I do a full backup of Go Launcher, it will backup icons positions and everything else that I have changed in Go Launcher.
It may not be necessary to reset your whole device if your just getting one or two processes force closing themselves. The first thing to check is see if you have installed an app that might be conflicting with system apps (try and remember the last time it was working correctly and uninstall apps that you've installed since then).
If this isn't the issue you can also try to wipe app data/cache for the app in question. I hope this makes sense
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
Well, I'm not really sure what's causing the problem. My phone came installed with crapware, and lately I've found software installing itself on my phone without my knowledge. I know for a fact the "QQ Security" crapware the phone came with did indeed prevent my phone from functioning correctly.

Can't opt-out of interest-based ads, have some effects

OK, so, it's probably not about being unable to opt-out. I basically can't change anything in the 'google settings' application.
Let's take the opting-out as an example. When you press that check mark, what should happen is a second of loading (a circle appears to load), and then the check mark applies. In my case, the check mark immediately applies, and when pressing the back button and entering the screen again it doesn't save.
In addition, apps that try to sign me into google+ (Clash of Clans for example) does nothing. I'm pretty much sure it's related.
This might be because some app i disabled or uninstalled, although I tried unfreezing all apps (as well as disabling Greenify) and the issue still persists. I can't clear data or change the ROM as several apps can't restore their data using Titanium Backup (CoC is one example).
Also, my Advertising ID seems to be empty nor does reseting it does something
I'm currently on NeatLite ROM 6.5. Also tried newer versions, same issue. Any help would be highly appriciated.

Widespread Browser problem in Kitkat (4.4.2\4.4.4)

I have a big problem with slightly lesser known web browsers on Kitkat. If I set browsers to automatically clear data (history, cookies etc.) at exit they can't actually clear it. No error message or anything displays but they just can't do it.
I've tested this on both 4.4.2 & the recent 4.4.4 but the issue is present. So, please help me.
Steps to reproduce --
1. Use browsers such as Next Browser, Lightning, Naked, Lucid etc. and set them to clear all data on exit.
2. Surf some site where you can see your history without logging in (e.g. in Google homepage if you search for something & then go again at the search box your recent searches will be there).
3. Exit browser normally i.e. not by swiping out from recent apps.
4. Now, when you again go to the sites you visited on step 2 you will notice your history with them is kept. This data shouldn't be kept if the browsers clear all data on exit was actually working, right?
XAoler said:
I have a big problem with slightly lesser known web browsers on Kitkat. If I set browsers to automatically clear data (history, cookies etc.) at exit they can't actually clear it. No error message or anything displays but they just can't do it.
I've tested this on both 4.4.2 & the recent 4.4.4 but the issue is present. So, please help me.
Steps to reproduce --
1. Use browsers such as Next Browser, Lightning, Naked, Lucid etc. and set them to clear all data on exit.
2. Surf some site where you can see your history without logging in (e.g. in Google homepage if you search for something & then go again at the search box your recent searches will be there).
3. Exit browser normally i.e. not by swiping out from recent apps.
4. Now, when you again go to the sites you visited on step 2 you will notice your history with them is kept. This data shouldn't be kept if the browsers clear all data on exit was actually working, right?
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i think this is just the odd way android works (at its weirdest)
when you hit the back button and there is no more fallback processes to go to, like any app it would just minimize. its not neccisarily a bug but just weird design within android..
data should be wiped when asked to close (aka via recents or anything else like such, or even using a exit option within the browser)
I think its maybe a KK bug because in ICS and Jellybean this works. Why would developers give such an option in their products if this feature doesn't actually work? This issue is present in my friend's non-sony kitkat phone too. Google changed so much in KK, you know! No flash support, no text wrap etc.
Also, in stock Firefox v33 or later this clearing data at exit works 99% of time. Chrome too won't remember data if incognito mode is selected. So, what's going on? Is there no way to solve this problem cause I really wanted to use those browsers especially Lucid browser. Firefox, Chrome are so bloated!!
@XAoler you seem slightly confused, the browsers are set to clear data when the app is closed, you aren't closing the app, as @Envious_Data says your just opening a new window. If you want the data clearing you must manually kill the app.
ghostofcain said:
@XAoler you seem slightly confused, the browsers are set to clear data when the app is closed, you aren't closing the app, as @Envious_Data says your just opening a new window. If you want the data clearing you must manually kill the app.
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No, no I am closing the apps from the exit option available in their menus. If the menu option is exit and I select that the apps should close, no? Also, I actually used force stop option as well from system settings. The data will stay even when doing this.
I don't think @Envious_Data said that I am opening a new window. He said its the way android works.
i did mention its the way android works
you have to kill the app for it to be concidered closed. pressing the back button doesnt always work even on aosp, cm11 or anything alike
Uh....none of you seem to really read my post. I am not exiting them using the back button. I exit the apps using the exit button from their menu. So, tell me is it not the correct way to close them???
Also, I used force stop option in android system settings\apps. Data will stay even when using this method. What do you mean by manually killing the app!! How else do you manually kill the apps?
Sorry, if you are killing the app using the exit function provided then yes the app should be clearing data if set to do that, to me it sounds like an app issue rather than the OS. Is the browser still present in recent apps after exiting this way? (should be without a preview) If so that suggests it's incorrectly closing down.
Actually I used 4 different browsers and all of them have this problem. So, clearly this is a OS problem. But I have now switched back to firefox. Mods can close this thread. This was of no use.

How does an app identify my phone?

So there's this app I like using called whisper.
Occasionally it would have this bug that made it unusable. The only way to fix it was to clear cache, delete all the folders it creates(it creates a folder on the root of your phone where it stores your account data[I'm assuming]), and reinstall.
Recently I got this bug again and I can't fix it. And I'm positive it has to do with the fact that it's my phone as it works perfectly on everyone else's phone and on emulators.
So what I'm saying is if I completely wiped and factory reset my phone I'm sure it would work again. But doing that and setting everything back up is extremely annoying. I want to delete all previous traces of this app on my phone so I could do a completely clean install and hopeful solve the bug.
Almost like a targeted factory reset. So in the eyes of the app my phone would be completely new.
I've tried almost everything including wiping my ART cache to deep searching my root for the app name and deleting all the folders returned to changing my device I.D. and IMEI
tldr; How to delete all previous traces of a specific app, almost simulating a factory reset as far as the specific app is concerned.

Persistent Automatic Polling Force Close App or Automatic Clear App Data App

First off, if anyone is to respond to this question, please do not lecture on dangers or the "why" of forcing closing apps, or how they can be more a detriment on the system, etc. This doesn't answer the question and just makes everyone else who may be seeking an answer more pissed off when someone starts to question you on why do you want that feature, etc. The same goes true on trying to change the subject, or otherwise just failing to answer the question. If you don't know, then don't reply.
I have a [currently] un-rootable tablet which is a Verizon Asus ZT581KL running Android 6.0.1. There is a system update available. There is no [easy] way to ignore or close this update notification. If one says no to available system update (Android 7), it will magically re-appear and is hell bent on at least downloading the update and then trying to force you to pick a time to install it. By not installing the update, one has to suffer the notification that is always there and one has to be mindful to not accidentally hit yes to install the update. Factory reset (annoying) fixes this for about 24 hours.
[do not reply on how to get rid of the notification or other tips which do not answer the question, if you do, I will find you and I will kill you. (unless it's another workaround solution, in which case I will give you a big shiny nickel along with my gratitude)]
On this tablet, the OTA download and installation is run via this system service called FOTAService, and it's a sly little bastard. If you force stop it, it will re-initialize--only if you hit it like 4-5x will it "seem" to stay closed--but it will resume the download once the service is restarted/phone rebooted presumably--I wouldn't be surprised if it tried to start again on it's own if left the device to sit and simmer for a few hours.
However, there is a grimmer of hope: If I goto settings->app manager-> . . .->system apps->FOTAService->Storage and hit clear data, the notification seems to go away. Unknown at this time is if will resume or restart the download on it's own or next reboot. This is a service you cannot disable without root.
There are apps out there that will presumably disable autostartup apps/service even they say without root. I've tried All in One Toolbox, and it did not seem to disable the service--probably because I do not have root.
Obviously I do not want to update android because I will more than likely have better chances on older version versus newer version to be able to root it, if/when it becomes available.
My question: Are there any [good] apps that will allow me to either persistently auto-kill apps/services (the equivalent of manually going to app manager and hitting force close over and over again) via NO ROOT. A program that just makes sure a certain program doesn't load, and if it does will keep killing it
as it spawns a process.
A program that will allow me to do the equivalent of clearing app data/cache either whenever app data is present and/or at predetermined times ..i.e. on an automatic/polling basis.
(mindfart...maybe automateit app can do that..I'll have to check)
If I can have it so something is running keeping FOTAService from spawning or automatically nuking it's app data, that should work and I won't have to worry about it updating behind my back. Any help appreciated.
I might have found a working solution to build on.
I could write a script and run it at intervals...I'll report back
smokejumper76 said:
I might have found a working solution to build on.
I could write a script and run it at intervals...I'll report back
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Click to collapse many replies..thank you. So, I was able clear app data via this command:
pm clear 'app name' or more specifically issuing the command: pm clear and it nuked the update for a good 24 hours. I tried creating a .sh script file, but I ran into permission errors. Issuing the command from adb works.
There are a bunch of app/cache cleaners available on the play store, but they all seem to do the same thing: They offer auto cache clearing and some offer interval app cache cleaning, but the ones I saw all seem just clean ALL app cache.
Does anyone know of an app that will allow me to SELECTIVELY set just the app/apps that I want to have their app cache cleared?--and not just ALL apps? If I found that, I could just set it to automatically run whenever, and be done with it. An app cache cleaner that when run, will just do the apps I have selected to be cleared. Does anybody know?

