Question Samsung orinal cover question - Samsung Galaxy A52 5G

I have the samsung original cover with window on the top. It now has the time and a music player option. Is there a way to change this? So add other apps or exchange the music player for another one?


[Q] Stock music player.

While I do like the way the stock Vibrant player sounds I hate the way my album art looks. I tag my mp3's with mediamonkey. I dunno if its just me but my album art looks really pixelated. Is it pulling from a directory with tiny thumbnails? Is there a way to get the album art to not to look so pixelated? I have Poweramp on my Vibrant but don't like the way it eq's my music, but I like the way my album art is displayed. Anyone use any good apps that clear this up? Maybe a setting I'm missing? Thanks
I haven't seen this, I also use mediamonkey (mostly) to tag my music. I would make sure there aren't any hidden .jpg files in the folders you copy to your phone. The music player might be picking these up and displaying them instead of the embedded art. You can also try Album Art Grabber on the market, it works pretty well.
I have a question about the Vibrant music player as well...on 2.1, I couldn't figure out how to get back to my 'current' playlist, and on 2.2, the "List" button is there, and it takes you back to your current playlist, but I can't figure out how to get back to the music library, other than hitting the back button 100 times...sorry for the newbish question but this bugs the hell out of me.
starkiller86 said:
While I do like the way the stock Vibrant player sounds I hate the way my album art looks. I tag my mp3's with mediamonkey. I dunno if its just me but my album art looks really pixelated. Is it pulling from a directory with tiny thumbnails? Is there a way to get the album art to not to look so pixelated? I have Poweramp on my Vibrant but don't like the way it eq's my music, but I like the way my album art is displayed. Anyone use any good apps that clear this up? Maybe a setting I'm missing? Thanks
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Are you embedding the jpg in the mp3? try to find the large images on amazon. I redid my library and looked for all the largest images I could find, and if amazon only had a small one, I searched google images for one at least 500X500.

[Q] Has anyone seen an app that adds visualizations to the music player?

Has anyone gotten anything like visualizations working on this phone yet for the music player?
I know there are two music visualization live wallpapers included on the phone, but I was really looking for something you can just either choose from the stock music player, or a music player I can replace the stock one with that has them included.
Really can't wait for something like this to come out/be created. Would be cool in my car if I could have visuals on the screen when the music plays instead of just a screen with a player on it. lol

[Q] Change stock music default album cover

As we all know it, the stock music player has horrible (at least to me) album covers for songs without their own album art. Is there any way to change it? I know there is because in one of the iOS themes they managed to change the default album art to the iTunes one, which is much nicer.
BUMP. Anyone?

New Music player

i've been a longtime miui music and playerpro user. N7player definitely takes the cake
yo! Thanks for the suggestion mate. I've just installed it and it sounds and looks awesome.
I was using a semi-working Miui player port on cm7 as of lately (still better than stock Music.apk), but this made me uninstall it. This is now my default audio player.
Others tried: zimly, neutron mp, winamp, poweramp.
But this seems a winner. Thanks again.
no problem. just wondering how long it'll be before they make it a paid app. I think they should leave it free for awhile and gain more publicity. anyways, I wouldn't mind paying for this app especially if themes can be integrated
does not work on my defy nightly, can not play any song -.-
matchung said:
does not work on my defy nightly, can not play any song -.-
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Strange; which nightly? I'm on Maniac103's Feb. 20th and it works flawlessly...well, almost.
Here's a couple observations on that player and more:
This player excels in getting (and displaying) album art pics; it even makes them accessible to other apps. So this means that the stock Music.apk can finally and easily have album art covers for pretty much all songs and single mp3 files -that without any additional app such as albumart grabber [which didn't even really solve the problem anyway].
Cm7's lockscreen sees N7 player as the main player; so the lockscreen buttons control it and not the default player [big +1 in my book]. But there's no song name or albumart displayed on lock screen; no biggie and it has its own lock screen mode anyway..
So the only real need of keeping the default player installed is to quick-play a single song from within a file explorer (from the 'download' folder for example) because somehow, if you uninstall it there's no mp3 file type (mime) assiociated with the N7 player. So you get 'mp3 is not recognized file type by the system', 'System can not play this file type' ~or something similar anyway.
Now, all that being said, I still don't like to keep the cm7 default music player for one main reason: it also adds a "Videos" link in the app drawer wich links to a directory of all video files on the phone -hidden or not!!- .
You can't freeze (with TB or other app) that Videos 'shortcut' independently from the Music.apk nor you could (or would really want to) lock it (i.e.: add a password to the default audio player) with an app like Smart App Protector...
Any alternative? Yes: ICS's Music2.apk [attached - taken from the ICS dump release a long time ago].
Disclaimer: OK, this is not 100% proven science here; I did not check logcats and search for problems... but I haven't had any issue with this player yet for what I expect from it - but use at your own risks...
So backup, rename or delete the stock Music.apk from /system/app and place the ICS one in there and dont forget to set its permissions/ownership. Reboot and privacy problem solved!!
N7 and ICS' Music: best free audio combo in town
--> Music2 looks much better as well; more ice-creamy
Got some issues compared to Poweramp
- Can't detect song's cover art. Can't import from SD card. Need to download from internet
- No lyric
But overall is pretty impressive. Hopefully will get more feature soon
[] AL [] said:
Cm7's lockscreen sees N7 player as the main player; so the lockscreen buttons control it and not the default player [big +1 in my book]. But there's no song name or albumart displayed on lock screen; no biggie and it has its own lock screen mode anyway..
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Does anyone know if there's a way to get the cm7 lockscreen to control winamp? I use winamp becasue i have lots of flac files i'd rather not have to convert everytime i put them on my phone.
Very nice, I like the interface a lot but its missing features I like in Poweramp so going to stick with that for now... plus I only just payed for Poweramp so want my moneys worth before changing
Will be keeping an eye on how this app develops though, when things like lockscreen gestures and a few more control options appear I can see this one being a winner
Thanks for the head up
THX. Have a try
n7player Music Player...THX,have a try
It has beautiful UI and the effort on that part is very appreciated. But I must say, it comes nowhere close to the sound quality of Poweramp. None of them do.

Widget problem

I have problems with 2 of the original widgets. The S memo widget just closes when you try to look at all drawings or go back. When you open the music player with the widget then I cant go back to all songs when i have searched something and played it. Can anyone check if they have the same problems or is it just my phone.
Can anyone check if the have the same thing and tell me please. thanks

