Hello, as you may know is supposed i m not developing any more, ( in fact i sold my j5 prime ) but i still working to bring support for my roms, now i want to share a port from j7 2016.
native blur
edge screen
gaming options
root by magisk
smart capture
lecture mode
app lock
and others
no fingerprint sensor ( the J7 2016 dont have )
front flash wont work ( kernel related bug )
bluetooth don't work ( missing libs )
Only English avalaible
everything else work fine
Cocktail Rom
ROM OS Version: 7.0.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.18.14
ROM Firmware Required: Stock Nougat Android 7.0
Status: Stable
Created 16-06-2018
Last Updated 16-06-2018
@AlexVolzsk for the port and kernel
@visionetik original dev of the rom
Buen trabajo.. Ojala se mantenga en constante actualización. El trabajo es muy bueno. Me gustaría aportar para incluir el idioma español. / Good job.. Hopefully it will keep constantly updating. The work is very good. I would like to contribute to include the Spanish language.
No more update ? pleeeease ... por favor !
no actualizacion
Corvex® said:
Buen trabajo.. Ojala se mantenga en constante actualización. El trabajo es muy bueno. Me gustaría aportar para incluir el idioma español. / Good job.. Hopefully it will keep constantly updating. The work is very good. I would like to contribute to include the Spanish language.
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por favor, esta ROM es muy Bueno e necessita de una actualizacion... ninguen es capaz?
It seems that no
andreluizbarbieri said:
por favor, esta ROM es muy Bueno e necessita de una actualizacion... ninguen es capaz?
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Al parecer ya no se actualiza, este dispositivo esta muy abandonado. /
Apparently it is not updated, this device is very abandoned.
hola buenas tardes perdi la señal de mi celu j5 prime y me digieron que intalando lineage 14 la puedo recuperar
Adrian1207 said:
hola buenas tardes perdi la señal de mi celu j5 prime y me digieron que intalando lineage 14 la puedo recuperar
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Prueba de flashear el firmware stock.
Hello, I'm new to the XDA forum, I've come to you to ask for your help because in Spanish speaking forums, I can not find a solution to my problem.
Dicho lo anterior, me gustaría comentaros mi caso.
Hace cosa de 1 mes, o mes y medio, compré un teléfono de la marca Smartisan, en concreto es el modelo Nut Pro 2 también conocido como U3 Pro.
[SPANISH] English below...
El vendedor me envió una rom multilenguaje, mal traducida pues a demás de español ( mi lengua materna) algunos botones u opciones de menú estaban en inglés, chino y hasta en cirilico, como era el caso de los botones de encendido, reinicio y cancelar.
Harto de esto, decidií instalar la rom oficial que solo estaba en inglés y en chino, pero con el tiempo vi que no me daba un control total sobre mi dispositivo. Opciones como saber cuanto tiempo de batería quedaba aún, o multitud de opciones que si trae Android stock, me hicieron instalar una rom mokee con Oreo 8.1 que es la que actualmente está corriendo, completamente en español y 100% estable y funcional. El problema es que me gustaría poder usar las apk’s de la rom del fabricante, en especial la de cámara por que es muy buena y la gestión que hace de los datos ofrecidos por la cámara es en mi opinión sobresaliente. Pero no puedo instalar sin mas las apk, pues no se instalan. Entonces, siguiendo diversos tutoriales conseguí crear un zip flasheable con las apks del fabricante, para ser instaladas con TWRP, pero si bien, parece que se instalan, se cierran en el momento de intentar ejecutarlas.
También he probado a firmar esas aplicaciones, pero no funciona. Entonces, mi pregunta es ¿Cómo puedo instalar aplicaciones nativas de Smartisan Nut Pro 2 en mi ROM personalizada Oreo 8.1 de Mokee?
Adjunto enlace con estas aplicaciones. Gracias.
Hello, I am new to the XDA forum, I have come to you to ask for help because in the Spanish speaking forums I can not find a solution to my problem.
Having said the above, I would like to tell you my case.
A few months ago, one and another medium, a Smartisan brand phone, in particular is the Nut Pro 2 model also known as U3 Pro.
The seller sent me a multilanguage rom, poorly translated for a Spanish rest, buttons, options, options, menu, in English, Chinese and even Cyrillic, as was the case with the power, reset and cancellation buttons.
Fed up with this, I decided to install the official rom that was only in English and Chinese, but over time I saw that it did not give me total control over my device. Options to know how much battery time would be left, or a multitude of options if you have Android, made me install an Android version with Oreo 8.1 that is currently available, completely in Spanish and 100% stable and functional. The problem is that I would like to be able to use the apk of the manufacturer's machine, especially the camera, the good, the good management, the information, the most recent information. But I can not install without apk, because they are not installed. Therefore, following these steps, you can create a zipeable file with the applications of the manufacturer, to be installed with TWRP, but although, it seems that they are installed, they are closed at the moment of trying to execute them.
I've also tried signing those applications, but it does not work. So, my question is, how can I install native Smartisan Nut Pro 2 applications on my custom Mokee Oreo 8.1 ROM?
Thank you
Does anyone have gcam apk for samsung a11 (SM-A115M snapdragon 450)
Drikezinho said:
Does anyone have gcam apk for samsung a11 (SM-A115M snapdragon 450)
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Yo tengo una versión que funciona, pero tiene el modo retrato antiguo, también estoy en búsqueda de algún APK más nuevo, pero ninguno funciona, yo creo que el problema es la versión recortada o Lite de OneUI que trae el A11 ¡Espero haberte ayudado!
Hola Hola, tengo un problema en mi redmi note 10 con la camara de instagram, cuando tomo una foto e intento guardarla en mi galeria este dice que se ha guardado, pero tarda mucho en aparecer en la galeria o es nunca salvo, ¿por qué sucede esto?
¿Te pasa alguien más?
I have previously disabled Miui optimization to install YouTube vanced but I have turned it back on, do not know if it influences something, how can I fix this?
I would say it is set in the camera full of HDR mode.
StaryMuz said:
Yo diría que está configurado en la cámara llena de modo HDR.
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Instagram with HDR? how can I see that? Or where o fix it?
I talked about setting the camera that is used for Instagram.
Corvus OS The best system in terms of gameplay and stability now UNOFFICIAL available for the moto g7 power ready to install and give your first use to the system Corvus OS ready to play
At very stable fps
(I am not responsible for your device stop working or screen black or looping or corrupted sd when you install system, you do it at your own risk)
Facts about the ROM:
Corvus v3.2 Vindicate
Device: Moto G⁷ Power
Code name: Ocean
android: 12L
SELinux: Permissive
GApps: Included - No
Architecture: ARM64 (64-bit)
Maintainer: Gutipro135
Add binux kernel for better performance
ROM for daily use and games with stable fps
Problems: none, the application may only be closed due to some optimization modules magisk, no more problems have been found
Source code:
download link :
where can i disable the charging led, it doesn't have that option
WillamsApolloBella said:
where can i disable the charging led, it doesn't have that option
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In battery or misellaneous
If you can't find it, look in the search engine.
Led and the options that have to do with the device's led should appear
Sorry if I'm a layman, but unfortunately you don't have this option like in other roms
WillamsApolloBella said:
Lo siento si soy un profano, pero desafortunadamente no tienes esta opción como en otras roms
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please try in the normal configuration not the one in which it has custom options it does not have to be in the normal options give the battery and the LED option has to be there
Thank you for your attention, I've looked for all the options and it's not available
WillamsApolloBella said:
Thank you for your attention, I've looked for all the options and it's not available
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We regret that the Rom does not have the led option we may add it in a future update . At the moment, ForkLineageOS 19.1 are being worked on and tested
que gaps le instalo
**Mod Translation**
What Gapps should I install?
Como faço para baixar a play store o e chrome?
**Mod Translation**
How do I download the play store and chrome?
thiagololol said:
que gaps le instalo
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You can install these gapps
EdsoHenri said:
Como faço para baixar a play store o e chrome?
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Você tem que piscar esses gapps na recuperação twrp ou por adb sideload
**Mod Translation**
You have to flash these gapps in twrp recovery or by adb sideload
La estuve usando y esta buenisima la ROM para este dispositivo pero tiene un error con twich a la hora de ver a un streemers se queda congelado y lo mismo pasa con google cromer estoy usando gaps de android 12l
**Mod Translation**
I was using it and the ROM for this device is great but it has an error with twitch when it comes to seeing a streamers it freezes and the same happens with google chrome. I'm using android 12l gaps
Las captura s de pantalla también no anda ahora voy a instalar la gaps flamea gaps y veo si se solucióna pero además de eso esta buenisima la ROM los ánimos a sacar otra version arreglando estos errores
**Mod Translation**
The screenshots also do not work now I am going to install the gaps flame gaps and see if it is solved but besides that the ROM is great, encourage me to get another version fixing these errors
thiagololol said:
Las capturas de pantalla también no anda ahora voy a instalar la gaps flamea gaps y veo si se solucióna pero además de eso esta buenísima la ROM los ánimos a sacar otra versión arreglando estos errores
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hola thiagololol
La rom la he usado para uso diario y no e encontrado problemas en las capturas de pantalla y como menciona que hay errores en twitch lo voy a revisar y tomar en cuenta y por el momento no se esta trabajando en alguna actualización o rom ya que nos estamos tomando unas pequeñas vacaciones por semana santa porfavor verifique que la rom se haya instalado correctamente la rom
(Se recomienda instalar 2 veces el sistema la primera vez por twrp luego por el recovery que viene con el sistema via adb para que haya menos posibilidades de errores)
**Mod translation**
hi thiagololol
I have used the rom for daily use and I have not found any problems in the screenshots and since it mentions that there are errors in twitch I will review it and take it into account and at the moment no update or rom is being worked on since we are taking a little vacation for easter please check that the rom has been installed correctly the rom
(It is recommended to install the system 2 times the first time by twrp then by the recovery that comes with the system via adb so there are less chances of errors)
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We understand that with all the different nationalities, not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English, use an online translator. You're free to include your original message in your own language, below the English translation. (This rule covers your posts, profile entries and signature). You could try :- , or or use one of your choice.
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