I'm using a Moto G5s+ (sanders). For this phone, ArrowOS has been in use since Feb. 2021, and I have always been able to buy a subway ticket using the local operator's app MVG Fahrinfo[1].
This worked until at least May 15th, 2022.
In between, ArrowOs ceaded to support Android-11 (and this phone in generel), which is why I'm now updating the ArrowOS-11 code using the AOSP-Security Updates.
I know, I've updated the app in May or June, but I haven't used until June 3rd, when I noticed, that the MVG Fahrinfo crashes completely when I try to buy a ticket. I don't know, if or what they've changed. But moving my ArrowOS image back to a version that was definitely working did not help.
Using adb logcat, I get the following trace:
07-13 07:33:34.730 481 481 I qseecomd: type=1400 audit(0.0:2922): avc: denied { ioctl } for uid=1000 path="/dev/block/mmcblk0rpmb" dev="tmpfs" ino=2367 ioctlcmd=b300 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:block_device:s0 tclass=blk_file permissive=1
07-13 07:33:34.741 1974 9203 W keystore: Trying to serialize unknown tag 1879048895. Did you forget to add it to all_tags_t?
07-13 07:33:34.831 1974 1974 I keystore: del USRPKEY_a9fa3a48-b564-4a15-9810-ab0c00e54249 10209
07-13 07:33:34.831 1974 1974 I keystore: del USRCERT_a9fa3a48-b564-4a15-9810-ab0c00e54249 10209
07-13 07:33:34.832 1974 1974 I keystore: del CACERT_a9fa3a48-b564-4a15-9810-ab0c00e54249 10209
07-13 07:33:34.830 481 481 I qseecomd: type=1400 audit(0.0:2923): avc: denied { ioctl } for uid=1000 path="/dev/block/mmcblk0rpmb" dev="tmpfs" ino=2367 ioctlcmd=b300 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:block_device:s0 tclass=blk_file permissive=1
07-13 07:33:35.023 8070 8082 I hrinfo.muenche: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 235652(12MB) AllocSpace objects, 234(14MB) LOS objects, 45% free, 31MB/58MB, paused 181us total 104.730ms
07-13 07:33:35.064 8070 8092 D TransportRuntime.SQLiteEventStore: Storing event with priority=HIGHEST, name=FIREBASE_CRASHLYTICS_REPORT for destination cct
07-13 07:33:35.097 8070 8092 D TransportRuntime.JobInfoScheduler: Scheduling upload for context TransportContext(cct, HIGHEST, MSRodHRwczovL2NyYXNobHl0aWNzcmVwb3J0cy1wYS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS92MS9maXJlbG9nL2xlZ2FjeS9iYXRjaGxvZ1xBSXphU3lCcnBTWVQ0RkZMMDlyZUhKaTZIOUZZZGVpU25VVE92Mk0=) with jobId=1899902110 in 1000ms(Backend next call timestamp 1657115477558). Attempt 1
--------- beginning of crash
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: Process: de.swm.mvgfahrinfo.muenchen, PID: 8070
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: java.security.ProviderException: Failed to generate attestation certificate chain
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at android.security.keystore.AndroidKeyStoreKeyPairGeneratorSpi.getAttestationChain(AndroidKeyStoreKeyPairGeneratorSpi.java:611)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at android.security.keystore.AndroidKeyStoreKeyPairGeneratorSpi.createCertificateChain(AndroidKeyStoreKeyPairGeneratorSpi.java:498)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at android.security.keystore.AndroidKeyStoreKeyPairGeneratorSpi.generateKeyPair(AndroidKeyStoreKeyPairGeneratorSpi.java:475)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at java.security.KeyPairGenerator$Delegate.generateKeyPair(KeyPairGenerator.java:727)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at b.b(Unknown Source:28)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at c$a.invokeSuspend(SourceFile:6)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(SourceFile:4)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(SourceFile:22)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7665)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:594)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: android.security.KeyStoreException: Not implemented
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: at android.security.KeyStore.getKeyStoreException(KeyStore.java:1306)
07-13 07:33:35.113 8070 8070 E AndroidRuntime: ... 15 more
07-13 07:33:35.116 2534 9249 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=data_app_crash isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2
07-13 07:33:35.117 2534 6885 W ActivityTaskManager: Force finishing activity de.swm.mvgfahrinfo.muenchen/.mobilityticketing.MobilityTicketingActivity
Therefore, it seems to me, that either
the app has changed and now requests something, that it did not before: but then, why does not work now?
my ArrowOs image (one I created myself, adding AOSP's security updates) changed/deleted something, that does not get restored switching to another image
something else?
Can you help me out? Please do not hesitate to ask, if you need anything else to debug.
Thanks a lot in advance.
1: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.swm.mvgfahrinfo.muenchen&hl=de&gl=US
I have this issue:
01-09 11:58:07.691 22967 22967 E AndroidRuntime: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task [email protected] rejected from [email protected][Running, pool size = 17, active threads = 17, queued tasks = 128, completed tasks = 52]
I'm on Nougat 7.1.1, the problem fix after reset and then after two days it's on again.
I'm searching on the internet and some one says is related to background data disabled for some apps, and other says due to AsyncTask queue pool is over 128, it reject every new task to execute.
The devices affected are Google Pixel 7.1.2 7.1.1 samsungs, motorolas and others devices and versions. Some known tracked issues can be found on post similar to this: https://productforums.google.com/fo...ZFBIyW2KE;context-place=forum/phone-by-google
Some one posted the bad code causing issue and the solution to fix it but on AOSP (If I can retrieve the link I will attach to this post for furter analysis)
Trying to speak with Sony support the only thing they can do, is to send the device for repair (thankyou )
So, I wish to know if there's a solution trough ADB or some wise app that can flush Pool queue and free it to permit execution of usage data, or something else
I'll post the entire log for further info
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.android.settings,PID: 14737
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task [email protected] rejected from [email protected][Running, pool size = 17, active threads = 17, queued tasks = 128, completed tasks = 74]
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$AbortPolicy.rejectedExecution(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:2049)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.reject(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:814)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.execute(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1360)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.java:623)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.datausage.AppDataUsagePreference$UidDetailTask.bindView(AppDataUsagePreference.j
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.datausage.AppDataUsagePreference.<init>(AppDataUsagePreference.java:49)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.datausage.DataUsageList.bindStats(DataUsageList.java:483)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.datausage.DataUsageList$3.onLoadFinished(DataUsageList.java:656)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.settings.datausage.DataUsageList$3.onLoadFinished(DataUsageList.java:653)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.LoaderManagerImpl$LoaderInfo.callOnLoadFinished(LoaderManager.java:489)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.LoaderManagerImpl$LoaderInfo.onLoadComplete(LoaderManager.java:457)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.Loader.deliverResult(Loader.java:144)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.AsyncTaskLoader.dispatchOnLoadComplete(AsyncTaskLoader.java:265)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.AsyncTaskLoader$LoadTask.onPostExecute(AsyncTaskLoader.java:92)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.AsyncTask.finish(AsyncTask.java:667)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.AsyncTask.-wrap1(AsyncTask.java)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.AsyncTask$InternalHandler.handleMessage(AsyncTask.java:684)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:241)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6274)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:886)
01-09 11:37:22.687 14737 14737 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:776)
I had reset my watch about 5 times or so, maybe less, but I am facing two issues.
Quick reply for Discord messages gives me this error
"Can't finish action. Reconnect to your phone."
But other actions work besides the other one I will mention now
In any text input field with a Mic icon for voice typing, tapping on the icon either shows the screen where it will tell you to speak and back out or just go back to the three options which are Mic, Emoji or Keyboard
Below is the logcat from my watch for the error which took me a bit to find.
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: EventBus0
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox:search, PID: 1987
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unchecked exception happened while running task: q[ServiceTransaction[SessionController#handleGenericClientEvent]]
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.c.a.ca.run(SourceFile:2)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.c.a.ak.a(SourceFile:1)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.c.a.aj.run(Unknown Source)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.c.a.f.run(Unknown Source)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:428)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:272)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.c.a.h.run(SourceFile:4)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Query received by transcription is not committed!
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.a.g.g(SourceFile:2)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.staticplugins.ad.a.a.p.a(SourceFile:50)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.service.b.d(SourceFile:15)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.service.q.a(SourceFile:5)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.search.core.service.ax.run(SourceFile:2)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.libraries.gsa.h.a.b.run(Unknown Source)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.logger.f.a.a.a.a(SourceFile:30)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.logger.f.a.a.c.run(Unknown Source)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.c.a.bz.a(SourceFile)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.android.apps.gsa.shared.util.c.a.ca.run(SourceFile:1)
04-13 20:08:58.864 1987 2108 E AndroidRuntime: ... 10 more
Hello everyone,
I hope thats the correct forum to post this question. I tried to find something through google search but it seems that there are only some stackoverflow development questions on that topic, which do not help a lot.
I have a MI9 (MIUI Global 10.2.30 stable) without root. Now I wanted to remove some default system apps and found this tool here: github.com/Saki-EU/XiaomiADBFastbootTools/releases/tag/6.6.2
I followed this list (and tailored it to my own needs): gist.github.com/Biswa96/81fe477079fa5279f7cfd7b98d5519c7
After finishing my de-bloating I realized that Google Calender (and also system calender) does not start any more. All I get is the error message "Failed to find provider com.android.calendar for user 0; expected to find a valid ContentProvider for this authority"
I tried to reinstall Google Calendar (and also all the removed bloat apps) but it doesn't help. Here is also the log file from adb logcat:
09-24 17:07:29.395 1441 2654 I ActivityManager: Start proc 29460:com.google.android.calendar/u0a99 for service com.google.android.calendar/com.google.android.syncadapters.calendar.CalendarSyncAdapterService caller=android
09-24 17:07:29.396 4352 4472 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMProcStart processName: 10099 reason: com.google.android.calendar, pid:0
09-24 17:07:29.397 28323 28323 D Cal:D:AllInOne: onStart()
09-24 17:07:29.397 28323 28323 D Cal:D:AllInOne: onResume()
09-24 17:07:29.398 28323 29459 I Cal:D:Utils: setGoogleAccountsSyncable(): NOT syncable before, set it syncable
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 29465 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.android.calendar, PID: 28323
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity {com.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.homepage.AllInOneActivity}: java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to find provider com.android.calendar for user 0; expected to find a valid ContentProvider for this authority
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.performResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:3828)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:3860)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.servertransaction.ResumeActivityItem.execute(ResumeActivityItem.java:51)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeLifecycleState(TransactionExecutor.java:145)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(TransactionExecutor.java:70)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1831)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:201)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6815)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:547)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:873)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to find provider com.android.calendar for user 0; expected to find a valid ContentProvider for this authority
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.createException(Parcel.java:1950)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1918)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1868)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.IContentService$Stub$Proxy.registerContentObserver(IContentService.java:779)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentResolver.registerContentObserver(ContentResolver.java:1988)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentResolver.registerContentObserver(ContentResolver.java:1977)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.calendar.homepage.AllInOneActivity.onResume(AllInOneActivity.java:571)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnResume(Instrumentation.java:1413)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.Activity.performResume(Activity.java:7400)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.performResumeActivity(ActivityThread.java:3820)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: ... 11 more
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: android.os.RemoteException: Remote stack trace:
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.server.content.ContentService.registerContentObserver(ContentService.java:340)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.IContentService$Stub.onTransact(IContentService.java:76)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.server.content.ContentService.onTransact(ContentService.java:262)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:733)
09-24 17:07:29.400 28323 28323 E AndroidRuntime:
09-24 17:07:29.401 28323 29459 I Cal:D:Utils: setGoogleAccountsSyncable(): NOT syncable before, set it syncable
09-24 17:07:29.402 589 589 E SELinux : avc: denied { find } for service=miui.mqsas.MQSService pid=28323 uid=10024 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:mqs_service:s0 tclass=service_manager permissive=0
09-24 17:07:29.402 28323 28323 E MQSEventManagerDelegate: failed to get MQSService.
09-24 17:07:29.403 4352 4472 D PowerKeeper.Event: notifyAMCrash packageName: 0, pid:28323
09-24 17:07:29.403 29460 29460 E ndroid.calenda: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
09-24 17:07:29.404 1441 3632 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.android.calendar/.homepage.AllInOneActivity
09-24 17:07:29.405 1441 3632 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
09-24 17:07:29.407 28323 28323 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 28323 SIG: 9
09-24 17:07:29.407 1441 3527 D ActivityManager: report kill process: killerPid is:28323, killedPid is:28323
Does anyone has an idea how to fix it?
I had the same issue... I managed to solve it.
pm install-existing com.android.providers.calendar
Hey all, my device is rooted, with Android 11 and XPrivacyLua installed. I have an app here that keeps crashing. I know it's related to XPrivacyLua restrictions, because if I allow it all the permissions then it runs fine. but with XPL enabled and blocking permissions, it crashes. Below is the output of adb logcat --buffer=crash when I try and open it. How can I tell what is specifically causing it? and is there a workaround so I can keep blocking it with XPL and get it to run somehow? Perhaps with a custom spoofing of values with XPL? Thanks
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.nextdoor, PID: 16472
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:437)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.Collections.swap(Collections.java:544)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.pushNotification.appbadger.ShortcutBadger.validateInfoList(ShortcutBadger.kt:165)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.pushNotification.appbadger.ShortcutBadger.initBadger(ShortcutBadger.kt:116)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.pushNotification.appbadger.ShortcutBadger.applyCountOrThrow(ShortcutBadger.kt:75)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.pushNotification.appbadger.ShortcutBadger.applyCount(ShortcutBadger.kt:46)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.pushNotification.NotificationChannelManager.updateBadgeCount(NotificationChannelManager.kt:111)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.pushNotification.NotificationChannelManager.clearPrivateMessageNotificationsFromSystemTray(NotificationChannelManager.kt:84)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.pushNotification.NotificationChannelManager.clearPrivateMessageNotificationsFromSystemTray$default(NotificationChannelManager.kt:69)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.view.newsfeed.MessagesPresenter.setBadgeCount(ToolbarActionPresenter.kt:80)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.view.newsfeed.MessagesPresenter.populate(ToolbarActionPresenter.kt:68)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.activity.TopLevelActivityActionBarUtil.createMessagesPresenter(TopLevelActivityActionBarUtil.kt:204)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.activity.TopLevelActivityActionBarUtil.createPresenters(TopLevelActivityActionBarUtil.kt:74)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.newsfeed.fragments.MainFeedFragment.updateBadgeCount(MainFeedFragment.kt:370)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.newsfeed.fragments.MainFeedFragment.access$updateBadgeCount(MainFeedFragment.kt:150)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.newsfeed.fragments.MainFeedFragment$subscribeFeedRendered$1.invoke(MainFeedFragment.kt:362)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.newsfeed.fragments.MainFeedFragment$subscribeFeedRendered$1.invoke(MainFeedFragment.kt:358)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.newsfeed.viewmodels.FeedsViewModelV2$subscribeFeedRendered$2.invoke(FeedsViewModelV2.kt:542)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.nextdoor.newsfeed.viewmodels.FeedsViewModelV2$subscribeFeedRendered$2.invoke(FeedsViewModelV2.kt:540)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.airbnb.mvrx.BaseMvRxViewModel$selectSubscribe$1.invokeSuspend(BaseMvRxViewModel.kt:185)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.airbnb.mvrx.BaseMvRxViewModel$selectSubscribe$1.invoke(Unknown Source:8)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.airbnb.mvrx.BaseMvRxViewModel$selectSubscribe$1.invoke(Unknown Source:2)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.airbnb.mvrx.MavericksViewModelExtensionsKt$_internal1$2.invokeSuspend(MavericksViewModelExtensions.kt:27)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.airbnb.mvrx.MavericksViewModelExtensionsKt$_internal1$2.invoke(Unknown Source:8)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.airbnb.mvrx.MavericksViewModelExtensionsKt$_internal1$2.invoke(Unknown Source:4)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.FlowKt__MergeKt$mapLatest$1.invokeSuspend(Merge.kt:214)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.FlowKt__MergeKt$mapLatest$1.invoke(Unknown Source:13)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.FlowKt__MergeKt$mapLatest$1.invoke(Unknown Source:4)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.ChannelFlowTransformLatest$flowCollect$3$1$2.invokeSuspend(Merge.kt:34)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.ChannelFlowTransformLatest$flowCollect$3$1$2.invoke(Unknown Source:8)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.ChannelFlowTransformLatest$flowCollect$3$1$2.invoke(Unknown Source:4)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.intrinsics.UndispatchedKt.startCoroutineUndispatched(Undispatched.kt:55)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineStart.invoke(CoroutineStart.kt:112)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.AbstractCoroutine.start(AbstractCoroutine.kt:126)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__Builders_commonKt.launch(Builders.common.kt:56)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.launch(Unknown Source:1)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt__Builders_commonKt.launch$default(Builders.common.kt:47)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.BuildersKt.launch$default(Unknown Source:1)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.ChannelFlowTransformLatest$flowCollect$3$1.emit(Merge.kt:33)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.DistinctFlowImpl$collect$2.emit(Distinct.kt:81)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.airbnb.mvrx.MavericksViewModelExtensionsKt$_internal1$$inlined$map$1$2.emit(Collect.kt:24)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowImpl.collect$suspendImpl(SharedFlow.kt:383)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowImpl$collect$1.invokeSuspend(Unknown Source:12)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:106)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:223)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7664)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:592)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:947)
08-26 16:33:22.745 16472 16472 E AndroidRuntime: Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException:[StandaloneCoroutine{Cancelling}@ed6f277, Dispatchers.Main.immediate]
Hey everyone,
I've been trying to create a modded Google VR Services APK to bypass the incompatible device modal that the Daydream app shows.
I've been following this comment by OrBy so far, and I have had limited success.
Using the Google Play version of Google VR Services, the Daydream app was rendering the river, trees etc + the controller connection popup properly, albeit with an "Incompatible device" modal on top of it.
Using APKLab in Visual Studio Code, I was able to replace the mentioned strings, build and resign the APK successfully. I had some issues installing it but once I removed the Play Store version it worked.
However, with my build of Google VR Services installed, the Daydream application continues to render the river etc and popup except this time with "Google VR Services keeps stopping" on top of it. Closing the keeps stopping popup turns the Daydream application fully black until it is restarted to observe the same behaviour.
I'm not experienced in Android development but I've had this headset for a few years (Daydream View) and I really don't want to root my phone.
Thanks in advance,
My controller doesn't pair but otherwise, this is what worked for me.
Uninstall Google VR Services (optionally clear Daydream storage too)
Use `adb install` to install OrBy's apk. What I did wrong before was I forgot to remove my Play Store version of GVR so this install failed as the apk is an older version.
The reason you use `adb install` is because it gives a more detailed error message if it fails than the normal installation menus on Android.
Launch the Daydream application and perform setup. It will ask you to grant a lot of permissions to GVR, including NFC. If your phone does not have NFC, enable Daydream Settings > Developer Options > Skip VR Entry Scenes after allowing the other permissions.
Hopefully it worked? Enjoy Daydream if it did! My controller still doesn't pair but at least it got past the "Incompatible device" modal.
I've found the cause of the crash in my build of GVR. Anyone know how to resolve this?
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.google.vr.vrcore, PID: 16440
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed: pkg=com.google.vr.vrcore, sha256=[1e08a903aef9c3a721510b64ec764d01d3d094eb954161b62544ea8f187b5953], atk=false, ver=223017037.true (go/gsrlt)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(Parcel.java:2373)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.createException(Parcel.java:2357)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:2340)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:2282)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at att.a(PG:14)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at arz.a(PG:248)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at apo.a(PG:29)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at aps.run(PG:10)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:462)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at auz.run(PG:6)
09-11 09:40:40.646 16440 16440 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923)