Problem with LUMIA 800 - the phone is reseting itself - Nokia Lumia 800

Hello all,
Not a great first post, but I have a problem, that I cannot solve myself.
I bought LUMIA 800 from a guy on ebay, really good offer(ofcourse), the phone was in good condition, all functioning. Checked the IMEI - not stollen. After taking it home, I noticed that I cannot log into microsoft live, facebook and twitter, from the add new account menu. It keeps giving me - there is an error, please try again later. However, day after that, the phone gives me a message - this demo phone is going to be reset. After that reboots, with all my data formated and starts installing content, like some demo contacts, messages and etc. Also a promo video is played, while I`m loading it.
So, in short - is there a way to get that phone to function normally? I tried both formats, from the menu and with the 3 buttons, it always starts loading the demo contacts and etc.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!

ok, did my homework and searched the forums. I will try with standart debranding method, hope it works.

you can flash it using NCS (Nokia Care Suite). I will upload a handy tool for you. wait a moment....
here you can download the tools:

greatly appreciated Tim! thank you

I also got one of those demophones and I tried Tim's method but When I do Step: 20 and Step: 21 I do not see the newer firmware there.
The line where it should be is plank.
I have downloaded firmware from navifirmplus and place it to that exact place what it is on Tim's document: C:\ProgramData\Nokia\Packages\Products\RM-801 without any subfolders.
But on my PC I had to make that products folder too, there was none when I first time navigate to that folder, I check File -> setting from product support tool for store and there that folder is right but I do not see that newer firmware, so can anyone help?

you must run the applications under Administrative rights. so right click on the NCS and click: "Run as Administrator"
otherwise the program doesn't have access to the c:\programdata\......
most accounts have administrator rights, but if you have UAC (userAccountControll) enabled on your computer than the error that you describe will come.

Hi tim!
I tried with administrative rights, now effect, still do not show "new software version"
Does that Product Code have to be same on downloaded firmware and that it is already on phone? caude in phone I have 059N394 and firmware I downloaded is 059N341

You solved your own problem ;-).
yes that's the issue, make the productcode that you downloaded the same as the productcode of your phone, and it will work.
in NaviFirm there is not a code with "059N394", I would download the firmware that is applicable to my country and color, and most matching with the productcode of the phone.
sorry for my bad english....
Please hit the "Thanks" button if I helped you....

Thanks! ur a MAN!!!
It worked!!

Please have you got someone firmware NOKIA LUMIA 800 RM-801 for Nokia Care Suite ?
Thank you very much for your help.


System files moving not permitted

Hi to everyone.
Before this HTC device I had others and also had a Motorola Mpx220 (WM2003 SE).
I was used to move the files within "\Windows\Start Menu" (mostly .lnk files to installed programs) into newly created subfolders, to be able to use and/or access the function I needed in a faster way.
I've tried doing the same on this WM5 device, but everytime I try I get an error message reporting it is not possible (File Explorer has greyed out options to cut and/or copy, while TotalCommander just reports it's not possible to "overwrite" ???).
Does anyone have an idea of how this can be done (registry ???) ?
Thank you.
Here is the solution...
Hi Mix, it's Mix answering (yes, I'm the same person...)...
First of all I would like to thank you ALL the people which knew the solution and were fighting to answer to my doubt...
You were so many, I wonder why the message has been read times and so many answers arrived: 0 (yes, ZERO).
Anyway, I came across the solution myself, by chance...
The problems seems being the smartphone versions of WM5 being protected against file modifications. This protection extends also to some files execution and to certificate installations (hence some problems may arise when connecting to an Exchange Server for syncronization).
Some tools are needed to remove this protection, and some experience of registry modification is required too (I will not help anyone beside what is in this message and I take no responsability for any mistakes and/or troubles you may produce or face).
First of all you need a special version of RegEdit (the tool from PHM): you should find an HTC digitally signed copy of it called RegEditSTG.exe.
Look around for it: there are many forums around which do hold a copy of it.
Place it in your phone's memory, not on the MicroSD card...
With this tool you should change the following values:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001001 = 2 => 1 (RAPI)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001005 = 16 => 40 (Cert)
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\00001017 = 128 => 144 (?)
The first is the value you will find, the second is the value you should enter. The third line has a question mark because someone says it should be made, someone not... It's up to you. I made it.
Then you should find another tool (with the same above method) called SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe which has to be run on your desktop PC with the phone already connected with USB (and possibly with ActiveSync not in the middle of a sync...).
Once you run this, you will get a message that the unlock took place (if not, it may be the first operations did not complete well).
Disconnect your phone from the USB cable and power cycle it (switch it off and then on again).
Opla'... the phone is not APPLICATION UNLOCKED and you will be able to move file around the directories as I was looking to when I first posted my message.
Now I have a very quick Start Menu, as I wanted.
Please, be aware that this operation hacks the security policies of WM5 and then any other application which may be dangerous can now run on your phone.
If you wish to stay on the safe side, it could be useful to restore the registry settings to their original values, but I do not know if this could cause other problems, since I didn't on my phone.
I actually double check every single file by myself before launching it and I do not run anything which I'm not sure it is safe.
So, pay attention... (you have been warned...).
Hope this helps someone else out there.
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
vbi said:
Thanks for the tips mate! I was searching around for the same problem.
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;-) I knew...
Can a hard reset put all the files back as in the old WM2003? I'm asking that 'cause if you look at the windows directory, many exe and dll files are repeated, with a different code. I guessed they are for the many different languages the phone support and the code is the country code. Maybe when you switch from one language to another those files are renamed so you have the correct exe and dll for the language you need...
If I can erase all the files I don't need (I will never change the language or maybe have only italian and english) I can save lot of space.
Am I wrong? Was that ever tried before?
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In order:
- Yes, I suppose a hard reset of the device completely restores the original factory settings, hence, the device will appear as "brand new".
- You're right: all the localized files present there are just to be able to swithc to other languages (maybe following user's settings and maybe also following user's SIM settings too...).
- Erasing the unused files may appear as a "space saving" job. It is not. First of all you will not be able to remove ROM resident files, but provided you could be able to do this, you will not be able to use ROM space as you intend...
Finally then, it's completely unuseful to try to remove them, just a waste of time trying...
Thanks Michele.
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
I always tought ROM was only to store the "disk" image when you hard reset the device. I was so for the Qtek S100.
vbi said:
Are you sure the windows directory is in ROM?
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Yes it is. On the fact that it is then copied into RAM, well, this is a tecnique which was used up to WM2003 SE devices.
Starting from WM5 devices MS somewhat changed the behaviour of the whole system, hence I'm not then so sure.
Indeed, I have never been sure of anything, beside death, so you can imagine...
I'm not really so "expert".
Having used an MPx220 for over one year (with all its limitations, but exploiting it very much), using a WM5 device now is a much more relaxed experience (faster, more realiable and less troubly in terms of memory).
Just MHO
Thanks Mix - i followed your directions and it worked.
Got my QTEK (running i-Mate ROM) Application Unlocked

help with security Tier level

I've got an issue trying to use some software on my Rose.
Using GW PDA Connect, its installs and synchronises ok the first time (provided I install the software unlocker available from orange developers). Subsequent attempts to run it asks me to reinstall the software. If I attempt to reinstall the application which resides on the smartphone I get the following error:
\\Windows\230\XCPCSyncSvr.exe: Error 2
A bit of googling and it basically boils down to the fact this is a Tier-3 security level problem. In order to change the security level I was going to try a registry hack but can't use any registry editor as its not digitally signed for the device.
Any help much appreciated - thanks in advance.
I have exactly the same problème between my HTC Touch HD (WM6) and GroupWise PDA Connect.
IBM post a solution, but for Lotus Notes :
I don't how to adapt this to Groupwise.
I still search ...
I find a ... solution.
Each time you want to sync with PDA Connect, delete or rename the rep \Windows\230.
It's not a clean solution, but I find anything else.
thanks fella, will give it a try.
zoomee said:
I've got an issue trying to use some software on my Rose.
Using GW PDA Connect, its installs and synchronises ok the first time (provided I install the software unlocker available from orange developers). Subsequent attempts to run it asks me to reinstall the software. If I attempt to reinstall the application which resides on the smartphone I get the following error:
\\Windows\230\XCPCSyncSvr.exe: Error 2
A bit of googling and it basically boils down to the fact this is a Tier-3 security level problem. In order to change the security level I was going to try a registry hack but can't use any registry editor as its not digitally signed for the device.
Any help much appreciated - thanks in advance.
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Have you tried this:

Download from zune market on any country

Yeap thats right! I confirm that it works just fine..In Cyprus is not Official yet but we can make it work here and of course on any country thanks to the guy who made it!
here's how it goes:
First download and install the free Zune software from Microsoft.
Having done that, click on the Start button or orb and in the search box type regedit and hit Enter. This will open the Registry Editor.
Navigate to the following key:
Here double-click on Marketplace – you will see the codes of the following countries:
You will see the same value data for Apps and SignInAvailable too.
Now one after the other, in each of these three – Marketplace, Apps, SignInAvailable, modify the value data, by adding your Country code.
I just write CY (Cyprus)
It should now look like this:
Exit regedit.
NOW connect your Windows Phone to your Windows Computer.
Your Zune software will automatically start and you will be alerted with a following message:
Click OK.
You will see the Marketplace tab too now, in your Zune software.
Here not only can you download Free apps, you can also BUY the Paid apps, legally!
Select the App you want and click on the FREE button to install it. If its a Paid app, you can choose to Try it first or Buy it directly.
There is one hitch. The next time you connect your Windows Phone, you may not see the Marketplace option. This means that you will have to modify the registry every time you connect it. I have therefore created this registry file which I first double-click on, to add its contents to my Windows registry, and then connect my Windows Phone to my Windows 7 computer.
Do note that, you may have to first run the Enabler, before, every time you connect your Windows Phone.
works like a charm!!!!
arkatis said:
Yeap thats right! I confirm that it works just fine..In Cyprus is not Official yet but we can make it work here and of course on any country thanks to the guy who made it!
here's how it goes:
First download and install the free Zune software from Microsoft.
Having done that, click on the Start button or orb and in the search box type regedit and hit Enter. This will open the Registry Editor.
Navigate to the following key:
Here double-click on Marketplace – you will see the codes of the following countries:
You will see the same value data for Apps and SignInAvailable too.
Now one after the other, in each of these three – Marketplace, Apps, SignInAvailable, modify the value data, by adding your Country code.
I just write CY (Cyprus)
It should now look like this:
Exit regedit.
NOW connect your Windows Phone to your Windows Computer.
Your Zune software will automatically start and you will be alerted with a following message:
Click OK.
You will see the Marketplace tab too now, in your Zune software.
Here not only can you download Free apps, you can also BUY the Paid apps, legally!
Select the App you want and click on the FREE button to install it. If its a Paid app, you can choose to Try it first or Buy it directly.
There is one hitch. The next time you connect your Windows Phone, you may not see the Marketplace option. This means that you will have to modify the registry every time you connect it. I have therefore created this registry file which I first double-click on, to add its contents to my Windows registry, and then connect my Windows Phone to my Windows 7 computer.
Do note that, you may have to first run the Enabler, before, every time you connect your Windows Phone.
works like a charm!!!!
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Thanks for the post but when i went there, at the last phase i couldnt find features or it was a mistake from your post ? Just curious because all i saw was the rest in this form HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Zune\ the features folder WAS missing from my registry editor ? can you help ?
zinty said:
Thanks for the post but when i went there, at the last phase i couldnt find features or it was a mistake from your post ? Just curious because all i saw was the rest in this form HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Zune\ the features folder WAS missing from my registry editor ? can you help ?
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Agreed ,same issue bro... please help
no features in zune folder here as welll
yes same problem, kindly respond
You can download free apps only, you can't buy paid apps.
Because you have to register a credit card that was issued from a country which already supported WP7
I've been into this before
Thats strange guys... I have the Features folder in the registry!
Try and add it by yourselves.. Try to sign in into Zune...let it update and then close it in order to make this tweak! If you still can not find it please create the values in regedit! Go to regedit then HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Zune\ and create a key inside Zune...Now call it Marketplace and then open it..Now on the right side just create a string value and put inside you country code... Try reopen Zune...
Have you tried the MARKET PLACE ENABLER????
arkatis said:
Thats strange guys... I have the Features folder in the registry!
Try and add it by yourselves.. Try to sign in into Zune...let it update and then close it in order to make this tweak! If you still can not find it please create the values in regedit! Go to regedit then HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Zune\ and create a key inside Zune...Now call it Marketplace and then open it..Now on the right side just create a string value and put inside you country code... Try reopen Zune...
Have you tried the MARKET PLACE ENABLER????
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I had the same problem but I did the market place enabler first but it returned a message that some features may not work. It went on run and I saw the message FEATURES HAVE CHANGED. I connected my phone but didn't see the market tab. I'm still trying.
However, I checked the Regedit and this time the features folder was there and my country already added! I didn't have to enter it.
Market place enabler will do the trick! try and download a free application and tell me if it's working!
bjkizito said:
I had the same problem but I did the market place enabler first but it returned a message that some features may not work. It went on run and I saw the message FEATURES HAVE CHANGED. I connected my phone but didn't see the market tab. I'm still trying.
However, I checked the Regedit and this time the features folder was there and my country already added! I didn't have to enter it.
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ok, it now works. The trick/(s)? I logged off my pc and signed in as adminstrator. I run the market enabler without issues this time, connected my phone, zune lauched automatically and viola! market place tab is there for me to start exploring. I have that belief though that we will not be able to buy cos the credit card will tell the region from which you are and return errors but who in the first place thought we'd have windows 7 on this hd2? That is therefore small a problem that I know someone on xda will solve some day...thanks
Glad it worked for you also bro! You can now download free applications with no problem at all!
I haven't checked the paid apps because i never buy anything! LOL!
Good luck!
Do note that, you may have to first run the Enabler, before, every time you connect your Windows Phone.
arkatis said:
Glad it worked for you also bro! You can now download free applications with no problem at all!
I haven't checked the paid apps because i never buy anything! LOL!
Good luck!
Do note that, you may have to first run the Enabler, before, every time you connect your Windows Phone.
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Free Apps -------------- |x|Check
Paid Apps -------------- | | How to buy them if you can't even register your cc ?
Some people reported that this method works on free and paid apps.. But i will not risk it to buy anything! Free apps are still good!
hmm i cannot seem to get this working, it is stuck at accepting terms, the finish button is "greyed out" can only press cancel.
--__-- said:
hmm i cannot seem to get this working, it is stuck at accepting terms, the finish button is "greyed out" can only press cancel.
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same to me
no luck here
To activate features, create a new Key at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Zune named "FeaturesOverride", then create DWORD (32-bit) values inside the key "FeaturesOverride" with the following names, "Marketplace" and "SignInAvailable" setting their value to “1” to turn them on.
I tryed ewerything and still cant go to market place. It keeps saying
``marketplace is not available in your country/region.``
if someone can help me i appreciate
i did everything, but when i try to download an free up, it forces me to sign in, but i don't have a zune account and nor can i create one in greece i use my hotmail and a blank terms and conditions page appears. no matter what i press, i get the same error: can't submit your acceptance....blah blah blah check your internet connection. oh, and when i try to create an account directly from the program after i enter all the info, it will simply get stuck at the final 'signing in' part. if i click finish, it'll be as if nothing happened!!
peter768 said:
i did everything, but when i try to download an free up, it forces me to sign in, but i don't have a zune account and nor can i create one in greece i use my hotmail and a blank terms and conditions page appears. no matter what i press, i get the same error: can't submit your acceptance....blah blah blah check your internet connection. oh, and when i try to create an account directly from the program after i enter all the info, it will simply get stuck at the final 'signing in' part. if i click finish, it'll be as if nothing happened!!
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Man i will give you a simple solution! If in Greece you can't get Market place to work and you dont have an account just listen to this!
Register on Zune and make a new account...Write your hotmail and on postal code just go to Google and write "USA Postal codes"... Copy a postal code from there and paste it in Zune and you will have a US account ready to sign in! I use the Market place just fine!
here you are...postal codes:

[Guide] Unlocked HTC Windows Phones Get NoDo Right Away

"Chris Walsh, member of the ChevronWP7 team has posted a workaround on its blog letting carrier-branded HTC users emulate a non-branded Windows Phone 7 in order to apply the update immediately. The procedure "un-brands" the HTC device and tricks the system into believing it is carrier independent and good to go for the update. Please note that the hack is for HTC devices only and is an advanced technique. Check out the source link if you want to apply' be warned though, you're doing it at your own risk!"
Source: Pocketnow Story Article
Chris Walsh Blog Here: "My Coding Adventure":
Chris Wash said:
So NoDo was finally released this morning. Well, for the EU people anyway (don’t get me started).
Windows Phone 7, by default, stores your operator identifier in a sneaky registry key, which is checked by the Windows Update Client running on the phone. This identifier is then used to check if the updates have been approved for your operator. If they are slow, like Telstra here is in Australia, you’re going to be waiting a long time.
So, let’s tell you how you can “un-brand” (this won’t remove the boot splash screen) your phone so it appears to be a generic handset to the Update Servers.
Your device needs to be dev-unlocked for this to work. Sorry folks.
Download this zip file and deploy the 3 xap files onto your device.
Run the ChevronWP7.Ringtones.xap and wait till it displays “Ringtones added… and CustClear.provxml underneath”
Run the TouchXplorer app, navigate to My DocumentsMy Ringtones click on CustClear.provxml and select Copy from the Application Bar.
Navigate back inside TouchXplorer to the Windows folder.
Select paste from the Application Bar, this should scroll right to the bottom and put a copy of CustClear.provxml in the Windows folder.
Now run the Connection Setup application and click on the Ok button (it’s the one with the tick).
And now you’re done and free to re-connect to Zune and check for updates.
Again, this is ONLY for HTC devices.
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I didn't get the NoDo and my device is "up to date"T-T
That seems to be updating people from 7004 to 7008 who previously couldn't get the 7008 update. Only a very few people seem to have had success moving from the 7389(RC) to 7390. Even those using unbranded handsets aren't seeing the updates.
MS are world class experts at pissing off there customers
Infuriated-Germ said:
That seems to be updating people from 7004 to 7008 who previously couldn't get the 7008 update. Only a very few people seem to have had success moving from the 7389(RC) to 7390. Even those using unbranded handsets aren't seeing the updates.
MS are world class experts at pissing off there customers
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What I posted was to remove the operator part of the updates, MSFT still region block updates. Which is why some are having success with German VPN providers.
OK Guys ... finally managed to get my Mozart updated to NoDo.
Used the intructions from here (lots of unsuccessful reports for Mozart apparently)
Lots of users also reporting success over on the Omnia forums with some more giving some handy tips
I only used the first link & followed it precisely.
Also before making the first VPN connection I flushed the DNS cache on my laptop to remove stale entries (from command line type "ipconfig /flushdns")
Also when Zune presents the update and you get to "Step 2", you need to disconnect the VPN connection and browse to google on a browser otherwise it just sits at 0% and fails (because it has the VPN gateway metric sitting in your PC's route table with a lower value than your proper default gateway).
1st Attempt failed.
2nd Attempt found the update and failed because Zune stopped responding and crashed (because I disconnected VPN too early ... before "Step 2" on Zune)
3rd attempt Success and kept ALL my settings
For the sake of making it quicker (whole process took 45 mins for me) remove all media (mp3 & Videos etc) from your phone or your backup stage (on Zune) will take that much longer.
I did my phone today using Walshies blog instructions for debranding and then for getting NoDo. Worked like a dream.
Pro = I has NoDo
Cons = No more sideloading apps. Every side loaded app I had requests deletion when run now.
Overall I'm a happy little vegemite.
Thanks Walshieau, great stuff, from you and the Chevron team.
BlueAnt1958 said:
I did my phone today using Walshies blog instructions for debranding and then for getting NoDo. Worked like a dream.
Pro = I has NoDo
Cons = No more sideloading apps. Every side loaded app I had requests deletion when run now.
Overall I'm a happy little vegemite.
Thanks Walshieau, great stuff, from you and the Chevron team.
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Dude don't scare me. I have done exactly according the instructions and everything worked perfectly.
My Mozart got an February update first, and after updating to 7008, it is now preparing to update to NoDo.
Most of my apps are sideloaded, it would be hell if I had to install em all again.
Hello there!
Any news on a generic ROM for UK. I currently have a branded Orange UK ROM and I've read the European ROM changes the keyboard??? What exactly does it do to the keyboard?

vcREG: lumia reg editor + interop unlock. Now Supports X50 device interop unlock

vcREG is a registry editor for lumia windows phones that has SYSTEM level access to the registry. the tool also has the ability to unlock all app capabilities for third party apps(interop unlock), and give SYSTEM level access to most of the filesystem through MTP.
new in version 1.7: thanks to @gus33000 for pointing out some registry values set for the interop unlock that may cause versions of rs1+ to break compatibility with WP8 apps. this has been fixed. For interop unlock, i suggest you use @gus33000 Interop Tools as his tool is more likely to have better support for changes in the future, as i am too bogged down with other projects.
thanks to @Wack0Distractor for sharing the idea and the acer service that makes this unlock for the X50 series phones possible. also thanks to @ngame for providing the test devices and the many hours of debugging, and @djamol for the main reason any of these unlocks are possible.
Instructions for X50 series phones like the 550,950/XL uploaded below contains acer.service.acersystemservice.spkg, NdtkSvc.dll, and newndtksvc.dll.
1.Go to settings and turn on developer mode.
2a. For APPX version, download,unzip, install dependencies, then install the vcreg appx
2b. For XAP version, Sideload vcREG_1_7.xap using
WP8 xap deployer
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\XAP Deployment\Xapdeploy.exe
WP Power Tools
3.Go to the app bar, then choose x50 series unlock. You will receive an error about the acer service not running. That's ok for now. Click step 1 and it will tell you to install the acer system service and copy some files. To install the acer system service, use iutool [rs and newer builds,this version is essential,old versions will probably not work] (can be found here. thanks @Wack0Distractor ).
run this command as administrator
iutool -v -p "path to the file acer.service.acersystemservice.spkg"
if you receive error 0x80070490, disconnect your phone from usb, go to control panel on your pc, devices and printers, find your windows phone and remove device. reconnect the usb to your phone,and after it reinstalls the drivers automatically, run iutool command above again.
if you receive error 0x8024a110, your phone should reboot to the gears UI in a minute. if not, run the command again. if it still doesnt auto reboot, manually reboot your phone. It should reboot into the gears UI, then back into the OS. if it still fails and doest show gears, give you phone a rest for 5-10 minutes and retry(usually needed after a new rom flash).
4.When you're back in the phone OS, copy newndtksvc.dll and ndtksvc.dll to your documents folder on your phone through USB
5.Go to the app bar, then choose x50 series unlock. You should no longer receive the error about the acer service. Now click step 2 and follow the rest of the instructions from the app.
6.If you've taken the silent extras/advanced+info update, or updated that app manually, be sure to choose the option "Restore NDTK 950/XL" in the "x50 series unlock" page and reboot to regain access to the elevated features. It basically means if it suddenly stops working, apply this setting.
Instructions for older devices
1.Go to settings and turn on developer mode.
2a. For APPX version, download,unzip, install dependencies, then install the vcreg appx
2b. For XAP version, Sideload vcREG_1_7.xap using
WP8 xap deployer
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\XAP Deployment\Xapdeploy.exe
WP Power Tools
3.Go to the app bar, then choose classic unlock
3.If you've taken the silent extras+info update, or updated that app manually, be sure to choose the option "Restore NDTK" in the "classic unlock" page and reboot to regain access to the elevated features. It basically means if it suddenly stops working, apply this setting.
@vcfan thanks for mention
Not bad to add this that Our New hack for X50 series tested on both RS1 and TH2 (10586.107 to 14393.67) and these OS Versions are tested and supported Thanks for you and @djamol's hard work and other guys who helped in this hack .
Also here is a video that show you I added work with gloves on my 950XL to my phone and it work and etc.
Sorry for my bad English
Guys Do not TRY Full FILESYSTEM ACCESS ON X50 Series .
If you want to Change your X50/XL device font please try this app :
Universal Interop Unlock is Coming :
Wow, wow, wow! Great news! Thank you guys, @vcfan and @djamol, and @ngame and all guys who worked on this hack! xda rulez!
Awesome job! Any chance we can get some documentation on the methods? said:
Awesome job! Any chance we can get some documentation on the methods?
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Click to collapse, what kind of documentation are you looking for? Have you tried to press large gray buttons saying "CLICK TO SHOW CONTENT" at @vcfan post? :laugh:
Or you are looking for the source code and hack method concept? Use reflector or any other .net disasms to get the app's sources
Thanks works fine.
I have trying MTP and now 950 XL charging only on PC.
Someone have original values in registry?
titi66200 said:
Thanks works fine.
I have trying MTP and now 950 XL charging only on PC.
Someone have original values in registry?
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Guys in the video I recorded I tell do not try mtp hack it won't work also sftp doesn't work at least for me. If we can handle it at last we let you know.
Only concentrate on Interop and capability unlock and public registry hacks.
Also you can add work with gloves and double tap to your devices .
We are still working on many things to handle
i still try to get "gears" :crying:
tried few times...
dxdy said:
i still try to get "gears" :crying:
tried few times...
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After Hard reset, Same for me
titi66200 said:
After Hard reset, Same for me
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my 950XL have 14393.67 and also make HR two weeks ago...
Many many many thanks..
works on Microsoft Lumia 950XL - RM-1085 -059X4X5
only MTP / full filesystem does not work but as i understand they are busy with it
vcfan said:
vcREG is a registry editor for lumia windows phones that has SYSTEM level access to the registry. the tool also has the ability to unlock all app capabilities for third party apps(interop unlock), and give SYSTEM level access to most of the filesystem through MTP.
thanks to @Wack0Distractor for sharing the idea and the acer service that makes this unlock for the X50 series phones possible. also thanks to @ngame for providing the test devices and the many hours of debugging, and @djamol for the main reason any of these unlocks are possible.
Instructions for X50 series phones like the 550,950/XL
1.Go to settings and turn on developer mode.
2.Sideload vcREG_1_6_W10.xap using
WP8 xap deployer
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\XAP Deployment\Xapdeploy.exe
WP Power Tools
3.Go to the app bar, then choose x50 series unlock. You will receive an error about the acer service not running. That's ok for now. Click step 1 and it will tell you to install the acer system service and copy some files. To install the acer system service, use iutool (can be found here. thanks @souma_rox).
run this command as administrator
iutool -v -p "path to the file acer.service.acersystemservice.spkg"
if you receive error 0x80070490, disconnect your phone from usb, go to control panel on your pc, devices and printers, find your windows phone and remove device. reconnect the usb to your phone,and after it reinstalls the drivers automatically, run iutool command above again.
if you receive error 0x8024a110, thats ok. your phone should reboot to the gears UI in a minute. if not, run the command again. if it still doesnt auto reboot, manually reboot your phone. It should reboot into the gears UI, then back into the OS. if it still fails, give you phone a rest for 5-10 minutes and retry(usually needed after a new rom flash).
4.When you're back in the phone OS, copy newndtksvc.dll and ndtksvc.dll to your documents folder on your phone through USB
5.Go to the app bar, then choose x50 series unlock. You should no longer receive the error about the acer service. Now click step 2 and follow the rest of the instructions from the app.
6.If you've taken the silent extras/advanced+info update, or updated that app manually, be sure to choose the option "Restore NDTK 950/XL" in the "x50 series unlock" page and reboot to regain access to the elevated features. It basically means if it suddenly stops working, apply this setting.
Instructions for older devices
1.Go to settings and turn on developer mode.
2.Sideload vcREG_1_6_W10.xap using
WP8 xap deployer
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\XAP Deployment\Xapdeploy.exe
WP Power Tools
3.Go to the app bar, then choose classic unlock
3.If you've taken the silent extras+info update, or updated that app manually, be sure to choose the option "Restore NDTK" in the "classic unlock" page and reboot to regain access to the elevated features. It basically means if it suddenly stops working, apply this setting.
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dxdy said:
i still try to get "gears" :crying:
tried few times...
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Double check this registry value using CustomPFD
It must be in type (String) and it's value should be ACERINC to be able to deploy acer spkg.
If it's not you didn't do Step1 of VCreg correctly .
If you get 0x8024a110, you're probably on 14393 / anniversary update / Redstone1/whatever.
If so, you NEED to use iutool from the 14393 WDK. No ifs, no buts. Use that or you WILL get that error.
Here's a download of just the WP-tools (iutool, getdulogs, ffu creation etc etc) direct from MS:
Mirrored it here just in case.
Works again for me.
I am stupid because "acer.service.acersystemservice.spkg" still installed after H.R.
titi66200 said:
Works again for me.
I am stupid because "acer.service.acersystemservice.spkg" still installed after H.R.
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OH Yes guys . Good to say
After Hard reset you do not need to do many reboots because our ndtksvc is place in system32 (it didn't gone)
So you only need to go to x50 series page and check Live interop/cap unlock and apply it . that's it .
ngame said:
Double check this registry value using CustomPFD
It must be in type (String) and it's value should be ACERINC to be able to deploy acer spkg.
If it's not you didn't do Step1 of VCreg correctly .
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yes, ACERINC is there but still no luck...
---------- Post added at 02:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:03 PM ----------
Wack0Distractor said:
If you get 0x8024a110, you're probably on 14393 / anniversary update / Redstone1/whatever.
If so, you NEED to use iutool from the 14393 WDK. No ifs, no buts. Use that or you WILL get that error.
Here's a download of just the WP-tools (iutool, getdulogs, ffu creation etc etc) direct from MS:
Mirrored it here just in case.
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installed and run iutool and now get gears!!!! thanks!!!
interop is applied but.. still no use of AppDataManageTool or Adblock tool???
Great work!
Random question, probably a dumb one, but does this work on the M8FW? Or is it dependent on a x50 device exploit? Cause maybe I'm reading this wrong but it seems kinda universal
Thanks A lot!!!!
"Adblock tool" use "Nokia.SilentInstaller.Runtime" who seems not working on x50.
AlvinPhilemon said:
Great work!
Random question, probably a dumb one, but does this work on the M8FW? Or is it dependent on a x50 device exploit? Cause maybe I'm reading this wrong but it seems kinda universal
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It's not intended for non-Microsoft/Nokia devices. NdtkSvc.dll is Nokia/Microsoft specific.....

