This message contains all postings in this thread
dated before January 19th 2003
Subject: Conecting a XDA to a laptop
From: Shanec
Date: 12 Jan, 2003 08:49:37
Great site, keep up the good work. Question, I have been trying
to connect the xda to my office laptop so that when i am NOT in
the office i can access my corporate emails on Outlook via
activesync or some other means. We also have the ability to dial
into our main server but it is pretty much fire walled.
I would appreciate any help i can get on this.
Cheers Shane
Subject: XDA Sync to a laptop
From: Gene_uk
Date: 12 Jan, 2003 14:13:42
Do you have a USB port on your Laptop?
I sync my XDA to my laptop PC at work every day with no
Let me know.
Subject: xda outlook access out of the
From: shanemaila
Date: 13 Jan, 2003 08:59:21
Same here both the usb and the ird work well, but when i am out
of the office is the problem. I am currently using:[/
but i am afraid they will start to charge soon.
Subject: Reading e-mails out of office
From: Gene_uk
Date: 13 Jan, 2003 12:39:03
Your company needs to have an external IP address for your mail
server. the way to check is if you can read your e-mails through
a dialup connection or through the internet that youre in luck.
If you can only connect via dialup only, it might be a little
trickier, but not impossible. If it is through the intenet, you
can use GPRS to hit the address and receive your e-mails.
the first question is whether your company is either dialup or
Subject: Dial up with a laptop is ok
From: shanec
Date: 14 Jan, 2003 10:16:16
Gene, thanks for the response. In the past and currently i can
dial into our RAS server to get to the Microsoft Exchange email
server version 5.5 and collect my email with a laptop. However
when we try this with the xda it fails, i guess because of the
lack of modem capability. We can not access through the internet
as they will not release the POP3 or SMTP to us. Also we are
firewalled up to our armpits.
Subject: XDA using a RAS server
From: Gene_uk
Date: 14 Jan, 2003 12:27:55
You will have to speak to your IT people to check the security
settings for the RAS server and allow your xda to log into the
server at 9.6Kbps (this will be the average transmission speed).
some servers automatically reject speeds lower than 14.4 for
certain reasons.
If they use a certain type of protocol you may need to download
certain software from the web to emulate this. but once this is
done, and you have the right security passwords, it should work
Set up a mail account on the "inbox section" and set up a new
If you are unure how to do this check the manual.
Subject: Thanks
From: shanec
Date: 15 Jan, 2003 01:09:54
Thanks Gene i will get the IT boys to get involved with this and
maybe add some posts if they are running into difficulties.
Again thanks.
This is a common question from corporate users, and the answer can be difficult because of the various ways that your network and server(s) may be configured. In this brief article I will try to touch upon the basic principles and give you enough information to at least understand what your specific configuration is and what needs to be changed.
First off, let's clarify some terminology:
Sync: To synchronize data, typically meaning mail/calendar/tasks. Outlook and Exchange have a special proprietary connection which keeps data synchronized between client and server. There is no true Exchange client for the Pocket PC.
POP3 & IMAP4: These are industry standard mail protocols. IMAP is a sync protocol.
Firewall: A device that blocks specific TCP ports (think of them as specific internet services like mail, web, FTP) from being accessed on your internal servers from the internet. A firewall is configurable for specific needs and access.
VPN: Virtual Private Network; a software layer that is established between two points on the internet and provides for secure data transfer. This is typically between a laptop/home user and a firewall device at a company. This basically "punches a hole" in the firewall for the authenticated VPN client user.
Active Directory: This is an authentication protocol used in 2000 Server, Exchange 2000, and newer. It can also run in "mixed mode" if you have older servers (IE, NT).
MIS: Mobile Information Server; this is software from Microsoft which allows you to do a full remote sync with Exchange. It will sync mail/calendar/tasks, but it takes much more time and data. This is generally impractical unless you have a large data transfer budget or have very little data to sync. MIS can NOT be run on a mixed-mode Active Directory installation nor on the old NT authentication scheme. You need to use it with native mode Active Directory only.
Now the absolute easiest way to sync your PPC e-mail is via IMAP directly to the Exchange server. To do this, your firewall needs to have the IMAP ports open between the server and at least the subnet of your wireless carrier. The ports are 143, 220, and 993. You can find out your carrier's subnet range by calling them, or by running vxUtil on your device while you have a connection and getting your IP configuration. Your Exchange server needs to have IMAP enabled, which literally takes just a few clicks. Any Exchange admin can do this in a few minutes.
On the Pocket PC, open the Inbox, tap the Services menu, New Service... Enter your e-mail address in the box, and press Next. Skip the automatic testing. In the next dialog enter your user info such as your real name (as you want it to be in the "from" field), your login name (typically [email protected], same as your e-mail address), and password. Hit Next, and select IMAP4 service type, then enter a name for this account (any name you want, this is for you to remember which account this is), hit Next. Here you will enter your mail server names. Typically this is, but ask your IT department. Tap the options buttons and select "Outgoing mail requires authentication" then hit Next. Set your preferences here, hit Next twice, and you're done.
The only drawback to this method is a very slight security risk which can be averted by keeping the latest service packs on your Exchange server. This is the methodology I use and recommend, and that all of my clients use. I do not know of any specific security risks with IMAP, and find that most objections to it are based merely on FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). Unfortunately, FUD plays a big role in many IT decisions. The other factor is the nerds; they want to do lock things down just because they can or think they should. IMAP is a proven, secure, industry-standard protocol that is well-implemented on Exchange server 5.5 and above.
You can also use POP to get your mail. The drawback is that POP is not a sync protocol like IMAP. People using POP tend to run into issues with not knowing whether an e-mail is on the server or has been removed to a client. This makes it undesirable for the non-technical business user. The ONLY caveat for IMAP is that you should sync again after you've done anything with your e-mail to make that change to the server. IE, if you delete an e-mail on the client, it will not be deleted on the server until you sync again.
Now if your IT department refuses to allow outside access directly to the Exchange server, you may need to establish a VPN to the firewall. To do this you will need client software, and this is more complicated than what I'd like to discuss here. The best starting point is to ask the manufacturer of your firewall for a recommendation on a Pocket PC VPN client. Once you connect the VPN, then you can use IMAP as outlined above to get your mail. With a VPN, it will work just as if you were in the office.
Speaking of which, you can test these things using the pass-through function of ActiveSync while the device is in the cradle at the office. This will help you determine the source of a problem, for example. If you can connect in the office but not wirelessly, then you have a proper e-mail configuration but you have a network/firewall issue.
Please feel free to shoot any specific questions my way. However, this is meant as information you can use to guide your Exchange and firewall admins and not a complete how-to for the novice. If you do not have admins on site, someone will need to configure this. You can contact any qualified Exchange and/or firewall admin to help you with this, and I'm also available for implementation, design, and consulting work. My background is in wide area communications, security, and internet services.
Can anyone help me in the steps involved to remotely connect to my
microsoft exchange server 2003 remotely with GPRS T-mobile?
This is what I have working so far and each one has been incredibly
painful to set up, but working.
I have windows 2003 server running exchange 2003 server on a DC, and an
I-mate Jam running windows mobile 2003 2nd edition.
1) My ISP is T-mobile and running GPRS perfectly.
2) OWA (Outlook Web Access) is working perfectly from my lan computer.
3) OMA is working perfectly from my phone.
4) I set up activesync 3.8 to be standard and connect to my exchange
server and that works perfectly if I put the netbios name
manster-4qgshpl.manster.local in the server name. Everything syncs fine
and it works. The passthrough on my activesync says to connect to
"internet" and I have pda connected to lan comp.
Not working:
1) I put my exchange server smtp name in my activesync
and it no longer works.
What am I missing, I'm so close. Do I need to create a vpn or
something. How come I don't need vpn for owa and oma?
Note: When I change the exchange server to and put
"work" in the passthrough it works but only when I have it connected to
computer. I also have to put for some reason in the
proxy server and port 81. Even though I don't have proxy server. I need
to be able to do this remotely from anywhere with GPRS.
Thanks, I greatly appreciate any help.
Using a UK XDA device with an O2 sim, I am connecting via GPRS (O2 mobile Web) to a specific site on the web hosting a service.
After about a minute of connecting and using the service I get the following message ina popup:
'The security cerificate for this site has either expired or does not match the server name. Would you like to continue viewing pages on this site?' YES or NO.
When I hit YES, i am able to continue using the service. Has anyone experienced this as well?
Is it an xda problem, O2 problem or a problem on the site?
Greets gang,
I see other threads about sendmail but don't see anything that specifically addresses my question:
Is there an SMTP server for T-Mobile wireless Internet customers? The tier one tech didn't know what I was talking about, and the tier two tech said they don't provide one because they're not an ISP. Hmm, as near as I can tell, they're Providing me with Internet Service.
So, does anyone know of either an existing T-Mobile SMTP server that I can use (without authentication, since the Inbox app doesn't allow different credentials than the POP account), or an open-relay SMTP server? I tried, no workie.
I know that if you setup any e-mail accounts in their T-Zones, you can use the SMTP server of to configure your standard e-mail client. So I assume that you should be able to use this as well. Give it a shot. I've never tried it since I have my own mail servers.
Thanks Arkhangel, that did the trick.
For others wishing to send mail from their T-Mobile PocketPC Phone Edition
Step 1: Go to the T-Mobile website, log in, and click "My E-mail" (down near the bottom once you're logged in). Add your POP3 mail account.
Step 2:
On the Pocket PC, in the Inbox account settings, set your Incoming (POP3) server accordingly with user ID and password. Set your Outgoing (SMTP) server to Click Options and then Next (Options 2/3 page) and ensure that "Outgoing e-mail server requires authentication" is NOT checked.
8) Thanks to both hypr & Arkhangel !!
This works on my XDA as well.
As I don't have the $19.99 month internet plan with T-Mo - so I can't use or - they simply don't work for me.
I use my T-Zones GPRS instead - (note it is set up in connections manager w/ everything set to work, won't work any other way) - its slow but still works. I am only limited to 1 Mb / month (included in the plan) but that is all I need. If I need heavier use, I switch over to my own ISP dial up account and use CSD (eats minutes I have to burn as well, unless it is the weekend - then its free :wink: ).
Thanks again!
jmbneaf: T-Mobile recently changed their T-Zones options. Instead of having the 1MB limit, it's now $4.99/mo with Unlimited Access. If you use it a bit, might want to check it out.
I may just do that...
Hey guys,
I was wondering if anybody has the blackberry software running on the xdaII with tmobile US? I know theres a specific rate plan you have to get with it, but does it allow you to browse the web with it also? What apn's are you using to do both, mail and web? How well does it work and where can I find the app?
I am using it on an XDA II on t-mobile. I hav the Blackberry minutes and mail plan that is essentially $19.99 for un,imited data and SMS messages and 59.99 for 1000 anytime minutes. As far as the Blackberry Client is concerned, I am use the Blackberry Web Client (BWC). Have not activated BES side yet. Here's my "good" and "bad" lists on the BWC side:
1. Excellent, super fast, very reliable basic messaging.
2. Allows you to auto forward and consolidate multiple e-mail accounts and have all messages forwarded to your device
3. Allows you to specify what return address you want the recipientto respond to.
4. Allows you to make the reciepient think that the message is coming from a different e-mail address than your tmo web client address. For example, I have a RIM pager and use that address as return address on XDA. Everyone still thinks I am using the RIM device, when in fact everything is being doen to and from the XDA.
1. Have not been able to download or open any attachments
2. Clinet does not automatically open the next message, like it odes on regular e-mail. makes you open each message manually.
3. Move message function does not seem to work i.e. you can delete a message, but you cannot seem to be able to move a message to say an archive folder.
4. The client softeare is not integrated with the "Sounds and Notifications" settings i.e. the balckberry client does not show up under the "sounds and notifications" menu, making it imposible to set any kind of audible, vibrating or flashing light alert when a message comes in. All you have is a very short and quiet "beep" when a new message arrives
I can still browse the web, but some sites are not as assessible as they were under th normal data service. For example, I cannot run he Smartner client anymore. It may be possible to add a second APN for regular data, but TMo tech support put me off trying this as they said it would creat a conflict.
All in all I am pleased with the software as I have now been finally able to retire my RIM ipager and now have everything on one device! :lol:
And oh yes, where do you get the software? Its part of the latest O2 ROM image. Download and install 1.72.181 ROM for the O2 myxda website
Hope that helps
thanks chris,
So to be able to browse the web, Im gonna need the 19.99 data right? I guess thats why the web wasnt working for me, I got the blackberry app to somewhat work but the web was a no go. Thats what I was afraid of, I definitely do not want to add another 19.99 to my plan.
Thanks for confirming the info with me.
Hi Ben
I am actually able to browse the web using the Blackbery APN ( I also had some success with APN: TMo have had some network issues recently that have interupted the Blackberry service. I have called tech support and they had to reprovision the account, which fixed the problems. I would give them a call, say you are having issues with web access and then ask them to reprovision the account for you. You should be able to reach most sites. My issues were more with accessing data and relay servers and services (a la Smartner, iAnywhere etc) than regular web sites.
Give that a try and see if that helps. Let me know how you get on
One more thing. You may be doing this already, but if not, make sure that you "stop" the blackberry software before you launch internet explorer. That way you will disconnect the blackberry connection and allow the XDA to start a new data connection under either APN: or APN: (whichever you have setto default) Once finished with the internet you can stsrt the blackberry messaging client up again.
When u were able to access and the, did you always have the 19.99 data option on your rate plan? I was just using the apn since I only had tzones, but since I'm using the xdaII, I was always able to view html pages. Tmobile has now blocked port 80 if your not paying for the 19.99 data package. So I was just wondering if you always had 19.99 data option.
thanks for the help.
Hi Ben
No, I was able to access it after I switched over to the blackberry plan. They disabled my regular data plan first and then activated the Blackberry plan. Tech support said that I should be able to "access most web sites" which appeared to be correct, aside form some of the network problems TMo had as mentioned earlier.
How did you guys get the software on your device? I am thinking about buying an XDA just for this. Right now I have a siemens sk65 coming in but I would love to get back to a pocketpc
Hi StingOr
The Blackberry software client is built into the latest O2 ROM (1.72.181), so if you get the O2 XDA 2 and load that ROM, then you would be good to go.
hi there
Can we send FAX from XDA2 2k3se using GPRS?
or is there any other programme available which does similar
Kind Regards
:shock: Gugi
kse truefax 2.0
U can't send fax from XDA2 2k3se using gprs...
U only can use kse truefax 2.0 (
other u must ask permission from u provider to active u simcard ability to send & receive fax.... :wink:
Thnax for reply
i am curently using PAYG card on o2 in uk
and o2 is not ready to activate FAx services enable on my sim,
any way it's is just a thought that if we can get around and use GPRS then why not.
Kind Regards
ooops i fotgot to sign in
Kind Regards
Sending a fax requires a direct peer-to-peer connection, allowing you to transfer audio realtime..
This can not be done by GPRS, since GPRS is PURE DATA traffic.
You may, how ever, send your document to a spesific mail adress..
The service provider will then send it as a fax to the number you sepcify.
This is a service offered by several companies, at different rates..