Question: Max Serial Speed? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

BTW - I love this forum. Thanks to the mods for their time and energy.
I have a Tmobile XDA unit, and I am thinking of building some accesories for the unit.
I do have the serial pinouts, but I'm probably going to need more technical documentation on the serial communcations aspect.
E.G. I really would like to start off knowing the maximum chip bps of the ASIC I see in front of the connector (on the diagram posted on this site).
I can probably look it up, but that won't tell me the OSes maximum bps setting, which I don't have either. I have read 115,200 is probably the limit. If so, great. But can anyone verify this?
Any help = greatly appreciated. TIA.




I have been looking all over the web for the tech specs of the XDAII and can't find them. I currently have an sx-56 or xda I and want to know what the difference is. The only links I have been able to find have been brief comparissons with other phones and it doesn't really tell me anything. Does anyone know the name of the manufacturer. Thanks.
thank you so much that was exactly what I was looking for. It says it has a cf type II backpack. How is tat possible if it only takes mmc and sd/io
It is not part of the actual device. It connects to the device (kind of like you wearing a backpack on your back) and provides a CF slot, a VGA out port and an extra battery.

[REQ] Personal Dosimetry App - Help Writing

EDIT: I've now saved up $400 for the person who can help me get this running. PM me if you're interested.
I'm finishing up my bachelors degree in electrical engineering. My senior design project is to build a ionizing radiation detector from solid-state parts. The hardware is coming along well. What we would love to do is write an Android app to track/record/manipulate the data output by the sensor (via USB port preferably). Long term, I'm thinking the circuitry is embedded a phone case (like PowerSkins, except circuitry instead of a battery) and you plop your phone in, plug in the USB connector, and boom, you have personal and mobile dosimetry at a FRACTION of the cost of what is currently available (see Siemens Dosimeters-$1,000+ and then proprietary software costs). My project partner and I are crap at java programming *read-ALL programming*.
If anyone is interested in taking on something like this or knows someone who might be PLEASE PM ME. The deadline is coming up (mid-Feb), and while the software would be considered beyond the scope/requirements of the project it would really make it great.
Anything helps, even if someone wants to give as a shell of the code we could start with that would be greatly appreciated!
I should be starting another part-time job this month and would be happy to make a donation to anyone willing to help out.
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That's quite an interesting design project you've got there.
My programming skills are quite lacking as well, so I unfortunately cannot help you directly.
Just one comment though; if you're going to be interfacing with an Android phone with an external accessory, I think you may need something like this: to handle communications between the phone and your sensor. Another option would be to use bluetooth as an interface.
Good luck with your project!
developersdevelopers said:
That's quite an interesting design project you've got there.
My programming skills are quite lacking as well, so I unfortunately cannot help you directly.
Just one comment though; if you're going to be interfacing with an Android phone with an external accessory, you may need something like this:
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Thanks for the input. Ya, we're going to need something like that for sure. We're acctually planning on sending accociated energies with each event (in eV).

[Q] DIY JTAG flashing SGS2 i9100 using Bus Pirate/OpenOCD

Hi xda-hackers!
<skipable preamble to question>
My 12yo son flashed an uncompatible image onto his SG-SII GT-i9100, which quite effectively turned it into a brick. It responds to none of the startup keycombos.
It is utterly unimpressed with the 301Kohm USB jig, that I learned about in another thread ( - Thanks a lot for the great information!).
It doesn't even show that a charger is connected (however I can measure a charging voltage, and the battery does get charged).
From what I've gathered, jtag-flashing is my only option. A riff box is a really nice and userfriendly device, that could help me just fine, but it's about 200 bucks, and I'm (hopefully) going to use it only once.
But I DO have a ($30) Bus Pirate ( lying around in my lab and some nice electronic tools (stereo microscope, cool soldering stations, etc.), so I am game to do some serious hacking and upon success, even documenting/sharing my adventure here.
I am a seasoned software developer and I do smaller electronics projects as a hobby.
</skipable preamble to question>
My question is:
- Since I am not a ninja in this area, I would like some pointers to where I can find a binary worthy of jtag flashing onto the device (I am guessing that I can use the stock kernel (fx. using the tool suggested here:
- I know quite little of jtag. Is there anywhere I can read about the binary padding/enveloping of the binary image I need to flash? Just a pointer would be really nice.
- Have anyone else done something similar? How did you go about it? Where can I learn how you did?
Thanks a lot for a great forum!
I humbly and respectfully try to maintaing the high level of useful information, and I better stop now before I disrespect the "keep it short" rule even more!
soenderg said:
Hi xda-hackers!
<skipable preamble to question>
My 12yo son flashed an uncompatible image onto his SG-SII GT-i9100, which quite effectively turned it into a brick. It responds to none of the startup keycombos.
It is utterly unimpressed with the 301Kohm USB jig, that I learned about in another thread ( - Thanks a lot for the great information!).
It doesn't even show that a charger is connected (however I can measure a charging voltage, and the battery does get charged).
From what I've gathered, jtag-flashing is my only option. A riff box is a really nice and userfriendly device, that could help me just fine, but it's about 200 bucks, and I'm (hopefully) going to use it only once.
But I DO have a ($30) Bus Pirate ( lying around in my lab and some nice electronic tools (stereo microscope, cool soldering stations, etc.), so I am game to do some serious hacking and upon success, even documenting/sharing my adventure here.
I am a seasoned software developer and I do smaller electronics projects as a hobby.
</skipable preamble to question>
My question is:
- Since I am not a ninja in this area, I would like some pointers to where I can find a binary worthy of jtag flashing onto the device (I am guessing that I can use the stock kernel (fx. using the tool suggested here:
- I know quite little of jtag. Is there anywhere I can read about the binary padding/enveloping of the binary image I need to flash? Just a pointer would be really nice.
- Have anyone else done something similar? How did you go about it? Where can I learn how you did?
Thanks a lot for a great forum!
I humbly and respectfully try to maintaing the high level of useful information, and I better stop now before I disrespect the "keep it short" rule even more!
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Im in the same board as you, hard bricked/dead I9100, JTAG is my only option... Looking for information about this as well...
Look here, Google search, these guys & ask local mobile repair shops (you might find someone who does JTAG's close to you).
Unless you know what you're doing, forking out for the equipment to do it yourself will more than likely end with you being the owner of a 116 gram plastic paperweight (the phone) and a several hundred dollar box you'll never use again (the RIFF box). Do the smart thing & pay someone else a fraction of the cost to do it for you with their gear.
Intrepidx said:
Im in the same board as you, hard bricked/dead I9100, JTAG is my only option... Looking for information about this as well...
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soenderg said:
Hi xda-hackers!
<skipable preamble to question>
My 12yo son flashed an uncompatible image onto his SG-SII GT-i9100, which quite effectively turned it into a brick. It responds to none of the startup keycombos.
It is utterly unimpressed with the 301Kohm USB jig, that I learned about in another thread ( - Thanks a lot for the great information!).
It doesn't even show that a charger is connected (however I can measure a charging voltage, and the battery does get charged).
From what I've gathered, jtag-flashing is my only option. A riff box is a really nice and userfriendly device, that could help me just fine, but it's about 200 bucks, and I'm (hopefully) going to use it only once.
But I DO have a ($30) Bus Pirate ( lying around in my lab and some nice electronic tools (stereo microscope, cool soldering stations, etc.), so I am game to do some serious hacking and upon success, even documenting/sharing my adventure here.
I am a seasoned software developer and I do smaller electronics projects as a hobby.
</skipable preamble to question>
My question is:
- Since I am not a ninja in this area, I would like some pointers to where I can find a binary worthy of jtag flashing onto the device (I am guessing that I can use the stock kernel (fx. using the tool suggested here:
- I know quite little of jtag. Is there anywhere I can read about the binary padding/enveloping of the binary image I need to flash? Just a pointer would be really nice.
- Have anyone else done something similar? How did you go about it? Where can I learn how you did?
Thanks a lot for a great forum!
I humbly and respectfully try to maintaing the high level of useful information, and I better stop now before I disrespect the "keep it short" rule even more!
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i got a buspirate too 3.5b and it helped me unbrick many devices and i got myself a smd work station and exactly well almost exact setup.and my knowledge is limited in electronics. my friend comes over to my place to do the work, smd and all other stuffs. did you unbrick it with a buspirate? or you use other tools.
time to ressurect this thread.
/me jtags this thread

Software to connect and change odometer

Hi folks
I was trying to post the question in a thread where they post how to hack ford navigation but I don't have enough posts. So here I am. My question is. Is it possible to connect to my 05 dodge ram and change odometer reading? Don't worry nothing illegal here. I purchased the dodge and the odometer is broken (won't display mileage) so I want to purchase one from eBay and the closest mileage I can find is 50,000 more then I have so that is why I would like to adjust it once I get it.
Any help will be greatly appreciate it.
Thank You

Is There an App That Will Overlay Time/Temp Over All Apps?

I've got a few larger tablet type Android devices mounted around the house that I use for security camera viewing. That's the only purpose they serve and they're wall mounted. Next to a couple I have a $20 device from CostCo that displays the current time and current temp as well as lots of other BS I really don't need.
What I'd like to do is eliminate these secondary devices as right next to them is a much more powerful machine that is capable of more accurate temperature and what not. I'd like an app that will display the current time and current temperature in text form right over the top of other apps. I use IP Cam Viewer for my cam app and it has a time feature but the time is too small to see from a distance. Something that allows me to sort of hover the time in the middle of the display with the temp right above or below would be perfect.
I've used the Google Machine and haven't come up with much in terms of a solution that will help me accomplish this. It's probably something very simple that I'm not thinking of or finding... hopefully. It could also be that what I'm looking for is unique enough that it's not out there but I hope not.
Any help, thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone have any ideas?
I'm not really sure why this got moved to "help & troubleshooting" as I don't really need help nor do I have a problem. I just want to know if an app exists that will allow me to do something that is relatively basic.
This site's countless subforums with nondescript descriptions has always been one of it's negatives IMO. In all the years I've been here I doubt I've got a 50% record of not having a thread moved to a section that doesn't seem to make sense. I've had zero issues on all other forums of all types. This is a problem unique to XDA for me.

