[REQ] Personal Dosimetry App - Help Writing - Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

EDIT: I've now saved up $400 for the person who can help me get this running. PM me if you're interested.
I'm finishing up my bachelors degree in electrical engineering. My senior design project is to build a ionizing radiation detector from solid-state parts. The hardware is coming along well. What we would love to do is write an Android app to track/record/manipulate the data output by the sensor (via USB port preferably). Long term, I'm thinking the circuitry is embedded a phone case (like PowerSkins, except circuitry instead of a battery) and you plop your phone in, plug in the USB connector, and boom, you have personal and mobile dosimetry at a FRACTION of the cost of what is currently available (see Siemens Dosimeters-$1,000+ and then proprietary software costs). My project partner and I are crap at java programming *read-ALL programming*.
If anyone is interested in taking on something like this or knows someone who might be PLEASE PM ME. The deadline is coming up (mid-Feb), and while the software would be considered beyond the scope/requirements of the project it would really make it great.
Anything helps, even if someone wants to give as a shell of the code we could start with that would be greatly appreciated!
I should be starting another part-time job this month and would be happy to make a donation to anyone willing to help out.

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That's quite an interesting design project you've got there.
My programming skills are quite lacking as well, so I unfortunately cannot help you directly.
Just one comment though; if you're going to be interfacing with an Android phone with an external accessory, I think you may need something like this: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardADK to handle communications between the phone and your sensor. Another option would be to use bluetooth as an interface.
Good luck with your project!

developersdevelopers said:
That's quite an interesting design project you've got there.
My programming skills are quite lacking as well, so I unfortunately cannot help you directly.
Just one comment though; if you're going to be interfacing with an Android phone with an external accessory, you may need something like this: http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardADK
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Thanks for the input. Ya, we're going to need something like that for sure. We're acctually planning on sending accociated energies with each event (in eV).


Peanut Gallery - Thoughts & Pole on GPS Hacking thread

Just a new thread so we don't spam the tech crew working on the GPS thread as it is growing at great speed, and spam is entering...
Discuss anything you want re GPS hacking, how cool it would to stick this up HTC's rear! LOL
Last time they include a chipset with disabled software!
So, hopefully in a month or so, we should see cooked WM6 roms for our hermes, and GPS enabled in them as well...
All i'll say then is it would simply be the best device, by a massive margin on the market!
Im in for finacially rewarding the person that gets a good working hack for the GPS or a cooked rom!
Keep up the excellent work guys! for what iits worth, its made me take up a C++ programming course, hate feeling left out and not able to help!!
crossbow and internal GPS on the hermes, that will be nice.....
excellent work so far.
Wouldnt a financial reward hinder the progress on the GPS ?, If the people working on it took the prize money challenge, they would start to keep all their progress to themselves and not share it with anyone else in case it helped someone else win the prize money ?
I'm happy to pay for the efforts of the people that are working on this project if thats what is needed to get it working, but i think this idea would be counter productive to everything that has happened so far ?
I help lots of local people with free computer setup and training and wireless network problems, but i never expect to be paid for them, i simply enjoy helping local people out, and i'm sure the people working on this gps project would be the same
This is the effort of quite a few guys.. not a race. I appreciate everybody's effort, and think that if there's a collection taken, it should be divided up however they see fit.
I'm up for more than $8, btw (how much is a standalone gps people?). And I would hope that our pooled $$ would help pay for some of the time and risk that a lot of people are making.
I would tend to concur with Mosser. XDA developers is about a community working together to enhance HTC devices. Offering a prize tends to take away from the teamwork since everybody is looking at the $$$. What you see in the GPS thread is the best of this community taking chances and putting everything they've got into a common goal. GPS is the prize here.
If you want to help, don't offer money, rather grab yourself a copy of the dumped Trinity Registry from post 390 (what we know applies to GPS is in post 108) of the "ideas thread" and start looking for a device that may have a connection to something named "VIRSER_COM". It's painstaking work going through the registry line by line but numbers make the job easier....
Hardware hack enthusiasts can start googling for a chip pinout (these show what each pin does and its location on the chip) for the Qualcomm RFR6250
Here's another thought:
Developers can simply place a "paypal donations" button into their sig if they'd like to see a few euros sent their way. If people appreciate the work, they can follow the link and donate. That way, teamwork remains the top priority.
Of course, you can always donate to XDA-developers too we can use all the help we can get!
Sleuth255 said:
Here's another thought:
Developers can simply place a "paypal donations" button into their sig if they'd like to see a few euros sent their way. If people appreciate the work, they can follow the link and donate. That way, teamwork remains the top priority.
Of course, you can always donate to XDA-developers too we can use all the help we can get!
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hehe i like the idea of a donation button i guess thats a result of beeing a student living on my own
Sleuth255 said:
Hardware hack enthusiasts can start googling for a chip pinout (these show what each pin does and its location on the chip) for the Qualcomm RFR6250
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I appreciate this is very basic and doesn't list pin numbers but better than nothing to start with.
Edit: found roughly the same thing again but this time it shows the interconnections with other chips (the JPG). If the the pcb traces can be identified and followed back it may be possible to determine pinout.
yeah, I've gotten that far myself. We need the actual Qualcomm datasheet on this chip, I believe, to get the pinouts. I'm gonna go and email their customer service dept. I think and pretend to be some big-shot engineer or something....

[Q] Custom Android hardware development?

I have some ideas for a heavily customized Android tablet for an industrial use. Most of the customizations involve taking things OUT and locking stuff down, durability a plus as well.
I sent a couple emails to Chinese companies but didn't get any response, and am also a bit worried about them stealing my ideas and running with 'em.
Any pointers/advice?
When your idea is greater then great then can you register your idea with patents.
But you need to know that patents are realy expensive and some company's copy all things what they see.
You can better search for a buddy who has knowledge for manufacture in China or an other cheap country.
know that big companies like Foxxcon make only big orders.
Yep, that's pretty much where I'm at right now. Not sure of how to proceed patent-wise and not really wanting to work with Chinese companies either way.
Cheap isn't paramount for this application, if anybody knows of any more local resources for android hardware I could talk to...
Only have time for a real quick reply right now to a very deep topic...
I would say your best bet is to look into various 'open source' models. Look at the the DIYdrone community. You can get Android running on a little ARM processor. Or for a turnkey dev solution:
Throw it in a Pelican case and you've got yourself a proof-of-concept. Which is what you're gonna need to raise any venture capitol if you pick that route...
As far as patents... this can also get you some credibility with venture capitalists... you can file a patent yourself for pretty cheap but don't expect it to hold against any big boys though...
Good luck, there's a lot to learn, making a bunch of Engineering/Programming/Business friends and having your girl pick the outfit before the big pitch!
Android on a chip
Hi koob,
Thanks for the useful reply. Do you have any additional tips on getting Android running on the simplest circuit possible?
Using phones for development is possible but not ideal as we're using some of the newer features of the OS (e.g. ADK), and unlocked phones supporting it are somewhat expensive.
I'm interested in two stages, prototyping (I couldn't find much in the DIYDrones community on this), and manufacturing (maybe companies like Shenzhen Xinkenmingteng Industry Technology on Alibaba could take a functional spec or a PCB design?).
Many thanks for your help.
Bump! I would also be interested in hearing more about this, as we want to develop a custom mobile monitoring device, using Android so as to save us the effort of writing firmware for the wireless communications, display, touchscreen, etc. Like TheCritic, we're interested in locking it down - replacing the OS's main functionality with some skin or app we write ourselves.
The Liquidware Android Hardware Development Kit is interesting, but has many things we don't need and misses a few things we do. We're just not sure where to begin choosing the hardware and working with the kernel, device drivers, etc. Any pointers would be very appreciated.
Any progress here?
I have a pretty similar situation. Having a cool idea that would need only a few features from android. Did you develop your platform? Or found someone who did it for you?
Nothing other than what's seen here, though there were more useful replies than I'd remembered to this thread!

Seeking Android Developer

Hello All,
This past summer, I formed a focus group consisting of university students from various technology disciplines. Together, we conducted an analysis on what businesses and individuals need in order to get started with NFC. Our findings developed our first hypothesis. The team then put its findings into motion by creating a business model canvas, cloud based product and conducting many interviews with potential users.
The technology start-up community here in Helsinki has a keen bias toward learning and adopting “The Lean Start-up” methodology for building successful products. Indeed, I find myself supporting many of the principles and ideas that Eric Ries proposes. Currently, my project is in stealth mode. Nonetheless, I have been actively building product concepts and things are gaining momentum.
If it's anything to gauge things by, just last night me and my buddies were counting how many NFC cards we already have in our wallets. NFC is really moving rapidly here in Finland. In my case, I had 3. One was for the "K" chain of stores, a monthly bus card and the last one was for the gym.
Right now, I'm looking for a person that knows how to code Android. I need a small app built and it probably can be done in about 8 hours or so, depending upon the persons level of expertise. Here's what the app needs to be able to do.
Nutshell version:
1. When the app is launched it automatically logs into the users account and knows who you are.
2. When the users touches a NFC tag the UID is read and sent to the backend via https.
3. Our backend server takes the UID and provisions it accordingly.
4. Once provisioned, confirmation is sent to the app which instructs the user to touch the tag again in order to write it.
Right now we are just concerned with building the minimal viable product as regards this app.
The next step will be to tie everything we already have together with the app and beta testing it through pilot projects we have lined up.
The purpose of this thread is to find out from others where I can find someone skilled enough to help me with building this app. I thought I could do it myself using tools like "appinventor" from MIT but that didn't work for me.
Anyway, if you are interested in learning more please drop me a note.
Thank you for your interest,
I'm not saying it is overly complicated but, it will take more than 8 hours to get this thing to a working product. Not only is there the task of setting up the back-end of the app but also the layout of it. You then have to consider how it will talk to the server as any thing other than a basic webview, which completely defeats the point and purpose of a stand-alone app, requires use of web services which will require the setup and integration of said service.
Point is, it's much more complicated and involved than you seem to understand. Good luck with your project but you might take some time researching what it is you're wanting so as to better comprehend the time and effort involved.
Actually it's not that bad as you think. The web service is up and running. Now I need an app to get the UID from the tag and send it over to the web service so it can be provisioned. Once that's done on the back end the back end then sends a confirmation to the app to write the tag.
Does this help you?
Suomalainen said:
Actually it's not that bad as you think. The web service is up and running. Now I need an app to get the UID from the tag and send it over to the web service so it can be provisioned. Once that's done on the back end the back end then sends a confirmation to the app to write the tag.
Does this help you?
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Well, if you've gone that far the only other question I have is, why not finish it out? If all you wish to do is read an NFC tag and pull then send its UID to the web service, you should be able to do so at this point. The android tutorials cover basic NFC use which is what you are trying to accomplish.
There may be some confusion?
I thought in the opening intro I wrote that I explained trying to build it with MIT appinventor?
You wrote "I thought I could do it myself using tools like "appinventor" from MIT but that didn't work for me.". So it sounds like you hadn't made much progress and/or thought about not using appinventor. Are you still trying to do this using appinventor or do you want to build a native Android application?
I would like to have a Native Android App. I'm not a coder but wanted to take on the challenge using the Appinventor tool but found it would not work for me. Now, I'm just looking for a person that knows they can code the app and can get it to do what we need it to do.
Are you looking to pay a developer for this work? if so, I could probably take a look.
@ wseemann, Thanks for the offer! Right now the team that I have put together has been formed by folks interested in NFC. Each person contributes to the team a unique piece of his/her expertise toward our end goals and vision... The obvious hope being to get this "startup" off the ground...
Suomalainen said:
@ wseemann, Thanks for the offer! Right now the team that I have put together has been formed by folks interested in NFC. Each person contributes to the team a unique piece of his/her expertise toward our end goals and vision... The obvious hope being to get this "startup" off the ground...
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Ok, good luck.
Thanks! Please also feel free to pass along the word to your friends and others you feel may be interested. Feel free to message me as well.
Thanks again!

[Q] DIY JTAG flashing SGS2 i9100 using Bus Pirate/OpenOCD

Hi xda-hackers!
<skipable preamble to question>
My 12yo son flashed an uncompatible image onto his SG-SII GT-i9100, which quite effectively turned it into a brick. It responds to none of the startup keycombos.
It is utterly unimpressed with the 301Kohm USB jig, that I learned about in another thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1746879 - Thanks a lot for the great information!).
It doesn't even show that a charger is connected (however I can measure a charging voltage, and the battery does get charged).
From what I've gathered, jtag-flashing is my only option. A riff box is a really nice and userfriendly device, that could help me just fine, but it's about 200 bucks, and I'm (hopefully) going to use it only once.
But I DO have a ($30) Bus Pirate (http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Bus_Pirate) lying around in my lab and some nice electronic tools (stereo microscope, cool soldering stations, etc.), so I am game to do some serious hacking and upon success, even documenting/sharing my adventure here.
I am a seasoned software developer and I do smaller electronics projects as a hobby.
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My question is:
- Since I am not a ninja in this area, I would like some pointers to where I can find a binary worthy of jtag flashing onto the device (I am guessing that I can use the stock kernel (fx. using the tool suggested here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1110160)
- I know quite little of jtag. Is there anywhere I can read about the binary padding/enveloping of the binary image I need to flash? Just a pointer would be really nice.
- Have anyone else done something similar? How did you go about it? Where can I learn how you did?
Thanks a lot for a great forum!
I humbly and respectfully try to maintaing the high level of useful information, and I better stop now before I disrespect the "keep it short" rule even more!
soenderg said:
Hi xda-hackers!
<skipable preamble to question>
My 12yo son flashed an uncompatible image onto his SG-SII GT-i9100, which quite effectively turned it into a brick. It responds to none of the startup keycombos.
It is utterly unimpressed with the 301Kohm USB jig, that I learned about in another thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1746879 - Thanks a lot for the great information!).
It doesn't even show that a charger is connected (however I can measure a charging voltage, and the battery does get charged).
From what I've gathered, jtag-flashing is my only option. A riff box is a really nice and userfriendly device, that could help me just fine, but it's about 200 bucks, and I'm (hopefully) going to use it only once.
But I DO have a ($30) Bus Pirate (http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Bus_Pirate) lying around in my lab and some nice electronic tools (stereo microscope, cool soldering stations, etc.), so I am game to do some serious hacking and upon success, even documenting/sharing my adventure here.
I am a seasoned software developer and I do smaller electronics projects as a hobby.
</skipable preamble to question>
My question is:
- Since I am not a ninja in this area, I would like some pointers to where I can find a binary worthy of jtag flashing onto the device (I am guessing that I can use the stock kernel (fx. using the tool suggested here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1110160)
- I know quite little of jtag. Is there anywhere I can read about the binary padding/enveloping of the binary image I need to flash? Just a pointer would be really nice.
- Have anyone else done something similar? How did you go about it? Where can I learn how you did?
Thanks a lot for a great forum!
I humbly and respectfully try to maintaing the high level of useful information, and I better stop now before I disrespect the "keep it short" rule even more!
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Im in the same board as you, hard bricked/dead I9100, JTAG is my only option... Looking for information about this as well...
Look here, Google search, these guys & ask local mobile repair shops (you might find someone who does JTAG's close to you).
Unless you know what you're doing, forking out for the equipment to do it yourself will more than likely end with you being the owner of a 116 gram plastic paperweight (the phone) and a several hundred dollar box you'll never use again (the RIFF box). Do the smart thing & pay someone else a fraction of the cost to do it for you with their gear.
Intrepidx said:
Im in the same board as you, hard bricked/dead I9100, JTAG is my only option... Looking for information about this as well...
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soenderg said:
Hi xda-hackers!
<skipable preamble to question>
My 12yo son flashed an uncompatible image onto his SG-SII GT-i9100, which quite effectively turned it into a brick. It responds to none of the startup keycombos.
It is utterly unimpressed with the 301Kohm USB jig, that I learned about in another thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1746879 - Thanks a lot for the great information!).
It doesn't even show that a charger is connected (however I can measure a charging voltage, and the battery does get charged).
From what I've gathered, jtag-flashing is my only option. A riff box is a really nice and userfriendly device, that could help me just fine, but it's about 200 bucks, and I'm (hopefully) going to use it only once.
But I DO have a ($30) Bus Pirate (http://dangerousprototypes.com/docs/Bus_Pirate) lying around in my lab and some nice electronic tools (stereo microscope, cool soldering stations, etc.), so I am game to do some serious hacking and upon success, even documenting/sharing my adventure here.
I am a seasoned software developer and I do smaller electronics projects as a hobby.
</skipable preamble to question>
My question is:
- Since I am not a ninja in this area, I would like some pointers to where I can find a binary worthy of jtag flashing onto the device (I am guessing that I can use the stock kernel (fx. using the tool suggested here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1110160)
- I know quite little of jtag. Is there anywhere I can read about the binary padding/enveloping of the binary image I need to flash? Just a pointer would be really nice.
- Have anyone else done something similar? How did you go about it? Where can I learn how you did?
Thanks a lot for a great forum!
I humbly and respectfully try to maintaing the high level of useful information, and I better stop now before I disrespect the "keep it short" rule even more!
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i got a buspirate too 3.5b and it helped me unbrick many devices and i got myself a smd work station and exactly well almost exact setup.and my knowledge is limited in electronics. my friend comes over to my place to do the work, smd and all other stuffs. did you unbrick it with a buspirate? or you use other tools.
time to ressurect this thread.
/me jtags this thread

[Q] i need a new ROM please create for me!!

my phone from china
android 2.3.6
can you help me
June Oliver said:
my phone from china
android 2.3.6
can you help me
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That has to literally be the worst description of a phone I have seen. This would be the equivalent of walking into the mechanic to get your car fixed and you ask him, "Hey, can you fix my car? It's the one with 4 wheels." Not trying to be a jerk, but this is meant to be a community to learn and get some help, not a request line. I suggest you do some more research on which phone you have. This might not be easy due to the nature of cheap Chinese android phones that rarely have much documentation, but it's quite possible there is already a development community specifically for your phone (which also might have clones that use the same or similar software that could be used). But if that's something that you can't be bothered to do, then the amount of time and research needed to properly mod your phone probably is going to be more than you are ready for as well.
to help me
es0tericcha0s said:
That has to literally be the worst description of a phone I have seen. This would be the equivalent of walking into the mechanic to get your car fixed and you ask him, "Hey, can you fix my car? It's the one with 4 wheels." Not trying to be a jerk, but this is meant to be a community to learn and get some help, not a request line. I suggest you do some more research on which phone you have. This might not be easy due to the nature of cheap Chinese android phones that rarely have much documentation, but it's quite possible there is already a development community specifically for your phone (which also might have clones that use the same or similar software that could be used). But if that's something that you can't be bothered to do, then the amount of time and research needed to properly mod your phone probably is going to be more than you are ready for as well.
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can you help me..my facebook acc is soobii9x i will give you some information pls sent me a massage soon!!thanks

