XDA as Lap top replacement ? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Does any body knows if the XDA can access like a usb harddisk ?
Because I'd like to use it as a file server for digital camera. Unfortunately
most digicams need special driver to transmit information via usb cable.
They simulate a hard drive. Does any body knows in wich way connection is possible ?
Thank you !

XDA is an USB slave device so it can't 'access' a disk, ..., etc.
If you would have browsed this web you would have found:
It's not to flame you but you could save yourself some time by spending some time on searching this website

XDA Developers, or people that hve managed to take this site to a new frontier. I think that something is cropping up time and time again. Which can be looked at in one of two ways..
1. Peoples lack of effort to look around the forums to find what they want.
2. Lack of a search engine, in order for things to be easily found.
If opttion 2 could be solved, I think that this will please a lot fo people. It also stems well for the future. When this site gets a thousand posts a day..

But I'll agree we need to put more effort in telling newbies where stuff is.

I guess both are ok...
being a newbie I like the search function but I started using it first at my third (or later?) visit. I guess newbies are (out of my own experience ):
- new to XDA lingo
- eager to ask something and act before thinking
Maybe a solution is to have:
- new users
- guests
- .... ???
... enter the search screen BEFORE they ever get to the 'new post' screen and kinda sorta force them to do something with search before they type in their question. It will at least let them look further than hitting that post/reply button that seems to be more present than the other screens.
I don't think the search screen has to be improved. It works very well according to my standards (if that counts)


For people who have bricked devices, and haven't read the wiki... [email protected]!

A **NEW** feature has been added to the forum. It's called "SEARCH". It lets you find things from days-gone-by that could apply to your VERY situation! Also, a fantastic part of the site, the WIKI also has GREAT information. WIKI is like a big book of knowledge. It tells you how to FIX your brick without bugging the rest of us.
If you can't read the Wiki, and refuse to use the SEARCH button, NO ONE WILL HELP YOU FIX YOUR BRICK!
Oh, there is also one other way to fix your brick--guaranteed to make your phone stop being a problem for you... Take phone and all original accessories, and put in a box. Seal with packing tape, and bring to your local post office. PM me for the proper address to send it to (my home address, duh!) and I promise to take GOOD care of the phone! Expect it to be returned never.
Could you add in a bit for people who have not even done anything to check the wiki and use the search instead of PM/posting endless "how do i..." questions?
Ok, go easy guys.
Firstly, I suspect the type of noob who asks these sorts of questions wouldn't stop to read any posts (including this one) before going straight to the "Start New Thread" button. So this is probably just another futile effort to educate
And yes it's annoying, but we're all pretty tolerant around here aren't we? We will usually try to help noobs who ask a question, even if it's just a case of pointing them to the right page.
I find the best thing to do when confronted with a new batch of silly questions from lazy people, is to answer a couple and ignore the rest. Then log out, take a few deep breaths, and come back later!
That said, if there are any noobs reading this thread, please, please, please do use the search and the wiki before posting questions.
Yes, i have bricked device..
It's not that i didn't read wiki or did search on the forum, I simply CAN'T do anything.
I disable USB in activesync and when i connect hermes it's still says "serial"....
Please guys...help
franula said:
Yes, i have bricked device..
It's not that i didn't read wiki or did search on the forum, I simply CAN'T do anything.
I disable USB in activesync and when i connect hermes it's still says "serial"....
Please guys...help
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are you sure the USB cable isn't dodgy?
Olipro said:
are you sure the USB cable isn't dodgy?
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Yes i'm sure. When i connect the usb cable i see on the screen USB and computer makes the sound but mtty doesn't work
Yes, I agree...
Read and Search.
Otherwise the forum becomes a congested mess of repeated questions over and over.
I used to go on my 'soap box' over at TC, and even started threads on 'Search First'
When wpbear told me 'Search', I didn't get offended:
The people (noobs) who just show up and post a question and get insulted when asked to read up, are like someone who walks into library and expects the people reading books are there to stop what they're doing and answer questions.
Yea, it takes a little research to find what your looking for, but then you learn how to find answers for yourself.
Everyone Wins!
berdinkerdickle said:
Regarding Searching First, I have heard arguments from both sides.
So whether one has an excuse for why they start a new thread or not, the end result is a bigger problem for others. (Bazillion Threads on the Same Topic.)
Let's pretend I'm the New Guy. I just found this Forum, and now, do I first see if there is standard of expectation from me? Or do I just jump in and start doing things my way?
If I take a little time to figure out how it all works, it stays more organized, and I have only inconvenienced myself. (I did the Work for Myself) But if I just start new threads on everything I think of, I have inconvenienced others by creating more clutter for everyone else to deal with.
Starting a new thread because of not being familiar w/ how things are done may be an excuse for a noob, but one should catch on pretty quickly. And nobody should be made feel bad because they asked them to do a Search.
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berdinkerdickle said:
So we should not ask them to search?
Are you saying we should not mention the "Forum Guidline: To Search Before We Post"?
So the noob asks: (Post #1 ) 'What's the Flashing Snowflake Thingy?" We just tell him, and give him a Link?
So now the noob asks: (Post #2) "Why is my Hotsync hanging at my Contacts?" or "My computer says it Doesn't Recognize the USB Device"
So the noob just goes on, starting new Threads, everytime they need an answer.
To use an illustration:
What do you do when you go into a Library, Do you just go sit down and ask the people around you anything you want to know?
What if one of those people asked you to go and try to find the answer in one of the many books on that subject?
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Yea, It's one of my:
I better get back to work. :-/
You guys are in the right. I just got my hermy for my bday and I made sure to read everything carefully before I even attempted to do anything to it. Now my phone is SuperCID and SIM unlocked thanks to you guys. This website is the greatest and I am really thankful for eveyones hard work. I hope I eventually get better at so I can contribute and stop being a noob.
franula said:
Yes i'm sure. When i connect the usb cable i see on the screen USB and computer makes the sound but mtty doesn't work
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Your computer should not make ANY sound when you plug it in since this means you have not disabled Activesync's USB connection, please disable USB connections in Activesync... that means actually do it rather than pretend to.
Yes franula, basically untick every box in the ActiveSync "connection settings" menu, and click "Ok". You should NOT have the ActiveSync icon in your PC's system tray (next to the clock in the bottom right-hand corner).
Then put your Hermes into bootloader mode (by holding down the side "OK" button and the "Power" button, whilst poking "Reset")
Once you get the bootloader's tri-colour screen on your Hermes and you've completely disabled ActiveSync so that it is nowhere to be seen, THEN plug in the USB cable, and try mtty.....
LegolasTheElf said:
A **NEW** feature has been added to the forum. It's called "SEARCH". It lets you find things from days-gone-by that could apply to your VERY situation! Also, a fantastic part of the site, the WIKI also has GREAT information. WIKI is like a big book of knowledge. It tells you how to FIX your brick without bugging the rest of us.
If you can't read the Wiki, and refuse to use the SEARCH button, NO ONE WILL HELP YOU FIX YOUR BRICK!
Oh, there is also one other way to fix your brick--guaranteed to make your phone stop being a problem for you... Take phone and all original accessories, and put in a box. Seal with packing tape, and bring to your local post office. PM me for the proper address to send it to (my home address, duh!) and I promise to take GOOD care of the phone! Expect it to be returned never.
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You could have put it in a nicer way. If there are posts from newbies that are already answered in the wiki or in previous posts, we usually just point them to it.
Speaking of wasting space and congeting this forum, this thread is doing just that.
I did it! Everything is ok now.....
It was Windows Vista 64bit issue....
thanx guys

Wrong keyboard after update.

Hello friends.
I have a HTC PRO RAPHAEL and I did an update to Energy Rom. After it, my keyboard is litle crazy. The 2nd keys (when we press FN) doesnt work right. When i press FN + 0, should apear = but apear )... it´s like the 2nd keys are working with other sistem. Somebody can help me??
Sorry about my poor english.
Thanks for 4 friends.
The answer to your question is found in several places including NRG rom threads.
diogoamato said:
Hello friends.
I have a HTC PRO RAPHAEL and I did an update to Energy Rom. After it, my keyboard is litle crazy. The 2nd keys (when we press FN) doesnt work right. When i press FN + 0, should apear = but apear )... it´s like the 2nd keys are working with other sistem. Somebody can help me??
Sorry about my poor english.
Thanks for 4 friends.
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i've seen your post everwhere in the forum, or could you just take a photo of your hardware keyboard and let us see if there's any different with ours? because DougalScott have replied to your post in EnergyRom thread, and what i see is the same with him, our Touch Pro keyboard the FN+0 is ), so maybe you can let us take a look at your hardware keyboard???
check out energyrom thread, the answer is there
i experienced the same problem, just read through the thread and found it
basically the settings of energyrom is for fuze, u just have to select the at&t keyboard... and thats it
use the search button for the step by step guide
Jump into the registry and change
HKLM->HARDWARE->DEVICEMAP->KEYBD then the value CWSLayout from 1 to 0. Quit the registry editor and power off and on the phone and it'll all be good...
Now if anyone knows how to get the £ and euro signs working as I'm a Birtish user...
Hope that helps dude...
MadMic said:
Jump into the registry and change
HKLM->HARDWARE->DEVICEMAP->KEYBD then the value CWSLayout from 1 to 0. Quit the registry editor and power off and on the phone and it'll all be good...
Now if anyone knows how to get the £ and euro signs working as I'm a Birtish user...
Hope that helps dude...
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HAve you tried setting your locale to en-GB in settings? They work fine on mine
ok, I feel like a total n00b again :-( lol (not that there's anything wrong with being a n00b, we all were once!) - but can't find this setting anywhere... been through all the options in settings :S - got my keyboard set to English (United Kingdom) - even changed to to United States and back to UK again & rebooted.. but still not love for me is this the place you're referring too???
Cheers for the assist, would love the keys back
try this i have the same problem and now it's ok
dude! what do you think "keyboard selector" in "Start - Utilities - Tweaks" is for?
Your Keyboard is most likely set to Fuze-Layout, it's way different from the original ToucPro Keyboard.
else your hardware-keyboard has to be differnt
naKruul said:
dude! what do you think "keyboard selector" in "Start - Utilities - Tweaks" is for?
Your Keyboard is most likely set to Fuze-Layout, it's way different from the original ToucPro Keyboard.
else your hardware-keyboard has to be differnt
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Not sure if your message was for me or not - I'm not using the same ROM as the original poster.. I'm on Da_G's fine light ROM - nice and fast and plenty of room for customisation - actually just finished flashing to the new ROM specifically for the o2 serra and the keys are working ok - so gonna do some digging in the registry and see if I can spot the changes - might stay with this rom as it's light and fast too, but knowing what I'm like I'll be flashing it again within 24hrs
Thanks for the replies tho...
Outrageous contents
This post contents are absolutely OUTRAGEOUS.
Please DO close this thread.
- «Search» function is not hazardous to your health
- Always think, never allow anyone to do it for you
- Please show some respect for developers
It is revolting to see users registering on the forum only to ask questions...
These are takers. This is a community, not charity.
If you have doubts, search, research, seek and only then ask.
If you ask for something, think about contributing. [I am not talking about money, donations, etc... I am talking about the type of ACTIVE contribution you give to a community].
Kevlar-Source said:
This post contents are absolutely OUTRAGEOUS.
Please DO close this thread.
- «Search» function is not hazardous to your health
- Always think, never allow anyone to do it for you
- Please show some respect for developers
It is revolting to see users registering on the forum only to ask questions...
These are takers. This is a community, not charity.
If you have doubts, search, research, seek and only then ask.
If you ask for something, think about contributing. [I am not talking about money, donations, etc... I am talking about the type of ACTIVE contribution you give to a community].
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Hey dude, I see where you're coming from and not wanting to start an argument / get flamed / banned / eaten or most importantly upset anyone... but easy there tiger! Looking at the initial poster - diogoamato - he registered on May 08 and has made 4 posting since, so either he's done nothing really with his phone or has been doing what a large number of us do - sit and read the posts and learn stuff.
As for me, well I been a professional support guy for MS products since '96 and started using WM5 back on my Axim X51v when it came out, back then I registered on a few forums with XDA-dev being one of them, but then there was only really one place to be as an Ax. owner - aximsite - where I like to think I was contributing to the scene, however my xda-dev account went largely unused. It wasn't until last Nov / Dec I moved over to my Raph. and initially thought I knew a heck of a lot about WM and its workings, esp flashing, but soon realised I got a lot to learn and have spent my time reading & reading again and getting frustrated with the search.. but that's another topic! lol - now I've come a long way since Nov and am starting to try to help others where possible (work, time, etc.) - yea sometimes I think "man, use the search" or "why you flashing and messing with things you dont understand" but mainly I think why not try to help???
Personally I'm trying to get to grips with the kitchens and learn how to build my own custom roms and like all my skills I'm doing it my way; by reading and learning, & trial & error, only one or twice have I asked a querstion from a chef or reported a bug, but only after giving it some serious work myself... I cant remember how many times I've hard-reset my Raph. cos I stuffed it whilst trying to resolve a bug / issue...
I suppose I'm trying to say there are those of us here who use this massive knowledge base that makes this site number 1 and give back what we can. Yea I'd 100% agree if this original poster had a reg. date of Jun '09 : posts 1, but he (and lots of others) have been around for sometime, just we all cant' reply as much as we wished we could...
Well, that's my £0.02 worth...
Peace & love
MadMic said:
Hey dude, I see where you're coming from and not wanting to start an argument / get flamed / banned / eaten or most importantly upset anyone ... just we all cant' reply as much as we wished we could.
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Well put ...
The goal of this community is to help each other; there is no value is scolding someone because they may not have performed all the steps they maybe should have.
... besides, no member is obliged to answer a post.
MadMic said:
Hey dude, I see where you're coming from and not wanting to start an argument / get flamed / banned / eaten or most importantly upset anyone ...
Well, that's my £0.02 worth...
Peace & love
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Although I don't usually do so but I will answer you because I believe your comment is actually a comment instead of the usual asinine bunch of non argumentative attacks we see over here more often than desirable...
I will try to outline my ideas...
Then yo can comment it, if you like, in a PM. Let's not flood the thread with offtopic information.
01. We were all noobs once...
02. There are MANY forms of noobness...
03. I ALWAYS [without exception] try to help. This is a community, if I am not willing to contribute there is no point on being here. [as a mater of fact I contribute a lot more than I get... And that's the way it's supposed to be]
04. I can accept ignorance, lack of knowledge or even «mind simplicity»
05. I do not - and I repeat: do not - accept stupidity, laziness, indolence, lack of initiative, lack of commitment, etc... Especialy in a community. If everyone behaves like that we get simply nowhere.
06. If you don't search, you should learn to do it
07. If you believe the WIKI is actually hazardous to your health, it's a shame and you should get some counseling
08. If you don't even bother to read the thread you are posting on, that's just proposterous.
09. I usually answer questions that have already been answered times when they have a reason to be posted.
10. I will not tolerate or have a good reaction towards asinine behaviours
11. Although I do see your point, if you spend some time around here you'll get the feel of the place... Then you will see [or maybe even feel] what I mean... Especially if you are a Chef Wannabe... You will ge to really understand the meaning of ingratitude and true offense. [The majority of members is NOT like that but some should just cease existing...]
12. Whenever one endeavours in or witnesses a non meritable coarse of action, one should allways fight it or withdraw.
P.S. I've been around, you know... After some time you just loose your patience... Users who are actually takers should't be allowed ti be here... That deeply compromises the integrity of the thin fabric of developers society... If you understand my predicament...
Cheers and good luck in you new quest The ROM cooking one
hilaireg said:
Well put ...
The goal of this community is to help each other; there is no value is scolding someone because they may not have performed all the steps they maybe should have.
... besides, no member is obliged to answer a post.
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Hummm... I see your point.
Please read my previous post...
Ignorance is worse than contempt. LOL
... After some time you just loose your patience... Users who are actually takers should't be allowed ti be here... That deeply compromises the integrity of the thin fabric of developers society... If you understand my predicament...
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All those points are spot on - can't argue with any of those.
Several months back, there were a few posts regarding the influx of new members to XDA. Through these conversations, it was discovered that many Carriers are sending their customers here for solutions instead of adequately investing the required dollars into their internal support network.
As a result, newcomers often come here with what they perceive as a new issue and no idea on how to begin looking for a solution ... with the hope that finally, someone will help solve their problem.
XDA has changed; it continues to be about development but that has become an elite sub-culture. Very few will make it there, some will get close, most never will. And those that never will, are usually visiting XDA for information on solving an immediate problem, nothing more - this I feel is the new culture that is emerging on XDA.
I try my best to help those who want to try to get closer to what XDA is about. Like you, I do see posts that frustrate me and for the most part, I simply choose not to answer those.
So yes, we are all guilty of losing patience at one time or another ... I included.
I don't know if that guy got his hardware keyboard issue resolved or not. But, for what it's worth, I have a Fuze that I upgraded to the newest NRG rom. I found out that my function keys and shift/cap key would not function after installed an aftermarket keyboard. It was the keyboard ripped from the Touch Diamond 2.
The keyboard worked fine on a stock fuze so it was a surprise to me.
Just my experience to share..
Codes: English 1033
That took me...uhhm.. less than 1minute to search. wiki->raphael->keyboard layouts.
Don't forget the cwslayout! for touch pro (0) und At&T (1), as MadMic stated.
Softrest is mandatory.
I hope that helped...
P.S.look for UC and make a XML or CAB to do this for you after every flash)
Thanks dude, I'd flashed the Serra ROM (OK o2 brand name for Raph.) and it sorted the fn key issue out, so a little digging in the registry to compare between the two and I'd figured the curlang out, came back to drop a posting about it and you'd beaten me to it - time to spend some more time in the wiki - lol
Was thinkging about using the UC so I dont have to do this again when I flash to another ROM (wont be long as learning the kitchen stuff now... howe long before I got a brick?? lol lol)...
Peace & Love

give me some cool application

i just reset my lg ks20 wm6 i won to install good application espeecialy games help
alecoddlyiv said:
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man, you're not helping at all,
here is some really-really cool stuff: http://tinyurl.com/629h94n
p107r0 said:
man, you're not helping at all,
here is some really-really cool stuff: http://tinyurl.com/629h94n
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But he's right. Topics like this one have been discussed over and over again here at xda. If he had used the search function himself he would have discovered some "cool applications" by now. That's how we all acquire the software for our devices: By searching this forum and many other well known sources like the openmarket app store (once again easy to find using google).
altae said:
But he's right. Topics like this one have been discussed over and over again here at xda. If he had used the search function himself he would have discovered some "cool applications" by now. That's how we all acquire the software for our devices: By searching this forum and many other well known sources like the openmarket app store (once again easy to find using google).
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you're absolutely right - just check my link
Yeah, great website there. What about a sticky topic "Tutoriol how to google with success"?
altae said:
Yeah, great website there. What about a sticky topic "Tutoriol how to google with success"?
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good idea, bu might not work for those who haven't yet heard of this modern invention
Wow - old thread is old.
Hi! I'm a noob. Well, technically, I'm not; I just haven't been back here in many years since I first started poking at registries and editing the old wikis (now defunct, horribly broken, etc.), and finally needing to get work done and thus not wanting to play with my WM device very much and switched to Android not too long ago. But given this huge gap, I might as well be designated a noob now so I watched the introduction video (how awesome is that thing?). And one of the things it says is to use google, search, etc. Well, I've done all that (almost, still browsing this forum section and going through a different forum's software announcements, but I've seen more of Handango, pocketpcfreeware, freewarepocketpc and those lot than I'm willing to see again (thankfully, most of them have RSS feeds)), and narrowed down the list of several thousands of apps to... well, still quite a bit more than 100.
So another thing the video suggests is to find similar threads and read those. Here's the thing, though... those also tend to be old. I could find a thread that speaks highly of cLaunch even though people have moved on from that to SPB and then Androkkid or, etc. The best part is - it's almost impossible to untangle! It doesn't help that a lot of software announcements don't even mention what they're compatible with
( Nor that announcements also happen in the 'Windows Mobile Software Development' section. )
I still have to try the XDA Market (is it or is it not dead? The thread is stale. Did I mention the untangling issues already? oh yes, one paragraph back.), but it would definitely be nice if there were a place where those of you who still play with WM devices could discuss apps and come to some sort of consensus as to what 'the best apps' are. I do specifically mention that in plural because I know from my earlier days, and from reading a few threads last week, that people still ask "what is the best X app?" only to be met with "depends on your preferences" which is certainly true but there's always some apps that are going to be significantly better than others.
So here's my dilemma... do I hijack one of the existing threads (as I'm sort of doing now, but please don't see this post as my asking about apps - I'll do a proper post where I detail the apps I've got listed already, my preferences, etc.) or do I start a new thread?
And, of course, in the mean time... if there already is such a consensus-on-app-worthiness list that isn't 2 years old, where might I find it?
Again, not asking for input on apps - just some pointers on where to look, specifically, after having already 'google[d] it'. Then perhaps the next poor sod that comes along and has the same question has a better idea of where to go after his/her brain is filled with app references.
*resumes reading this forum section, then the 'Windows Mobile Software Development' section, and then that other forum*
PseudoBob said:
Again, not asking for input on apps - just some pointers on where to look, specifically, after having already 'google[d] it'. Then perhaps the next poor sod that comes along and has the same question has a better idea of where to go after his/her brain is filled with app references.
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Given the number of xda members, threads and posts, searching for any info here can be indeed painful, frustrating and often fruitless. I generally prefer google over xda search, but with search results limited to xda forums, so - assuming we search for e.g. "cool WM apps", the search string will look like this:
cool WM apps site:forum.xda-developers.com
I know it's not a big help, still, the OP question was sooooo general, I mean, for some the cool app will be SpaceTime for WM, while for others it might be Crayon Physics....
Went back here to update my post - hadn't expected a reply, thanks! ( yes, I did press the button, noob-introduction-video! )
Yeah, I did that - but that's a pretty hit-or-miss method at best.. there's a bunch of posts that say something looks like a cool app and that they'll download it and "have a think about it" (broken English ftw) - then they come back saying it doesn't work on their device (WM2003 for a WM6 app)
That's why I'm just going over all of the forum pages (got time to burn - that's why I'm poking at the old WM device to begin with.. it had been collecting dust)
Anyway, the update I was going to make was just to mention that 'XDA Market' does look pretty dead-ish (nothing recent in there, what's in there is a fraction of what's available, and it sure likes to crash a lot). It also looks almost exactly like what I'd need.. I'll have to remember that when I hit its thread here and encourage the devs to pick it up again.
PseudoBob said:
Anyway, the update I was going to make was just to mention that 'XDA Market' does look pretty dead-ish (nothing recent in there, what's in there is a fraction of what's available, and it sure likes to crash a lot). It also looks almost exactly like what I'd need.. I'll have to remember that when I hit its thread here and encourage the devs to pick it up again.
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not surprising, given that most of the hardcore HD2 users jumped ship to android, sooner or later WM will be as popular as Palm OS is now, anyway, if your're looking for an app to perform specific tasks, just ask, there is a chance someone might know something
Yeah - just a shame, really.. there's lots of WM devices floating around still that can still find use.
I know, possibly the best use of them is disassembly, re-use where possible (too bad the screens are always undocumented or there would be plenty of Arduino guys with interest in at least that component) and recycle the rest.
But I'm giving the poor thing one last while to shine before doing that (probably the next time I get a new phone, I'll give the store this one).
A functional 'XDA Market' would definitely have helped with that.
I wouldn't blame them if they did abandon it, though.. even Microsoft abandoned their own Windows Mobile market even while WP7 isn't available globally yet, and Windows 8-on-mobile is is sure to kill the WP7 store, too. They're good like that.
I'll open a new thread (I guess is the best option) when I'm ready for it - right now there's still plenty of hidden gems tucked away in these forums that I'll go to, first

What is "dpi" and where can i learn how to cuztomize roms ?

Hi everyone!
I read the rules but if i'm writting on the wrong place please to correct me. What is the "dpi"that i read a lot on some post? I can not understand what it is a dpi at 133 or 160? Please explainme. The second one is that i'm not a newbie at all in android but nowadays i've seen many good roms out there and i desired to learn how to customize as i wished and ofcourse, i'll share it! I have reading from many other sources butt got confused on how to start so please i really appreciate your comments.
Simply put dpi means dots per inch. The number of dots contained within an area of 1 inch... this is a very common unit of measurement for any visual device be it a phone screen, TV screen, printed document (bubble jet, ink jet) etc, anything that uses individual dots to make an image or text even
You should have gone to Google and typed in "what is dpi" and you would have found your answer.
In regards to moding roms, I don't really mod roms persay, but I have learned tons in my time here on xda, all I can suggest is to go and read the xda forums (not just the legend section either), there is literally 10's of thousands of threads and posts by lots of really bright people who know a hell of a lot more than I do. If your genuinely serious, you need to read, search, learn, do, try, make mistakes and hope you don't kill your phone in the process
Sent from my Legend using xda app-developers app
Thank you very much for your answer and advices It makes me feel really exited to start now. Well i must apologize for not searched about dpi first, i just forgot about this point, not gonna happend again. Regarding to learn how to customize i'm so curious to introduce myself on that, once again thanks to your opinion... Hopefuly i'll not get a beatiful paperweight :fingers-crossed:

[Q] HCL ME V1 tablet stuck in a boot loop, power button only works when 100% charged.

Okay, I know I'm supposed to search seven hells (watching too much Game of Thrones) before I post my question. The intro video was clear enough about that. But no, nothing helped. So here goes....
Hi guys,
My HCL ME V1 tablet (ICS 4.0.4, kernel 3.x.x, rooted with ME U1 root via SuperOneClick. Several forums said that this root would work for V1 as well) is stuck in a boot loop. The rest button does not solve the problem, neither does a hard reset (it simply does not go into hard reset from all the methods suggested online across various forums). I scoured heaven and earth to find how to go into recovery for this particular tablet but none of the solutions work.
The power button works only once when it's in 100% charge (green light on the top corner of lcd). After that I have to wait for it to get discharged completely and recharge it once again. All those tips of pressing the volume up and/or down button along with the power/home button and the reset pinhole... none of them worked in my case. I know its a corrupted OS issue and I can solve it. Only if I could somehow get the tablet to boot once or get into recovery or download mode. I know it for a fact that the power button i fine because... again... I stand witness to the fact that the tablet has not experienced any physical shock what-so-ever since the day it was bought. Also not to forget it works once when the tab is in 100% charge.
I can see two scenarios by which the problem might have started:
1. I downloaded FL Studio Mobile apk and its dlc from pirate bay. I copied the apk to the internal SD card (straight on the sd card not inside any folder), and the dlc was instructed to be copied to sdcard/Android/obb. The uploader had said that if the obb folder was not there, I had to create it and so I did and copied. Halfway through the dlc copy, my laptop hanged. So I terminated the process from taskmgr and disconnected my tab from the "disconnect from USB storage" page on the tablet.
2. Next I opened Android Tweaker (Pro?) to tweak a few parameters so that FL Studio Mobile could run a bit lag free. I'm not a power user so, I just used the auto-tweak feature for the performance settings. Next I rebooted via the app and lo! The tablet is now stuck in an eternal boot cycle loop.
I'm an electronic musician and like to have these apps on my devices so that I can make music on the go.
Also one thing I should mention is that while rooting the /bin/su file could not be executed, however installing Titanium Backup Pro (Root) had solved that problem as there was an option in that app to fix it.
Sorry for the long post :cyclops: but I think my problem is somewhat peculiar if not unique. No body else's solution is working and I think there are not many Indians who use the V1 tablet.
Thank you everyone for not replying to this post. You may have thought that the solutions existed in someone else's answers. But NO. None of anyone else's solutions worked.
I thought this was a place full of experts, but I guess you people are way too busy with your own stuff to really help others which is the purpose of this forum.
Anyways, I solved the problem. The tablet works fine, in fact it works even faster. And just to rub it in HCL's face, I've upgraded the internal memory and RAM. Yes I resoldered the PCB. Removed all the bloatware and useless stuff from our dear beloved Indian manufacturer.
But I'm not going to share how I solved this issue. None of you took the time to reply, so non of u will get this piece of knowledge upgrade. Funk you very much :victory:
pborah88 said:
Thank you everyone for not replying to this post. You may have thought that the solutions existed in someone else's answers. But NO. None of anyone else's solutions worked.
I thought this was a place full of experts, but I guess you people are way too busy with your own stuff to really help others which is the purpose of this forum.
Anyways, I solved the problem. The tablet works fine, in fact it works even faster. And just to rub it in HCL's face, I've upgraded the internal memory and RAM. Yes I resoldered the PCB. Removed all the bloatware and useless stuff from our dear beloved Indian manufacturer.
But I'm not going to share how I solved this issue. None of you took the time to reply, so non of u will get this piece of knowledge upgrade. Funk you very much :victory:
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Hey bro,
I am newbie with this HCL V1 tablet and it sucks a lot to use this. I got it sent to HCL store for repairing (to flash) just after 3 days I ordered it.
As you are the user of this tab you should be very well known to the problems this tab comes with. Even its not playing the Subway Surfer game smoothly, wt the hell with 1 GB RAM.
So please suggest me the twiks for this tab as like working rooting, global or transparent proxy (needs in college campus because in college wifi works only with default browser with no download at all (only in androids, downloads in symbian, iOS) probably because download runs with external app by default in androids as it shows differently in notification bar about the download progress).
Please help me to resolve these problems.
Thank you.
Mail me at : [email protected]
guy pls dis is my email..am havin d same problem 4 4months nw.help me out [email protected]
Reason is overclocking that u have done
the reason for this is that u have overclocked the processor (especially at boot)
anyone here who knows that if that rom work with new HCL me tab or not ?? any ?
dude i stuck with the same problem ... i know u have issue by not posting the solution ... i checked your facebook ID it is not working ...
I desperately need your help .. plz help or at list tell me wher do i find u to get help online ..plz help ..plz help
pborah88 said:
Thank you everyone for not replying to this post. You may have thought that the solutions existed in someone else's answers. But NO. None of anyone else's solutions worked.
I thought this was a place full of experts, but I guess you people are way too busy with your own stuff to really help others which is the purpose of this forum.
Anyways, I solved the problem. The tablet works fine, in fact it works even faster. And just to rub it in HCL's face, I've upgraded the internal memory and RAM. Yes I resoldered the PCB. Removed all the bloatware and useless stuff from our dear beloved Indian manufacturer.
But I'm not going to share how I solved this issue. None of you took the time to reply, so non of u will get this piece of knowledge upgrade. Funk you very much :victory:
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this bori guy is a selfish fellow. and why not? i heard bori's are all business minded. so how much shall i pay you to get your idea published here to all.
Thank you Mr. Racist Indian
jacktackle said:
this bori guy is a selfish fellow. and why not? i heard bori's are all business minded. so how much shall i pay you to get your idea published here to all.
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You are proving to the world how racist Indians are to each other nothing else. And I'm not a Bori wherever the **** they are from. Its Borah you "madarchod ki aulad hindustani" Of course now you will report this to the admin and I will get banned from this site. Or you're gonna throw your cheap sounding Indian abuses at me, or you will try to act like a smartass and type a nice sophisticated sounding comeback to make people sympathize with you. What else can your beta-male-Indian-ass do? Either way, you are insignificant to me and whatever you say is invalid in my world. And thank you for quoting me because finally I got a notification from this website.
For the rest of the people-
This thread is almost one year old now if you know how to read the English calendar. The FB account that was linked to this has been deleted almost a year ago. I don't exactly remember the solution but I cracked open the tablet, took out the ROM, took it to a friend who burns ROMs.
This tablet was meant for my dad which is why it pissed me off no end that it should malfunction. Eventually I threw this piece of **** in the trash and got him a Samsung tab that works the way it is meant to work.
My advice - save some money and buy a higher end android tab and your life will be much more peaceful. Unlike iOS where the hardware platform is pretty much standard, the wide variety of configurations on which android is installed is the main culprit here. You want smooth performance, less lag, and bug free performance, and easily available non-factory support? Honestly start saving money and get a better brand tab. No where else in the world do people push these cheap ass tablets so hard other than the third world.
I understand you all want the best bang for your buck but understand what "best" is first.
Now, you'll can crucify me in your replies if you want. I don't give two ****s about it. Peace out homos!
Calm Down Bro ...
thande thande raho bhai jaan ...
pls help
pborah88 said:
You are proving to the world how racist Indians are to each other nothing else. And I'm not a Bori wherever the **** they are from. Its Borah you "madarchod ki aulad hindustani" Of course now you will report this to the admin and I will get banned from this site. Or you're gonna throw your cheap sounding Indian abuses at me, or you will try to act like a smartass and type a nice sophisticated sounding comeback to make people sympathize with you. What else can your beta-male-Indian-ass do? Either way, you are insignificant to me and whatever you say is invalid in my world. And thank you for quoting me because finally I got a notification from this website.
For the rest of the people-
This thread is almost one year old now if you know how to read the English calendar. The FB account that was linked to this has been deleted almost a year ago. I don't exactly remember the solution but I cracked open the tablet, took out the ROM, took it to a friend who burns ROMs.
This tablet was meant for my dad which is why it pissed me off no end that it should malfunction. Eventually I threw this piece of **** in the trash and got him a Samsung tab that works the way it is meant to work.
My advice - save some money and buy a higher end android tab and your life will be much more peaceful. Unlike iOS where the hardware platform is pretty much standard, the wide variety of configurations on which android is installed is the main culprit here. You want smooth performance, less lag, and bug free performance, and easily available non-factory support? Honestly start saving money and get a better brand tab. No where else in the world do people push these cheap ass tablets so hard other than the third world.
I understand you all want the best bang for your buck but understand what "best" is first.
Now, you'll can crucify me in your replies if you want. I don't give two ****s about it. Peace out homos!
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Hi iam new to this I have hcl v1 tab I want to root it but you told that you got stuck in a boot loop so can you tell me how to solve it in case I also get stuck it .how to install the stock firmware by using Android stock recovery.i know to get in stock recovery but no download mode.i am just 12 .please help me.

