New forum feature: shortcut to "unread since last visit - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I got tired of something taking too many mouse clicks: if you now click on the large text "XDA-developers forum" that is on top of every forum page, you'll immediately go to the "unread since last visit" overview page.


iContact Burt Edition 6.4.5: stable, fast, improved, bugfixed

October, 31: iContact Burt Edition 6.4.5 (home page)
iContact Burt Edition (iContact BE) is a separate branch of iContact application, finger-friendly contact manager, which was originally started by Larna and expanded by supbro. iContact BE came apart of supbro's iContact since version 0.73, and is not related to any supbro's versions later than 0.73.
Thanks to larna and supbro for creating and developing such a great application!
Please refer to open-source project at for latest sources of iContact BE and AE.
Latest Beta: iContact BE 7.0 beta
The latest stable release is 6.4.5, attached to this post and available on my home page
iContact Burt Edition 6.3 at
Application Files and Skins can also be found at my SkyDrive workspace: iContact Burt Edition at SkyDrive
QVGA Skins for iContact Burt Edition 6.x
VGA Skins for iContact Burt Edition 6.x
Skinning tutorial, including the .skn file options and .png file layout, is available at my home page.
Windows Mobile 5.0 or higher
Phone device
Thanks everyone who helped with beta-testing, I couldn't get so far with iContact without you!
Since I've been asked for a donation link, you can do a donation here (WebMoney only, since PayPal donations do not work for Russia).
Main features:
It's totally free
Finger-friendly contact management
Contact pictures support
Integrated Call History
Favorite Contacts list
Quick jump to contacts by alphabet letters
Filter contacts by categories
Fast and comfortable work even on slow devices, loading time is less than 1.5 seconds for 100 contacts on 200MHz devices
Optional SIM contacts support
Full-scale T9 search
Ability to Call, SMS or E-Mail to a contact
Handy contact details screen
Quick access to standard Outlook's contact viewing or editing dialog
VGA support
Fully skinnable interface. Two QVGA skins included, more skins can be found in my Skin Downloads area or at
Changes since 6.4:
- Fixed drawing of default number in Contact Details (indicator icon placement fixed, DetailsDefaultNumber color used)
- Fixed bug with going to Contact Details from Call Details when call history pictures are disabled (also fixes bug where button 'create contact' was still accessible after creating contact from call details)
- Fixed bug with call not shown in Call History if Get Call History From Database is off and only one call exists in the log
- Fixed list update on adding/removing categories through Outlook Edit Contact window
- Fixed Exit On Action option
Main changes since 6.3.1:
- Huge memory leak bug fixed
- iDialer support, added command-line parameters for iDialer (-favorites, -recents, -contacts, -dialer, -search)
- T9 keyboard polished
- Now it is possible to search by beginnings of words ('T9 Search By Words' option), e.g. 'smi' will find both 'Smith John' and 'John Smith', but not 'Dart Cosmic'
- Other Address and Anniversary added to contact details
- Long tap on Dialer button calls default dialer, short tap calls dialer from settings, if given
- Phone Prefix option now available, allowing to add a prefix to all dialed numbers
- If an external SMS/Mail/Dialer application can not be run, then default app will be called
- Repeats in Call History are now handled properly
- Smart Dialing Number is now OFF by default to avoid ActiveSync synchronization issues
- Smartphone users can now access bottom menu in Details by pressing corresponding numeric key (1 for Back, 2 for View Contact, etc)
- Back key now erases last char in search string on Smartphones
- Background in Details is now drawn gradient for long details too
- Configurator updated to 1.15, now can restart iContact on settings change
- AppToDate support
- No skin changes, you can use the skins from previous release
See full change list in attached Changelog.txt file.
oh wow. a configuration tool to go long with it? icontact is just getting better and better.
A bunch of questions for me from supbro's thread:
zoro007 said:
Herewith the screenshot.
I've changed in icontact.h the font size to 40.
I also changed the item height and some other items.(don't remember)
Hope you can help me make a VGA version .
Thanks anyway !
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Item Details are drawn in DrawItemDetailsOn function inside iContact.cpp file. Action name (Mobile, Email, etc) has a fixed width of 39 pixels, text is right-aligned within this width, so its left side goes off the screen. So huge rework is required to properly support VGA mode. Maybe one day I will put my hands on it...
kwickone said:
When I hit the keyboard icon (far right) to bring up the alphabet, if I hit a letter, the scroll list of names jumps to that letter....great...however, now if I use the D-pad up/down buttons to move down in that letter, it jumps back to the previous location. Hopefully that makes sense. Before I could use the D-Pad buttons and it would stay in the letter that I just jumped to.
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Yep, thanks for report! The fix will be included in the next release.
also this icontact is much slower that supbros.
but i gues its because it can do more. kind of like pocketcm.
oh well i like it so im keeping it.
Well this is what happens when you open source an just keeps getting better and better..too bad its not for WM 2003 users ( currently one of them )
kidnamedAlbert said:
also this icontact is much slower that supbros.
but i gues its because it can do more. kind of like pocketcm.
oh well i like it so im keeping it.
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Could you please tell if it is so even with ShowDialingNumber=0?
Could you please also describe what actions are slower exactly?
I'll try to improve the performance.
burt. your version is AMAZING.. i don't think i could've asked for anything more.
thanks dude.
if i were you.. (or supbro), i'd gather up and go commercial once you finish correcting whatever you have left. (if you have anything to correct).
nir36 said:
burt. your version is AMAZING.. i don't think i could've asked for anything more.
thanks dude.
if i were you.. (or supbro), i'd gather up and go commercial once you finish correcting whatever you have left. (if you have anything to correct).
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Going commercial with an open source app? You don't think someone will come up with a free version that can do the same?
Thanks nice release
Trekvogel said:
Going commercial with an open source app? You don't think someone will come up with a free version that can do the same?
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that is obviously true for every other app in the market.
that's the challenge. you have to keep it so good so that people will want to buy it.
.. just my opinion on the subject.
I seem to have a little buggette -
If I minimize the app in Favourites view, when I restore it, switch to main view and try to use the grid, it freezes. I can only unfreeze it by closing it.
slarti_bartfast said:
I seem to have a little buggette -
If I minimize the app in Favourites view, when I restore it, switch to main view and try to use the grid, it freezes. I can only unfreeze it by closing it.
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Yep, that's a known bug, unfortunatelly I still didn't found the root cause.
Plz make this compatible with WM one is supporting us..plzzz
Truly an amazing addition to an already fantastic app. Nice job!
Hmm gonna try this one out! tnx!
Two bugs I've found so far and it seems to affect both your version and's version too.
When clicking on Favourite it hangs the phone for about 8 seconds. When clicking on Recent calls it hangs the phone for 5 seconds and the icon for the A-Z disappears (reappears again if you click the middle icon).
Feature request. There is no separation of call types (incoming, outgoing and missed). You have to go into each entry to find out what type it is.
Is there any way of having a colored icon on the entry so we can tell quickly what type it is?
Bug in contact details?
Switched to contact details on this version will produce contact info plus many blank lines where there is not supposed to have any lines. Previous be4.0 does not have this problem.
Feature Request
Option to bring up keyboard automatically when started if on the opening screen (I always use that to get to the letter of the person I want to call or lookup).
Great work!
Question \ Feature Request
Is there a way to make iContacts start in Favorites? I call my favorites more than anyone else. I currently have to take an extra step to get to them now, as the application starts in the general contacts list....
If it can't be done currently, could you please add that feature?
HaiLe512 said:
Switched to contact details on this version will produce contact info plus many blank lines where there is not supposed to have any lines. Previous be4.0 does not have this problem.
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Same problem here... will use 4.0 for now.
Feature request: could you change the time displayed at the title bar in 12 hr format as well?
Thanks for the great work!

Cookie's Home Tab 2 - normal bar on bottom

I am relative new to Cookies Home Tab en started with V2 on my HTC TP2.
Is it possible to switch off the special bar/icons on the bottom and get the original ones all the time?
Best regards,
Please here you can ask your question, or read the answer. Don`t start a new tread about cookie.
I agree with ^NEO130^ you shouldn't of started a new thread for this, especially that CHT's official thread is usually on one of the first few pages. But since you have here's the answer..
Install CHT Editor if you don't already have it. Open it and select softkeys. Set "Enable CHT softkeys" to off. Then hit Menu, Apply changes, then exit. You'll probably need to restart sense for it to take.

Question: How to scroll a complex webpage

Hello all,
I'm new here. First post. I hope someone can help me out, please.
I'm looking at a complex web page which has a section on one side which scrolls information in contrast to the main page area which remains static. When I touch the screen and move my finger, it just moves the entire page up, as though it is all one static image.
What setting do I need to change or what add-on do I need to download to allow it to see all the information in this scroll?
The website ends in ".jsp" if that helps...
All help is greatfully appreciated!
Recheck, if javascript is enabled in options(icon top right)>settings>advanced
Try changing UID ( from android to desktop), search for it there are many threads on it, with instructions!
If still vain, Can you share the webpage? Will try a workaround.
Though, I believe, it should show up fine! Without any modifications except for javascript enabled!
Thanks for the reply!
Javascript IS enabled. I didn't have to change it.
Try changing UID ( from android to desktop),
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This instruction, I do not understand. I've looked for a setting but still unsure. Can you elaborate a little, please?
I'm sure there are other threads out there. I had a quick look on this website but saw nothing. I'm not sure what keywords to use to describe what's not happening for me. New to Android...
Unfortunately, I cannot show the website as it is work-related.
Well, here it goes,
type this in browser address bar:
than hit go
new options appear in settings,
Choose debug> uastring> change to desktop
plus rendering normal and disable wide page display, in case it helps.
UID is user identifier> implemented by browsers for web servers to identify the incoming client browser as dektop or mobile device for some good odd reason! Perhaps, ah never mind.
Lastly, try firefox browser from app market if all fails.
I got the bit about Firefox but I'm afraid I couldn't follow the rest.
I typed about:debug and it did nothing I could see. The third time, it took me to some google search results.
I could see nothing in the settings about debug... but then I'm not sur wchich part of the settings you refer to.
I tried installing flash 10.3 but this made no difference.
Does anyone have any ideas on this please?
It isn't suppose to load anything, the page remains same. New "DEBUG" option appear in "settings". Just hit the top right-corner "option" button and go to "settings" than "debug" is that complex?
Type this
press enter
go option>Settings than debug >than uastring> than choose desktop
Well that post isn't complex, but the first one was not spelt out clearly - that's why I asked for clarification.
For some reason, even though I did the above actions the first time, the debug option never appeared. Now this time it worked but either way, selecting desktop has not fixed the main problem as per first post.
Anyone with any other ideas, please let me know. Neither desktop nor flash 10.3 has fixed the problem!!
I cannot scroll down a sub-section on an otherwise fixed web page!
Wasn't spelt correctly? Strange! As both the posts appear same to me the only addition I did in former was add firefox option. Since I can't access the webpage, have no idea about the issue perhaps discussing with your company's IT advisor may help!
"spelt out" - it's a figure of speech. Not to worry...
Yes, the IT advisor is my next option but I've always found certain IT forums have been helpful with IT issues in the past so I thought I would try this one.
Have tried the following site on native android browser, honeycomb 3.1, and all panels scroll very well with touch swipe independently from the main web page. There's a scrolling marquee panel at lower right and its auto-scrolling as meant to. Is your tablet updated to honeycomb 3.1?
mughalgxt said:
Have tried the following site on native android browser, honeycomb 3.1, and all panels scroll very well with touch swipe independently from the main web page. There's a scrolling marquee panel at lower right and its auto-scrolling as meant to. Is your tablet updated to honeycomb 3.1?
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Hi, I've also experienced problems with the built in Android safari based browser and also the Skyfire browser app when perusing this site that has a scrollable text box within the main page. There are days when the content in the scrollable box is large and scrollable. This will cause these two mentioned browsers on Android 3.1 to improperly display the page. (note: if you view it on a day when that list box has a short list of news items and is not scrollable, then the Android browser will display it without scrambling text over text all over the place).
I just checked the site today and it is in a state that will cause the bug.
I downloaded then Opera browser app today and tried this page and it seems to display all the contents on the screen instead of presenting it in a scrollable list box. At least Opera is not over-laying the list contents text over the main page text though. Go try it and see.
Hope they will fix the Android browsers to decode all pages in future update.
try the touchwiz stock rom, the scrambled text or over-laying the list contents text over the main page issue, at the bottom of the page, is completely fixed in android browser owing to samsung's native tweaks!
mughalgxt said:
try the touchwiz stock rom, the scrambled text or over-laying the list contents text over the main page issue, at the bottom of the page, is completely fixed in android browser owing to samsung's native tweaks!
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Hi mughalgxt, what is this [/B]touchwiz stock rom[/B] exactly? I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 locked retail model which I have rooted and have already applied Pershoot's Overclock to 1.4Hhz kernel flash. The tablet is running fine as it except for the mentioned quirks.
Will overlaying this [/B]touchwiz stock rom[/B] directly on top of my already modified kernel and rooting mods upset anything?
Do you have a direct link you can provide here to get the exact version of this [/B]touchwiz stock rom[/B] that you recommended?
Edit Update: I just read a bit on that touchwiz stock rom modification and I does not seem perfect enough for me to risk messing up my tablet environment right now. I will wait for Samsung to release an official version for my Wi-Fi only tab 10.1.
Thank You!
[stock][eur]touchwiz rom, its directly from samsung, unmodded, on android development page posted by me! The browser displays the complex webpages unscrambled! The only notable issue is the UAstring! It tends to return to android mode from desktop on reboot! I have failed to note any notable speed boost from 1 to 1.4ghz overclocking more prone to freezes so far!Like to remain stock! If browser is your main priority than gotta try the stock rom and may revert back!

Nexus 10 themes and search

Hello I have by one day the Nexus 10 is amazing just I have maybe an easy questions but Maybe you k o:
1.-I have an amazon kindle and it has a search button to look for applications installed inside the device and easily you can find anything if you have tons of apps. Now the question in Nexus 10 is there a way to search for applications installed inside the device? I tried to use the search options but all jump me to google in internet not inside the device. And I ask because try to find applications via icons wjen you have so many is very hard.
2.-Someone can suggest me good themes animated or non animated to look for or buy?
Thank you
Just by tapping the icon, that looks like a circle with a grid of 6 small squares, you will bring up a full screen of app icons (likely multiple pages worth) in one tab "Apps" and the other tab "widgets". Collectively those two tabs display are all the software apps you have installed on your tablet.
Also start the Google Play store app and from there you can tap the icon with a down arrow ending in a short line (top right side) and it will display a screen with two tabs "Installed" and "All". The "Install" list of apps are all the software you installed from the Google Play store.
Thank you for answer.
3DSammy said:
Just by tapping the icon, that looks like a circle with a grid of 6 small squares, you will bring up a full screen of app icons (likely multiple pages worth) in one tab "Apps" and the other tab "widgets". Collectively those two tabs display are all the software apps you have installed on your tablet.
Also start the Google Play store app and from there you can tap the icon with a down arrow ending in a short line (top right side) and it will display a screen with two tabs "Installed" and "All". The "Install" list of apps are all the software you installed from the Google Play store.
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Thank you for answer. I did what you said but really I mean a search button or maybe one application to look for specific apps inside all I have installed, because I see all the apps but going between pages and icons I'm lost trying to find for specific application. Any way to search for a specific app in Nexus 10. For example the iPad, iPhone or in general iOs if you press twice the home appears a search to look for a specific application to avoid go between pages and lost. The kindle in the main post I said has similar, it has a little search applicatin and with that application you can find an app easily and avoid to read pages and pages an icons. Is there a way similar than that in Nexus 10?
Note: The search application in Nexus 10 only redirects me to web and find on google for Internet topics, this is different of what I want like you see.
Any suggestion?
Thank you
Google now tablet search
field3d said:
Thank you for answer. I did what you said but really I mean a search button or maybe one application to look for specific apps inside all I have installed, because I see all the apps but going between pages and icons I'm lost trying to find for specific application. Any way to search for a specific app in Nexus 10. For example the iPad, iPhone or in general iOs if you press twice the home appears a search to look for a specific application to avoid go between pages and lost. The kindle in the main post I said has similar, it has a little search applicatin and with that application you can find an app easily and avoid to read pages and pages an icons. Is there a way similar than that in Nexus 10?
Note: The search application in Nexus 10 only redirects me to web and find on google for Internet topics, this is different of what I want like you see.
Any suggestion?
Thank you
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Swipe up from your home button start making a search but don't press enter .. You will see search results plus an option to search tablet
Thank you
SWOriginal said:
Swipe up from your home button start making a search but don't press enter .. You will see search results plus an option to search tablet
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Is what I needed. Thank you
I love, Is what I needed.


New and improved GMod!
Custom location picker, inbox filters, backup/restore chats, bulk chat erase, grid layout, profile history, and more!
Please note that each release of GMod is specifically tied to a particular range of versions of the app. Each release will be guaranteed to function only with the specified versions of the app.
This release is compatible with version 5.6.0 - 5.13.2 (Skipped 5.12.0)
Custom location picker with favorites
Optional persistent statusbar notification
Selectable 2, 3, 4 or 5-column grid layout
Individual control over notification sounds
Retain chats from blocked profiles
Option to show social media icons on the profile bar (long tap to copy username to clipboard)
Smaller "send location" button to prevent accidental sending location
Send on SHIFT+ENTER in chat text field (for WifiKeyboard)
Optional GPS Accuracy overlay on cascade
Darken the bottom button bar in chat view
Double-tap to clear text field in chat
Map overlay option on cascade*
Option to replace "Fresh Faces" with Profile History (long-tap "profile history" to clear the history)**
Bulk chat erase***
Undo the last cascade refresh by long-tapping the home tab (not for Xtra with unlimited cascade!)
Advanced inbox filters: filter by online users, received photos, blocks, search term, has profile photos, ads, one-sided chats
Received photos indicator (camera icon) option for chat inbox (tap on icon to open received photos)
Option to set the minimum GPS accuracy level to avoid registering a precise location
Option to disable sending Taps on single-tap (Prevent sending accidental taps)
Sort Cascade, Favorites or Explore page by online users (show online users first)
Remove photos sent by other users by long-tapping the photo in the chat screen
Long-tap social media icons to display username and copy to clipboard
Disable automatic deletion of older chats (truncate chats)
Disable smooth scroll to top for chat inbox (get to the top more quickly)
Inverse filters allow you to filter by "not blocked" users as well as users who have sent/received photos
Custom notification sounds. Tap the "Android" selection to open the Ringtone Picker.
Bulk tap erase (long tap on inbox tab while viewing taps)
Backup/Restore chats locally or to Google Drive
Disable Fresh Faces
Delete conversation from chat screen
Auto-generate profile display names for blank profiles
*NEW* Show message count on Inbox tab (can be disabled in module settings)
*Tapping on the GPS Accuracy text will display your current location as an overlay in the upper-left corner of the cascade.
**To view profile history, replace "Fresh Faces" with Profile History in module settings. Clear the profile history by long-tapping on the "PROFILE HISTORY" title.
***Long-tap the inbox tab to bring up a dialog giving you the option to bulk-erase one-sided chats before a certain date. You can also clear ALL chats at once. Bulk chat operations will respect currently set inbox filters.
Like my work? Please consider donating!
NOTE: This module does NOT unlock any paid features!! It does NOT allow you to view more guys than what your subscription allows. It merely fits more profiles on the display at once by increasing the number of columns
in the grid.
Works for both free Grindr and GrindrXtra.
Disclaimer: This module is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the official Grindr app. It is provided for free with no warranty of any kind. Use at your own risk! I am not responsible for lost chats, user data, or any other problems incurred from the use of this module. GMod does not collect any personal information nor does it display advertisements of any kind. No revenue is generated or collected from the use of this software.
Are you the same guy who made the old grindrmod?
How this work?
It's good like "old" version?
So far works great, thanks! Is there anything new we should be aware of coming from the other version?
A couple of things :
- I do notice that not all profiles with chats have the orange border.
- would it be possible to add swipe across screens (I think previous version of app or mod had this)?
Thanks and great job!
Everytime it's opened, it can't get a location as 'I have no Internet connection' apparently, when obviously I have.
willysmith said:
So far works great, thanks! Is there anything new we should be aware of coming from the other version?
A couple of things :
- I do notice that not all profiles with chats have the orange border.
- would it be possible to add swipe across screens (I think previous version of app or mod had this)?
Thanks and great job!
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There is a paid feature now which too closely matches the active chats border, so it has been removed.
GrindrGuyNYC said:
There is a paid feature now which too closely matches the active chats border, so it has been removed.
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The mod introduced that far before the app did. One might argue that they took it and monetized it from @GrindrGuy. Does this mean that if the app starts mimicking other features introduced by the mod to monetize from them that the mod will just start taking them away? Nah, I'm against this move... You and GrindrGuy ultimately decide, but I wanted to share my two cents.
willysmith said:
The mod introduced that far before the app did. One might argue that they took it and monetized it from @GrindrGuy. Does this mean that if the app starts mimicking other features introduced by the mod to monetize from them that the mod will just start taking them away? Nah, I'm against this move... You and GrindrGuy ultimately decide, but I wanted to share my two cents.
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If you want to get "super technical" about it, this feature was introduced years ago in the original app but taken away around v3.0.
EDIT: Since I do not have Grindr Xtra, if someone would like to actually send me screenshots of what this feature looks like, I may be able to re-work it so that the module provides a similar feature that is not a direct replica of the paid feature.
I found a bug.
If i see a fresh face and hi back, module ask ne to "undo last refresh"
GrindrGuyNYC said:
If you want to get "super technical" about it, this feature was introduced years ago in the original app but taken away around v3.0.
EDIT: Since I do not have Grindr Xtra, if someone would like to actually send me screenshots of what this feature looks like, I may be able to re-work it so that the module provides a similar feature that is not a direct replica of the paid feature.
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Oh, wow - didn't know that! Here I thought @GrindrGuy was the genius behind it!
Don't have Xtra, but something to bring back that function making it different enough might be to have a little circle with counter in it: currently app gives you a yellow circle with the number of new messages. You could play with that idea: just a yellow dot if there are viewed messages, or include the number (?).
Along the same lines, I have a suggestion: In my area you often get a few users who don't upload a photo and you just see the generic black profile pic with no user name. Would there be any harm / Would it be possible to give those profiles a random name (user1123) so as to know which user is which?
I'm still used to swiping left/right to switch between profiles and inbox. It's annoying you actually have to tap on those now. Dunno if you can revert that behavior.
Say you're chatting with someone and you want to go back to "nearby" view. you have to go back and then tap on "nearby". It might be interesting to have that navigation bar with nearby/inbox/favs persistant throughout the app, with it autohiding and showing back up when you scroll down. This way there's an easy way to always go back to home, and we also always see if there's a new message notification.
Another suggestion I had way back when was to further customize this navbar: for example, I'd love to order it to have first favs, then nearby, then inbox, and being able to swipe between the views. At this point it might also be nice to have the option of having the navbar either on the (new) bottom or (old) top.
Sorry for the long post! Thanks for your efforts, and it's also fun to think about UI design like this!
willysmith said:
Oh, wow - didn't know that! Here I thought @GrindrGuy was the genius behind it!
Don't have Xtra, but something to bring back that function making it different enough might be to have a little circle with counter in it: currently app gives you a yellow circle with the number of new messages. You could play with that idea: just a yellow dot if there are viewed messages, or include the number (?).
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That's actually how the GrindrMod feature used to work, by "hijacking" the unread messages count to always display the yellow border regardless of whether the messages were unread or not.
willysmith said:
Along the same lines, I have a suggestion: In my area you often get a few users who don't upload a photo and you just see the generic black profile pic with no user name. Would there be any harm / Would it be possible to give those profiles a random name (user1123) so as to know which user is which?
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That's a really good idea.
willysmith said:
I'm still used to swiping left/right to switch between profiles and inbox. It's annoying you actually have to tap on those now. Dunno if you can revert that behavior.
Say you're chatting with someone and you want to go back to "nearby" view. you have to go back and then tap on "nearby". It might be interesting to have that navigation bar with nearby/inbox/favs persistant throughout the app, with it autohiding and showing back up when you scroll down. This way there's an easy way to always go back to home, and we also always see if there's a new message notification.
Another suggestion I had way back when was to further customize this navbar: for example, I'd love to order it to have first favs, then nearby, then inbox, and being able to swipe between the views. At this point it might also be nice to have the option of having the navbar either on the (new) bottom or (old) top.
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I'd rather not alter the UI to that extent since there may be some underlying reason for them changing it in the first place (one person suggested that the toolbar was moved to the bottom in order to encourage accidental clicks on the banner ads).
willysmith said:
Sorry for the long post! Thanks for your efforts, and it's also fun to think about UI design like this!
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No problem. Thanks for the suggestions!
From today Grindr crash after some seconds, but no problem without the module.
How can I send a log?
Inviato dal mio ONEPLUS A3003 utilizzando Tapatalk
Take my money!
Looks like the app attachment was removed from this thread? I'm running 3.24.x or something just so Grindrmod will work. I'm being told when I open Grindr that I can only use that version for two more days until it is mandatory that I update to the latest version. At which point grindrmod will not work.
So, I'm looking forward to an update =_=
typhoonikan said:
Take my money!
Looks like the app attachment was removed from this thread? I'm running 3.24.x or something just so Grindrmod will work. I'm being told when I open Grindr that I can only use that version for two more days until it is mandatory that I update to the latest version. At which point grindrmod will not work.
So, I'm looking forward to an update =_=
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The NEW GrindrMod is available in the Xposed repository.
Preserve block state with chat backup
GrindrGuyNYC said:
The NEW GrindrMod is available in the Xposed repository.
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Thanks! I didn't know it was a whole new app there. The links to it seem dead in the xda app with the xposed modules.
@GrindrGuyNYC, is it possible to amend the photo viewer activity (when tapping on a profile picture) to always show the Android soft-keys? Every time I tap on a profile photo to open it, I have to swipe up to show the soft-keys to go back. Starts getting annoying really fast. Thanks.
PS. GrindrMod isn't listed on Xposed module library when I check in Xposed Installer (I use the one by DVDAndroid). I had to go to the repo online to download and install manually.
badelie said:
@GrindrGuyNYC, is it possible to amend the photo viewer activity (when tapping on a profile picture) to always show the Android soft-keys? Every time I tap on a profile photo to open it, I have to swipe up to show the soft-keys to go back. Starts getting annoying really fast. Thanks.
PS. GrindrMod isn't listed on Xposed module library when I check in Xposed Installer (I use the one by DVDAndroid). I had to go to the repo online to download and install manually.
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I see it just fine in the official Xposed Installer.
@GrindrGuyNYC I'm on oreo 8.1 with systemless xposed.
The module won't show in notification bar even if I choose show always.
Another bug (on nougat too, with "standard" xposed) is if I swipe or open a new profile module ask me to undo last refresh.

