Cookie's Home Tab 2 - normal bar on bottom - Windows Mobile Apps and Games

I am relative new to Cookies Home Tab en started with V2 on my HTC TP2.
Is it possible to switch off the special bar/icons on the bottom and get the original ones all the time?
Best regards,
Please here you can ask your question, or read the answer. Don`t start a new tread about cookie.

I agree with ^NEO130^ you shouldn't of started a new thread for this, especially that CHT's official thread is usually on one of the first few pages. But since you have here's the answer..
Install CHT Editor if you don't already have it. Open it and select softkeys. Set "Enable CHT softkeys" to off. Then hit Menu, Apply changes, then exit. You'll probably need to restart sense for it to take.


Change today items

Hi All,
I am not sure if I am too dump or if it really does not work also the saerch function in the forum did not give any threads for that.
I want to change the items on the today screen. But I get only a small choice of the actual installed programs.
So how can I put program icons or shortcuts on the screen (not on the pull down menu under start.)
I flashed the dopod WM6 HK english on it.
Thanks in advanced
cheers iso
Only thing i can think of is HTC Home Plugin, which has a laucher tab (9 spots). Try it out.

Add tab to home screen tabs

Good morning, I would add a tab but if not too much to ask if
the registration of a win if there aluna
place such as the messenger tab
Thanks in advance.
place such as the messenger tab
Wow that's next to impossible to understand.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you are asking for somebody to make you a Messenger tab?
i think what he wants to ask is whether there is any way to add tabs of your choice to the home screen tabs (apart from the ones already there). i was wondering the same thing a few hours ago but then it slipped my mind...
as far as i know, i have seen different sets of tabs only in cooked roms (like cleanex maxi and mini). not sure if they can be added by any simple means like cab installation, reg hack (like the 3g/2g comm manager hack) etc

[Q] Independent dock with CHT

Hi, hope this is the right sub forum to post this in. Did some searching.. but didnt find anything usefull.
I am using stock rom with CHT editor and CHT 2.0, when i am editing my look of the home page i want the home page to appear with no dock, but when i go to the left or right i want to have a dock, is this possible? As it is now when i add a dock its the same on all three pages, and when i make a change to it the change apply for all docks on screen. I know a could use freelinks to correct this, but 2 independent docks would be awesome. Did i miss something?
Thanks for any replies.
iNzzane said:
Hi, hope this is the right sub forum to post this in. Did some searching.. but didnt find anything usefull.
I am using stock rom with CHT editor and CHT 2.0, when i am editing my look of the home page i want the home page to appear with no dock, but when i go to the left or right i want to have a dock, is this possible? As it is now when i add a dock its the same on all three pages, and when i make a change to it the change apply for all docks on screen. I know a could use freelinks to correct this, but 2 independent docks would be awesome. Did i miss something?
Thanks for any replies.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Do you mean Clock (Klokken)
Noop, dock.. or maybe i should call it quicklinks.. shortcuts or whatever. haha, just got the impression it was called a dock.
Snarveiene som er i rutenettet..

[Q] Rom Theme Question Energy

Hey Guys/Gals
Im still getting into the whole fuss and fun of playing aorund with my ROM on my HD2 and recently upgraded to the newest version (Nov10->Feb11) and am not sure how to actually get some of the settings/display back to how it previously was (getting used to it and all )
I installed on my HD2 and noticed the image on the far left (Lock screen) is how i remember it but for the life of my i cant seem to get it back to how it looked...
I have the left right scoll option but just cant seem to find the setting to push/change to get it back to how it once was
I know its a basic question and option but i liked the options of having all the call/sms history with the swipe down then password layout.
I noticed that there have been Scene updates over the 2010/2011 change and im starting to think its been changed over with them... Does anyone know of an history section mabey with the last/pre scene release?
Currently i have installed
Did you try and/or check all the options of CHT?
For the lockscreen, you have several options which you´ll find in CHTE.
If you´re not familiar with the great CHT solution and its editor, please check out the introduction in the original thread. All this is cooked into the ROM you´re using.
I was having a play around with it but before i flashed i was able to use the pin number option and still have the slide down to unlock...
This image shows the diffrences which are between the image and my phone with the rom...
THe more i look at it the more i think i wont be able to bring the settings back i think
The editor has 3 options and the one whihc looks the closest if the HD mini but still does not allow for pincodes so i read...
the lockscreen you are showing is the android lockscreen that is part of the rom. it is not the CHT lockscreen (though CHT has an android option as well.)
fyi, energy rom has 2 lockscreens - windows and android (part of all roms, whether CHT is present or not).
to use this make sure CHT lockscreen is disabled. then go to settings > other > change lockscreen. it will prompt you that it will soft reset and give you a message about what screen it will change to. i believe, as this is not CHT, you can use a pin code without a problem.
also, for future, this type of question would be best in the Energy rom thread - really people there would help you quite quickly.
jsmccabe78 said:
to use this make sure CHT lockscreen is disabled. then go to settings > other > change lockscreen. it will prompt you that it will soft reset and give you a message about what screen it will change to. i believe, as this is not CHT, you can use a pin code without a problem.
also, for future, this type of question would be best in the Energy rom thread - really people there would help you quite quickly.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
CHT is disabled and there is no "Other" option in the settings panel
I dont think it allowed me to post in there when i first tried but it seems to let me now :S
go to settings on the manila slider (not via the start menu).
then go to Other (miscellaneous). you will see change lock screen.
this is standard on energy roms (i have the same rom as you.)
and i forgot about the new user rules and posting; apologies.
Options i have is
AGPS Settings
Car Kit Mode
Start Menu Layout Switch
Format SD CArd
Device Info
Wide Device
Get Carrier Time
SMS Threading
Keylock Settings {Only allows me to set passwords and nothing else}
Location Setting
Autodata COnfig
No lock screen settings
hmm. in the FAQ of the rom i see:
Q: How can I Revert back to Original WM LockScreen instead of the Android one?
A1: Start -> Settings -> Personal -> Switch Lockscreens.
does this work (it will switch between the 2)?
Fixed it !!! Needed 28244
Ok well i fixed it... (watched a youtube vid where they mentioned the bottom bottons showing onbly in 6.5.x not the std 6.5 and that lead me to the description stating the 6.5.x)
Seems the rom u have installed is 28244 were i had 21916...
Installed 28244 and it looks just like it did before lock screen and all eve the buttons on the bottom
So ill know now for future now which one to install
Its a shame its midnight now and i have to resetup my phone
All is well now..
Also i see our Lock Screen options now, using 28244
ya know, i saw that but thought his 6.5 roms had that option (never had used them though.) glad it is working.
and for next flash, look into xda_uc (i use xda_uc_net)...with CHTS...saves time and you are up and running in 20 minutes or so.

[Q][REQUEST] notification app?

Let me preface this by saying I have already searched multiple threads and spent 2+ hours on google to find an answer.
I am looking for a notification app like htc notification that will work with my lg incite (wqvga). I have tried the many ports of htc notification and they all either dont work at all or work but take over my entire taskbar so I cannot press the start button or press x to close a app.
Any suggestions?
Bump! Anybody?
What you want is an utility called ArkSwitch. Once you install it launch it, then goto Menu Options -> Activation field.
From here you can set the placement and the size of the field.
ArkSwitch is a task manager ; I am looking for a notification manager that is full screen and finger friendly. It does not have to launch on tapping the taskbar (but that would be nice) ; I just want a finger friendly way to veiw/dismiss my notifications.
Are you on WM 6.1? An upgrade to 6.5 alone might get you what you want. There are a few custom 6.1 & 6.5 ROMs & kitchens available, perhaps one of them has what you want cooked in. Theoretically, if you know what you're doing & have the right files, you could even cook your own ROM with the features you want. But if you've never cooked a ROM before, that's probably not the best path. Keep in mind, I don't have or know anything about the Incite.
Have you tried FingerSuite?
Alternately, maybe QuickMenu would work on top of the solutions you say take over your taskbar.
Finally, take a look at this thread, but I don't think it'll all work on WM 6.1. It's been a long time, but the "HTC Menu Enhancement Loader" linked in that thread may be enough on it's own. Also, this hack may give you more options for how long you can snooze reminders (but on top of a bunch of other hacks, it may not work, probably only for 6.5).
I don't have a computer running xp or 7- I'm stuck on vista so rom update is out of the question. None of those versions of htc notifications seem to work with 6.1 or wqvga. I guess the program I am looking for does not exist.
I am thinking I could use second today and ultimate launch together to sorta-kinda make a system that would work if I could find some nice looking notification plugins.
Any suggestions on this or other programs that might work would be appreciated!
Sorry, I don't know much about today plugins. iPhoneToday is popular, but I've never used it & don't know it's capabilities. Other than finding another pc to flash from, I guess google is your best option.

