[Q] Independent dock with CHT - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, hope this is the right sub forum to post this in. Did some searching.. but didnt find anything usefull.
I am using stock rom with CHT editor and CHT 2.0, when i am editing my look of the home page i want the home page to appear with no dock, but when i go to the left or right i want to have a dock, is this possible? As it is now when i add a dock its the same on all three pages, and when i make a change to it the change apply for all docks on screen. I know a could use freelinks to correct this, but 2 independent docks would be awesome. Did i miss something?
Thanks for any replies.

iNzzane said:
Hi, hope this is the right sub forum to post this in. Did some searching.. but didnt find anything usefull.
I am using stock rom with CHT editor and CHT 2.0, when i am editing my look of the home page i want the home page to appear with no dock, but when i go to the left or right i want to have a dock, is this possible? As it is now when i add a dock its the same on all three pages, and when i make a change to it the change apply for all docks on screen. I know a could use freelinks to correct this, but 2 independent docks would be awesome. Did i miss something?
Thanks for any replies.
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Do you mean Clock (Klokken)

Noop, dock.. or maybe i should call it quicklinks.. shortcuts or whatever. haha, just got the impression it was called a dock.
Snarveiene som er i rutenettet..


[Q](Sprint) Flip Clock Re-Flip on View

I spend most of my time over on ppcgeeks but can't seem to find a person who knows what I need to do to get this to work.
I've heard on the Vodafone TP roms that the flip clock resets to 0:00 and flips again every time you go to the home tab. Well, I want to see my flip clock flip... Any way for me to make that happen for the Sprint flip clock as well?
Or does anyone know which manila files control the behavior of the clock? I'll go change them myself and learn something in the process, I just don't know where to begin.
ShadowDrake said:
I spend most of my time over on ppcgeeks but can't seem to find a person who knows what I need to do to get this to work.
I've heard on the Vodafone TP roms that the flip clock resets to 0:00 and flips again every time you go to the home tab. Well, I want to see my flip clock flip... Any way for me to make that happen for the Sprint flip clock as well?
Or does anyone know which manila files control the behavior of the clock? I'll go change them myself and learn something in the process, I just don't know where to begin.
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Here are my Favs for TF3D. You will find what you are looking for if you search for it. From these links you can learn about Manila... I did anyway.
** I recommend starting here if you want to learn the file system first: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=414861
The rest are good links to download others work and "inspect" it. What I did is download a clock for example and then decompile the cab to see what files it held. From there i knew that those files represented feature / function X. Pretty simple revers engineering.
Good luck to you.
this occurs on the tmobile one too...
extract the 1c684cd8_manila
from the tmobile theme... and put into another windows directory for your use... might need to change colors, but w/e
I really want this as well. please let me know if I can be of any help and we can get this done. I haven't dealt with manilla files. But, have experience in programming..
Can't wait to accomplish this.
P.S. I noticed that the "Original HTC Black" theme posted here on xda-dev under Diamond - Themes, Application has this behavior that we are looking for. If we can only figure out what exact files do we need from there...
Here is the link for the HTC Black theme thread.
With this theme installed using TF3D Config, I get the desired behavior that you are looking for ( clock flips from 0:00 to current time every time you switch to the home tab. )
If you can install this theme and then figure out what manilla files control this behavior, you/we will be golden. From there, we can just copy those files to an external storage, hard reset the phone and then copy those files over the original rom manilla files.
Here is 1c684cd8_manila from a version of manila that I know does the flip from 00:00 to current whenever returning to the home page. If creedin is correct about which manila file controls that behavior, then this should work. I haven't tried it though so I have no idea if it will actually do anything.
Nope. I just tried over-writing the 1c684cd8_manila file. Did not work. Home tab was completely empty....
jdegroot said:
Nope. I just tried over-writing the 1c684cd8_manila file. Did not work. Home tab was completely empty....
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the original black theme links doesn't work. if you can send me a link that works i will find the manilla files need it and do it for you. i want the theme for myself too!
jdegroot said:
Nope. I just tried over-writing the 1c684cd8_manila file. Did not work. Home tab was completely empty....
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yea, that file controls the clock, but the theme maps the home tab, so youd have to copy all the files from a theme with the home tab that flips, then replace all of theme, make sure it works then customize to your theme
I'm using the white flip clock from here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=584746&postcount=59
jdegroot said:
I'm using the white flip clock from here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=584746&postcount=59
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I don't have the phone with me right now. Can someone please confirm that this white flip clock shows the behavior we are looking for i.e. flips from 0:00 to the current time every time we switch from any other tab to the home tab.
iamtexasmade said:
the original black theme links doesn't work. if you can send me a link that works i will find the manilla files need it and do it for you. i want the theme for myself too!
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Here is the link for HTC Black Theme that works:
Can't wait to find out what manilla files are needed to be copied to get the desired behavior.
Does anyone here know if this might use more memory??
i changed mine to the regular flip clock and its still smooth
isnt this why Sprint and AT&T chose to go with a nonflip clock?
i just downloaded the theme i'm going to check it out. for some reason i had to rename it from a .theme to .zip so i can see all of the files and look at the code. the regular flip white cab earlier didn't have the effect that we were looking for tho.
the black theme didn't re-flip for me, even after i restored to factory settings
Any progress on this?
Finally found a thread that was working on addressing this issue. Doesn't look like anyone has figured it out yet though :-(
I'm interested, so that I can have my glass clock flip back to 0:00 every time i hit the home button
+1 on this

Cookie's Home Tab 2 - normal bar on bottom

I am relative new to Cookies Home Tab en started with V2 on my HTC TP2.
Is it possible to switch off the special bar/icons on the bottom and get the original ones all the time?
Best regards,
Please here you can ask your question, or read the answer. Don`t start a new tread about cookie.
I agree with ^NEO130^ you shouldn't of started a new thread for this, especially that CHT's official thread is usually on one of the first few pages. But since you have here's the answer..
Install CHT Editor if you don't already have it. Open it and select softkeys. Set "Enable CHT softkeys" to off. Then hit Menu, Apply changes, then exit. You'll probably need to restart sense for it to take.

[Q] Is there any ways to change the layout on the touchwiz???

on stock SGS2 touchwiz on the dock I don't need the Contact icon is there anyway to replace the dock icons???
open the app menu, go into edit mode, drag new item ontop of dock item you want to replace.
you should check out the faq located here
Also another nice thread that has some features/tips/tricks
Im assuming your new to the sgs2 so theres a nice place to get info. Hopefully this helps.
Thanks guys...
Does anyone know a way to put the "Applications" icon in the middle on the dock for touchwiz 4.5?
I tried all I could think of but it just won't move from the far right side.

[Q] Is there a way to make a stationary widget?

What I'm talking about is a widget that is stationary in one position on the screen no matter where you scroll on your homescreens. I know these already exist in some themes in themer but I do not know how to create a custom one. Can anyone help out? Or is this impossible? Thanks.
kevinyoki said:
What I'm talking about is a widget that is stationary in one position on the screen no matter where you scroll on your homescreens. I know these already exist in some themes in themer but I do not know how to create a custom one. Can anyone help out? Or is this impossible? Thanks.
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Which themes are referring to? It might just be an optical illusion This feature is on our to-do list though...
ThemerSupport said:
Which themes are referring to? It might just be an optical illusion This feature is on our to-do list though...
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I see. I was referring to those themes which had the stationary dock on the bottom and I thought those were widgets. Thanks anyway
kevinyoki said:
I see. I was referring to those themes which had the stationary dock on the bottom and I thought those were widgets. Thanks anyway
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Hi made when I make my wallpapers for my themes I add the icons for the dock apps then using ether the everything widget or themer zooper for hotspots.
To do this add a shape over the top of a icon and set to the same size as the icon and make the shape transparent and add the matching hotspot
All the best
Sent from my RAZR I screen to your screen using a strange thing known as the world wide web
I think he means where the scroll bar at the bottom remains static,here's how to do it
go to browse themes and select settings
in settings click advanced,then click dock
in these settings select show dock
go back to your home screen and drag the icons you want to stay to the dock area and there you have it
your icons now appear to remain
hope this helps
Thanks for the tips guys. going into more detail I was actually going to slightly edit an existing theme and add stationary text near the top of the screen. I think for that dj's method works so thanks for that.
I have never seen those widgets but I want to use them. Can you give me a link to it?

BT widget

How/where can I get one? I need it on my home screen. I have XtroLite 1.2.2. The BT widget should open the BT settings. Thank you.
jb_alphamale said:
How/where can I get one? I need it on my home screen. I have XtroLite 1.2.2. The BT widget should open the BT settings. Thank you.
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Not the place to post questions. How about Playstore. Bluetooth Widget....
I don't agree with you. This is the the theming and apps forum for GS S5. A widget is part of a theme or an app so I do consider that this is the right place. Anyways, thank you. I found in the Play store what I needed.
Moderators, if you find my post not appropriate for this forum please move it or delete it. Thank you.
Docmjldds said:
Not the place to post questions. How about Playstore. Bluetooth Widget....
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jb_alphamale said:
I don't agree with you. This is the the theming and apps forum for GS S5. A widget is part of a theme or an app so I do consider that this is the right place. Anyways, thank you. I found in the Play store what I needed.
Moderators, if you find my post not appropriate for this forum please move it or delete it. Thank you.
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Sorry you don't agree. But again...in any case a lot of useless posts being posted in lieu of using Google...your best friend or simply search the Forum posts. My 2c. Happy to have helped.
With all due respect for the fact that you have 10 times more posts than me and without rambling about the free internet and expression I'm going to say only that. This is a moderated forum and would be nice if only moderators can judge and act if this is a useless post or not.
By the way do you know how to resize a widget which is fixed and Nova cannot resize it. It is labeled as 1x1 but it way bigger than the other widgets (playstore - widget bluetooth by greenlos).
Thanks and have a good one.
Docmjldds said:
Sorry you don't agree. But again...in any case a lot of useless posts being posted in lieu of using Google...your best friend or simply search the Forum posts. My 2c. Happy to have helped.
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jb_alphamale said:
With all due respect for the fact that you have 10 times more posts than me and without rambling about the free internet and expression I'm going to say only that. This is a moderated forum and would be nice if only moderators can judge and act if this is a useless post or not.
By the way do you know how to resize a widget which is fixed and Nova cannot resize it. It is labeled as 1x1 but it way bigger than the other widgets (playstore - widget bluetooth by greenlos).
Thanks and have a good one.
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I'm not here to judge. I'm here to help. Let's start over. The KISS method. Keep it simple (I won't say the last, since it wasn't intended)
Instead of a widget per se, how about a shortcut. Go to your widgets and look at settings shortcuts and simply create a shortcut to Bluetooth. That should work. That should give you the same size as all your icons I would think. I use this method a lot, such as direct message or direct phone call shortcuts to certain contacts I want immediate access to, instead of opening a phone app or a message app. In nova, you can drag down to the dock too. Hope that helps.....Sorry again if you took my posts the wrong way. Not here to judge.
No worries. I didn't take it personally. We're all good.
Well the KISS method didn't work. The Bluetooth Widget from Playstore installed as a widget. I cannot find it in the apps drawer nor in the shortcuts list. It is only available through the widgets list. This widget has a double function which I like it. One tap turns on/off BT and double tab enters the settings for BT but unfortunately it is double in size than the others and it looks really ugly. Nova does not give me the option to edit it so I cannot change the icon with another one. I may have to look for another option.
Thanks for your help.
Docmjldds said:
I'm not here to judge. I'm here to help. Let's start over. The KISS method. Keep it simple (I won't say the last, since it wasn't intended)
Instead of a widget per se, how about a shortcut. Go to your widgets and look at settings shortcuts and simply create a shortcut to Bluetooth. That should work. That should give you the same size as all your icons I would think. I use this method a lot, such as direct message or direct phone call shortcuts to certain contacts I want immediate access to, instead of opening a phone app or a message app. In nova, you can drag down to the dock too. Hope that helps.....Sorry again if you took my posts the wrong way. Not here to judge.
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jb_alphamale said:
No worries. I didn't take it personally. We're all good.
Well the KISS method didn't work. The Bluetooth Widget from Playstore installed as a widget. I cannot find it in the apps drawer nor in the shortcuts list. It is only available through the widgets list. This widget has a double function which I like it. One tap turns on/off BT and double tab enters the settings for BT but unfortunately it is double in size than the others and it looks really ugly. Nova does not give me the option to edit it so I cannot change the icon with another one. I may have to look for another option.
Thanks for your help.
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You misunderstand what I suggested. Let me open Nove and give you step by step. IOW...you don't have to use the Playstore widget. You use a direct shortcut setting instead.
EDIT: I have Nova Prime, but the XNote ROM is acting weird. I can use TW launcher, create a shortcut looking at the widget selections to Settings:Bluetooth and that works. IOW go to the settings choice and then all the various settings choices open up. Choose BT and then you have a direct shortcut to BT on your desktop. Yeah it's nice the single tap vs double tap the playstore app gave you, but you can't resize the 1x1 unless you get into editing the widget itself, and I won't go there here. But with Nova, you long press the screen and choose shorcuts, then settings then BT and I get app isn't installed? Weird.
I didn't.
If I can find a shortcut to the BT settings would be great but I tried and got permission denied.
The reason why I'm looking for this kind of widget with double function is that I have all the time BT devices around me (10-15 all in total). They're everywhere and accessing through settings takes one more click and I also have the problem that I don't associate visually the settings icon right away with BT so I'm going all over the place for it.
You're right though. Finding a way to place a shortcut on the home screen is easier than modifying the apps icon size and shape.
Another solution would be if i can find a way to create a shortcut for the BT quick setting.
Docmjldds said:
You misunderstand what I suggested. Let me open Nove and give you step by step. IOW...you don't have to use the Playstore widget. You use a direct shortcut setting instead.
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jb_alphamale said:
I didn't.
If I can find a shortcut to the BT settings would be great but I tried and got access denied.
The reason why I'm looking for this kind of widget with double function is that I have all the time BT devices around me (10-15 all in total). They're everywhere and accessing through settings takes one more click and I also have the problem that I don't associate visually the settings icon right away with BT so I'm going all over the place for it.
You're right though. Finding a way to place a shortcut on the home screen is easier than modifying the apps icon size and shape.
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Touch wiz launcher lets me do this. Nova doesn't and Holo doesn't. Try what I say to see. In settings change default launcher back to Touch Wiz. Then scroll the widgets for settings. Open that up and create a desktop BT shortcut. You should see all your devices simply opening that up. I don't know why the other launchers are creating havoc. Guess it's a Kit Kat thing. Don't know.
Edit: Hang on...I think I May have a fix., It is a KK thing that google messed around with permissions. Testing something.....
Thank you. We'll do.
Docmjldds said:
Touch wiz launcher lets me do this. Nova doesn't and Holo doesn't. Try what I say to see. In settings change default launcher back to Touch Wiz. Then scroll the widgets for settings. Open that up and create a desktop BT shortcut. You should see all your devices simply opening that up. I don't know why the other launchers are creating havoc. Guess it's a Kit Kat thing. Don't know.
Edit: Hang on...I think I May have a fix., It is a KK thing that google messed around with permissions. Testing something.....
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jb_alphamale said:
Thank you. We'll do.
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Didn't work. I have some urgent stuff I need to get too. All I know is prior to 4.4 this wouldn't be an issue, in the reading I have done. I thought I found something that would allow to edit the permissions to run called com.findsdk.apppermission on Playstore. But looking at that I could not find anything to actually go from off to on(allow). So that said, it's either 1. a larger widget. or 2. Touchwiz launcher that allows a BT shortcut. If I think of anything, I'll try to get back. I even hoped it would be a SU (superuser) easy fix...but nope. Anyway...I don't like being beaten by an issue such as this...so I will keep it on the backburner.....:good:
No problem.Thank you again.
Docmjldds said:
Didn't work. I have some urgent stuff I need to get too. All I know is prior to 4.4 this wouldn't be an issue, in the reading I have done. I thought I found something that would allow to edit the permissions to run called com.findsdk.apppermission on Playstore. But looking at that I could not find anything to actually go from off to on(allow). So that said, it's either 1. a larger widget. or 2. Touchwiz launcher that allows a BT shortcut. If I think of anything, I'll try to get back. I even hoped it would be a SU (superuser) easy fix...but nope. Anyway...I don't like being beaten by an issue such as this...so I will keep it on the backburner.....:good:
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