View Nokia Picture SMS and Charakter Pictures - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

It was a very nice feature to send pictures and text-like-pictures(?) on my old Nokia 8310.
My XDA receiving the text-pictures without format (****) and don't get the Nokia Picture SMS at all ?
Is there a fix or workround acailible ?


Incoming and active call windows problem

I'm the happy user of S740, but experiencing small problem.
I've a photos added to the contacts, and they are not scaled properly in the incoming and active call window.
When I go to adressbook all photos are correctly displayed. only in incoming and active call window.
I have the ROM ver. 1.14.401.1 Polish
anyone experiencing also this problem?
I'm experiencing the same, but don't know what to do about it.
omikr0n said:
I'm experiencing the same, but don't know what to do about it.
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what phonecanvas version is on your rom ?
you might be able to just update phone canvas.
lswist said:
I'm the happy user of S740, but experiencing small problem.
I've a photos added to the contacts, and they are not scaled properly in the incoming and active call window.
When I go to adressbook all photos are correctly displayed. only in incoming and active call window.
I have the ROM ver. 1.14.401.1 Polish
anyone experiencing also this problem?
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Quite a while back i read somewhere that it worked best for wm6 when you resize/crop the pictures to 77x106. Though i dont know if that still works for wm6.1
shadowmike said:
what phonecanvas version is on your rom ?
you might be able to just update phone canvas.
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I have no idea what version I am running. How do I find out? Also, how do I update it? I tried to search, but only seem to get results for Windows Mobile Professional devices.
shadowmike said:
what phonecanvas version is on your rom ?
you might be able to just update phone canvas.
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Can you please extend your answer, I think you are right and it can be a good solution. But the question, which canvas will be good to use and how to implement it.
Contact photo
I played with it for a while. The best for all purposes seems to be 256x256 px. For picture quality is important to attach the photo in phone, not in computer.
but it won't solve the problem. What if all photos are attached in the outlook for synchronization. Have you tried to do it in other way?
That's the problem. If the photo is attached in computer Outlook, during next synch with the phone it "converts" photos some strange way - downgrades the resolution and resizes it. If you attach photo in the phone, it's normally copied back to the computer Outlook without any problem and does dont interfere.
still doesn't solve the problem. All the contacts have their photos in outlook since 3-4 years when I got first windows mobile phone. Then there was some HP, HTC S710 and now HTC S740 and the problem appears. Older phones does not having this problem. And the solution should be on the phone/os side, not attaching all photos from contacts once more.
Because with some resync with active sync it can resync in other way and the problem appears.
For incoming call the systems is using a picture called background.png and background_L.png (landscape or portait. Both can be found in the map windows) In this picture there is a "hole" that is 90x90. The incoming call picture will show up behind these system pictures. If they are bigger than the 90x90 format only this 90x90 will be shown. Make the "hole" bigger might solve the "problem"
I tried to chnage some of the pictures to the 90 pixels. It doesn't help. It does not show correctly in the incoming/active phonecall window.

Blurry contacts photos

As the title says I've assigned photos to some of my contacts. I know the quality of the pics are fine as I use the exact same pics for my TD2. However when I make or receive a call from the contact, the picture displayed is very blurry, not clear at all.
I know that with the TD2 & all the previous WM phone I had I had to assign the picture to the contact using a different app (e.g. S2U2, etc) than the HTC in built one. Is that the case with the Hero? If so which app should I use?
Facebook sourced contact photos appear not too bad, but as you say, any pic used from the camera or other image source appear very pixelated.
Please see this thread...
It is the same issue

[Q] contacts picture bug 2.3.3

i am running 2.3.3 pre-rooted gb rom. i have noticed that some of my contacts show incoming and outgoing call picture while others dont show at all. i tried all means but still it doesnt show when i dial. but when i open the contact for editing the contact pic i assigned is there. Any idea what is happening??? also the quality is still bad, i miss the quality of pic in 1.6 version.
its very bad
no matter where the pic source comes from
from facebook
from twitter
from google sync
from own gallery
Hi, guys!
I realize that adding photos at contacts was better at the old SE Android contact app.
Adding photos with "mediascape" at the old contact app was better... the "mediascape" always cropped the photo on a wide aspect, fitting OK on the contact page.
Now, it's always a square aspect that don't fit right on the contact page. Something wierd! And when you get an incoming call, the photo resolution is ****ty and zoomed. Too bad!
The contact photo not showing on outcoming and incoming calls, but when you open the contact it has a photo is due to the facebook integration. In EDIT mode, when you have a contact with a picture at the FB profile and no photo on contact app, if you press the picture and choose "set as contact picture", this will happen.
its very lousy of sony to release a failed update

[Q] HQ picture in MMS not working

Hi all.
I have a problem with sending mms on x10 with 2.3.3. The problem is that it does not compress images well. Pictures taken in the quality 8MP 4:3 larger than 2mb compresses the 413k. Max in MMS I can upload 300kb. Do you have a patent on it so that high-quality images could send mms. I do not want to do every time lower images specifically for sending mms.
Is there any alternative application or program to compress images on android 2.3.3?
The all in lower quality pictures send and receive without a problem.
I have the same problem, so I use Handcent just when I need to send a picture.
I prefer the stock sms app to daily use.
xcovas said:
I have the same problem, so I use Handcent just when I need to send a picture.
I prefer the stock sms app to daily use.
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program does not look sexy but it works fine
thx for your help
I use Go SMS and I don't have any problems with sending MMS..
x10i 2.3.3 rooted.
Im' having this exact same issue, but now I'm using WB roms and still same problem. Images are compressed to between 350-450kb and I can not find an option anywhere in the default app or the system settings to set a maximum mms size.

Mms apk stock android compress picture

Hello everybody.
Since I have smartphone ( s1 s3) I have problem with sms/mms app.
It compress my picture sent by this apk and I can't see the picture I receive and it is the same about my contact ( they receive a poor picture quality )
Is there a fix for that?

