Who can complete the auto-filter-function in pocket-excel ?? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

Gratulation to these sites!!
I`ve bought the XDA to select with pocket-excel a database with the function: auto-filter (cell contains information xyz, but not abc).
This is possible in `normal`-Excel, but not in the pocket-version. (wrong information from the retailer...)
Does somebody know, how can I get this function, or who can programme this for me???
I`m working with another programme (HOMEBASE), which converts the datas in excel-format (for the XDA). This is the reason, why I don`t want to give up excel...
Thanks for help


help please...

greetings to everyone! im a newbie in this device, i got a O2 xda 1.
i just wanna ask how or is it possible that the names of sms senders appear when i receive a message? and ahhhh, what does cooking means?
Hi rbboy,
Yes it is possible to view the names of sms senders when they message you but you need to have their phone details in your contacts list.
I assume when you ask about cooking you are asking about when people refer to "cooking a ROM" this means people have made their own personalised ROM using a web site that allows you to select different programs to be added with the ROM version you want, have a look here.
hi again, thanks for the reply.
but details are already in my contacts list but the names are still not shown everytime they send me a message. help please? thanks!
seems you still have PPC2002, either to use the patch you get from www.yorch.net or upgrade to WM2003 in which this bug is fixed

urgent mms composer help required

i downloaded mms composer from this site, but every i install it, and then try to run it i get this error message
"cannot find 'mms composer' or (one of it componets).Make sure the path and filename are correct and the required libraries are available"
i runnin wm2003 made a lufts rom kicthen, but i also trinf it on o2 origanl wm2003.i got a XDA pw10a, if thats helps.
i was wondering if any1 out there has mms composer up and running on there XDA 1 or XDA 2, can u please zip up the directory and attact it on the forum for me, try to if i can overwrite working files with non-working if u understand, or if any1 knows a solution to this problem please please do help me.
thank you
I am using MMS Composer Version which I also downloaded from this site.
It is working fine on my XDA II.
I have a standard unit, with 1.66.00WWE preinstalled.
Only issue I have with MMS composer is that it displays the contacts by Surname and only displays 10 characters. I have 7 contacts with the same surname of 12 letters and so I cannot pick who is who without remembering their contact numbers.
Was actually looking for a new version the other day but the ArcSoft web site is no longer up and running.
yea same here its weird
tried installing from inside the /Windows folder and on my SD card with no luck
tips anyone? i downloaded the version
some installations miss 2 files named Camera.sa.CAB and MIDI56.sa.cab
Search and down load those files and it should be OK
where can i find these
hey if any1 out there has these above filese on the xda running mms composer can you please begging u please to upload them, i will be very grateful.
Thank You.
You'll need 2 files to enable it:
And this one. Copy them to your XDA and open them. They'll auto-install. Soft reset your XDA and you are done.
this is a big big thank you to every1 out there who helped me with my problem THANK YOU all from me to xda. Thank You Very Very Much
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
No problem
but it doesn't work, when I install those two files above.
I'm using O2 XDA (RUU: 3.20.06 ENG, RSU4.21.00, Pocket PC 2002).
I'm trying to search how to use mms composer in PPC 2002, but when I followed the instruction, it still doesn't work "Cannot find some components..."
What should I do? Now I'm using EzWAP, but I can use only one picture and one text.
Pls help me!

asus p526 wm 6.5 available?

Hi all,
i'm looking WM6.5 package for Asus P526 can i use package for 525 or i need to find proper package?
Hi! wm6.5 rom is avialable at http://asusmobile.ru/board/viewtopic.php?t=17425
It work fine and look very cool
sorry for my english
Hello everyone,
I tried the rom, which actually goes very well ...
My question is there a way to change the Russian language?
Thank you
there is no other languages than Rus.... You may try to talk with rom's author, may be he'll add another langpack?...
Oh bad...Still looking for English version
English language
Hi guy...i must say the window 6.5 i gr88....but have we found anysolution for english language..
please do let me reply
im looking for english version but not found yet. is it too hard to make it english?
im looking and i can`t find too. anybody can help us?
Here's an english version, but I can't find the rar password... password to download file from gagashare is 'p526club' and the token of course
Please write the pass for rar file if someone find it
good job mewa.
so we need only password and we have WM 6.5.
Anybody can help us with this problem. i read this forum but this language is not for me .
cant we use any rar password cracker and open the file....
there's no way to crack rar file... I wrote a msg to Somphon (he have got a profile on this forum) but still no answer;/
ok...can any body send the file i have got the link however can open the same through my office internet as its firewall proctected...or else whoever have the software can try the software Advanced Archive Password Recovery 2.20 and let us know if it works...wht the harm in trying. I have tried tht in certain cases and it has worked it takes lot of time but works
can anybody tell me which laungage is the file hosted in i try to remove the password.
I've found another version and it works!! I've already flash my P526 for WM6.5 and everything works fine
check this site:
You must only register and download a file, flashing is as simple as f*cking;p
Have a fun
I'm happy I could help You
Can you send this ROM to rapid and write step by step how upgrade P526...
ok i find all and upgrade my p526. now i have wm6.5 and testig this system....
I downloaded installed from ctrpda, but facing strange problem with missed call.
Sometimes missed calls are not appearing in the list, mobile alret shows 1 missed call, but when I view missed call list, its just not threre.
anyone else faced same problem with this ROM
I've got the same problem... waiting for next version
mewa said:
Here's an english version, but I can't find the rar password... password to download file from gagashare is 'p526club' and the token of course
Please write the pass for rar file if someone find it
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I cannot undo it because the password is not good. Help me!
Installed app works well. One little problem. The calendar seems to be in russian and will only go as down as year 2443. Wich is verry annoying. Got any suggestions for that?

[Q] TomTom 7 Where to get on the internet

Can anyone help me with a link, I want to download TomTom 7, preferably the latest version. I need this apps for my HTC HD2 Dutch version.
I already did download one version in the past , but this version does use Bluetooth only. I need a version that allowes the Phone speaker to work
use this magical link :
magical link
Dear Corwin9,
Thank you for your reply.
I already could figure out that I could find this on the Google pages.
The point is that I can Not be sure that I have the correct program (.Cab), I already did destroy 1 HD2 installation of Windows Mobile 6.5.
Furthermore, I could Not find any download in which the specs are telling me if it is a Bleutooth version or Not.
I was hoping for a direct link which leads me to the correct program, this instead of taking any risks again.
Thanks again,
I can't understand how you can brick a phone installing TomTom. As nothing is putted in registry or in windows folder...
This means that after each of my hardreset, I can launch tomtom without reinstalling it.
By the way, not all version of tomtom are supporting the bluetooth. As far as I know :
version 7.917.9186 has two choices, with or without bluetooth handling.
version 7.918.9193 supports bluetooth
so, try a search with those versions.
And sorry, I will not post direct links, because TomTom leads several checks on several forums to track down such links.
Hi Corwin,
Thanks a lot, Searching on the release number will help me to determine that I have the correct version.
The Version with Bleutooth did overwrite the "BTtrayCE" in the Windows directory, this did cause Bleutooth to stop working.
Thats why I do Not want to take the risks of getting any other surprises from Tom Tom
Wise precaution not to post direct links, I agree with you you.
Hi Corwin,
I downloaded version 7.917.9186, but this does not seem to be a compatible program for my HTC HD2.
Do you have any suggestions ??
well... it depends on what message error you have !
pliz note that you will need maps to be able to use tt !
Hi Corwin
The HTC HD2 gives a reply "this program is Not compatible with your device" (in my case in Dutch). When replying with an "OK" than it stops installing
so take a version for windows mobile... not for smartphone.
tested on winmo 6.1 and 6.5 and it's ok...
The 7.918.9193 vga black works very well with HD2
Hi Corwin,
Sorry for asking again your help !
I have now a working TT 7.9 installation, but installing the Maps is apparantly different than the older versions.
I do Not know which map is compatible with the ttn7.917.9186_qvga Version. (I could not find a WVGA version). At present TT replies at start up with the message that it can Not find the maps. As I did before, I did hack the "Meta" file, so I would expect it to work !
I did install ttn7.917.9186_qvga_blue, it seems to work fine now on the HD2.
But the next step installing the Maps is an other story.
The problem starts with : which map is compatable ?? (Western and central Europe)
And How to activate the Maps ?
Do you have any usefull suggestions ??
I have version 7.918.9193 vga black with map western and central europe 2GB 860.3128 and it works just fine.
To activate the map it is another issue that I believe I cannot discuss here, if you know what I mean.
Thanks for your reply !!
I understand what you mean
Is activation the same story as "7.450 (9028)" with the maps "720.1803" ?
The Meta file story ??
I just hope I do Not ask to much Now !!
Please check your PM
dankjewel hoor
May be call me stupid, but what do you mean by : "Please check your PM"
look there, works flawlessly on my hd2

[Q] Two Problem in Artemis rom v66 (JBlend & stopwatch)

First of all I should Thanks "sternas" for his great rom. It works like a charm
my first problem is about Jblend. in my original rom when I use jblend for running a program, there is a bar in bottom of screen that can be use as left & right softkeys. but in Artemis rom when running a program, the bar is disappearing, so I cant use soft keys. actualy should say that in artemis rom, Jblend runs programs in full screen mod.
the second problem is about stopwach program. before installing the arabizer program (MOBIDiv Arabware)for reading arabic's SMS, it worked great. but after installing the mentioned program, stoped watch stoped working and every time I want to run it, it give me an error that there isn't enough memmory to run the program.
I'll be thankfull if anybody can help me about these problems.
Why don't you ask directly on Artemis thread?
Are you shy?
Thanks for your attention, but the problem is that my posts are under 10 so I can't post in that threat. so I asked it here. but nobody answered me.
actually I found the problem with the Jblend. It is beacause of a registery change that force program to run in full screen mode. (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JBlend\Full_Screen_Mode).
For the second problem I couldn't find any solution till now.
farafr said:
First of all I should Thanks "sternas" for his great rom. It works like a charm
the second problem is about stopwach program. before installing the arabizer program (MOBIDiv Arabware)for reading arabic's SMS, it worked great. but after installing the mentioned program, stoped watch stoped working and every time I want to run it, it give me an error that there isn't enough memmory to run the program.
I'll be thankfull if anybody can help me about these problems.
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Hi farafr,
@mistieger pointed me to your problem and asked me kindly to see if I could be of any help to you!!
as far as I can see this, the problem is the arabizer program. Although Artemis is a multilanguage ROM, it does not support Arabic, thus there might be an incompatibility between the arabizer and the stopwatch program. The only way to find this out is to deinstall arabizer, perform a soft reset and see if stopwatch is working again. If it works, it's up to you to decide what's more important for you: the arabizer program or the stopwatch.
Is it possible for you now to answer in Artemis thread? Otherwise use PM to answer.
regards, Kuzibri
Hi Kuzibri,
First of all thanks for yor attention, it's yor kindness to help a noob.
as u said I uninstalled the arabizer program. U were right. the program started to work again. but I want to know is there a way for me find out what's happen when I install the arabizer? for exaple a registery change tracker that help me to find what is affecting the stopwatch program. and also I wanted to mention that the arabizer also affect the "Tip calculator" program. (I found it yesterday).
Thank you again,
farafr said:
Hi Kuzibri,
First of all thanks for yor attention, it's yor kindness to help a noob.
as u said I uninstalled the arabizer program. U were right. the program started to work again. but I want to know is there a way for me find out what's happen when I install the arabizer? for exaple a registery change tracker that help me to find what is affecting the stopwatch program. and also I wanted to mention that the arabizer also affect the "Tip calculator" program. (I found it yesterday).
Thank you again,
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Hi farafr,
you're very welcome my friend!! Regarding Arabizer and Stopwatch/Tip Calculator, I'm afraid there is no solution AFAIK for. Although Artemis is a multilanguage ROM, it does not support Arabic language, therefore there will be some incompatibilities between Arabizer and Artemis.
So, again: it's up to you to decide what's more important for you: the arabizer program or the stopwatch/tip calculator.
BTW, to be absolutely sure that there is no or a possible solution for your problem: send Sir Sternas himself a PM with your problems. Maybe he knows a solution (or not).
best regards, Kuzibri
Stopwatch and Tip Calculator
Hi farafr,
when my memory serves me well, these two programs are two of the latest applications developed by Sir Sternas himself for his new ROM. I cannot recall if they were already present in V65 (simply because I do not use them), but certainly in V66. Maybe the problems of these two apps with Arabizer is caused by this fact.
best regards, Kuzibri

