tomtom trouble - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I try to get all possible software on my sandisk 256 meg card, occasionally some applications don't work without soft reset, Tomtom route planner and citymaps, any clues?

I've had that problem with accessing email...
a quick soft reset and it works again...
typical microsoft. Only Microsoft could engineer an OS for a phone that needs this. Reminds me of the jokes about windows based life support machines and air traffic control radar systems.
I think they have an edict of "always make them turn it off or reboot" stamped into their developers foreheads!


activesync 3.7 problem/question!!! help!!!

why is it that activesync 3.7 will stop syncing with my pda? the last time it did it, i had to completely uninstall activesync and reinstall it. when i turn my phone on, it makes a sound to signify that new hardware has been connected, but activesynce remains dim. i don't remember having this problem with 3.6, however, i do recall the problem with 3.7. is there a way around this glitch?
have you got firewall software blocking it ? I run Active Sync 3.7 and have no problems other than not permanently allowing it access ('cos I'm paranoid) so it occasionally asks for permission...
Yes I agree with Spence, check your firewall if you run software like Zonealarm of the like.
If you still get problems with activesync, stop its process completely (alt-ctrl-delete.. processes.. wcescomm.exe) and relaunch the program. Or you could just reboot!!
yeah I used to run Zone Alarm until yesterday and have had a few permission niggles with it - finally ended up uninstalling it as it doesn't work properly with Mcaffee VirusScan anyway-
on reinstalling Virus Scan I was finally able to load the Mcaffee FireWall, and have had no problems at all with Active Sync once allowing it through... it even has a "trace" facility for tracking intrusion attempts .. (very cool in a geeky way)
..also did a leak test on the firewall and it's locked down!
VirusScan also now recognises my XDA and scans that as well as a bonus !! So my recommendation is to buy Virus Scan 7 with the firewall - it's about 40 quid.........!!

ActiveSync Issue...Server Changed ReSync Required

I was unsure of which thread category to post this, so I did a couple, Hacking and this ROM, sorry if this is misplaced. Correction and criticism welcomed.
Here is the issue...
Have a AT&T Fuze with the NRG v2.0 41609 ROM. Running MSO2007, specifically Outlook 2007 through Exchange on my company's network. I do not know what Exchange server version we are running.
On occasion, perhaps 1-2 times per day I must completely resync my Fuze contacts, calendar, etc, etc with Outlook 2007. Why? The "server" changed. Sorry, the error message I recently got and have gotten in the past essentially says the data on the server has changed and I must resync all of the data the Fuze. I do not recall the EXACT message. Bottom line though is nothing "changed" at least by me.
Also, under the Settings > Connections there is a "Edit my Proxy setting choice and it auto checks and completes an entry for the server address. I have unchecked, rechecked, etc hoping this helps aovid this regular resync.
Lastly, the resync takes about 90 minutes given all of the contacts, calendar, email and if it did not take so long I would not fret about it.
So why and why might I change to avoid this.
Thanks in advance,
P.S. I search but frankly was uncertain what to put as search words to increase the applicable hits
Picture has been added.
I had the same problem often with my previious phone Motorola Q6h. However, I don't remember how I have dealt with it. Try to syncronize by bluetooth...
This is an old bug. It is across XP, Vista, Vista 64 bit, WM 5.0, 6.1 & 6.5.
There are a couple of alternatives. Most report that using BlueTooth solves the problem. Another option is to use Emoze, but that is not flawless either. My fix is less friendly, but has worked for me 100% of the time. I do this every time I flash a new ROM.
Do the following:
1) Hard Reset - I know, a pain.
2) Set Owner information
3) delete old partnership on PC
4) reboot PC
5) connect phone to PC and select default sync options. After initial sync, with the phone still connected, on the PC go to ActiveSync or WM Device Center and change your sync options to your own liking; 2 weeks of email, notes etc...
6) let it fully sync
7) after it does the second full sync (still first connection) disconnect the phone
8) On the phone, Start>Settings>Connections>USB to PC> deselect "enable Faster transfer" or "Advanced Networking" depending on 6.5 or 6.1.
9) >OK - Soft reset
10) after phone comes back to life reconnect to PC and syncing should work fine.
I think the problem has to do with timing on the faster USB transfer rate. The PC is expecting a response and when the phone does not give it fast enough, it throws an error and you get to sync from scratch.
The only downside I have found for not having the faster transfer rate is it takes a bit longer to sync. That is why I like to change to my options (step 5) before I disconnect the first time. The big transfer is faster. After that it is just updates, so speed is not as important.
The only other down side is that if you own a RedFly, it requires the Advanced Connection which screws up your activesync. But the RedFly does not work well with the Touch Pro anyway and not at all with WM 6.5.
Hopefully this will work for you.
Doug M.
90 Mins for a sync? Crap... Do you have a large number of contacts (how many), or calandar items, or email? THe most mine has ever taken is about 2 minutes to do its initial sync OTA, not on a PC.
Are you syncing OTA or connecting to on a PC?
Guys, thanks of the help on the ActiveSync issue. I fashed a new NRG ROM and so far all is ok with thew sync. I do have some other OCD items that I am working on, like all blue highlights, blue / black Tachi phone, getting HTC Blue.task to be blue, EzInput 2.0 FULL (vs. compact) with arrows and blue character key press, etc, etc so so far no AS issues.
As far as how much stuff I have?
1600 contacts
2500 calendar items
100 emails (only Ocutlook IN and OUT boxes)
Again thanks.
If you have nay insight on the other items, please PM or post.
i found a fix that works almost flawlessly. i get this problem maybe once a week and it's a pain in the ass.
go into activesync settings (when not connected) through your phone. uncheck email (hit yes if it promts you for deleting emails, etc). Re-check, connect, re-sync. That usually does it for me. If not, try syncing after deleting emails and then disconnecting, checking emails again then resyncing.
hope it works for you guys too!!

[Q] off network navigation

Is there a navigation app that will work while "not" connected to a mobile network?
The built in one will work for a little bit and then stop with "Data connection lost"
It's just because it is streaming the data constantly. If google could pre-cache the data then it might work. I ran into this issue on a long trip where I went through an "Emergency calls only" zone.
You just need a GPS app which uses offline maps.
Search for them on
You should expect to pay something for them - basically, you are buying the map content.
I haven't used any of them, so I can't give a good recommendation; they are available, though.
Note that the Eris uses QualComm's "gpsOne" series of GPS chips, which uses A-GPS (Assisted GPS). The assistance data comes from the mobile network, and pre-seeds the GPS unit with an approximate location, which helps in finding a "first fix" rapidly.
What that means in use is that if you start up the phone from a cold start in a location which is outside of cell coverage - and also a fair distance from the last location where the GPS unit got a fix, it might take as much as 60-120 seconds to achieve a first fix. Thereafter, it should be able to update fixes rapidly.
I have used the Eris while driving distances of 40-50 miles in mountainous regions without cell service (using the "My Tracks" application), and it had no problems figuring out where it was (Lat/Lon) at all times, but of course it did not have any "map" data for me to view - I was operating the phone in Airplane Mode to preserve battery. I have also used it to "mark" locations of interest after camping overnight and fishing in areas that were completely void of cell service. In those cases, I was literally powering up the phone, gettting a GPS fix (might take 1-2 minutes), recording the Lat/Lot to a notepad app, and then shutting off the phone. Worked perfectly for that, but I was only getting Lat/Lon in that case.
Make sure you operate the phone in Airplane Mode - the battery will drain quite quickly if you don't do that, as the phone is constantly scanning (at full power) to try and connect to a voice (1x RTT) network.
What I have not done, though, is spent many consecutive days in the wild with no service... so I am not entirely sure what would happen if the A-GPS data got too "old" and expired. The QualComm docs suggest that the gpsOne chips should be able to operate fully autonomously, but whether that happens depends on the software. There were reports way back when the Eris was still on Cupcake (1.5) that folks that traveled outside the US could not get their GPS to work correctly.
droidnew said:
Is there a navigation app that will work while "not" connected to a mobile network?
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bftb0 said:
You just need a GPS app which uses offline maps.
Search for them on
You should expect to pay something for them - basically, you are buying the map content.
I haven't used any of them, so I can't give a good recommendation; they are available, though.
Note that the Eris uses QualComm's "gpsOne" series of GPS chips, which uses A-GPS (Assisted GPS). The assistance data comes from the mobile network, and pre-seeds the GPS unit with an approximate location, which helps in finding a "first fix" rapidly.
What that means in use is that if you start up the phone from a cold start in a location which is outside of cell coverage - and also a fair distance from the last location where the GPS unit got a fix, it might take as much as 60-120 seconds to achieve a first fix. Thereafter, it should be able to update fixes rapidly.
I have used the Eris while driving distances of 40-50 miles in mountainous regions without cell service (using the "My Tracks" application), and it had no problems figuring out where it was (Lat/Lon) at all times, but of course it did not have any "map" data for me to view - I was operating the phone in Airplane Mode to preserve battery. I have also used it to "mark" locations of interest after camping overnight and fishing in areas that were completely void of cell service. In those cases, I was literally powering up the phone, gettting a GPS fix (might take 1-2 minutes), recording the Lat/Lot to a notepad app, and then shutting off the phone. Worked perfectly for that, but I was only getting Lat/Lon in that case.
Make sure you operate the phone in Airplane Mode - the battery will drain quite quickly if you don't do that, as the phone is constantly scanning (at full power) to try and connect to a voice (1x RTT) network.
What I have not done, though, is spent many consecutive days in the wild with no service... so I am not entirely sure what would happen if the A-GPS data got too "old" and expired. The QualComm docs suggest that the gpsOne chips should be able to operate fully autonomously, but whether that happens depends on the software. There were reports way back when the Eris was still on Cupcake (1.5) that folks that traveled outside the US could not get their GPS to work correctly.
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I have a lot of experience with trying a few of the commercial (pay) Android GPS apps. Firstly, due to research, I found that there was, at the time at least, only a very small handful of commercial GPS apps which supported MDPI (the Eris' screen resolution). Shame because otherwise some of the ones which I can't remember by name sounded very promising.
There were definitely two which did work on the Eris. Like anything else, each one had it's own advantages and disadvantages. I thoroughly tested CoPilot Live for Android v8. It wasn't bad, and I see now on their main page advertising $5 for U.S. and $19.99 for all of North America (U.S. and Canada), which seems almost too good to be true, but I verified it on the Android Market. I don't remember having any particular problems with CoPilot, I just preferred iGo My Way 2009, but their website no longer even mentions the Android except for here and I don't see it on the Market.
That's too bad but I guess that helps you to make a decision on buying one if you do so.
Maybe it has something to do with how much iGo got pirated, as alluded to in this thread.
I did buy and am currently using iGo My Way, except when it's just a shorter trip, since especially on the Eris, there is a definite slow initial load time for the app (under a minute but slow in our impatient world). Once the app's loaded, however, it's lightning fast. Definitely recognizes wrong turns a lot quicker than Google Maps.
Another vote for iGo MyWay. Starts up in about 45 seconds, but it works perfect in landscape and portrait. Once its loaded its the fastest turn by turn I've ever used. (I've only used older model "JUST" gps devices though. FWIW)
apparently there is a modified version of google maps that allows cache of data. I have nothing to do with this program and have not personally used it. i am just reposting here:
*edit: removed old link see other forum link*
apparently you can load it in addition to regular google maps and have both of them on your phone.
"You can enable map caching (Menu -> More -> Brut Mod -> Read map from cache, Save map to cache). This will force GMaps to save map tiles to the SD card and read from the SD card first, before attempting to download from the net. You can connect via WiFi (or any other net source) and preload the tiles before you start your trip, thus making the maps available for offline use.
The preloading can be done by simply browsing the the route you will be travelling - just make sure you do it at the zoom level(s) you desire. I believe you can even use programs like GMapMaker to download the map tiles from a regular computer, but I haven't tested this method."
edit: found the post on xda
edit 2: also enables use of google maps in other countries
starting p235, there is a discussion of some ownhere version that uses gmaps5.1. i believe it still allows downloading of maps to cache.

Clocksync, why needs to be sync?

hi there
i wanted to know what is the real reason for we have to use an app such as clocksync (great by the way).
for instance, my old 10 years nokia doesn't need "resync" and keeps the right timing while my smartphone now needs to have the time corrected otherwise it will drift away plenty of minutes.
and also, in order to sync with clock sync, i need a data connection, but if i travel overseas and i keep my data roaming disabled, i will never be able to do that, correct?
Who says you have to use the app? I use it mainly on my touchpad because the clock gets reset sometimes and the market doesn't work because of it, unless this happens on your phone you don't need to use it. Yes you need a data connection for it, or wifi.
It is hardly ever really out on time but I like to be precise so even since the days of WM have used applications similar to clock sync and clock sync therefore is essential to me...
Sent from the valley of the shadows....
I'm ClockSync developer, your question is answered in the application FAQ:
Q: Why would I need ClockSync, Android already has Automatic setting for Date & time?
Not all the mobile operators support automatic time synchronization mechanism called Network Identity and Time Zone (NITZ), therefore this setting may have no effect at all. Even if your provider supports NITZ, the information it sends may be inaccurate. There are also devices without SIM card, especially tablets that have no access to the network time. If Android Automatic mode works fine for you, then you are lucky and probably don't need ClockSync, otherwise it's recommended to disable it to avoid conflicts and getting incorrect time, see also a question about wrong time after synchronization below.

How to record memory usage to troubleshoot random, non-reproducible crashes/errors

I am the mobile device manager for my company. We use Samsung Tab S4 tablets (Oreo 8.1) and Mobicontrol MDM for field workers and have been experiencing issues that we have not been able to recreate. The app in question is CAPI by Confirmit. We have been working with their devs but so far they have not been able to explain what is happening.
We have an alert set up in Mobicontrol to alert us to excessive memory usage but every time we receive the alert we have to hope to catch it in time to be able to remote tot he device to have a look but we have yet to be able to catch it in the moment, by the time we gain access the condition has subsided. Sometimes we get the RAM alert only, sometimes we get it in conjunction with an app crash, sometimes the app crashes without an alert. It may be that the memory spike is too brief to trip the alert, or it may be that they are only coincidental and not related at all. we just don't know.
I have been trying to find some sort of "flight data recorder" equivalent that can run on these devices that will be monitoring so that when the app crashes, or when a preset memory threshold has been exceeded, we can inspect the recorded data from the time previous to the event to hopefully identify the cause(s). So far I have been unable to find anything that does this, and my efforts at using Tasker, Elixir 2 with E Robot, MacroDroid, etc have been unsuccessful.
One of the major limitations we face is that the devices are in the hands of technically unsophisticated users. We lock down the devices fairly tightly using Mobicontrol application whitelists to limit what they users can do, but whatever solution we might come up with would have to be able to be communicated to and reliably executed by these non-technical users.
I thought maybe that enabling Developer Options and configuring debugging in the power menu would be an easy way to get debug logs but we don't permit Google or other accounts so email, Drive, etc are not options and I can't figure a way to save the logs to a local folder accessible by Mobicontrol so we can remote to the tablet to retrieve it. Nearby devices, Wifi Direct, or adb/USB connections don't work, either.
Any ideas? Would appreciate any thoughts or comments that might help us drive toward resolution of this problem.

