High Speed Data Dial String? - MDA, XDA, 1010 General

I neet to insert a dial string into my XDA to access High speed data network.
I have the dial string & can get it to work on a Compaq Ipaq with a Nokia over bluetooth.
I have found the area to insert the dialstring on a Compaq Ipaq, however I cant find it anywhere on the XDA.
Does anyone know where this is located on the XDA.
They are both running the same OS & software, so it stands to reason that it must be there somewhere.

The xda does not support HSCSD.


Great news from O2

New ROM build and radio stack
There are two firmware components to the xda. The ROM which is the operating system plus built in applications, and the radio stack which controls the communication functionality of your xda.
Due to the integrated nature of the xda, O2 works with multiple vendors to create each new ROM/radio release. This takes time. Future xda ROM/radio releases planned for the UK this year will provide:
Improvements to the radio stack for smoother application and communication interfacing
GPRS modem capability
A smart menu to provide faster access to key applications such as email
Multi Media Messaging (MMS) capability
A new WAP browser
The next UK ROM/radio build will be available in March. It will be made available free of charge, downloadable from the 'xda software' section located at www.o2.co.uk/xda. Its contents will be confirmed on release.
Details of this announcement can be found at:
Hey XDA Developers...
Wouldnt it be great to get the source code for the radio stack and be able to reverse-engineer how the radio stack talks to the rest of the phone...
I am sure the key is the radio stack.
WoooW ) looking forward to march )
I hope they FINALY implement GPRS Class B. Having a GPRS Class C device as a primary phone drives me nuts!
Whats the difference between class C and Class B?
GPRS Class A allows simultaneous GPRS data transfer and a voice call without any interruption.
GPRS Class B allows you to stay online and receive a Call, but holds any data until you hang up. You don't have to reconnect after the call.
GPRS Class C drops data tranfer during voice call. You have to reconnect after the call (and you lose all connections you had).
For example ICQ recovers from a voice call easily on GPRS Class B device(if you speak for half a minute, not an hour). It just retries to send all data after the call (Well, in fact that's a feature of TCP stack).
XDA-based devices claim to have GPRS Class B capability, however they efectively have only Class C.
Roll on March
My birthday on MArch 12th,What a birthday pressent!!
I had my XDA since September so an update is well overdue....
With MMS on its way, maybe a work aroud for the lack of SDIO is on its way with a camera attachment....
In some aspects the lack of functionality on the XDA is laughable...
An old Erixsson T68i still looks apealling, sometimes... The Accesories available for this are un-believable. Camera, Radio, Mp3 Player, Laser pointer, Torch, etc... And has blue-toothe, not fair somedays!

Anybody knows what this device is?

Translation: kinda sorta
I have used this link http://www.translate.pl/pl.php4 to translate the first paragraph. Copy paste the text and press: na angielski.
The result is sound like someone trying to do a french accent But you'll kinda/sorta get the message.
Greetings Robert
Access to network it unlimited nothing mazhena (dream) many internaut. There is substitute of full liberty in access to information palmofony, or pocket computers with built in cellular phone. Solution word układanki palmtop, cell (cellular phone) and there is less GPRS ni, more ni, cordless internet only. One of not numerous fix-up, GSM on surfing after internet limit coverage of network allowing < allow > only, product of firm is called Eten InfoTouch P600. There is hybrid of pocket computer, furnished with operating system MS PC 2002 Pocket, and GSM cellular phone. Built in enables making of connection in (to) with internet in optional place and date unit P600 GPRS. After configuring connection with network by in (to) installed pocket version internet explorer GPRS palmofonie and they enable browsing of www page Outlooka, as well as getting back and sending of e-mail. Apologists of (followers of) internet communicators can install special version in (to) P600 ICQ, for pocket computers with processors assigned StrongARM - PocketICQ. For sending and we will pay getting back of message (knowledge) bytes groszs counting a few, surely about many less than for dispatch SMS-a. If it walks about funcionality P600, then for standard array of instrument, from other known PC 2002 Pocket, two small programs have been added only - manager Phone and manager SIM. There is virtual interface of phone first of they it displays typical keyboard on touch screen for cell (cellular phone) -. It administers data recorded (written down) second (other) of programs in memory of card (kart) SIM, among others, there it enables editing phone numbers finding (be placed). No doubt, < unmistakable > option of backup of all data is useful function from card for folder of contact most manager SIM SIM. [/url]
thx ))))
My english
Seems like my english isn't flawless as well. Ah well........you've got the message
It's ETEN P60x ...

Has anyone connected XDA to an External Modem?

I have seen several topics posted, about wanting to connect the XDA to an External Modem, but has anyone actually succeded in connecting and communicating through an external modem?
I would like to use this method for gaining cheaper internet access on the XDA when at home. Pay as you use Data Tariff is a bit steep at £5/MB!
I am happy to construct or buy the cabling to do this, but am not clear as to whether the "Hayes Compatible on COM1" modem listed in connections actually works for the XDA.
I don't want to spend time/money on the hardware only to discover that the software won't let me do this.
XDA modem cable
You can get a modem cable here:
Part number is PXSM
Assuming you are connecting via a serial cable:
Go to control panel and Phone and Modem Options, Modems.
Add a new modem and Don't detect the modem.
Select a Generic, or Standard modem of 33k or faster.
When the modem has been installed select it's properties.
Select Advanced and in the Extra initiation commands enter the following string (where apnname is the name of your GPRS access point):
Then go to Network Connections and click Make new connection.
Select a Dial Up connection to the internet and set up the connection manually.
Select the modem you just created.
The phone number you need to dial is *99# with no area codes.
Enter your GPRS username and password here.


Hi guys,
new to the forum.
I got 2 BIG (sorry just a newbie..!) question...
i just got an o2 xda.
a) I managed to set up gprs connection to browse internet pages.
My question is... when I insert my sim in the xda, as soon as my provider (wind italy) is recognised a "G" symbol appears next to the radio signal...but after a few seconds it disappears..what does it mean? that the phone is not working under gprs? should i set up something more to allow the phone to work in gprs mode?
b) can i install any application made for pocket pc on the xda? or does a sort of "porting" exist to make them work on the xda?
Thanks in advance
a) dont really understand what you mean
1 you ask about if calls are blocked while you are using GPRS
2 you ask if the G symbol mean that your gsm network dont support gprs
b) no, applications for pocketPC compiled for ARM works under all pda's which have pocketPC and an ARM cpu
I think he is asking why the "G", vanishes after initial connection, is that a sign that gprs is not active or is it normal even while gprs is active. Personally I cant get gprs to work with O2 and I have found no solution even though O2 tells me it is available to me.
that's it! I guess the "G" symbol means that gprs is active at the moment (even for calls). So if after a few seconds the "G" symbol is gone, i guess it means that i'm working under gsm and not gprs.
The question is..assuming that what i'm saying is true.. how is possible to make phone calls under "gprs"?
Thanks a lot for your answers.
well because autoconf dident include my country or phone company i set up my gprs myself
i did this under
internet settings - modify
put a name
select modem -> celluar line (gprs)
typed in the access point of my phonecompany's gprs in my case [Internet]
opened IE
it wanted user name password and domain
i dident type anything at all
but checked save settings
pressed ok and
it loaded the page and i could suft and use messenger and such
Question 1: When the G sign appears when you turn on your radio, it means that GPRS is available. After a few seconds, it always disappears: this does not mean anything. If you connect to GPRS, the G sign does not appear again. If you make a phone call (or receive a phone call) while connected via GPRS, the XDA disconnects automatically from GPRS.
Question 2: Programs for Pocket PC are all compatible with XDA. Just 2 things to remember:
a- some programs are written specifically for some Pocket PCs (like iPaq), so they might not run on XDA
b- some programs related to mobile phones (for managing SMS, fax, ...) are specifically written for PDAs connected to mobile phones (Nokia, ...) and thus not compatible with the Pocket PC Phone Edition
GPRS IE Errors
The logon and password box when you open IE either mean
1. your user name and password for the GPRS connection are incorrect for your provider and contract or
2. You have proxy settings enabled which you don't need
3. You don't have proxy settings and need them.
Hope this helps
Thanks to all,
i managed to understand...that the "G" symbol is disappearing from the main screen but if i "touch" the radio signal a bubble appears with the provider name (ie. WIND) and the "G" symbol on the right side of the bubble.
I guess that means i'm connected in gprs mode all the time. Thanks.
Hi Paolo.
The "G" symbol means that your XDA have the GPRS Service active by your cellphone provider.
If you have WM2003, to configure the GPRS funcionality you need to go:
- System Panel - Connections and click in "Connections icon".
- "Add a new Modem connection"
- "Enter a name for the connection and select the option Celular Line (GPRS).... Click Next
- Enter the name for the Access Point (of you provider)... Click Next
- Enter the Username and password, if you need it... Click Advanced
- Enter the DNS Servers manualy, if you need it. Click OK and Finish...
And you have GPRS.
Sorry my english, but it is the best i can.
If somebody has foolproof step by step settings for GPRS over O2 using payg sim, I would be very grateful, I have followed instructions from elsewhere but no joy.
dNuOs said:
Thanks to all,
i managed to understand...that the "G" symbol is disappearing from the main screen but if i "touch" the radio signal a bubble appears with the provider name (ie. WIND) and the "G" symbol on the right side of the bubble.
I guess that means i'm connected in gprs mode all the time. Thanks.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No, you;re only part way there. The presence of the G means that GPRS is available, but does not mean you're connected.

XDA IIi unlocked from O2 - need Orange settings

I recently purchased an O2 XDA IIi, which is unlocked from O2 and has been hard-reset to remove O2 features.
My SIM works as much that I can make/receive calls and send/receive text messages.
But, to access Internet, Email, MMS etc etc I need the settings for Orange (Ive tried http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=7306 but no luck).
Does anyone have the correct settings please ?
Is there a programme I can download (the type that is pre-installed onto Orange phones) as this may be the quickest solution.
I have tried Orange support on 3 occassions now and whilst they state they dont support non-orange phones they have tried to help - but without success.
Does anyone know if the hard-reset actaully leaves various O2 settings on the phone, which still need sorting.
Thank You !!!
Double post deleted
Hi mate,
Are you on PAYG or Contract?
If your on contract try this :wink:
Daz aka Cadburys Man.
Im on contract.
The other potential problem is that its an orange sim, orange contract BUT an EQ Virgin tariff (if that makes a difference)
Mate i can't see that making any difference what so-ever, if it's Orange contract it's Orange contract as far as i'm concerened, unless of course someone can say differently.
Hi Daz
Thanks for that - but no luck with it.
Just to check I did things correctly.....
Downloaded it to desktop and bluetoothed it to PDA.
Found it in My Docs and clicked it to load it.
Was that correct procedure ?
Unfortunately, when I try to connect with it I get........
"No modem at above number. To check your connection settings and change them if needed tap settings"
Name = Orange Internet
Modem = Cellular Line (GPRS)
APN = orangeinternet
User = [blank]
Password = [blank]
TCP/IP = User server assigned IP address
Servers = Use server assigned addresses
Are the the settings that were downloaded ?
Hmmmm thats wierd cos mine works and the settings are same as mine :?
I copied mine using the cradle through activesync but don't think that matters at all as the settings are the same.
Anyone else have a solution or tryed this file sucessfully?
Sorry i couldn't be of more help
as i wrote in this post in the other forum then if it's set on auto pick of the o2 network profile it is bound to fail
There is NO mention of O2 anywhere on connections.
I ONLY have Orange Internet set up as described above.
someone suggested looking at the External Rom ??
Ive managed to unlock this and need to know where and what I am looking to change ?
..Unless anyone has a full ext rom download i can use to overwrite what i already have ?
MANY MANY thanks

